< Numbers 1 >

1 In April of the year after the Israeli people left Egypt, Yahweh spoke to Moses/me while he/I was in the Sacred Tent, in the Sinai Desert. Yahweh said to him/me,
Jehovha akataura naMozisi muTende Rokusangana, vari murenje reSinai, nezuva rokutanga romwedzi wechipiri, mugore rechipiri shure kwokubuda kwavaIsraeri muIjipiti, achiti,
2 “I want you and Aaron to determine how many Israeli men are able to fight in battles. Write down the names of all the men who are at least 20 years old, and write down the names of their clans and families.
“Verenga ungano yose yavaIsraeri nedzimba dzavo uye nemhuri dzavo, uchinyora murume wose wose nezita rake, mumwe nomumwe.
Iwe naAroni munofanira kuverenga varume vose vari muIsraeri namapoka avo vane makore makumi maviri kana anodarika vanogona kurwa muhondo.
4 [I have chosen] one man from each of the tribes to help you to do this. Each one will be a leader of his clan.
Murume mumwe chete kubva kurudzi rumwe norumwe, mumwe nomumwe ari mukuru wemhuri yake achakubatsira.
5 Their names are: Elizur, the son of Shedeur, from the tribe of Reuben; Shelumiel, the son of Zurishaddai, from the tribe of Simeon; Nahshon, the son of Amminadab, from the tribe of Judah; Nethanel, the son of Zuar, from the tribe of Issachar; Eliab, the son of Helon, from the tribe of Zebulun; Elishama, the son of Ammihud, from the tribe of Joseph’s son Ephraim; Gamaliel, the son of Pedahzur, from the tribe of Joseph’s son Manasseh; Abidan, the son of Gideoni, from the tribe of Benjamin; Ahiezer, the son of Ammishaddai, from the tribe of Dan; Pagiel, the son of Ocran, from the tribe of Asher; Eliasaph, the son of Deuel, from the tribe of Gad; Ahira, the son of Enan, from the tribe of Naphtali.”
“Aya ndiwo mazita avarume vanofanira kukubatsira: “kubva kwaRubheni, Erizuri mwanakomana waShedheuri;
kubva kwaSimeoni, Sherumieri mwanakomana waZurishadhai;
kubva kwaJudha, Nashoni mwanakomana waAminadhabhi;
kubva kwaIsakari, Netaneri mwanakomana waZuari;
kubva kwaZebhuruni, Eriabhi mwanakomana waHeroni;
kubva kuvanakomana vaJosefa: kubva kuna Efuremu, Erishama mwanakomana waAmihudhi; kubva kuna Manase, Gamarieri mwanakomana waPedhazuri;
kubva kwaBhenjamini, Abhidhani mwanakomana waGidheoni;
kubva kwaDhani, Ahiezeri mwanakomana waAmishadhai;
kubva kwaAsheri, Pagieri mwanakomana waOkirani;
kubva kwaGadhi, Eriasafi mwanakomana waDheueri;
kubva kwaNafutari, Ahira mwanakomana waEnani.”
16 Those were the men whom Yahweh chose from the people. They were leaders of their tribes. They were the chief men of the clans of the Israeli people.
Ava ndivo varume vakatsaurwa kubva paungano, vatungamiri vamarudzi amadzibaba avo. Ndivo vaiva vakuru vedzimba dzavaIsraeri.
17 Aaron and Moses/I summoned all these leaders,
Mozisi naAroni vakatora varume ava vane mazita avakanga vapiwa,
18 and they gathered all of the people together on that same day. They listed/wrote down the names of all the men who were at least 20 years old, and with their names they wrote the names of their clans and their family groups
vakaunganidza ungano yose pamwe chete pazuva rokutanga romwedzi wechipiri. Vanhu vakaratidza madzitateguru avo, dzimba dzavo nemhuri dzavo, uye varume vaiva namakore makumi maviri kana anodarika vakanyorwa mazita avo mumwe nomumwe,
19 just as Moses/I had commanded. They wrote the names while (the Israelis/we) were there in the Sinai Desert.
