< Obadiah 1 >

1 This is a message that Yahweh our God gave to me, Obadiah, about the Edom [people-group]. Yahweh our God has told me this about [the people of] Edom: “I, Yahweh, have sent a messenger to other nations, telling them to prepare to go and attack Edom.”
ʼAdonay Yavé dice a Edom: Oímos un mensaje de parte de Yavé, un mensajero fue enviado a las naciones: ¡Levántense a combatir contra él!
2 And Yahweh says this to the people of Edom: “I will soon cause you to become the weakest and most despised nation [on the earth].
Ciertamente te hago pequeño entre las naciones. Serás despreciado en gran manera.
3 Your [capital city] is high in the rocky cliffs, and you are very proud; you think that you are safe from being attacked by your enemies [RHQ], but you [IDM] have deceived yourselves.
El orgullo de tu corazón te sedujo, porque habitas en las hendiduras de las peñas, en la altura de tu morada, y dices en tu corazón: ¿Quién me derribará a tierra?
4 And I tell you that even if [you had wings and] could fly higher than eagles fly, and if you could make your homes among the stars, I would bring you [crashing] down from there.
Aunque te eleves como el águila y pongas tu nido entre las estrellas, te derribaré de allí, dice Yavé.
5 When thieves break into someone’s house during the night, they certainly [RHQ] steal only the things that they want. And people who pick grapes always [RHQ] leave a few grapes on the vines. But your country will be completely destroyed!
Si vinieran ladrones o asaltantes contra ti de noche, ¡como serías arruinado! ¿No te robarían hasta que tuvieran suficiente? Si vinieran cosechadores de uvas, ¿no dejarían solo algunas uvas para que rebusques?
6 Everything that is valuable will be taken away. [Your enemies] will find and take away even the valuable things that you have hidden.
¡Cómo será investigado Esaú y buscados sus tesoros escondidos!
7 All (your allies/nations who promised to help you) will turn against you, and they will force you to leave your country/land. Those with whom you have peace now will trick/deceive you and defeat you. Those who eat meals with you now are planning to trap you, and [then they will say to you], ‘You are not [RHQ] as clever [as you thought you were]!’
Tus aliados te enviarán a la frontera. Los hombres de tu paz te engañarán y prevalecerán contra ti. Los que comen tu pan tenderán una emboscada contra ti. No hay entendimiento en él.
8 I, Yahweh, declare that at the time that I destroy Edom, I will punish the men who live in those cliffs who [thought that they] were wise.
¿No promoveré que los sabios de Edom, la sabiduría de la montaña de Esaú, perezcan aquel día? dice Yavé.
9 The soldiers from Teman [town] will become terrified; all you people who are descendants of Esau will be (wiped out/killed).
Tus valientes, oh Temán, serán atemorizados para que todos los de la montaña de Esaú sean cortados por la matanza.
10 You acted cruel in a cruel way toward your relatives who are descendants of Jacob, [the twin brother of your ancestor Esau]. So now you will be disgraced forever; you will be completely destroyed.
Por la violencia hecha a tu hermano Jacob, la vergüenza te cubrirá y serás destruido para siempre.
11 Foreigners entered the gates of Jerusalem and (cast lots/threw small stones that were marked) to decide what valuable things they would take away; but you were as bad as those foreigners, because you just stood there [and did not help the Israelis].
El día cuando te pusiste a distancia, cuando extranjeros llevaron su riqueza, y extranjeros entraron por su puerta y echaron suertes sobre Jerusalén, tú también eras uno de ellos.
12 You should not have (gloated/been happy) about the disaster that the Israelis were experiencing. You should not have been happy when their towns were ruined. You should not have made fun [of them] when they were suffering.
No debiste quedarte mirando a tu hermano el día de su calamidad, ni alegrarte por los hijos de Judá el día de su ruina, ni debiste jactarte el día de su angustia,
13 They are my people, so you should not have entered their [city] gates when they were experiencing those disasters and you should not have laughed at them. And you should not have taken away their [valuable] possessions.
ni entrar por la puerta de mi pueblo el día de su infortunio, ni disfrutar de su desgracia el día de su desdicha, ni echar mano a sus bienes el día de su ruina,
14 You should not have stood at crossroads to catch those who were [trying to] escape. You should not have [captured them and] put them into the hands of [their enemies] when they were experiencing those disasters.”
ni esperar en las encrucijadas para asesinar a sus fugitivos, ni entregar a sus sobrevivientes el día de la angustia.
15 “There will soon be the time when I, Yahweh, will judge [and punish] all the nations. And you [people of Edom] will experience the same [disasters] that you caused [others to experience]. The same evil things that you have done to others will happen to you.
Porque el día de Yavé está cercano para todas las naciones. Como tú hiciste se hará contigo. Tus hechos caerán sobre tu cabeza.
16 [My people in Jerusalem have been punished] because I was very angry with them. [It is as though] [MET] they drank [a cup of very bitter liquid] on Zion, my sacred hill. But [I] will punish [MET] all the other nations even more severely, and cause them to disappear completely.
Como bebieron en mi Montaña Santa, beberán todas las naciones de alrededor. Beberán y sorberán. Y serán como si nunca existieran.
17 But some [people in Jerusalem will escape], and Jerusalem will become a very holy/sacred place. Then the descendants of Jacob will [conquer and] possess again the land that truly belongs to them.
Pero quedará un remanente en la Montaña Sion. Será Lugar Santo. La casa de Jacob recobrará sus posesiones.
18 The descendants [MTY] of Jacob and his son Joseph will be like [MET] a fire, and the people [MTY] of Edom will be like [MET] stubble that will be completely burned in that fire. Not one person will remain alive. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.”
La casa de Jacob será fuego. La casa de José será llama. La casa de Esaú será hojarasca que arderá hasta consumirse, y no quedará alguno de su casa, porque lo dijo Yavé.
19 The Israeli people [who live] in the southern desert are the ones who will capture Edom. And those [who live in] the western foothills will capture the Phoenicia [region] and the areas of Ephraim and Samaria. And people of the tribe of Benjamin will conquer the Gilead [region].
Los del Neguev poseerán la región montañosa de Esaú. Los de la Sefela [poseerán] la tierra de los filisteos, el territorio de Efraín y el campo de Samaria. Los de Benjamín poseerán Galaad.
20 Those who were (exiled in/forced to go to) [Babylon] will [return to their land] [and] capture the Phoenicia [region] as far north as Zarephath [on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea]. People of Jerusalem who were captured and taken to Sardis, [the capital city of the Lydia region], will capture the towns in the southern desert.
Los cautivos de este ejército de los hijos de Israel que están entre los cananeos hasta Sarepta, y los cautivos de Jerusalén que están en Sefarad poseerán las ciudades del Neguev.
21 The army of Jerusalem will attack Edom and conquer it, and Yahweh will be their king.
Subirán victoriosos a la Montaña Sion para juzgar a la montaña de Esaú. El reino será de Yavé.

< Obadiah 1 >