< Numbers 25 >

1 While the Israelis were camped at a place called Acacia [Grove], some of the men caused themselves to become unacceptable to God by having sex with some of the women of the Moab [people-group who lived in that area].
Un Israēls mita iekš Sitimas, un tie ļaudis sāka maucību dzīt ar Moabiešu meitām.
2 Then those women invited the men to come when the sacrifices were being offered to their gods. The Israeli men [accepted]. They went to the feasts with the women and worshiped the gods of the Moab people-group.
Un tās aicināja tos ļaudis pie savu dievu upuriem, un tie ļaudis ēda un metās zemē priekš viņu dieviem.
3 By doing that, those Israeli people joined the women in worshiping the god Baal [add] the Moab people-group thought lived on Peor Mountain. That caused Yahweh to become very angry with his people.
Kad nu Israēls sapinās ar Baāl Peoru, tad Tā Kunga bardzība iedegās pret Israēli,
4 Yahweh said this to Moses/me: “Seize all the leaders of those men who are doing this and execute them while I am watching. Do that in the daytime. After you do that, I will no longer be angry with the Israeli people.”
Un Tas Kungs sacīja uz Mozu: ņem visus ļaužu virsniekus un pakar tos Tam Kungam pret sauli, lai Tā Kunga bargā dusmība no Israēla nostājās.
5 So Moses/I said to the other Israeli leaders, “Each of you must execute your men who have joined [others] in worshiping Baal.”
Tad Mozus sacīja uz Israēla soģiem: nokaujiet ikviens savus ļaudis, kas ar Baāl Peoru sapinušies,
6 [But later], while Moses/I and many [HYP] other people were crying at the entrance of the Sacred Tent, while they/we were watching, one of the Israeli men brought a woman from the Midian people-group into his tent [and started to have sex with her].
Un redzi, viens vīrs no Israēla bērniem nāca un atveda pie saviem brāļiem Midijaniešu sievu priekš Mozus acīm un priekš visas Israēla bērnu draudzes acīm; un šie raudāja priekš saiešanas telts durvīm.
7 When Phinehas, who was the grandson of Aaron, saw that, he grabbed a spear
Kad Pinehas, Eleazara dēls, priestera Ārona dēla dēls, to ieraudzīja, tad viņš cēlās no draudzes vidus un ņēma šķēpu savā rokā,
8 and rushed into the man’s tent. He thrust the spear completely through the man’s body and into the woman’s belly [and killed both of them]. When he did that, the (plague/serious illness) [that had started to strike the Israelis] stopped.
Un gāja tam Israēla vīram pakaļ mauku kaktā un pārdūra abus caur vēderu, to Israēla vīru un to sievu.
9 But 24,000 people had already died [from that plague].
Tad tā mocība mitējās no Israēla bērniem; un to, kas tai mocībā nomira, bija divdesmit četri tūkstoši.
10 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me,
Tad Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un sacīja:
11 “Phinehas has caused me to stop being angry with the Israeli people, by being as eager as I am [to stop this sinful behavior]. I was ready to get rid of all the Israeli people because I was extremely angry, but Phinehas has prevented me from doing that.
Pinehas, Eleazara dēls, priestera Ārona dēla dēls, Manu bardzību novērsis no Israēla bērniem, dusmodamies ar Manām dusmām viņu vidū, tā ka Es Israēla bērnus neesmu izdeldējis Savā dusmībā.
12 Now tell him that I am making a special peace agreement with him.
Tādēļ saki: redzi, Es viņam došu Savu miera derību;
13 In this agreement, I am promising to give to him and to his descendants the right/authority to be priests. I am doing this because [he showed that] he was very eager to honor me, his God, by stopping this sinful behavior. He has caused the Israeli people to become acceptable to me again by causing them to be forgiven for their sin.”
Un viņam un viņa dzimumam pēc viņa būs mūžīgas priesterības derība, tāpēc ka viņš par savu Dievu iededzies un Israēla bērnus salīdzinājis.
14 The Israeli man who was killed with the woman of the Moab people-group was named Zimri. He was the son of Salu, who was the leader of a family from the tribe of Simeon.
Un tā nokautā Israēliešu vīra vārds, kas līdz ar to Midijaniešu sievu bija nokauts, bija Zimrus, Šalus dēls, virsnieks Sīmeana ciltī.
15 The woman’s name was Cozbi. She was the daughter of Zur, who was the leader of one of the clans of the Midian people-group.
Un tās nokautās Midijaniešu sievas vārds bija Kazbi, Curus meita, kas bija ļaužu virsnieks kādā Midijaniešu ciltī.
16 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me,
Un Tas Kungs runāja uz Mozu un sacīja:
17 “[Take your men and] attack the Midian people-group and kill them.
Uzbrūkat tiem Midijaniešiem un kaujat tos.
18 They have become your enemies, because they tricked you Israeli people and induced/persuaded many of you to worship Baal, and because [one of your men had sex with] Cozbi, who was the daughter of a leader of the Midian people-group. She was killed at the time the plague [started because the people sinned] at Peor [Mountain].”
Jo tie jums ir uzbrukuši ar savām viltībām, ar ko tie jūs pievīluši caur Peoru un caur savu māsu Kazbi, Midijana virsnieka meitu, kas ir nokauta tai mocības dienā Peora dēļ.

< Numbers 25 >