< Numbers 29 >
1 “[Each year], gather together to worship me on the first day of the seventh month, and do not do any work on that day. On that day [the priests] must blow their trumpets.
Ngenyanga yesikhombisa, ngosuku lokuqala lwenyanga, lizakuba-ke lenhlangano ebiziweyo engcwele; lingenzi lamsebenzi wezisebenzi. Kuzakuba lusuku lokutshaywa kwempondo kini.
2 When the offerings [on the altar on that day] are being completely burned, the smell will be very pleasing to me. The animals that you must bring are one young bull, one male sheep, and seven male lambs that are one-year-old. They must have no defects.
Njalo lizalungisa umnikelo wokutshiswa, kube luqhatshi olumnandi eNkosini, ijongosi elilodwa ithole lenkomo, inqama eyodwa, amawundlu ayisikhombisa alomnyaka owodwa, angelasici.
3 With these animals bring an offering of grain consisting of finely-ground flour mixed with [olive] oil. With the bull, bring six quarts/liters. With the male sheep, bring four quarts/liters,
Lomnikelo wakho wokudla wempuphu ecolekileyo ixubene lamafutha, okuthathu kwetshumi ngejongosi, okubili kwetshumi ngenqama,
4 and with each of the seven lambs bring two quarts/liters.
lokwetshumi okukodwa kumawundlu ayisikhombisa;
5 Also offer one male goat in order that you will be forgiven for your sins.
lezinyane lembuzi elilodwa libe ngumnikelo wesono, ukulenzela inhlawulo yokuthula;
6 All of those animals are in addition to the animals that are completely burned [on the altar] each morning and on the first day of each month. The offerings of grain and wine must be made exactly as I have told you to do. When these offerings are burned, the smell will be very pleasing to me.”
ngaphandle komnikelo wokutshiswa wenyanga, lomnikelo wawo wokudla, lomnikelo wokutshiswa wezikhathi zonke, lomnikelo wawo wokudla, leminikelo yayo yokunathwayo, ngokwesimiso sayo, kube luqhatshi olumnandi, umnikelo owenzelwe iNkosi ngomlilo.
7 “[Each year], on the tenth day of the seventh month, you must gather together to worship me. Do not eat any food or do any work on that day.
Ngosuku lwetshumi lwale inyanga yesikhombisa lizakuba lenhlangano ebiziweyo engcwele, njalo lizathobisa imiphefumulo yenu; lingenzi lamsebenzi,
8 When you burn offerings [on the altar] on that day, the smell will be very pleasing to me. The animals that you must bring are one young bull, one male sheep, and seven male lambs that are one-year-old. They must have no defects.
kodwa linikele umnikelo wokutshiswa eNkosini, kube luqhatshi olumnandi, ijongosi elilodwa ithole lenkomo, inqama eyodwa, amawundlu ayisikhombisa alomnyaka owodwa; azakuba ngangelasici kini.
9 With the bull, bring an offering of grain consisting of six quarts/liters of nice flour mixed with [olive] oil. With the male sheep, bring four quarts/liters.
Lomnikelo wakho wokudla wempuphu ecolekileyo ixubene lamafutha, okuthathu kwetshumi ngejongosi, okubili kwetshumi ngenqama eyodwa,
10 With each of the lambs, bring two quarts/liters.
yilokho lalokho okwetshumi ngewundlu elilodwa, kumawundlu ayisikhombisa;
11 Also bring one male goat to [enable me to forgive] you for the sins you have committed, and the animals and grain and wine that you burn [on the altar] each day to enable me to forgive you for the sins you have committed. Those offerings will be in addition to the animals and grain and wine that are completely burned [on the altar] each day.”
izinyane lembuzi elilodwa libe ngumnikelo wesono, ngaphandle komnikelo wesono wenhlawulo yokuthula, lomnikelo wokutshiswa wezikhathi zonke, lomnikelo wawo wokudla, leminikelo yayo yokunathwayo.
