< Numbers 8 >

1 Yahweh said to Moses/me,
Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un sacīja:
2 “Tell Aaron to put the seven lamps on the lampstand and place them in such a way that they shine toward the front of the lampstand.”
Runā uz Āronu un saki tam: kad tu tos eļļas lukturīšus iededzināsi, tad lai tie septiņi eļļas lukturīši spīd uz luktura priekšpusi.
3 So [Moses/I told him what Yahweh said], and he did that.
Un Ārons tā darīja; luktura priekšpusē viņš iededzināja viņa eļļas lukturīšus, kā Tas Kungs Mozum bija pavēlējis.
4 The lampstand had been made from gold that had been hammered [from one large lump of gold], from its base to the decorations at the top [that resembled] flowers. The lampstand was made exactly like Yahweh had told Moses/me that it should be made.
Un tas lukturis bija taisīts no tīra zelta, un viņa kāts, un viņa puķes bija izkaltas; pēc tās priekšzīmes, ko Tas Kungs Mozum bija rādījis, - tā viņš to lukturi bija taisījis.
5 Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un sacīja:
6 “You must cause the descendants of Levi to be acceptable to me by setting them apart from the other Israeli people.
Ņem Levitus no Israēla bērnu vidus un šķīsti tos.
7 Do that by sprinkling them with water [which will symbolize] their being freed/cleansed from [the guilt of] their sins. Then they must shave [off all the hair on] their bodies and wash their clothes.
Un tā tev būs darīt viņus šķīstot: uzslaki tiem grēku ūdeni, un lai tiem dzenamais nazis iet pār visu viņu miesu, un lai tie mazgā savas drēbes un šķīstās.
8 Then they must bring to the Sacred Tent one bull and some grain mixed with [olive] oil. [Those things will be burned] as sacrifices. They must also bring another bull [that will enable me to forgive them] for the sins they have committed.
Un viņiem būs ņemt vienu vērsīti no liellopiem ar viņa ēdamo upuri, kviešu miltus, aplietus ar eļļu, un otru vērsēnu no liellopiem tev būs ņemt par grēku upuri.
9 Then you must summon all the Israeli people to come together in front of the Sacred Tent, to [gather around] the descendants of Levi.
Un Levitus tev būs vest saiešanas telts priekšā un visu Israēla bērnu draudzi sapulcināt;
10 Then the Israeli people must lay their hands on the descendants of Levi.
Un Levitus tev būs vest Tā Kunga priekšā, un Israēla bērniem būs likt savas rokas uz Levitiem.
11 Aaron must then present them to me to be a gift from the Israeli people, in order that they can work for me [at the Sacred Tent].
Un Āronam Levitus būs līgot par līgojamu upuri priekš Tā Kunga no Israēla bērniem, ka tiem būs stāvēt Tā Kunga kalpošanā.
12 “After that, the descendants of Levi must place their hands on the heads of the two bulls. Then the bulls will be [killed and] burned on the altar. One will be an offering to enable me [to forgive them for] sins they have committed, and the other will be completely burned [to please me].
Un Levitiem būs likt savas rokas uz to vēršu galvām; pēc upurē tu vienu par grēku upuri un vienu par dedzināmo upuri Tam Kungam, Levitus salīdzināt.
13 The descendants of Levi must stand [at the altar] in front of Aaron and his sons, and you must then dedicate to me the descendants of Levi.
Un Levitus tev būs vest priekš Ārona un priekš viņa dēliem un tos līgot par līgojamu upuri Tam Kungam.
14 This ritual will show that the descendants of Levi are set apart from the other Israelis and that they belong to me.
Un Levitus no Israēla bērnu vidus tev būs atšķirt, ka Leviti ir Mani.
15 “After the descendants of Levi have been made acceptable to me, and presented to me like a special offering, they may start to work at the Sacred Tent.
Un pēc tam lai Leviti nāk kalpot saiešanas teltī. Tā tev tos būs šķīstīt un tos līgot par līgojamu upuri.
16 They will belong to me. They will work for me as substitutes for the firstborn males of all the Israelis, [who also belong to me].
Jo tie Man pavisam ir nodoti no Israēla bērnu vidus, Es tos sev esmu ņēmis no Israēla bērniem visu pirmdzimušo vietā, kas māti atplēš.
17 All the firstborn males in Israel, both the people and the animals, are mine. When I caused all the firstborn sons of the people of Egypt to die, [I (spared/did not kill) the firstborn males of the Israelis]. I set them apart to belong to me. I said that the firstborn males of all their domestic animals would also belong to me.
Jo Man pieder visi Israēla bērnu pirmdzimušie, gan starp cilvēkiem gan starp lopiem, tai dienā, kad Es visus pirmdzimušos Ēģiptes zemē situ, Es tos Sev esmu svētījis,
18 But now I have chosen the descendants of Levi to take the places of the firstborn males of other Israelis.
Un Es Levitus esmu ņēmis visu pirmdzimušo vietā no Israēla bērniem.
19 I have appointed the descendants of Levi to help Aaron and his sons at the Sacred Tent, as Aaron and his sons offer the sacrifices so that the Israeli people’s sins will be forgiven, and to prevent the Israelis from coming close to the tent with the result that a plague would cause many of them to become sick and die.”
Un Es Levitus esmu devis Āronam un viņa dēliem par dāvanu no Israēla bērniem, lai tie stāv Israēla bērnu kalpošanā pie saiešanas telts un salīdzina Israēla bērnus, ka nekāda mocība neuznāk Israēla bērniem, ja Israēla bērni paši aiztiktu to svētumu.
20 Aaron and Moses/I and the other Israelis helped the descendants of Levi to do everything that Yahweh had commanded.
Tad Mozus un Ārons un visa Israēla bērnu draudze tā darīja ar Levitiem; kā Tas Kungs Mozum bija pavēlējis par Levitiem, tā Israēla bērni ar viņiem darīja.
21 The descendants of Levi [sprinkled themselves with water to symbolize that] they had been freed/cleansed from [the guilt of] their sins, and they washed their clothes. Then Aaron brought them to [the altar to] present them to Yahweh, and he offered sacrifices to cleanse them from [the guilt of] their sins and cause them to become acceptable to Yahweh.
Un Leviti šķīstījās un mazgāja savas drēbes, un Ārons tos līgoja par līgojamu upuri priekš Tā Kunga, un Ārons tos salīdzināja, lai paliek šķīsti.
22 After that, the descendants of Levi started to work at the Sacred Tent to assist Aaron and his sons. They did that just as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
Un pēc tam Leviti nāca, darīt savus darbus saiešanas teltī priekš Ārona un priekš viņa dēliem; kā Tas Kungs Mozum bija pavēlējis par Levitiem, tā tie ar viņiem darīja,
23 Yahweh also said this to Moses/me:
Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un sacīja:
24 “The descendants of Levi who are between 25 and 50 years old will work at the Sacred Tent.
Tas ir tas, kas Levitiem pienākas; kam divdesmit un pieci gadi un pāri, tiem būs iestāties kalpošanā, savu darbu darīt pie saiešanas telts.
25 But after they become 50 years old, they must (retire/not do that work any more).
Bet kam piecdesmit gadi un pāri, tam no šīs kalpošanas būs izstāties un vairs nebūs kalpot,
26 They may help the other descendants of Levi to do their work at the Sacred Tent, but they must not do the work themselves. That is what you must tell them about the work they will do.”
Bet būs pie rokas būt saviem brāļiem saiešanas teltī pie apkopšanas, bet pašā kalpošanā tam nebūs kalpot. Tā tev būs darīt ar Levitiem viņu amatā.

< Numbers 8 >