< Numbers 35 >

1 Yahweh told this to Moses/me [while the Israeli people were] on the plain in the Moab region near the Jordan [River], across from Jericho:
Nʼoge a, mgbe ndị Izrel ka nọ nʼakụkụ osimiri Jọdan nʼobosara ala Moab, na ncherita ihu Jeriko, ka Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu sị ya,
2 “Tell the Israeli people that from the land that they will receive, they must give to the descendants of Levi some cities in which they can live. They must also give them some land around these cities.
“Nye ndị Izrel iwu ka ha nye ndị Livayị ụfọdụ obodo ebe ha ga-ebi. Obodo ndị a ga-abụ ndị si nʼihe nketa ndị Izrel ketara. Nyekwa ha ala ebe anụ ụlọ ha ga-anọ na-akpa nri, nke ga-agba obodo ndị a gburugburu.
3 Those will be for the descendants of Levi to live in, and around the cities will be land for their cattle and flocks of sheep and goats and other animals.
Obodo ndị a ga-abụrụ ha ebe obibi, ma ala niile gbara ha gburugburu ga-abụ ebe ịta nri nke igwe ehi na atụrụ, na anụ ụlọ ha niile.
4 “The land that you give them for their animals must extend out for (1,500 feet/450 meters) from the walls of the cities.
“Ala ebe ịta nri nke obodo niile nke unu ga-enye ndị Livayị ga-adị narị mita anọ na ọkara nʼogologo site na mgbidi obodo ga gburugburu mgbidi obodo ọbụla.
5 Also measure (3,000 feet/900 meters) in each direction out from the walls of each city. That additional land will be land for their animals outside the walls of the cities.”
Ya mere nʼobodo ndị Livayị ọbụla, ala ịzụ anụ ụlọ ga-adị narị mita anọ na ọkara site na mgbidi ha ruo nʼoke ala ha. Ọ ga-adị narị mita anọ na ọkara nʼakụkụ ọwụwa anyanwụ, narị mita anọ na ọkara nʼakụkụ ọdịda anyanwụ, narị mita anọ na ọkara nʼakụkụ ugwu, narị mita anọ na ọkara nʼakụkụ ndịda. Obodo ha ga-adịkwa nʼetiti ala ịzụ anụ ụlọ ndị a.
6 “Six of the cities that you give to the descendants of Levi will be cities to which people [can run] to be safe. If someone [accidentally] kills someone else, the one who killed that person may run to one of those cities to be safe.
“Obodo isii nʼime obodo ndị ahụ unu na-enye ndị Livayị ga-abụ obodo mgbaba, ebe onye ọbụla gburu mmadụ na-amaghị ama nwere ike gbaga izere ndụ ya. Tinyere obodo ndị a unu ga-enyekwasị ha iri obodo anọ na abụọ ọzọ.
7 You must also give to the descendants of Levi 42 other cities and the land around those cities, for their animals,
Ya mere obodo niile a ga-enye ndị Livayị ga-adị iri obodo anọ na asatọ, tinyere obosara ala ịzụ igwe ewu na atụrụ nke gbara obodo ndị a gburugburu.
8 The Israeli tribes that have the most people must give them more cities than the tribes that have fewer people give. Each tribe must give some of its cities to the descendants of Levi, but the tribes that have more land must give more cities, and the tribes that have less land will give fewer cities.”
Obodo unu na-enye ndị Livayị site nʼihe nketa ndị Izrel ga-abụ dịka unu si keta oke unu. A ga-esite nʼaka ebo nwere ọtụtụ obodo wepụta ọtụtụ obodo, ma site nʼaka ebo obodo ha nwere na-ehighị nne wepụta ole na ole.”
9 Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
Mgbe ahụ, Onyenwe anyị gwara Mosis okwu sị ya,
10 “Tell this to the Israeli people: When you cross the Jordan [River] and enter the Canaan [region],
“Gwa ndị Izrel sị ha, ‘mgbe unu gafere Jọdan banye nʼala Kenan,
11 you must choose some cities to which people can run to be safe/protected. If someone kills another person (accidentally/without planning to do that), the one who killed that person may run to one of those cities and be safe.
họpụtanụ ụfọdụ obodo ka ọ bụrụ obodo mgbaba ebe mmadụ nwere ike ịgbabanye ma ọ bụrụ na o gbuo mmadụ na-amaghị ama.