12 “On the fifteenth day of the seventh month [of each year], you must all gather together to worship me. You must not do any work on that day. You must continue to celebrate for seven days.
Langosuku lwetshumi lanhlanu lwenyanga yesikhombisa lizakuba lenhlangano ebiziweyo engcwele; lingenzi lamsebenzi wezisebenzi, liyigcinele iNkosi umkhosi insuku eziyisikhombisa,
13 When the offerings are burned [on the altar], the smell will be very pleasing to me. The animals that you must bring are 13 young bulls, two male sheep, and 14 male lambs that are one-year-old. These animals must have no defects.
linikele umnikelo wokutshiswa, umnikelo owenziwe ngomlilo, ube luqhatshi olumnandi eNkosini, amajongosi alitshumi lantathu amathole enkomo, inqama ezimbili, amawundlu alitshumi lane alomnyaka owodwa, azakuba ngangelasici.
14 With each of the 13 bulls, bring a grain offering of six quarts/liters of finely-ground flour mixed with [olive] oil. With each of the male sheep, bring four quarts/liters.
Lomnikelo wakho wokudla wempuphu ecolekileyo ixubene lamafutha, okuthathu kwetshumi ngejongosi elilodwa, kumajongosi alitshumi lantathu, okubili kwetshumi ngenqama eyodwa, kunqama ezimbili,
15 With each of the 14 lambs, bring two quarts/liters.
njalo yilokho lalokho okwetshumi ngewundlu elilodwa, kumawundlu alitshumi lane;
16 Also bring one male goat to be sacrificed [to enable me to forgive you] for your sins, in addition to the offerings of animals and grain and wine that are completely burned [on the altar] each day.
lezinyane lembuzi elilodwa libe ngumnikelo wesono, ngaphandle komnikelo wokutshiswa wezikhathi zonke, umnikelo wawo wokudla, lomnikelo wawo wokunathwayo.
17 “For the next six days of the festival, you must also bring animals to sacrifice. On the second day, bring twelve bulls. On the third/next day, bring eleven bulls. One the fourth/next day, bring ten bulls. On the fifth/next day, bring nine bulls. On the sixth/next day, bring eight bulls. On the seventh/last day, bring seven bulls. But on each of those days, all the other sacrifices and offerings that you bring will remain the same.
Langosuku lwesibili: Amajongosi alitshumi lambili amathole enkomo, inqama ezimbili, amawundlu alitshumi lane alomnyaka owodwa, angelasici,
lomnikelo wakho wokudla leminikelo yakho yokunathwayo ngamajongosi, ngezinqama, langamawundlu, ngokwenani lakho, ngokwesimiso,
lezinyane lembuzi elilodwa libe ngumnikelo wesono, ngaphandle komnikelo wokutshiswa wezikhathi zonke, lomnikelo wawo wokudla, leminikelo yayo yokunathwayo.
Langosuku lwesithathu: Amajongosi alitshumi lanye, inqama ezimbili, amawundlu alitshumi lane alomnyaka owodwa, angelasici,
lomnikelo wakho wokudla leminikelo yakho yokunathwayo ngamajongosi, ngezinqama, langamawundlu, ngokwenani lakho, ngokwesimiso,
lempongo eyodwa ibe ngumnikelo wesono, ngaphandle komnikelo wokutshiswa wezikhathi zonke, lomnikelo wawo wokudla, lomnikelo wawo wokunathwayo.
Langosuku lwesine: Amajongosi alitshumi, inqama ezimbili, amawundlu alitshumi lane alomnyaka owodwa, angelasici,
umnikelo wakho wokudla leminikelo yakho yokunathwayo ngamajongosi, ngezinqama, langamawundlu, ngokwenani lakho, ngokwesimiso,
lezinyane lembuzi elilodwa libe ngumnikelo wesono, ngaphandle komnikelo wokutshiswa wezikhathi zonke, umnikelo wawo wokudla, lomnikelo wawo wokunathwayo.