sezvakanga zvarayirwa Mozisi naJehovha. Nokudaro akavaverenga muRenje reSinai:
20 This is a list of the number of men who were at least 20 years old and able to fight in battles, and the names of their tribes: There were 46,500 men from the tribe of Reuben (who was Jacob’s oldest son); there were 59,300 men from the tribe of Simeon; there were 45,560 men from the tribe of Gad; there were 74,600 men from the tribe of Judah; there were 54,400 men from the tribe of Issachar; there were 57,400 men from the tribe of Zebulun; there were 40,500 men from the tribe of Ephraim; there were 32,200 men from the tribe of Manasseh; there were 35,400 men from the tribe of Benjamin; there were 62,700 men from the tribe of Dan; there were 41,500 men from the tribe of Asher; there were 53,400 men from the tribe of Naphtali.
Kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaRubheni mwanakomana wedangwe waIsraeri: Varume vose vaiva namakore makumi maviri kana anodarika vaigona kurwa muhondo vakaverengwa uye vakanyorwa mazita, mumwe nomumwe, maererano nezvinyorwa zvedzimba dzavo nezvemhuri dzavo.
Vakaverengwa kubva kurudzi rwaRubheni vaiva zviuru makumi mana nezvitanhatu, namazana mashanu.
Kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaSimeoni: Varume vose vaiva namakore makumi maviri kana anodarika vaigona kurwa muhondo vakaverengwa uye vakanyorwa mazita, mumwe nomumwe, maererano nezvinyorwa zvedzimba dzavo nezvemhuri dzavo.
Vakaverengwa vaibva kurudzi rwaSimeoni vaisvika zviuru makumi mashanu nezvipfumbamwe, namazana matatu.
Kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaGadhi: Varume vose vaiva namakore makumi maviri kana anodarika, vaigona kurwa muhondo, vakanyorwa mazita maererano nezvinyorwa zvedzimba dzavo nezvemhuri dzavo.
Vakaverengwa kubva kurudzi rwaGadhi vaisvika zviuru makumi mana nezvishanu, namazana matanhatu namakumi mashanu.
Kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaJudha: Varume vose vaiva namakore makumi maviri kana anodarika vaigona kurwa muhondo vakanyorwa mazita, maererano nezvinyorwa zvedzimba dzavo nezvemhuri dzavo.
Vakaverengwa kubva kurudzi rwaJudha vaisvika zviuru makumi manomwe nezvina, namazana matanhatu.
Kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaIsakari: Varume vose vaiva namakore makumi maviri kana anodarika vaigona kurwa muhondo vakanyorwa mazita, maererano nezvinyorwa zvedzimba dzavo nezvemhuri dzavo.
Vakaverengwa kubva kurudzi rwaIsakari vaisvika zviuru makumi mashanu nezvina, namazana mana.
Kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaZebhuruni: Varume vose vaiva namakore makumi maviri kana anodarika vaigona kurwa muhondo vakanyorwa mazita, maererano nezvinyorwa zvedzimba dzavo nezvemhuri dzavo.
Vakaverengwa kubva kurudzi rwaZebhuruni vaisvika zviuru makumi mashanu nezvinomwe, namazana mana.
Kubva kuvanakomana vaJosefa: Kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaEfuremu: Varume vose vaiva namakore makumi maviri kana anodarika vaigona kurwa muhondo vakanyorwa mazita, maererano nezvinyorwa zvedzimba dzavo nezvemhuri dzavo.
Vakaverengwa kubva kurudzi rwaEfuremu vaisvika zviuru makumi mana, namazana mashanu.
Kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaManase: Varume vose vaiva namakore makumi maviri kana anodarika vaigona kurwa muhondo vakanyorwa mazita, maererano nezvinyorwa zvedzimba dzavo nezvemhuri dzavo.
Vakaverengwa kubva kurudzi rwaManase vaisvika zviuru makumi matatu nezviviri, namazana maviri.
Kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaBhenjamini: Varume vose vaiva namakore makumi maviri kana anodarika vaigona kurwa muhondo vakanyorwa mazita, maererano nezvinyorwa zvedzimba nezvemhuri dzavo.
Vakaverengwa kubva kurudzi rwaBhenjamini vaisvika zviuru makumi matatu nezvishanu, namazana mana.
Kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaDhani: Varume vose vaiva namakore makumi maviri kana anodarika, vaigona kurwa muhondo vakanyorwa mazita, maererano nezvinyorwa zvedzimba dzavo nezvemhuri dzavo.
