< Numbers 33 >

1 Here is a list of the places where the/we Israelis went as Aaron and Moses/I led them/us after they/we left Egypt.
Sa se vwayaj a fis Israël yo sou sila yo te sòti nan peyi Égypte la pa lame pa yo, anba direksyon Moïse avèk Aaron.
2 Yahweh commanded Moses/me to write down the names of the places where they/we went.
Moïse te ekri yon rapò pou montre pwent kòmansman nan vwayaj yo selon kòmand SENYÈ a, e sa yo se vwayaj selon pwent kòmansman sila yo.
3 On the fifteenth day of the first month [of the year], the day after we celebrated the (Passover/the time when Yahweh killed all the firstborn sons of the people of Egypt), they/we left Rameses [city in Egypt] and marched boldly while the Egyptian army was coming behind them/us.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Ramsès nan premye mwa a, sou kenzyèm jou a. Nan jou apre Pak la, fis Israël yo te soti avèk gwo kouraj devan zye a tout Ejipsyen yo,
4 As they/we left, the people of Egypt were still burying the bodies of their firstborn sons. [By killing them], Yahweh showed that the gods that the people of Egypt worshiped were false gods.
pandan tout Ejipsyen yo t ap antere tout premye ne ke SENYÈ a te frape detwi pami yo. SENYÈ a te osi egzekite jijman sou dye ki te pou yo.
5 After leaving Rameses, they/we first went to Succoth and set up their/our tents there.
Alò, fis a Israël yo te vwayaje soti Ramsès pou te fè kan nan Succoth.
6 Then they/we left Succoth and went to Etham, at the edge of the desert, and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti Succoth pou te fè kan nan Etham, ki sou kote dezè a.
7 Then they/we left Etham and returned to Pi-Hahiroth, to the east of Baal-Zephon, and set up their/our tents near Migdol.
Yo te vwayaje soti Etham pou te vire fè bak jis nan Pi-Hahiroth, ki anfas Baal-Tsephon, e yo te vin fè kan devan Migdol.
8 Then they/we left Pi-Hahiroth and walked through the [Red] Sea into the Etham Desert, and set their/our tents at Marah.
Yo te vwayaje soti devan Pi-Hahiroth. Yo te pase nan mitan lanmè a pou rive nan dezè a, yo te vwayaje pandan twa jou nan dezè Étham an, e yo te vin fè kan nan Mara.
9 Then they/we left Marah and went to Elim. There were twelve springs and 70 palm trees there. They/We set up our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti Mara pou te rive nan Élim. Nan Élim, te gen douz sous dlo, swasann-dis pye palmis, e yo te fè kan an.
10 Then they/we left Elim and went to the area near the Red Sea and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Élim, pou te fè kan bò kote Lamè Wouj.
11 Then they/we left the Red Sea area and went to the area near the Sin Desert and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti Lamè Wouj pou te fè kan nan dezè Tsin nan.
12 Then they/we left the Sin Desert and went to Dophkah and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan dezè Tsin nan pou te fè kan nan Dophka.
13 Then they/we left Dophkah and went to Alush and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Dophka pou te fè kan nan Alusch.
14 Then they/we left Alush and went and set up their/our tents at Rephidim, where they/we had no water to drink.
Yo te vwayaje soti Alusch pou te fè kan nan Rephidim. Se te la ke pèp la pa t gen dlo pou bwè a.
15 Then they/we left Rephidim and went to the Sinai Desert and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Rephidim pou te fè kan nan dezè Sinaï a.
16 Then they/we left the Sinai Desert and went to Kibroth-Hattaavah and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan dezè Sinaï a pou te fè kan nan Kibroth-Hattaava.
17 Then they/we left Kibroth-Hattaavah and went to Hazeroth and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Kibroth-Hattaava pou te fè kan nan Hatséroth.
18 Then they/we left Hazeroth and went to Rithmah and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Hatséroth pou te fè kan nan Rithma.
19 Then they/we left Rithmah and went to Rimmon-Perez and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Rithma pou te fè kan nan Rimmon-Pérets.
20 Then they/we left Rimmon-Perez and went to Libnah and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Rimmon-Pérets pou te fè kan nan Libna.
21 Then they/we left Libnah and went to Rissah and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Libna pou te fè kan nan Rissa.
22 Then they/we left Rissah and set up their/our tents at Kehelathah.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Rissa pou te fè kan nan Kehélatha.
23 Then they/we left Kehelathah and went to Shepher Mountain and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Kehélatha pou te fè kan nan Schapher.
24 Then they/we left Shepher and went to Haradah [Mountain] and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Mòn Schapher pou te fè kan nan Harda.
25 Then they/we left Haradah and went to Makheloth and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Harda pou te fè kan nan Makhéloth.
26 Then they/we left Makheloth and went to Tahath and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Makhéloth pou te fè kan nan Tahath.
27 Then they/we left Tahath and went to Terah and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Tahath pou te fè kan nan Tarach.
28 Then they/we left Terah and went to Mithcah and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Tarach pou te fè kan nan Mithka.
29 Then they/we left Mithcah and went to Hashmonah and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Mithka pou te fè kan nan Haschmona.
30 Then they/we left Hashmonah and went to Moseroth and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Haschmona pou te fè kan nan Moséroth.
31 Then they/we left Moseroth and went to Bene-Jaakan and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Moséroth pou te fè kan nan Bené-Jaakan.
32 Then they/we left Bene-Jaakan and went to Hor-Haggidgad and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Bené-Jaakan pou te fè kan nan Hor-Guidgad.
