< Numbers 16 >

1 One day Korah, who was the son of Izhar and a descendant of Levi’s son Kohath, conspired with Dathan and Abiram, who were the sons of Eliab, and On, who was the son of Peleth. Those three men were from the tribe of Reuben.
Coré, fils de Yiçhar, fils de Kehath, fils de Lévi, forma un parti avec Dathan et Abirâm, fils d’Elïab, et On, fils de Péleth, descendants de Ruben.
2 Korah and those other three men incited 250 other people who were leaders among the Israeli people to join them in rebelling against Moses/me.
Ils s’avancèrent devant Moïse avec deux cent cinquante des enfants d’Israël, princes de la communauté, membres des réunions, personnages notables;
3 They came together to criticize Aaron and Moses/me. They said to them/us, “You two are using more [authority] than you should! Yahweh has set apart all of us Israeli people, and he is with/helping all of us. So why do you act as though you are more important than the rest of us people who belong to Yahweh [RHQ]?”
et, s’étant attroupés autour de Moïse et d’Aaron, ils leur dirent: "C’En est trop de votre part! Toute la communauté, oui, tous sont des saints, et au milieu d’eux est le Seigneur; pourquoi donc vous érigez-vous en chefs de l’assemblée du Seigneur?"
4 When Moses/I heard what they were saying, he/I prostrated himself/myself on the ground.
Moïse, en les entendant, se jeta sur sa face;
5 Then he/I said to Korah and those [Israeli leaders] who were with Korah, “Tomorrow morning Yahweh will show us whom he has chosen to be his [priest], and who is holy and allowed to come near to him. Yahweh will permit [only] those whom he chooses to come into his presence.
puis il parla à Coré et à toute sa faction, en ces termes: "Demain, le Seigneur fera savoir qui est digne de lui, qui est le saint qu’il admet auprès de lui; celui qu’il aura élu, il le laissera approcher de lui.
6 So Korah, tomorrow you and those who are with you must prepare your pans to burn incense.
Faites ceci: munissez-vous d’encensoirs, toi Coré, et tout ton parti;
7 Then you must light a fire in them and burn the incense in the presence of Yahweh. Then we will see which one of us Yahweh has chosen to be his holy servant. It is you men who are descendants of Levi who are trying to use more [authority] than you should!”
mettez-y du feu et remplissez-les de parfum, devant le Seigneur, demain: or, l’homme que distinguera le Seigneur, c’est celui-là qui est saint. Assez donc, enfants de Lévi!"
8 Then Moses/I spoke again to Korah. He/I said, “You men who are descendants of Levi, listen to me!
Et Moïse dit à Coré: "Or, écoutez, enfants de Lévi.
9 The God of us Israelis has chosen all of you to be close to him in order that you can work for him at his Sacred Tent and serve the people. (Is that unimportant/Does that mean nothing) to you [RHQ]?
C’Est donc peu, pour vous, que le Dieu d’Israël vous ait distingués de la communauté d’Israël, en vous admettant auprès de lui pour faire le service du tabernacle divin, et en vous plaçant en présence de la communauté pour la servir?
10 Yahweh has brought you, [Korah], and your fellow descendants of Levi, near to himself. Now are you demanding to become priests also?
Il t’a donc approché de lui, toi et tous tes frères, les enfants de Lévi, et vous réclamez encore le sacerdoce!
11 It is really Yahweh against whom you and your fellow descendants of Levi are rebelling. Aaron is not the one about whom you are really complaining [RHQ].”
En vérité, toi et toute ta bande, c’est contre l’Éternel que vous vous êtes ligués; car Aaron, qu’est-il, pour que vous murmuriez contre lui?"
12 Then Moses/I summoned Dathan and Abiram, but [they refused to come]. They [sent a message] saying, “We will not come to you!
Moïse envoya quérir Dathan et Abirâm, fils d’Elïab; mais ils dirent: "Nous n’irons point.
13 You brought us out of Egypt, which was a very fertile [IDM] land, in order to cause us to die here in this desert. That was bad. But now you are also trying to boss us [RHQ], and that is worse.
Est-ce peu que tu nous aies fait sortir d’un pays ruisselant de lait et de miel, pour nous faire mourir dans ce désert, sans prétendre encore t’ériger en maître sur nous!
14 You have not given us a new land to live in, a land that has good fields and vineyards. You are only trying to [RHQ] trick these people. So we will not come to you.”
Certes, ce n’est pas dans un pays abondant en lait et en miel que tu nous as conduits; ce ne sont champs ni vignes dont tu nous as procuré l’héritage! Crèveras-tu les yeux à ces hommes?… Nous n’irons point."
15 Then Moses/I became very angry. He/I said to Yahweh, “Do not accept the grain offerings that they have brought. I have not taken anything from them, not even one donkey, and I have never done anything wrong to them, [so they have no reason to complain about me].”
Moïse, fort contristé, dit au Seigneur: "N’Accueille point leur hommage! Je n’ai jamais pris à un seul d’entre eux son âne, je n’ai jamais fait de mal à un seul d’entre eux."
