< Numbers 26 >

1 After the plague [ended], Yahweh said to Eleazar and Moses/me,
postquam noxiorum sanguis effusus est dixit Dominus ad Mosen et Eleazarum filium Aaron sacerdotem
2 “Count all the people of Israel [again]. Write down the names of all the men who are at least 20 years old who are able to fight [in battles], along with their family names.”
numerate omnem summam filiorum Israhel a viginti annis et supra per domos et cognationes suas cunctos qui possunt ad bella procedere
3 So while the Israelis were on the plains where the Moab people-group lived, Eleazar and Moses/I told this to the Israeli leaders:
locuti sunt itaque Moses et Eleazar sacerdos in campestribus Moab super Iordanem contra Hierichum ad eos qui erant
4 “Write down the names of all the Israeli men who are at least 20 years old, as Yahweh has commanded us.” [So they did that], and this is a record of all the descendants of Jacob who came out of Egypt [who were still alive].
a viginti annis et supra sicut Dominus imperarat quorum iste est numerus
5 [They counted] 43,730 men from the tribe of Reuben, Jacob’s oldest son. They were in clans descended from Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi.
Ruben primogenitus Israhel huius filius Enoch a quo familia Enochitarum et Phallu a quo familia Phalluitarum
et Esrom a quo familia Esromitarum et Charmi a quo familia Charmitarum
hae sunt familiae de stirpe Ruben quarum numerus inventus est quadraginta tria milia et septingenti triginta
8 Pallu’s son was Eliab
filius Phallu Heliab
9 and his grandsons were Nemuel, Dathan and Abiram. Dathan and Abiram were the leaders who joined with Korah to conspire against Aaron and Moses/me and rebelled against Yahweh.
huius filii Namuhel et Dathan et Abiram isti sunt Dathan et Abiram principes populi qui surrexerunt contra Mosen et Aaron in seditione Core quando adversum Dominum rebellaverunt
10 But the earth opened up and swallowed them and Korah. Yahweh also sent a fire that burned up 250 men who supported those three men. That was a warning [to all the Israeli people] that they should respect and obey the leaders whom Yahweh had appointed.
et aperiens terra os suum devoravit Core morientibus plurimis quando conbusit ignis ducentos quinquaginta viros et factum est grande miraculum
11 But the descendants of Korah did not die [on that day].
ut Core pereunte filii illius non perirent
12 The Israeli leaders counted 22,200 men from the tribe of Simeon. They were in clans descended from Nemuel, Jamin, Jakin, Zerah, and Shaul.
filii Symeon per cognationes suas Namuhel ab hoc familia Namuhelitarum Iamin ab hoc familia Iaminitarum Iachin ab hoc familia Iachinitarum
Zare ab hoc familia Zareitarum Saul ab hoc familia Saulitarum
hae sunt familiae de stirpe Symeon quarum omnis numerus fuit viginti duo milia ducentorum
15 They counted 40,500 men from the tribe of Gad. They were in clans descended from Zephon, Haggi, Shuni, Ozni, Eri, Arod, and Areli.
filii Gad per cognationes suas Sephon ab hoc familia Sephonitarum Aggi ab hoc familia Aggitarum Suni ab hoc familia Sunitarum
Ozni ab hoc familia Oznitarum Heri ab hoc familia Heritarum
Arod ab hoc familia Aroditarum Arihel ab hoc familia Arihelitarum
istae sunt familiae Gad quarum omnis numerus fuit quadraginta milia quingentorum
19 They counted 76,500 men from the tribe of Judah. They were in clans descended from Shelah, Perez, Zerah, Hezron, and Hamul. Judah’s other two sons, Er and Onan, died in Canaan [without having had any children].
