< Numbers 21 >

1 The king of Arad [city] lived in the area where the Canaan people-group lived, in the desert in the southern part of the land. He heard a report that the Israelis were approaching on the road to Atharim [village]. So his army attacked the Israelis and captured some of them.
El rey cananeo de Arad, que vivía en el Néguev, se enteró de que los israelitas se acercaban por el camino de Atharim. Fue y atacó a Israel y tomó a algunos de ellos prisioneros.
2 Then the Israelis solemnly vowed: “Yahweh, if you will help us to defeat these people, we will completely destroy all their towns.”
Así que Israel hizo una promesa solemne al Señor: “Si nos entregas a esta gente, nos comprometemos a destruir completamente sus pueblos”.
3 Yahweh heard what they requested, and he enabled them to defeat the army of the Canaan people-group. The Israeli soldiers killed all the people and destroyed their towns. [Ever since that time], that place has been called Hormah [which means ‘destruction’].
El Señor respondió a su invitación y les entregó a los cananeos. Los israelitas los destruyeron completamente a ellos y a sus pueblos, y llamaron al lugar Horma.
4 Then the Israelis left Hor Mountain and traveled on the road towards the Red Sea, in order to go around [the land of] Edom. But the people became impatient along the way,
Los israelitas dejaron el Monte Hor por el camino que lleva al Mar Rojo para evitar viajar por el país de Edom. Pero el pueblo se puso de mal humor en el camino
5 and they began to grumble/complain against God and against Moses/me. They said, “Why have you brought us out of Egypt to die here in this desert [RHQ]? There is nothing to eat here, and nothing to drink. And we detest this lousy [manna] food!”
y se quejó contra Dios y contra Moisés, diciendo: “¿Por qué nos sacaste de Egipto para morir en el desierto? No tenemos ni pan ni agua, y odiamos esta horrible comida!”
6 So Yahweh sent poisonous snakes among them. Many of the people were bitten by the snakes and died.
Así que el Señor envió serpientes venenosas para atacarlos, y muchos israelitas fueron mordidos y murieron.
7 Then the people came to Moses/me and cried out, saying, “We [now know that we] have sinned against Yahweh and against you. Pray to Yahweh, asking that he will take away the snakes!” So Moses/I prayed for the people.
El pueblo fue a ver a Moisés y le dijo: “Nos equivocamos al presentar quejas contra el Señor y contra ti. Por favor, ruega al Señor que nos quite las serpientes de encima”. Moisés rezó al Señor en su nombre.
8 Then Yahweh told him/me, “Make a model/image of a poisonous snake, and attach it to the top of a pole. If those who are bitten by the snakes look at that model, they will (recover/get well).”
El Señor le dijo a Moisés: “Haz una maqueta de una serpiente y ponla en un palo. Cuando alguien que haya sido mordido la mire, vivirá”.
9 So Moses/I made a snake from bronze and attached it to the top of a pole. Then, when those who had been bitten by a snake looked at the bronze snake, they recovered!
Moisés hizo una serpiente de bronce y la puso en un poste. Aquellos que la miraron vivieron.
10 Then the Israelis traveled to Oboth and (camped/set up their tents) there.
Los israelitas salieron y acamparon en Obot.
11 Then they left there, and went to Iye-Abarim, in the desert on the eastern border of Moab.
Luego se fueron de Obot y acamparon en Iye-abarim en el desierto en el lado este de Moab.
12 From there they traveled to the valley where the Zered riverbed is, and camped there.
Se fueron de allí y acamparon en el Valle de Zered.
13 Then they traveled to the north side of the Arnon [River]. That area is in the desert next to the land where the Amor people-group lived. The Arnon [River] is the boundary between Moab and where the Amor people-group lived.
Luego se trasladaron de allí y acamparon en el lado más alejado del río Arnón, en el desierto cerca del territorio de Amorite. El río Arnón es la frontera entre Moab y los amorreos.
14 That is why in the book called ‘The Book of the Wars of Yahweh’ it tells about “Waheb [town] in the Suphah area, and the ravines there; and the Arnon [River]
Por eso el Libro de las Guerras del Señor se refiere “al pueblo de Vaheb en Sufa y al barranco de Arnón,
15 and the ravines there, which extend as far as Ar [village] on the border of Moab.”
a las laderas del barranco que llegan al pueblo de Ar que está en la frontera con Moab”.
16 From there, the Israelis traveled to Beer. There was a well there, where Yahweh previously had said to Moses/me, “Gather the people together, and I will give them water.”
Desde allí se trasladaron a Beer, el pozo donde el Señor le dijo a Moisés, “Haz que el pueblo se reúna para que pueda darles agua”.
17 There the Israelis sang this song: “O well, give us water! Sing about this well!
Entonces los israelitas cantaron esta canción: “¡Echen agua en el pozo! ¡Cada uno de ustedes, cante!
18 Sing about this well which our leaders dug; they dug out [the dirt] with their royal scepters and their walking sticks.” Then the Israelis left that desert and went through Mattanah,
Los jefes de las tribus cavaron el pozo; sí, los jefes del pueblo cavaron el pozo con sus varas de autoridad y sus bastones”. Los israelitas dejaron el desierto y siguieron hasta Matanaá
19 Nahaliel, and Bamoth [villages].
Desde Mataná viajaron a Nahaliel, de Nahaliel a Bamot,
20 Then they went to the valley in Moab where Pisgah [Mountain] rises above the desert.
y de Bamoth al valle en el territorio de Moab donde la cima del Monte Pisga mira hacia los páramos.