Langosuku lwesihlanu: Amajongosi ayisificamunwemunye, inqama ezimbili, amawundlu alitshumi lane alomnyaka owodwa, angelasici,
lomnikelo wakho wokudla leminikelo yakho yokunathwayo ngamajongosi, ngezinqama, langamawundlu, ngokwenani lakho, ngokwesimiso,
lempongo eyodwa ibe ngumnikelo wesono, ngaphandle komnikelo wokutshiswa wezikhathi zonke, lomnikelo wawo wokudla, lomnikelo wawo wokunathwayo.
Langosuku lwesithupha: Amajongosi ayisificaminwembili, inqama ezimbili, amawundlu alitshumi lane alomnyaka owodwa, angelasici,
lomnikelo wakho wokudla leminikelo yakho yokunathwayo, ngamajongosi, ngezinqama, langamawundlu, ngokwenani lakho, ngokwesimiso,
lempongo eyodwa ibe ngumnikelo wesono, ngaphandle komnikelo wokutshiswa wezikhathi zonke, umnikelo wawo wokudla, lomnikelo wawo wokunathwayo.
Langosuku lwesikhombisa: Amajongosi ayisikhombisa, inqama ezimbili, amawundlu alitshumi lane alomnyaka owodwa, angelasici,
lomnikelo wakho wokudla leminikelo yakho yokunathwayo, ngamajongosi, ngezinqama, langamawundlu, ngokwenani lakho, ngokwesimiso,
lempongo eyodwa ibe ngumnikelo wesono, ngaphandle komnikelo wokutshiswa wezikhathi zonke, umnikelo wawo wokudla, lomnikelo wawo wokunathwayo.
35 “On the eighth day of the festival, you must [again] gather together to worship me, and do not do any work on that day.
Ngosuku lwesificaminwembili lizakuba lomhlangano omkhulu; lingenzi lamsebenzi wezisebenzi,
36 On that day, you must bring to the altar one bull, one full-grown ram, and seven lambs that are one-year-old. These animals must have no defects. They must all be burned on the altar, and their smell will please me.
kodwa linikele umnikelo wokutshiswa, umnikelo owenziwe ngomlilo, uqhatshi olumnandi eNkosini: Ijongosi elilodwa, inqama eyodwa, amawundlu ayisikhombisa alomnyaka owodwa, angelasici,
37 Bring also with the bull and the male sheep and each of the lambs the offerings of grain and wine that (are required/I told you to bring).
umnikelo wakho wokudla, leminikelo yakho yokunathwayo, ngejongosi, ngenqama, langamawundlu, ngokwenani lakho, ngokwesimiso,
38 Also offer one male goat to be sacrificed [to enable me to forgive you] for your sins. These animals will be in addition to the offerings of animals and grain and wine that are completely burned [on the altar] each day.
lempongo eyodwa ibe ngumnikelo wesono, ngaphandle komnikelo wokutshiswa wezikhathi zonke, lomnikelo wawo wokudla, lomnikelo wawo wokunathwayo.
39 “At your festivals, these are the offerings that you must bring to me: The offerings that will be completely burned [on the altar], the offerings of grain and wine, and the offerings to maintain fellowship with me. Those are in addition to the offerings that you give to me because you promised to do something, and other special offerings that you want to give to me.”
Lezizinto lizazenzela iNkosi emikhosini yenu emisiweyo, ngaphandle kwezithembiso zenu, leminikelo yenu yesihle, leminikelo yenu yokutshiswa, leminikelo yenu yokudla, leminikelo yenu yokunathwayo, leminikelo yenu yokuthula.
40 Then Moses/I told to the Israeli people all the things that Yahweh had commanded him/me.
UMozisi wasekhuluma ebantwaneni bakoIsrayeli njengakho konke iNkosi emlaye ngakho uMozisi.