filii Iuda Her et Onan qui ambo mortui sunt in terra Chanaan
fueruntque filii Iuda per cognationes suas Sela a quo familia Selanitarum Phares a quo familia Pharesitarum Zare a quo familia Zareitarum
porro filii Phares Esrom a quo familia Esromitarum et Amul a quo familia Amulitarum
istae sunt familiae Iuda quarum omnis numerus fuit septuaginta milia quingentorum
23 They counted 64,300 men from the tribe of Issachar. They were in clans descended from Tola, Puvah, Jashub, and Shimron.
filii Isachar per cognationes suas Thola a quo familia Tholaitarum Phua a quo familia Phuaitarum
Iasub a quo familia Iasubitarum Semran a quo familia Semranitarum
hae sunt cognationes Isachar quarum numerus fuit sexaginta quattuor milia trecentorum
26 They counted 60,500 men from the tribe of Zebulun. They were in clans descended from Sered, Elon, and Jahleel.
filii Zabulon per cognationes suas Sared a quo familia Sareditarum Helon a quo familia Helonitarum Ialel a quo familia Ialelitarum
hae sunt cognationes Zabulon quarum numerus fuit sexaginta milia quingentorum
28 They counted 52,700 men from the tribe of Manasseh, who was one of the sons of Joseph. They were in clans descended from Machir, from his son Gilead, and from his six grandsons—Jezer, Helek, Asriel, Shechem, Shemida, and Hepher. Hepher’s son Zelophehad did not have any sons, but he had five daughters—Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah.
filii Ioseph per cognationes suas Manasse et Ephraim
de Manasse ortus est Machir a quo familia Machiritarum Machir genuit Galaad a quo familia Galaaditarum
Galaad habuit filios Hiezer a quo familia Hiezeritarum et Elec a quo familia Elecarum
et Asrihel a quo familia Asrihelitarum et Sechem a quo familia Sechemitarum
et Semida a quo familia Semidatarum et Epher a quo familia Epheritarum
fuit autem Epher pater Salphaad qui filios non habebat sed tantum filias quarum ista sunt nomina Maala et Noa et Egla et Melcha et Thersa
hae sunt familiae Manasse et numerus earum quinquaginta duo milia septingentorum
35 They counted 32,500 men from the tribe of Ephraim, who was Joseph’s other son. They were in clans descended from Shuthelah, Becher, Tahan, and Shuthelah’s son Eran.
filii autem Ephraim per cognationes suas fuerunt hii Suthala a quo familia Suthalitarum Becher a quo familia Becheritarum Tehen a quo familia Tehenitarum
porro filius Suthala fuit Heran a quo familia Heranitarum
hae sunt cognationes filiorum Ephraim quarum numerus triginta duo milia quingentorum
38 They counted 45,600 men from the tribe of Benjamin. They were in clans descended from Bela, Ashbel, Ahiram, Shephupham, and Hupham, and from Bela’s two sons—Ard and Naaman.
isti sunt filii Ioseph per familias suas filii Beniamin in cognationibus suis Bale a quo familia Baleitarum Azbel a quo familia Azbelitarum Ahiram a quo familia Ahiramitarum
Supham a quo familia Suphamitarum Hupham a quo familia Huphamitarum
filii Bale Hered et Noeman de Hered familia Hereditarum de Noeman familia Noemitarum
hii sunt filii Beniamin per cognationes suas quorum numerus quadraginta quinque milia sescentorum
42 They counted 64,400 men from the tribe of Dan. They were in one clan descended from Shuham.
filii Dan per cognationes suas Suham a quo familia Suhamitarum hae cognationes Dan per familias suas
omnes fuere Suhamitae quorum numerus erat sexaginta quattuor milia quadringentorum
44 They counted 53,400 men from the tribe of Asher. They were in clans descended from Imnah, Ishvi, and Beriah, and from Beriah’s two sons—Heber and Malkiel. Asher also had a daughter named Serah.
