< Philippians 3 >

1 [Now there are] other things [that I want to write about]. My fellow believers, continue to rejoice because [you belong to] the Lord. [Though] I will [now] write to you about those same matters [that I mentioned to you before, this is] not tiresome for me, and it will protect you [from those who would harm you spiritually].
Au reste, mes frères, réjouissez-vous dans le Seigneur! Il ne m'est pas pénible de vous répéter les mêmes choses; et pour vous, cela vous est avantageux.
2 Beware of those [people who are dangerous] [MET] [like wild] dogs. They are [dangerous] evildoers [DOU]. Beware of them [since they are like people who] cut [other people’s] bodies [MET]. [They will harm you spiritually by insisting that you must let someone circumcise you in order for you to become God’s people] [MTY, MET].
Gardez-vous des chiens; gardez-vous des mauvais ouvriers; gardez-vous de la fausse circoncision.
3 [Those people think that they are God’s people because someone has circumcised them]. But we, [not they], are [truly God’s people] [MET], [whether or not someone has] circumcised [us]. God’s Spirit [enables us to] [MTY] worship [God]; we praise Christ Jesus [because he has enabled us to become the people of God]. We do not believe [that God will consider/make us his people as a result of what someone has done to our] bodies [MTY, SYN].
Car c'est nous qui sommes la vraie circoncision, nous qui servons Dieu par l'Esprit de Dieu, qui nous glorifions en Jésus-Christ et qui ne mettons point notre confiance dans la chair.
4 [We do not trust in those rituals to make us acceptable to God], although I could very well do that [if it would be useful for me]. Philippians 3:4b-6 [In fact], [if I could benefit from it for my salvation], I could rely upon what I have done and who I am [MTY, SYN] more than anyone else could! I will tell you why.
Ce n'est pas que je n'eusse sujet, moi aussi, de me confier en la chair. Si d'autres croient pouvoir se confier en la chair, je le puis bien davantage,
5 I [was circumcised] {[Someone] circumcised me} when I was one week old. I am from the people of Israel. I am from the tribe of Benjamin. I am completely Hebrew in every way. [While I was] a member of the Pharisee [sect], I [strictly obeyed] the laws [that God gave Moses].
moi, circoncis le huitième jour, de la race d'Israël, de la tribu de Benjamin, Hébreu, fils d'Hébreux; quant à la loi, Pharisien;
6 I was [so] zealous [to make people obey those laws that] I caused the people who believe in Christ to suffer [because I thought they were trying to abolish those laws. Indeed], as far as my obeying those laws is concerned, no [one could] have accused [me by] saying that I had disobeyed any of those laws.
quant au zèle, persécuteur de l'Église; quant à la justice de la loi, exempt de tout reproche.
7 Nevertheless, all such things as those, which I used to [consider to] be useful to me, those [very] things I now consider worthless, because I [want to know] Christ (OR, in order that I [may know] Christ).
Mais, ce qui était pour moi un gain, je l'ai considéré comme une perte, à cause du Christ.
8 More than that, I consider all things to be worthless, compared to how great it is to know Christ Jesus my Lord. Because I [want to know] him [better] (OR, In order that I [may know] him [better]), I have rejected all things as worthless. I consider them [as useless as] [MET] rubbish, in order that I may have [a close relationship with] Christ [MET],
Certainement, je considère toutes ces choses comme une perte, à cause de la connaissance infiniment plus précieuse de Jésus-Christ, mon Seigneur, pour qui je me suis privé de tous ces avantages. Oui, je les considère comme des balayures, afin de gagner Christ,
9 and in order that I may completely belong to him. It was not as a result of [my obeying] the laws [he gave Moses] that God erased the record of my sins. Instead, it is because I have trusted in Christ [that God] has declared that I am no longer guilty for my sins, and he enables me to act righteously. [It is] God [himself who] has erased the record of my sins, and he enables me to act righteously, [only] because I have trusted [in Christ].
