< Philemon 1 >

1 [I], Paul, am a prisoner [who serves] Christ Jesus. [I am here] with Timothy, our fellow believer. [I am writing this letter] to [you], Philemon, our dear [friend] and fellow worker.
Paulus, Christi Jesu fånge, och Timotheus, brodren, dem älskeliga, och vårom hjelpare Philemon;
2 [I am also writing] to [your wife], Apphia, and to Archippus, [who is like] [MET] our fellow soldier [because he serves Christ steadfastly together with us]. I am also [writing this] to the congregation [that meets/gathers] in your [(sg)] house.
Och de älskeliga Apphie, och Archippo, vår medstridare, och den församling som i ditt hus är:
3 [I pray that] God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ [will continue to] act kindly toward you all and [will continue to] cause you to have [inner] peace.
Nåd vare med eder, och frid af Gudi vårom Fader, och Herranom Jesu Christo.
4 I always thank my God when I pray for you [(sg)], because I hear [people say that] you love all God’s people [CHI]
Jag tackar min Gud, och hafver din åminnelse alltid i mina böner;
5 and that you continue to trust in the Lord Jesus.
Efter jag hörer af din kärlek, och den tro som du hafver till Herran Jesum, och emot all helgon;
6 I pray that as a result of your knowing all the good things [that God/Christ has done for] us, you may (be effective/influence many others) as you tell others what you believe, in order that [they may honor] Christ.
Att din tro, som vi hafve med hvarannan, må kraftig varda, genom kunskapen på allt godt, som I hafven i Christo Jesu.
7 I have rejoiced greatly and have been greatly encouraged because you, my dear friend, have acted lovingly toward God’s people by encouraging them [SYN].
Ty vi hafve stor glädje och hugnad af din kärlek; att helgonen äro hjerteliga vederqvickte af dig, käre broder.
8 So [I have a request/favor to ask of you]. I am completely confident [that I have authority] to command you [to do] what you ought to do, because [I am an apostle of] Christ.
Derföre, ändock jag hafver i Christo en stor tröst, till att bjuda dig det du bör göra;
9 But because [I know that you] love [God’s people], I request this instead of [commanding you to do it]. It is I, Paul, an old man and now also a prisoner [because I serve] Christ Jesus, [who am requesting it].
Dock likväl, för kärlekens skull, beder jag heldre, jag som en sådana är, nämliga den gamle Paulus, och ännu derutöfver en Jesu Christi fånge.
10 I request that you [do something] for someone [who has become like] my own son [because I told him about Christ] [MET] while [I have been] a prisoner [MTY] [here. His name is] Onesimus.
Så förmanar jag dig, för min son Onesimo, den jag födde i minom bandom;
11 Although [his name, as you know, means ‘useful’], formerly he was useless to you. But now he is useful both to you and to me!
Den dig fordom onyttig var, men nu både dig och mig väl nyttig är;
12 Although (he is [as dear to me as/I love him as much as I love]) [MET] my own self [MTY], I am sending him back to you.
Hvilken jag nu igensändt hafver; men anamma du honom, såsom mitt hjerta.
13 I would like to have kept him with me, in order that he might serve me on your behalf, while I am a prisoner [MTY] [because of my preaching] the message [about Christ].
Jag hade velat behålla honom när mig, att han skulle tjent mig i din stad, uti Evangelii bandom;
14 Nevertheless, because [I had not yet asked you and] you had not yet permitted me [to keep him here with me], I decided not to [keep him here. I decided that I should] not do anything without your permitting it. [I decided that you should help me only if you] really want to help me.
Men jag ville intet göra utan ditt samtycke; på det ditt goda icke skulle vara nödgadt, utan sjelfviljogt.
15 Perhaps the reason that [God permitted] Onesimus to be separated from {to leave} you for a little while was that [he would believe in Christ, and as a result] you would have him (back/with you) forever! (aiōnios g166)
Men derföre tilläfventyrs for han sin väg till en tid, att du skulle få honom evigan igen; (aiōnios g166)
16 [You will no longer have him only] as a slave. Instead, [you will have him] as [someone who is] more than a slave. [You will have him] as a fellow believer! He is especially dear to me, but he certainly will be more dear to you [than he is to me] (OR, I love him very much, but you will certainly love him more than I do), [because now he] not only belongs to you but he also belongs to the Lord.
Icke nu såsom en tjenare, utan mer än en tjenare; ja, såsom en älskelig broder, besynnerliga mig; huru mycket mer dig, både efter köttet, och efter Herran?
17 So, if you consider me to be your partner [in God’s work], receive him as you would receive me.
Hvar du nu håller mig för din medbroder, så anamma honom lika som mig.
18 If he has wronged you in any manner or if he owes you anything, (charge that to me/tell me so that I can pay you).
Om han dig någon skada gjort hafver, eller något skyldig är, det räkna mig till.
19 I, Paul, am now writing this in my own handwriting: I will repay you what he owes you, although I might mention to you that you owe me even more than Onesimus may owe you, because it was the result of my telling you about Christ that God saved you.
Jag Paulus hafver detta skrifvit med mine hand, jag vill betalat; att jag icke skall säga, att du dig sjelfvan mig pligtig äst.
20 (Yes/I say it again), my dear friend, because you and I both have a relationship with the Lord, I want you to do this for me. Encourage me [SYN] [by receiving Onesimus kindly, just like you encourage others who believe] in Christ.
Ja, käre broder, städ till att jag hafver lust af dig i Herranom; vederqvick mitt hjerta i Herranom.
21 I have written [this letter] to you, confident that you will do what I am requesting you to [do]. [In fact], I know that you will do even more than what I am requesting [you to do].
Jag hafver skrifvit dig till, förtröstandes på dina lydaktighet; vetandes att du gör väl mer, än jag säger.
22 Also, keep a guest room ready for me [to stay in], because I confidently expect that as a result of your prayers [for me, I] will be released [from prison and will come] to you all.
Dermed bered mig herberge; ty jag hoppas att jag, med edra böners hjelp, eder gifven varder.
23 Epaphras, who is [suffering] with me in prison because of [his serving] Christ Jesus, (sends his greetings to you/wants you to know that he is thinking fondly about you).
Helsa dig Epaphras, min medfånge i Christo Jesu;
24 Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, who are my [other] fellow workers, also (send their greetings to you/want you to know that they are thinking fondly about you).
Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, mine hjelpare.
25 [I pray that] the Lord Jesus Christ [will] ([continue to] work kindly in all your lives/kindly keep accomplishing what he desires within you).
Vårs Herras Jesu Christi nåd vare med edar anda. Amen.

< Philemon 1 >