Vakaverengwa kubva kurudzi rwaDhani vaisvika zviuru makumi matanhatu nezviviri, namazana manomwe.
Kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaAsheri: Varume vose vaiva namakore makumi maviri kana anodarika vaigona kurwa muhondo vakanyorwa mazita, maererano nezvinyorwa zvedzimba dzavo uye nezvemhuri dzavo.
Vakaverengwa kubva kurudzi rwaAsheri vaisvika zviuru makumi mana nechimwe chete, namazana mashanu.
Kubva kuzvizvarwa zvaNafutari: Varume vose vaiva namakore makumi maviri kana anodarika vaigona kurwa muhondo vakanyorwa mazita, maererano nezvinyorwa zvedzimba dzavo nezvemhuri dzavo.
Vakaverengwa kubva kurudzi rwaNafutari vaisvika zviuru makumi mashanu nezvitatu, namazana mana.
44 That was the number of men from each tribe that Aaron and Moses/I and the twelve leaders of the tribes of Israel listed, along with the names of their clans.
Ava ndivo varume vakaverengwa naMozisi naAroni navatungamiri veIsraeri gumi nevaviri, mumwe nomumwe achimiririra mhuri yake.
VaIsraeri vose vaiva namakore makumi maviri kana anodarika vaigona kurwa muhondo yeIsraeri vakaverengwa maererano nemhuri dzavo.
46 The total was 603,550 men.
Vose vakaverengwa vakasvika zviuru mazana matanhatu nezvitatu, namazana mashanu ana makumi mashanu.
47 But this number did not include the names of the men of the tribe of Levi,
Kunyange zvakadaro, mhuri dzavaRevhi hadzina kuverengwa pamwe chete navamwe.
48 because Yahweh had said to Moses/me,
Jehovha akanga ati kuna Mozisi:
49 “When you (count/write the names of) the men of the tribes of Israel, do not count the men in the tribe of Levi.
“Haufaniri kuverenga rudzi rwaRevhi kana kuvabatanidzira pakuverengwa kwavamwe vaIsraeri.
50 Appoint the male descendants of Levi to take care of the Sacred Tent and the chest inside it that contains [the tablets on which are written] the Ten Commandments. They must also take care of the other things that are inside the tent. [When you travel], they are the ones who must carry the tent and all the things that are inside it, and they must take care of it and set up their tents around it.
Asi ugadze vaRevhi kuti vave vatariri vetabhenakeri yeChipupuriro, napamusoro pemidziyo yayo yose; vanofanira kutakura tabhenakeri nemidziyo yayo yose; vanofanira kuichengeta nokuikomberedza nemisasa yavo.
51 Whenever it is time for all of you to move [to another location], the descendants of Levi are the ones who must dismantle the tent. And when it is time to stop traveling, they are the ones who must set up the Sacred Tent again. Any other person who goes near the Sacred Tent [to do this work] must be executed.
Panguva yose inobviswa tabhenakeri, vaRevhi ndivo vanofanira kuidzikisa pasi, uye panguva yose yainomiswa, vaRevhi ndivo vanofanira kuita izvozvo. Ani zvake mumwewo anoswedera kwairi achaurayiwa.
52 The people of each Israeli tribe must set up their tents in their own area, and they must set up a flag/banner that represents their tribe.
VaIsraeri vanofanira kudzika matende avo namapoka avo, murume mumwe nomumwe mumusasa wake pasi pomureza wokwake.
53 But the male descendants of Levi must set up their tents around the Sacred Tent, in order to protect the other Israeli people from being punished [MTY] by Yahweh [for coming close to the Sacred Tent]. The descendants of Levi are the ones who must stand around the Sacred Tent to guard it.”
Zvakadaro hazvo, vaRevhi, vanofanira kudzika matende avo vakapoteredza tabhenakeri yeChipupuriro kuitira kuti hasha dzirege kuwira pamusoro peungano yavaIsraeri. VaRevhi ndivo vane basa rokuchengeta tabhenakeri yeChipupuriro.”
54 So the Israeli people did everything just like Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
VaIsraeri vakaita izvi zvose sezvakanga zvarayirwa Mozisi naJehovha.

< Numbers 1 >