21 Then the Israelis sent messengers to Sihon, the king of the Amor people-group. This was the message [that they/we gave him]:
Entonces Israel envió mensajeros a Sehón, rey de los amorreos, con la siguiente petición:
22 “Allow us to travel through your country. We will stay on the king’s highway, [the main road that goes from the south to the north], until we have finished traveling through your land. We will not walk through any field or vineyard, or drink water from your wells.”
“Por favor, permítanos viajar a través de su país. No cruzaremos ninguno de sus campos o viñedos, ni beberemos agua de ninguno de sus pozos. Permaneceremos en la Carretera del Rey hasta que hayamos pasado por su país”.
23 But King Sihon refused. He would not allow them to walk through his land. Instead, he sent his whole army to attack the Israelis in the desert. They attacked the Israelis at Jahaz [village].
Pero Sehón se negó a permitir que los israelitas viajaran por su territorio. En su lugar, llamó a todo su ejército y salió al encuentro de los israelitas de frente en el desierto. Cuando llegó a Jahaz, atacó a los israelitas.
24 But the Israelis completely defeated them and occupied their land, from the Arnon [River in the south] to the Jabbok [River in the north]. They stopped at the border of the land where the Ammon people-group lived, because [the Ammon army was defending] the border strongly.
Los israelitas los derrotaron, matándolos con sus espadas. Se apoderaron de su tierra desde el río Arnón hasta el río Jaboc, pero sólo hasta la frontera de los amonitas, porque estaba bien defendida.
25 So the Israelis occupied all the cities and towns where the Amor people-group lived, and some of the Israelis began to live in them. They occupied Heshbon [city] and the nearby villages.
Los israelitas conquistaron todos los pueblos amorreos y se apoderaron de ellos, incluyendo Hesbón y sus pueblos vecinos.
26 Heshbon was the capital of the country. It was the city where King Sihon ruled. His army had previously defeated the army of the king of Moab, and then his people had begun to live in all of the land of Moab as far as the Arnon [River in the south].
Hesbón era la capital de Sehón, rey de los amorreos, que había luchado contra el anterior rey de Moab y le había quitado todas sus tierras hasta el río Arnón.
27 For that reason, one of the poets wrote long ago, “Come to Heshbon, the city where King Sihon [ruled]. We want the city to be restored/rebuilt.
Por eso los antiguos compositores escribieron: “¡Vengan a Hesbón y hagan que la reconstruyan; restauren la ciudad de Sehón!
28 A fire blazed from Heshbon; it burned down Ar [city] in Moab, it destroyed [everything on] the hills along the Arnon [River].
Porque un fuego salió de Hesbón, una llama de la ciudad de Sihón. Quemó a Ar en Moab, donde los gobernantes viven en las alturas de Arnón.
29 You people of Moab, terrible things have happened to you! You people who [worship your god] Chemosh have been (annihilated/wiped out)! The men who [worshiped] [MET] Chemosh have run away and are now refugees, and the women [who worshiped him] have been captured by [the army of] Sihon, the king of the Amor people-group.
¡Qué desastre enfrentas, Moab! ¡Vais a morir todos, pueblo de Quemos! Entregaste a tus hijos como exiliados y a tus hijas como prisioneras a Sehón, rey de los amorreos.
30 But we have defeated [Sihon and] those descendants of Amor, all the way from Heshbon [in the north] to Dibon [city in the south]. We have completely obliterated/destroyed them as far as Nophah and Medeba [towns].”
¡Pero ahora hemos derrotado a los amorreos! El gobierno de Heshbon ha sido destruido hasta Dibon. Los aniquilamos hasta Nofa y hasta Medeba”.
31 So the Israeli people began to live in the land where the Amor people-group lived.
Los israelitas ocuparon el país de los amorreos.
32 After Moses/I sent some men to explore the area near Jazer [city], Israeli people began to live in all the towns in that region and expelled the Amor people-group who lived there.
Moisés envió hombres a explorar Jazer. Los israelitas conquistaron los pueblos de los alrededores y expulsaron a los amorreos que vivían allí.
33 Then they turned [north] toward the Bashan region, but King Og of Bashan and all his army attacked them at Edrei [town].
Luego continuaron en el camino hacia Basán. Og, rey de Basán, dirigió a todo su ejército para enfrentarse a ellos de frente, y luchó contra ellos en Edrei.
34 Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Do not be afraid of Og, because I am going to enable your men to defeat him and his army, and to take possession of all his land. You will do to him what you did to Sihon, the king of the Amor people-group, who ruled in Heshbon.”
El Señor le dijo a Moisés: “No tienes que temerle, porque yo te lo he entregado, junto con todo su pueblo y su tierra. Hazle lo que hiciste con Sehón, rey de los amorreos, que gobernó desde Hesbón”.
35 And that is what happened. We Israelis defeated Og’s army, and killed King Og and his sons and all his people. Not a person survived! And then we Israelis began to live in their land.
Así que mataron a Og, a sus hijos y a todo su ejército. Nadie sobrevivió, y los israelitas se apoderaron de su país.

< Numbers 21 >