12 One of the relatives of the person who was killed may think he must avenge his relative’s death [by killing the murderer]. But in that city, the killer will be safe [because the people in that city would kill those relatives if they tried to get revenge there]. The man who killed someone accidentally [must] be put on trial in a court.
Obodo ndị a ga-abụ ebe mgbaba nye onye na-ezere ndụ site nʼaka onye ahụ chọrọ ịbọrọ ọbọ, ka a ghara igbu onye e boro ebubo igbu mmadụ tutu ruo mgbe e buru ụzọ kpee ya ikpe nʼihu ọgbakọ.
13 You must set apart six cities to be cities to which someone who killed another person accidentally may run and be safe.
Obodo isii ndị a unu wepụtara ga-abụ obodo mgbaba.
14 There must be three of those cities on the east side of the Jordan [River] and three that will be [on the west side], in the Canaan region.
Họpụta obodo mgbaba atọ nʼakụkụ ọzọ nke Jọdan. Ka atọ ndị ọzọ dịrị na Kenan.
15 Those six cities will be cities where Israeli people may run to and be safe, and where foreigners and other people who are living among you can also run to and be safe. Any of those people who accidentally kills someone may run to one of those cities [and be safe/protected there].
Obodo ndị a agaghị abụ ebe izere ndụ maka naanị ndị Izrel, kama ọ dịkwara ndị ọbịa na ndị ọzọ bi nʼetiti unu, ka onye na-akpachaghị anya gbuo mmadụ gbaga ebe ahụ izere ndụ ya.
16 “But [you must consider that] anyone who kills another person with an iron weapon or with a big rock or with a piece of wood, is a murderer, and the one who killed the other person must be executed.
“‘Ọ bụrụ na mmadụ e jiri mkpirisi igwe tigbuo mmadụ ibe ya, a ga-agụ onye dị otu a dịka ogbu mmadụ. A ga-egbukwa ya.
A sịkwa na mmadụ ejide nʼaka ya nkume nke o nwere ike iji tugbuo mmadụ, ọ bụrụ na ọ tụọ mmadụ nkume ahụ tugbuo ya, ọ bụ ogbu mmadụ. Ogbu mmadụ ahụ aghakwaghị ịnwụ.
A sikwa na mmadụ ji ihe e ji osisi tụọ nʼaka ya, nke o nwere ike i ji tigbuo mmadụ, ọ bụrụ na o tie mmadụ ihe osisi ahụ, tigbuo ya, ọ bụ ogbu mmadụ. A ghaghị ime ka ogbu mmadụ ahụ nwụọ.
19 A relative of the person who was murdered must be the one who executes the murderer as soon as he finds him.
Onye na-abọ ọbọ ọbara ga-egbu ogbu mmadụ ahụ nʼonwe ya mgbe ọbụla o zutere ya.
20 If someone shoves another person [over a cliff] or throws something at another person
Ọ bụrụ na mmadụ esite nʼekworo nuo onye ọzọ aka, maọbụ kpachara anya tụọ onye ahụ ihe nke mere ka ọ nwụọ,
21 or hits that person with his hand/fist and causes that person to die, if he did it because he hated that person, then you must consider that he is a murderer, and must be executed. A relative of the person who was killed must be the one who executes the murderer as soon as he finds him.
maọbụ na o sitere nʼobi ọnụma jiri aka ya tie mmadụ ihe nke mere ka ọ nwụọ, a ga-egbu onye ahụ, nʼihi na ogbu mmadụ ka ọ bụ. Onye na-agwachite ọchụ ga-egbu ogbu mmadụ ahụ mgbe ọbụla o zutere ya.
22 “But someone might accidentally shove someone else, or accidentally throw something at another person and hit him, not because he hates that person.
“‘Ma ọ bụrụ na mmadụ ebughị iro nʼobi nutuo mmadụ ibe ya na mberede, maọbụ tụọ ya ihe,
23 Or he might drop a rock on someone that he did not see. If the one who does that does not plan to hurt anyone and does not hate the person that was killed,
maọbụ tụtuo nkume nke datara dagbuo mmadụ ibe ya mgbe ọ na-ahụghị ya, bụ onye na-abụghị onye iro ya, onye ọ na-ebughị nʼobi imejọ,
24 the people of that city must decide whether the relative of the dead person [has the right to get revenge], or whether the one who killed the other person [truly did it (accidentally/without planning to do it)].
mgbe ahụ, ndị ọgbakọ ga-ekpe ikpe nʼetiti onye e boro ebubo na onye na-agwachite ọchụ dịka usoro iwu ndị a si dị.
