< Numbers 19 >

1 Yahweh said to Aaron and Moses/me,
E o SENHOR falou a Moisés e a Arão, dizendo:
2 “I am now giving to you another regulation. Tell the Israeli people to bring to you one reddish-brown cow that has no defects. It must be an animal that (has never been/no one has ever) used for plowing ground.
Esta é a ordenança da lei que o SENHOR prescreveu, dizendo: Dize aos filhos de Israel que te tragam uma novilha vermelha, sem defeito, que não tenha mancha, sobre a qual não se tenha posto jugo;
3 Give it to Eleazar, the priest. He must take it outside the camp and slaughter it [and drain the blood in a basin].
e a dareis ao sacerdote Eleazar. Ele a tirará fora do acampamento, e a fará degolar em sua presença.
4 He must dip one of his fingers in the blood and sprinkle some of it seven times [on the ground] near the Sacred Tent.
E tomará Eleazar o sacerdote de seu sangue com seu dedo, e espargirá até a dianteira do tabernáculo do testemunho com o sangue dela sete vezes;
5 Then, while Eleazar watches, the cow must be burned completely—its hide, its meat, [the rest of] its blood, and even its dung.
E fará queimar a vaca ante seus olhos: seu couro e sua carne e seu sangue, com seu excremento, fará queimar.
6 Eliezer then must take a stick of cedar wood, a stalk of [a plant named] hyssop, and some scarlet/red yarn, and throw them into the fire where the cow is burning.
Logo tomará o sacerdote pau de cedro, e hissopo, e escarlata, e o lançará em meio do fogo em que arde a vaca.
7 “Then the priest must wash his clothes and bathe. After doing that, he may return to the camp. But he will be unfit for doing any sacred work until that evening.
O sacerdote lavará logo suas roupas, lavará também sua carne com água, e depois entrará no acampamento; e será impuro o sacerdote até à tarde.
8 The man who burns the cow must also wash his clothes and bathe, and he will also be unacceptable to me until that evening.
Também o que a queimou, lavará suas roupas em água, também lavará em água sua carne, e será impuro até à tarde.
9 “Then someone who has not become unacceptable to me must gather up the ashes of the cow and put them in a (sacred place/place that is acceptable to me) outside the camp. The ashes must be kept there for the people of Israel to [use when they] mix it with water for the ritual to remove the guilt of sin.
E um homem limpo recolherá as cinzas da vaca, e as porá fora do acampamento em lugar limpo, e as guardará a congregação dos filhos de Israel para a água de separação: é uma expiação.
10 The man who gathers up the ashes of the cow must [also] wash his clothes, and he [also] will be unfit to do any more sacred work until that evening. That is a regulation that will never be changed. It must be obeyed by you Israeli people and by any foreigners who live among you.
E o que recolheu as cinzas da vaca, lavará suas roupas, e será impuro até à tarde: e será aos filhos de Israel, e ao estrangeiro que peregrina entre eles, por estatuto perpétuo.
11 “All those who touch a corpse will be unacceptable to me for seven days.
O que tocar morto de qualquer pessoa humana, sete dias será impuro:
12 On the third day and on the seventh day [after touching a corpse], in order to become acceptable to me again, [they must have sprinkled on them] some of that water for removing the guilt of their sin. If they do not do that on both of those days, they will continue to be unacceptable to me.
Este se purificará ao terceiro dia com esta água, e ao sétimo dia será limpo; e se ao terceiro dia não se purificar, não será limpo ao sétimo dia.
13 All those who touch a corpse, and do not perform in the correct way the ritual to become acceptable to me again, defile Yahweh’s Sacred Tent. They will no longer be permitted to live among the Israeli people. The water to remove the guilt of sin was not sprinkled on them, so they continue to be unacceptable to me.
Qualquer um que tocar em morto, em pessoa de homem que estiver morto, e não se purificar, o tabernáculo do SENHOR contaminou; e aquela pessoa será eliminada de Israel: porquanto a água da separação não foi espargida sobre ele, impuro será; e seu impureza será sobre ele.
14 “There is another ritual that must be performed when someone dies inside a tent. All those who were inside that tent when that person died or who enter that tent will be unacceptable to me for seven days.
Esta é a lei para quando alguém morrer na tenda: qualquer um que entrar na tenda e todo o que estiver nela, será impuro sete dias.
15 Any jars that are inside that tent that are not covered are not permitted to be used.
E todo vaso aberto, sobre o qual não houver tampa bem ajustada, sera impuro.
16 If someone who is out in a field touches the corpse of someone who was murdered, or who died from natural causes, or if someone touches a bone from some human or touches a grave, that person will be unacceptable to me for seven days.
E qualquer um que tocar em morto à espada sobre a face do campo, ou em morto, ou em osso humano, ou em sepulcro, sete dias será impuro.
17 “For someone like that to become acceptable to me again, some of the ashes from [the cow] that was burned must be taken and put in a jar. Then some fresh water must be poured over the ashes.
E para o impuro tomarão da cinza da queimada vaca da expiação, e lançarão sobre ela água viva em um vaso:
18 Then someone who is still acceptable to me must take a stalk of [a plant named] hyssop and dip it into the water. Then that person must sprinkle some of the water on the tent where that person died, on the things that are in the tent, and on the people who were in the tent. He must also sprinkle some of that water on any person who touched a human bone or who touched a person who died, or who touched a grave.
E um homem limpo tomará hissopo. e o molhará na água, e espargirá sobre a tenda, e sobre todos os móveis, e sobre as pessoas que ali estiverem, e sobre aquele que houver tocado o osso, ou o matado, ou o cadáver, ou o sepulcro:
19 On the third day and on the seventh day after that, the person who is acceptable to me must sprinkle some of that water on those who have become unacceptable to me. On the seventh day, the people who are performing that ritual to become acceptable to me again must wash their clothes and bathe. If they do that, on that evening they will become acceptable to me again.
E o limpo espargirá sobre o impuro ao terceiro e ao sétimo dia: e quando o haverá purificado ao dia sétimo, ele lavará logo suas roupas, e a si mesmo se lavará com água, e será limpo à tarde.
20 “If those who have become unacceptable to me do not become acceptable to me again by doing this, they will no longer be permitted to live among the Israeli people, because they have defiled my Sacred Tent. They did not sprinkle on themselves the water that removes the guilt of their sins, so they remain unacceptable to me.
E o que for impuro, e não se purificar, a tal pessoa será eliminada dentre a congregação, porquanto contaminou o tabernáculo do SENHOR: não foi espargida sobre ele a água de separação, é impuro.
21 That is a law for the Israeli people that will never be changed. Those who sprinkle that water on themselves must then wash their clothes. And anyone who touches that water which removes guilt for sins will remain unacceptable to God until that evening.
E lhes será por estatuto perpétuo: também o que espargir a água da separação lavará suas roupas; e o que tocar a água da separação, será impuro até à tarde.
22 “If someone touches a thing or a person that has become unacceptable to me, that person will remain unacceptable to me until that evening.”
E todo o que o impuro tocar, será impuro: e a pessoa que o tocar, será impura até à tarde.

< Numbers 19 >