< Numbers 13 >

1 Yahweh said to Moses/me,
ibi locutus est Dominus ad Mosen dicens
2 “Send some men to Canaan [land] to explore it. That is the land that I will give to you Israelis. Send men who are leaders in their tribes.”
mitte viros qui considerent terram Chanaan quam daturus sum filiis Israhel singulos de singulis tribubus ex principibus
3 So Moses/I did what Yahweh commanded him/me. He/I sent out twelve Israeli men who were all leaders of their tribes. He/I sent them from their/our camp at Paran in the desert.
fecit Moses quod Dominus imperarat de deserto Pharan mittens principes viros quorum ista sunt nomina
4 These are the names of the men [and the tribes they belonged to: ] Shammua, the son of Zaccur, from the tribe of Reuben;
de tribu Ruben Semmua filium Zecchur
5 Shaphat, the son of Hori, from the tribe of Simeon;
de tribu Symeon Saphat filium Huri
6 Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, from the tribe of Judah;
de tribu Iuda Chaleb filium Iepphonne
7 Igal, the son of Joseph, from the tribe of Issachar;
de tribu Isachar Igal filium Ioseph
8 Hoshea, the son of Nun, from the tribe of Ephraim;
de tribu Ephraim Osee filium Nun
9 Palti, the son of Raphu, from the tribe of Benjamin;
de tribu Beniamin Phalti filium Raphu
10 Gaddiel, the son of Sodi, from the tribe of Zebulun;
de tribu Zabulon Geddihel filium Sodi
11 Gaddi, the son of Susi, from the tribe of Manasseh;
de tribu Ioseph sceptri Manasse Gaddi filium Susi
12 Ammiel, the son of Gemalli, from the tribe of Dan;
de tribu Dan Ammihel filium Gemalli
13 Sethur, the son of Michael, from the tribe of Asher;
de tribu Aser Sthur filium Michahel
14 Nahbi, the son of Vophsi, from the tribe of Naphtali;
de tribu Nepthali Naabbi filium Vaphsi
15 and Geuel, the son of Maki, from the tribe of Gad.
de tribu Gad Guhel filium Machi
16 Those are the names of the men whom Moses/I sent out to explore Canaan. [Before they left], Moses/I gave Hoshea a new name, Joshua, [which means ‘Yahweh is the one who saves].’
haec sunt nomina virorum quos misit Moses ad considerandam terram vocavitque Osee filium Nun Iosue
17 Before Moses/I sent them to explore Canaan, he/I said to them, “Go through the southern part of Canaan, and then go [north] into the hilly area.
misit ergo eos Moses ad considerandam terram Chanaan et dixit ad eos ascendite per meridianam plagam cumque veneritis ad montes
18 See what the land is like. See if the people who live there are strong or weak. See if there are many people or only a few people.
considerate terram qualis sit et populum qui habitator est eius utrum fortis sit an infirmus pauci numero an plures
19 Find out what kind of land they live in [RHQ]. Is it good or bad? Find out about the towns in which they live [RHQ]. Do they have walls around them or not?
ipsa terra bona an mala urbes quales muratae an absque muris
20 Find out about the soil [RHQ]. Is it (fertile/good for growing crops) or not? Find out if there are trees there [RHQ]. Try to bring back some of the fruit that grows in that land.” [He/I said that because] it was the beginning of the time to harvest grapes.
humus pinguis an sterilis nemorosa an absque arboribus confortamini et adferte nobis de fructibus terrae erat autem tempus quando iam praecoquae uvae vesci possunt
21 So those men went to Canaan. They went [through the entire land], from the Zin desert [in the south] all the way to Rehob [town] near Lebo-Hamath [in the north].
cumque ascendissent exploraverunt terram a deserto Sin usque Roob intrantibus Emath
22 In the south, they went to Hebron, where Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai, [huge men] descended from Anak, lived. Hebron was a city that was built seven years before Zoan [city] was built in Egypt.
ascenderuntque ad meridiem et venerunt in Hebron ubi erant Ahiman et Sisai et Tholmai filii Enach nam Hebron septem annis ante Tanim urbem Aegypti condita est
23 In one valley, they cut from a grapevine one cluster of grapes. [Because it was very large, they needed] two men to carry it on a pole. They also picked some pomegranates and some figs [to carry back to their camp].
pergentesque usque ad torrentem Botri absciderunt palmitem cum uva sua quem portaverunt in vecte duo viri de malis quoque granatis et de ficis loci illius tulerunt
24 They called that place Eshcol [which means ‘cluster’] because they had cut that [huge] cluster of grapes there.
qui appellatus est Neelescol id est torrens Botri eo quod botrum inde portassent filii Israhel
25 After they explored the land for 40 days, they returned to their camp.
reversique exploratores terrae post quadraginta dies omni regione circuita
26 They came to Aaron and Moses/me and the rest of the Israeli people in the desert at Paran. They reported to everyone what they had seen. They also showed them the fruit that they had brought back.
venerunt ad Mosen et Aaron et ad omnem coetum filiorum Israhel in desertum Pharan quod est in Cades locutique eis et omni multitudini ostenderunt fructus terrae
27 But this is what they reported to Moses/me: “We arrived in the land that you sent us to explore. It is truly a beautiful land, and it is very fertile [IDM]. Here is some of the fruit.
et narraverunt dicentes venimus in terram ad quam misisti nos quae re vera fluit lacte et melle ut ex his fructibus cognosci potest
28 But the people who live there are very strong. Their cities are large and are surrounded by walls. We even saw some of the [huge] descendants of Anak there.
sed cultores fortissimos habet et urbes grandes atque muratas stirpem Enach vidimus ibi
29 The descendants of Amalek live in the southern part [of the land], and the descendants of Heth, Jebus, and Amor live in the hilly area [to the north]. The descendants of Canaan live along the coast of the [Mediterranean] sea and along the Jordan [River].”
Amalech habitat in meridie Hettheus et Iebuseus et Amorreus in montanis Chananeus vero moratur iuxta mare et circa fluenta Iordanis
30 [When they said that, the people were afraid and started to cry out very loudly]. But Caleb told the people who were standing near Moses/me to be quiet. Then he said, “We should go there and take the land, because we are certainly able to conquer it!”
inter haec Chaleb conpescens murmur populi qui oriebatur contra Mosen ait ascendamus et possideamus terram quoniam poterimus obtinere eam
31 But the men who had gone with him said, “No, we cannot attack [and defeat] those people! They are much stronger than we are!”
alii vero qui fuerant cum eo dicebant nequaquam ad hunc populum valemus ascendere quia fortior nobis est
32 So those men gave to the Israeli people a bad report about the land that they had explored. They said, “The land that we explored is very large; we cannot conquer it. And all the people whom we saw are very tall.
detraxeruntque terrae quam inspexerant apud filios Israhel dicentes terram quam lustravimus devorat habitatores suos populum quem aspeximus procerae staturae est
33 We even saw the descendants of Nephili there. The descendants of Anak [whom we saw there] are descended from the giant Nephili people. When we saw them, we felt [as small] as grasshoppers [SIM], and they thought that we looked like grasshoppers too!”
ibi vidimus monstra quaedam filiorum Enach de genere giganteo quibus conparati quasi lucustae videbamur

< Numbers 13 >