filii Aser per cognationes suas Iemna a quo familia Iemnaitarum Iessui a quo familia Iessuitarum Brie a quo familia Brieitarum
filii Brie Haber a quo familia Haberitarum et Melchihel a quo familia Melchihelitarum
nomen autem filiae Aser fuit Sara
hae cognationes filiorum Aser et numerus eorum quinquaginta tria milia quadringentorum
48 They counted 45,400 men from the tribe of Naphtali. They were in clans descended from Jahzeel, Guni, Jezer, and Shillem.
filii Nepthalim per cognationes suas Iessihel a quo familia Iessihelitarum Guni a quo familia Gunitarum
Iesser a quo familia Iesseritarum Sellem a quo familia Sellemitarum
hae sunt cognationes filiorum Nepthalim per familias suas quorum numerus quadraginta quinque milia quadringentorum
51 The total of the Israeli men whom the leaders counted was 601,730.
ista est summa filiorum Israhel qui recensiti sunt sescenta milia et mille septingenti triginta
52 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me,
locutusque est Dominus ad Mosen dicens
53 “Divide Canaan land among the tribes. Distribute the land according the number of people in each tribe that are on your lists.
istis dividetur terra iuxta numerum vocabulorum in possessiones suas
54 Decide by (casting lots/throwing stones which are marked) to determine which group will get which area, but give the largest areas to the groups with the most people.”
pluribus maiorem partem dabis et paucioribus minorem singulis sicut nunc recensiti sunt tradetur possessio
ita dumtaxat ut sors terram tribubus dividat et familiis
quicquid sorte contigerit hoc vel plures accipient vel pauciores
57 The leaders also counted the male descendants of Levi. They were in clans descended from Gershon, Kohath, and Merari.
hic quoque est numerus filiorum Levi per familias suas Gerson a quo familia Gersonitarum Caath a quo familia Caathitarum Merari a quo familia Meraritarum
58 These also included people from the clans of Libni, Hebron, Mahli, Mushi, and Korah. All of them were descendants of Levi. Kohath was the ancestor of Amram,
hae sunt familiae Levi familia Lobni familia Hebroni familia Mooli familia Musi familia Cori at vero Caath genuit Amram
59 whose wife was Jochebed. She also was a descendant of Levi, but she was born in Egypt. She and Amram had two sons, Aaron and Moses/me, and their/our [older] sister Miriam.
qui habuit uxorem Iochabed filiam Levi quae nata est ei in Aegypto haec genuit viro suo Amram filios Aaron et Mosen et Mariam sororem eorum
60 Aaron’s sons were Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
de Aaron orti sunt Nadab et Abiu et Eleazar et Ithamar
61 But Nadab and Abihu died when they burned [incense for a sacrifice] to Yahweh in a way that disobeyed what Yahweh had commanded.
quorum Nadab et Abiu mortui sunt cum obtulissent ignem alienum coram Domino
62 The leaders counted 23,000 men from the descendants of Levi who were at least one month old. But these men were not counted when the rest of the Israeli people [were counted], because they were not given any land.
fueruntque omnes qui numerati sunt viginti tria milia generis masculini ab uno mense et supra quia non sunt recensiti inter filios Israhel nec eis cum ceteris data possessio
63 Those were the men whom Eleazar and Moses/I said should be counted. They counted the Israeli people on the plains where the Moab people-group lived, on the [east] side of the Jordan River, across from Jericho [city].
hic est numerus filiorum Israhel qui descripti sunt a Mosen et Eleazaro sacerdote in campestribus Moab supra Iordanem contra Hiericho
64 None of the men whom they counted were on the lists that were made by Aaron and Moses/me when the Israelis were in the Sinai Desert,
inter quos nullus fuit eorum qui ante numerati sunt a Mose et Aaron in deserto Sinai
65 because Yahweh had said about them, “They will all die in this desert,” [and that is what happened]. The only ones who were still alive were Jephunneh’s son Caleb and Nun’s son Joshua.
praedixerat enim Dominus quod omnes morerentur in solitudine nullusque remansit ex eis nisi Chaleb filius Iepphonne et Iosue filius Nun

< Numbers 26 >