33 Then they/we left Hor-Haggidgad and went to Jotbathah and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Hor-Guidgad pou te fè kan nan Jothbatha.
34 Then they/we left Jotbathah and went to Abronah and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Jothbatha pou te fè kan nan Abrona.
35 Then they/we left Abronah and went to Ezion-Geber and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Abrona pou te fè kan nan Etsjon-Guéber.
36 Then they/we left Ezion-Geber and went to Zin Desert and set up their/our tents at Kadesh there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Etsjon-Guéber pou te fè kan nan dezè a Tsin nan: sa vle di, Kadès.
37 Then they/we left Kadesh and went to Hor Mountain, at the border of Edom land and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Kadès pou te fè kan nan Mòn Hor, nan lizyè peyi Édom an.
38 Aaron, the priest, obeyed Yahweh and climbed up the mountain. There he died, on the first day of their/our fifth month, 40 years after the/we Israelis left Egypt.
Konsa, Aaron, prèt la, te monte nan Mòn Hor selon lòd SENYÈ a, e li te mouri la nan karantyèm ane apre fis Israël yo te sòti nan peyi Égypte la, nan premye jou sou senkyèm mwa a.
39 Aaron was 123 years old when he died.
Aaron te gen san-venn-twazan lè li te mouri sou Mòn Hor a.
40 (That was when the king of Arad [city] heard that the/we Israelis were coming. Arad was in the southern part of Canaan, where the Canaan people-group lived.)
Alò, Kananeyen an, wa a Arad ki te rete Negev la nan peyi Canaran an, te tande ke fis Israël yo t ap pwoche.
41 The Israelis left Hor Mountain and went to Zalmonah and set up their/our tents there.
Alò, yo te vwayaje soti nan Mòn Hor pou te fè kan nan Tsalmona.
42 Then they/we left Zalmonah and went to Punon and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Tsalmona pou te fè kan nan Punon.
43 Then they/we left Punon and went to Oboth and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Punon pou te fè kan nan Oboth.
44 Then they/we left Oboth and went to Iye-Abarim, which was on the border of the Moab region, and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Oboth pou te fè kan nan Ijjé-Abarim nan lizyè Moab la.
45 Then they/we left Iye-Abarim and went to Dibon-Gad and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Ijjé-Abarim pou te fè kan nan Dibon-Gad.
46 Then they/we left Dibon-Gad and set up their/our tents at Almon-Diblathaim.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Dibon-Gad pou te fè kan nan Almon-Diblathaïm.
47 Then they/we left Almon-Diblathaim and went to the Abarim Mountains, near Nebo and set up their/our tents there.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan Almon-Diblathaïm pou te fè kan nan mòn Abarim yo devan Nebo.
48 Then they/we left the Abarim Mountains and went to the plains of the Moab region, near the Jordan [River], across from Jericho.
Yo te vwayaje soti nan mòn Abarim yo pou te fè kan nan plèn a Moab yo akote Jourdain an, anfas Jéricho.
49 They/We set up our tents there; their/our tents stretched [for several miles/km.] from Beth-Jeshimoth to Acacia.
Yo te fè kan akote Jourdain an, soti nan Beth-Jeschimoth pou jis rive nan Abel-Sittim nan plèn a Moab yo.
50 While we were there on the plains of the Moab [region] near the Jordan [River], across from Jericho, Yahweh spoke to Moses/me. He said,
Alò, SENYÈ a te pale avèk Moïse nan plèn a Moab yo akote Jourdain an anfas Jéricho. Li te di:
51 “Tell this to the Israeli people: When you cross the Jordan [River] and enter the Canaan [region],
Pale avèk fis Israël yo e di yo, “Lè nou fin travèse Jourdain an pou antre nan peyi Canaran an,
52 you must force all the people who live there to leave. Destroy all their carved statues and all their idols made of metal. Wreck all the places where they worship [their idols].
alò, nou va chase deyò tout abitan nan peyi a soti devan nou. Nou va detwi tout zidòl taye an wòch pa yo, detwi tout imaj fonn yo, e kraze nèt tout wo plas yo.
53 Take their land from them and start to live there, because I have given their land to you for you to own.
“Konsa, nou va pran posesyon peyi a pou viv ladann. Paske Mwen te bay peyi a a nou pou posede li.
54 “Divide up the land by throwing (lots/small stones which have been marked) [to decide which group will get which area]. Give the larger areas to the groups that have more people, and give the smaller areas to the groups that have fewer people. Each tribe will receive its own land.
Nou va eritye teren an pa tiraj osò selon fanmi nou yo. Pou pi gran fanmi yo, eritaj la va vin plis, pou pi piti yo, nou va bay mwens nan eritaj la. Nenpòt lè tiraj osò a tonbe sou nenpòt fanmi, sila a va pou li. Nou va eritye pa tribi a zansèt nou yo.
55 If you do not force the people who live there to leave, they will cause you to have much trouble. They will be like sharp hooks in your eyes, and like thorns in your sides. And they will bring trouble to you, in that land where you will be living.
“Men si nou pa pouse mete deyò, tout abitan peyi a devan nou, alò, li va vin rive ke sila ke nou kite pami nou yo, va vin pike zye nou. Yo va devni tankou pikan bò kote nou, e yo va twouble nou nan peyi kote nou rete a.
56 And then I will punish you, as I had planned to punish them.”
Epi li va rive ke sa M te anvizaje fè yo, M ap vin fè l nou.”

< Numbers 33 >