et d'être trouvé en lui, — ayant non pas ma justice, celle qui vient de la loi, mais celle qui s'obtient par la foi en Christ, la justice qui vient de Dieu et qui est fondée sur la foi, —
10 I [want] to know Christ [better and better]. Particularly, I [want] to continually experience [his working] powerfully in my life, [just like God worked powerfully when he] caused Christ to become alive after he died. I [also want to be continually willing] to suffer [in order that I may obey God], just like Christ suffered [in order that he might obey God. I also want] to be completely willing to die for [Christ], even as he died for me,
en sorte que je le connaisse, lui et la puissance de sa résurrection et la communion de ses souffrances, me rendant conforme à lui en sa mort,
11 [because I expect that, as a result of God’s goodness], he will cause me to live again after I have died.
dans l'espoir de parvenir aussi à la résurrection des morts.
12 I do not claim that I have already become completely like Christ Jesus; that is, I have not already become all that God intends me to be [DOU]. But I earnestly try to become [more and more like Christ], because he chose me [in order that I might become like him].
Ce n'est pas que j'aie déjà remporté le prix, ou que je sois déjà parvenu à la perfection, mais je cours afin de le saisir, puisque j'ai été moi-même saisi par Jésus-Christ.
13 My fellow believers, I certainly do not consider that I have already become completely like Christ. But I [am like a runner. A runner does not look backward] [MET]. Instead, he leans/stretches forward as he runs straight toward the goal [in order that he might win the race and get the prize. Similarly], I do not think about what I have already done.
Frères, pour moi, je ne crois pas avoir encore atteint le but, mais je fais une chose: oubliant ce qui est derrière moi, et m'élançant vers ce qui est devant moi,
14 Instead, I concentrate only on [continuing to become more and more like Christ right up to the end of my life] [MET]. As a result, because of my relationship with Christ Jesus, God will call/summon me to receive a reward from him [in heaven].
je cours vers le but, pour obtenir le prix de la vocation céleste de Dieu en Jésus-Christ.
15 So, all of us who are [spiritually] mature should think this [same way]. If any [of you] do not think this same way regarding what I [have written here], God will reveal that to you.
Que ce soit donc là notre pensée, à nous tous qui sommes des hommes faits; et si sur quelque point vous pensez autrement. Dieu vous éclairera aussi là-dessus.
16 What is important is that we must conduct our lives according to what [God has already revealed to] us.
Seulement, au point où nous sommes arrivés, marchons ensemble.
17 My fellow believers, [all of] you should follow my example, and observe those people who act as I do, [in order that you may imitate them also].
Soyez mes imitateurs, frères, et prenez exemple sur ceux qui se conduisent suivant le modèle que vous avez en nous.
18 [Keep in mind that] there are many people [who say that they believe in Christ, but] who act [in such a way that shows] that they are opposed to [the teaching about] Christ [dying on] the cross [MTY]. I have told you about those people many times [before], and now I am sad, even crying, as I tell you [about them again].
Car je vous l'ai dit souvent, et je vous le dis encore en pleurant: il y en a plusieurs qui ont une conduite telle, qu'ils sont les ennemis de la croix du Christ.
19 [God] will severely punish them. The things their bodies desire [MTY] have become [like] gods to them [MET]. They are proud of the things they should be ashamed of. They think only about what unbelievers [MTY] think about.
Leur fin est la perdition; ils font de leur ventre leur Dieu, et ils mettent leur gloire dans ce qui fait leur honte, n'ayant de pensées que pour les choses de la terre.
20 [But remember] that we are citizens of heaven. And we eagerly wait for our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, [to return] from there.
Mais nous, nous sommes citoyens des cieux; et c'est de là que nous attendons notre Sauveur, le Seigneur Jésus-Christ,
21 By the power that enables him to put everything under his own control, he will change our weak bodies to become like his glorious body.
qui transformera notre corps misérable pour le rendre semblable à son corps glorifié, par le pouvoir qu'il a de s'assujettir toutes choses.

< Philippians 3 >