16 Then Moses/I said to Korah, “You and all those who are with you must come here tomorrow and stand in front of Yahweh. Aaron will also be here.
Moïse dit à Coré: "Toi et tout ton parti, soyez devant le Seigneur, toi et eux ainsi qu’Aaron, demain;
17 You and all the 250 men who are with you must each take a pan in which to burn incense, and put incense in it, to [burn it to be] an offering to Yahweh. Aaron will do the same thing.”
prenez chacun votre encensoir, mettez-y du parfum et apportez, devant le Seigneur, chacun votre encensoir, deux cent cinquante encensoirs; toi aussi et Aaron, chacun le sien."
18 So [the next day] each of those men got a pan to burn incense. They put in it incense and hot coals to light it, and then they all stood at the entrance of the Sacred Tent with Aaron and Moses/me.
Ils prirent chacun leur encensoir, y mirent du feu, le couvrirent de parfum et se placèrent à l’entrée de la tente d’assignation avec Moïse et Aaron.
19 Then Korah summoned all the people who supported him and who were against Moses/me, and they also gathered at the entrance of the tent. Then the glory of Yahweh appeared to all of them/us,
Coré avait ameuté contre eux toute la communauté à l’entrée de la tente d’assignation. Et la gloire de l’Éternel apparut à toute la communauté.
20 and Yahweh said to Aaron and Moses/me,
Et l’Éternel parla à Moïse et à Aaron en ces termes:
21 “Get away from all these people, in order that I can get rid of them immediately!”
"Séparez-vous de cette communauté, je veux l’anéantir à l’instant!"
22 But Aaron and Moses/I prostrated themselves/ourselves on the ground. We pleaded with Yahweh, saying, “God, you are the one who caused all these people to live [MTY]. Only one of these men has sinned; so, (is it right for you to be angry with all the people?/it is not right for you to be angry with all the people!) [RHQ]”
Mais ils tombèrent sur leur face et dirent: "Seigneur! Dieu des esprits de toute chair! Quoi, un seul homme aura péché, et tu t’irriterais contre la communauté tout entière!"
23 Yahweh said to Moses/me,
Et l’Éternel parla ainsi à Moïse:
24 “[Okay], but tell all the people to get away from the tents of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram.”
"Parle à la communauté et lui dis: Ecartez-vous d’autour de la demeure de Coré, de Dathan et d’Abirâm!"
25 So Moses/I stood up and went to the tents of Dathan and Abiram. The Israeli leaders followed him/me.
Moïse se releva, et alla vers Dathan et Abirâm, suivi des anciens d’Israël.
26 He/I told the people, “Get away from the tents of these wicked men, and do not touch anything that belongs to them! If you touch anything, you will die because of their sins!”
Et il dit à la communauté: "Retirez-vous, de grâce, d’auprès des tentes de ces pervers, et ne touchez à rien qui leur appartienne, si vous ne voulez périr pour leurs méfaits."
27 So all the people moved away from the tents of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. Dathan and Abiram came out of their tents with their wives and children and babies, and stood at the entrances of their tents.
Et ils s’éloignèrent, de toutes parts, de la demeure de Coré, de Dathan et d’Abirâm, tandis que Dathan et Abirâm s’avançaient fièrement à l’entrée de leurs tentes, avec leurs femmes, leurs fils et leurs jeunes enfants.
28 Then Moses/I said, “I was not the one who decided to do all these things that I have done. It was Yahweh who [chose me and] sent me to do them. And now he will prove that to you.
Alors Moïse dit: "Par ceci vous reconnaîtrez que c’est l’Éternel qui m’a donné mission d’accomplir toutes ces choses, que je n’ai rien fait de mon chef:
29 If these men die in a normal way, then it will be clear that Yahweh did not choose me.
si ces gens meurent comme meurent tous les hommes; si la commune destinée des hommes doit être aussi la leur, ce n’est pas Dieu qui m’a envoyé.
30 But if Yahweh does something that has never happened before, if he causes the ground [that is under their feet] to open up and swallow these men [and their families] and all their possessions, and they fall into the opening and are buried while they are still alive, then you will know that these men have insulted Yahweh.” (Sheol h7585)
Mais si l’Éternel produit un phénomène; si la terre ouvre son sein pour les engloutir avec tout ce qui est à eux, et qu’ils descendent vivants dans la tombe, vous saurez alors que ces hommes ont offensé l’Éternel." (Sheol h7585)
31 As soon as Moses/I said this, the ground split open beneath those men.
Or, comme il achevait de prononcer ces paroles, le sol qui les portait se fendit,
32 It swallowed them and their families and all those who were standing there with Korah and all of their possessions.
la terre ouvrit son sein et les dévora, eux et leurs maisons, et tous les gens de Coré, et tous leurs biens.
33 They fell into the opening in the ground while they were still alive, and all their possessions fell into the opening also. They disappeared, and the ground closed back up again. (Sheol h7585)
Ils descendirent, eux et tous les leurs, vivants dans la tombe; la terre se referma sur eux, et ils disparurent du milieu de l’assemblée. (Sheol h7585)
34 They screamed as they fell, and all the people who were standing nearby heard them scream. The people [were terrified and] cried out as they ran away, saying, “[We do not want] the ground to swallow us also!”