25 [If they decide that the killer planned to kill the other person, they must not allow him to stay in their city. But if they decide that it was done accidentally], they must protect the killer from being killed by the dead person’s relative. They must send the killer to one of the cities where he will be safe/protected, and allow him to stay there until the Supreme Priest dies. [After that, the killer may go back to his home, because the dead person’s relative no longer has the right to get revenge].
Nzukọ aghaghị ichekwa onye e boro ebubo na o gburu mmadụ site nʼaka onye na-agwachite ọchụ, zilaga onye ahụ e boro ebubo nʼobodo mgbaba, bụ ebe ha gbalagara. Onye ahụ e boro ebubo ga-anọgide nʼobodo mgbaba ahụ tutu ruo mgbe onyeisi nchụaja nwụrụ, bụ onye ahụ e tere mmanụ nsọ.
26 “But [while the Supreme Priest is still living], the person who is in that safe city must not leave that city.
“‘Ma ọ bụrụ na ogbu mmadụ a ahapụ obodo mgbaba ahụ pụọ, ọ bụrụkwa,
27 If he goes outside the city, and if a relative of the dead person finds him, that relative is permitted to kill that person, [and people will not consider that the relative is guilty of murder.]
na onye ahụ na-abọ ọbọ ọbara achọta ya nʼazụ obodo mgbaba ahụ, o nwere ike igbu onye ahụ e boro ebubo, ikpe igbu mmadụ agaghị ama ya.
28 The killer must stay in that city where he will be safe/protected until the Supreme Priest dies. [He will be safe from revenge after that, because the death of the Supreme Priest will be considered to be a sacrifice to atone for that murder]. After that, the killer may return to his home.
Onye ahụ e boro ebubo na o gburu mmadụ aghaghị ịnọ nʼime obodo mgbaba ahụ tutu ruo mgbe onyeisi nchụaja nwụrụ. Ọ bụ naanị mgbe onyeisi nchụaja nwụchara, ka ha nwere ike ịlaghachi nʼụlọ ya, nʼihe nketa ya.
29 “You must always obey those regulations, wherever you live.
“‘Ndị a bụ usoro iwu ga-adịgide nye unu site nʼọgbọ ruo nʼọgbọ, nʼebe obibi unu niile.
30 “If someone [is accused of] killing another person, the one who is accused may be executed only if there are people who saw him do it. There must be more than one witness; no one is permitted to be executed if there was only one (witness/person who saw him do it).
“‘Onye ọbụla gburu mmadụ ga-anwụ. A ga-ama ya ikpe ọnwụ naanị mgbe e nwere karịa otu onye akaebe. Ọ dịghị onye ọbụla a ga-egbu nʼihi akaebe nke otu onye gbara megide ya.
31 “If there is a murderer who truly should be executed, do not [spare his life by] accepting (a ransom/money for him not to be killed). He must be executed.
“‘Unu a narakwala ihe ịgbara isi nʼọnọdụ ndụ nke onye gburu mmadụ, bụ onye nke ikpe ọnwụ mara. Aghaghị ime ka ha nwụọ.
32 “If someone has run to a city where he will be safe/protected, do not allow him to give you money in order that you will permit him to return to his home before the Supreme Priest dies.
“‘Unu a narakwala ihe mgbapụta site nʼaka onye ọbụla nke gbagara nʼobodo mgbaba, site otu a kwere ka ha lọghachite azụ ga biri nʼala nke aka ha tupu onyeisi nchụaja anwụọ.
33 “You must execute people who truly murder others. If you did not do that, you would be causing the people who live in the land to become unacceptable to me. Anyone who deliberately kills an innocent person must be executed.
“‘Unu emerụkwala ala ahụ nke unu bi nʼime ya. Ọbara igbu ọchụ na-emerụ ala. Ọ dịkwaghị mkpuchi mmehie a ga-eme banyere ala a wufuru ọbara nʼime ya, ma ọ bụghị naanị ọbara nke onye ahụ gburu ọchụ ahụ.
34 I am Yahweh, and I live among you Israelis, so do not spoil/pollute the land by allowing people to murder others without being punished.”
Unu emerụla ala ahụ unu na-aga ibi nʼime ya. Nʼihi na mụ onwe m bikwa nʼebe ahụ, mụ bụ Onyenwe anyị bi nʼetiti ụmụ Izrel.’”

< Numbers 35 >