Et tous les Israélites qui étaient autour d’eux s’enfuirent à leurs cris, disant: "La terre pourrait bien nous engloutir!"
35 And then a fire from Yahweh came down [from the sky] and burned up the 250 men who were burning the incense!
Puis un feu s’élança de devant le Seigneur, et consuma les deux cent cinquante hommes qui avaient offert l’encens.
36 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me,
L’Éternel parla ainsi à Moïse:
37 “Tell Aaron’s son Eleazar to take the pans that had incense in them away from the fire and to scatter the burning coals. The pans that those men [were carrying] are (holy/dedicated to me) [because they burned incense to me in them].
"Dis à Eléazar, fils d’Aaron le pontife, de retirer les encensoirs du milieu de l’embrasement et d’en disperser le feu au loin; car ils sont devenus saints.
38 Those men have now died because of their sin; so [Eleazar must] take their pans and hammer the metal to make it become very thin. He must make a covering for the altar with that metal. Those pans were used to offer incense to me, so they are (holy/dedicated to me). [What happened to] those pans will now warn the Israeli people.”
Les encensoirs de ces hommes, coupables de leur propre mort, on les transformera en plaques minces dont on revêtira l’autel, parce qu’ils ont été présentés devant le Seigneur et sont devenus saints; et ils serviront d’enseignement aux enfants d’Israël."
39 So Eleazar the priest collected the 250 pans for burning incense that had been used by the men who died in the fire. He hammered the pans very thin to make a covering for the altar, as Yahweh told Moses/me should be done.
Et le pontife Eléazar prit les encensoirs d’airain qu’avaient apportés ceux qui furent brûlés, et on les lamina pour en revêtir l’autel:
40 That warned the Israeli people that only those who were descendants of Aaron were permitted to burn incense for an offering to Yahweh. If anyone else did that, the same thing that happened to Korah and those who were with him would happen to them.
signe commémoratif pour les enfants d’Israël, afin que nul profane, étranger à la race d’Aaron, ne s’ingérât de faire fumer l’encens devant l’Éternel et ne subît le sort de Coré et de sa faction, tel que l’Éternel le lui avait annoncé par l’organe de Moïse.
41 But the following morning, all the Israeli people started to complain against Aaron and Moses/me, saying “You have killed many people who belonged to Yahweh!”
Toute la communauté des enfants d’Israël murmura, le lendemain, contre Moïse et Aaron, en disant: "C’Est vous qui avez tué le peuple de l’Éternel!"
42 When all the people gathered together to protest about what Aaron and Moses/I had done, they looked at the Sacred Tent and saw that the sacred cloud had covered it, and the glory of Yahweh had appeared.
Or, comme la communauté s’attroupait contre Moïse et contre Aaron, ils se tournèrent vers la tente d’assignation, et voici que la nuée la couvrait et la gloire du Seigneur apparut.
43 Aaron and Moses/I went and stood in front of the Sacred Tent.
Moïse et Aaron s’avancèrent jusque devant la tente d’assignation.
44 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me,
Et l’Éternel parla à Moïse, disant:
45 “Get away from these people, in order that I can get rid of them immediately [without injuring you two]!” But Aaron and Moses/I prostrated themselves/ourselves on the ground [and prayed].
"Eloignez-vous du milieu de cette communauté, je veux l’anéantir à l’instant!" Et ils se jetèrent sur leur face.
46 Moses/I said to Aaron, “Quickly take another pan and put in it some burning/hot coals from the altar. Put incense in the pan, and carry it out among the people to atone for the sins of the people. Yahweh is very angry with them, and [I know that] a (severe plague/bad sickness) has already started among them.”
Et Moïse dit à Aaron: "Saisis l’encensoir, mets-y du feu de l’autel, pose le parfum, et porte-le sur le champ au milieu de la communauté pour effacer leur faute; car le Seigneur a laissé éclater sa colère, déjà le fléau commence!"
47 So Aaron did what Moses/I told him. He took the burning incense out among the people. The plague had already started to strike the people, but Aaron continued to burn the incense so that God would forgive them for the sins they had committed.
Aaron prit l’encensoir, comme l’avait dit Moïse, et s’élança au milieu de l’assemblée, où déjà le fléau avait commencé à sévir; et il posa le parfum, et il fit expiation sur le peuple.
48 He stood between the people who had already died and those who were still alive, and then the plague stopped.
Il s’interposa ainsi entre les morts et les vivants, et la mortalité s’arrêta.
49 But 14,700 people had already died from that plague/sickness, in addition to the people who died with Korah.
Les victimes de cette mortalité furent au nombre de quatorze mille sept cents, outre ceux qui avaient péri à cause de Coré.
50 Then after the plague had ended, Aaron and Moses/I returned to the entrance of the Sacred Tent.
Aaron retourna auprès de Moïse, à l’entrée de la tente d’assignation, lorsque la mortalité eut cessé.

< Numbers 16 >