< Numbers 11 >
1 One day the people complained to Yahweh about their troubles. When Yahweh heard what they were saying, he became angry. So he sent a fire which burned among the people at the edge of their camp.
И быша людие ропщуще злая пред Господем: и слыша Господь и разгневася гневом, и разгореся в них огнь от Господа и потреби часть некую от полка.
2 Then the people cried out to Moses/me, and he/I prayed to Yahweh. Then the fire stopped burning.
И возопиша людие к Моисею: и помолися Моисей к Господу, и преста огнь.
3 So they called that place Taberah, [which means ‘burning’], because the fire from Yahweh had burned among them.
И прозвася имя месту тому Запаление: яко разгореся в них огнь от Господа.
4 Then some troublemakers from other people-groups [who were traveling] with the Israelis began to want better food. And [when they started complaining] the Israeli people also started to complain.
И общий народ иже в них похотеша похотением: и седше плакахуся сынове Израилевы и рекоша: кто ны напитает мясы?
5 They said, “We wish we had some meat!
Помянухом рыбы, яже ядохом в земли Египетстей туне, и огурцы и дыни, лук и червленый лук и чеснок:
6 We remember the fish that we ate while we were in Egypt, fish that was given to us without (cost/asking us to pay for it). And we had all the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions, and garlic [that we wanted]. But now we do not have any desire to eat, because all we have to eat is this manna!”
ныне же душа наша изсохла, ничтоже точию манна пред очима нашима.
7 The manna resembled small white seeds.
Манна же бяше аки семя кориандрово, и вид ея яко вид кристалла:
8 [Each morning] the people would go out and gather some [from the surface of the ground]. Then they made flour by grinding it or pounding it with stones. Then they [added water and] boiled it in a pot, or they made flat cakes with it [and baked them]. The cakes tasted like bread that was baked with [olive] oil.
и исхождаху людие и собираху, и меляху в жерновах и толцаху в ступах, и варяху в горшках и творяху из нея потребники: и бяше вкус ея, яко вкус муки пряжены с елеем:
9 Each night the manna came down on their ground where their tents were, like dew [from the sky].
и егда схождаше роса на полк нощию, схождаше манна нань.
10 Moses/I heard all the Israeli people complaining as they were standing in the entrances of their tents. Yahweh became very angry, and Moses/I was also very perturbed.
И услыша Моисей плачущихся их в сонмех своих, коегождо их пред своими дверми: и разгневася Господь гневом зело, и пред Моисеом бяше зло.
11 He/I [went into the Sacred Tent and] asked Yahweh, “Why have you caused me, your servant, to experience this trouble [RHQ]? Act mercifully to me! What wrong have I done, with the result that you have appointed me to take care of all of these people [RHQ]?
И рече Моисей ко Господу: вскую озлобил еси раба Твоего? И почто не обретох благодати пред Тобою, еже возложити устремление людий сих на мя?
12 (I am not their father./Am I their father?) [RHQ] Why have you told me to take care of them like a woman carries around her baby and (nurses it/gives it her milk) [MET, RHQ]? How can I take them to the land that you promised to give to our ancestors [RHQ]?
Еда аз во утробе зачах вся люди сия? Или аз родих я? Яко глаголеши ми: возми их в недра твоя, якоже доилица носит доимыя, в землю, еюже клялся еси отцем их:
13 Where can I get meat to feed all these people? They keep complaining to me, saying, ‘Give us some meat to eat!’
откуду мне мяса дати всем людем сим? Яко плачут на мя, глаголюще: даждь нам мяса, да ядим:
14 I cannot carry all these people’s burdens by myself! [They are like a heavy load [MET], and] I cannot carry this very heavy load any more.
не возмогу аз един водити людий сих, яко тяжко мне есть слово сие:
15 If you intend to act like this toward me, kill me now. If you are really concerned about me, be kind to me and [kill me to] end my misery [of trying to take care of them]!”
аще же тако Ты твориши мне, то убий мя убиением, аще обретох благодать пред Тобою, да не вижу озлобления моего.
16 Then Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Summon 70 men whom you know are leaders among the Israeli people. Tell them to stand with you in front of the Sacred Tent.
И рече Господь к Моисею: собери Ми седмьдесят мужей от старец Израилевых, ихже ты сам веси, яко тии суть старцы людстии и книгочия их: и да приведеши я ко скинии свидения, и да станут тамо с тобою:
17 I will come down and talk with you there. Then I will take some of [the power of] my Spirit that you have, and I will put [that power] on them also. They will help you to take care of some of the things that the people are concerned about, in order that you will not need to do it alone.
и сниду и возглаголю тамо с тобою, и уйму от Духа, иже в тебе, и возложу на ня: да подимут с тобою устремление людий, и не будеши водити их ты един:
18 “Furthermore, say to the people, ‘Make yourselves acceptable to me, and tomorrow you will have meat to eat. You were complaining, and Yahweh heard you when you were saying, “We want some meat to eat. We had better food in Egypt!” Now Yahweh will give you some meat, and you will eat it.
и людем речеши: очиститеся наутрие, и снесте мяса, яко плакастеся пред Господем, глаголюще: кто ны напитает мясы? Яко добро нам бысть во Египте: и даст Господь вам мяса ясти, и снесте мяса:
19 You will eat meat not only for one or two days, nor only for five or ten or 20 days.
не един день ясти будете, ни два, ни пять дний, ни десять дний, ниже двадесять дний:
20 [You will eat meat every day] for one month, and then you will loathe/despise it, and it will cause you to want to vomit. [This will happen] because you have rejected Yahweh who is here among you, and you have wailed in his presence, saying [“We would have had better food to eat] if we had not left Egypt [RHQ].”’”
до месяца дний ясти будете, дондеже изыдет из ноздрий ваших: и будет вам в мерзость, яко не покористеся Господу, Иже есть в вас, и плакастеся пред Ним, глаголюще: вскую бе нам изыти из Египта?
21 But Moses/I replied to Yahweh, “There are 600,000 men [plus women and children] here with me, so ([why] do you say ‘I will give them plenty of meat every day for a month!’?/it does not seem right for you to say ‘I will give them plenty of meat every day for a month!’) [RHQ]
И рече Моисей: шесть сот тысящ пеших людий, в нихже Аз есмь, и Ты рекл еси: мяса им дам ясти, и будут ясти месяц дний:
22 Even if we killed all the sheep and cattle, that would not [RHQ] be enough [to provide meat for all of them] Even if we caught all the fish in the sea [and gave it to them], that would not be enough [RHQ]!”
еда овцы и волы заколются им, и доволно будет им? Или вся рыбы морския соберутся им, и доволно будет им?
23 But Yahweh said to Moses/me, “Do you think that I [SYN] have no power? You will now see if I can do what I say I will do.”
И рече Господь к Моисею: еда рука Господня не доволна будет? Ныне уразумееши, аще постигнет тя слово Мое, или ни.
24 So Moses/I went out [from the Sacred Tent] and told the people what Yahweh had said. Then he/I gathered together the 70 leaders and told them to stand around the Sacred Tent.
И изыде Моисей и глагола людем словеса Господня: и собра седмьдесят мужей от старец людских, и постави я окрест скинии.
25 Then Yahweh came down in the cloud [that was above the tent] and spoke to Moses/me. He took some of [the power of] the Spirit that he had given to Moses/me and gave it to the 70 leaders. By means of the power of the Spirit within them, they (prophesied/spoke messages that Yahweh gave them), but they did that only once.
И сниде Господь во облаце и глагола к нему: и уя от Духа, иже на нем, и возложи на седмьдесят мужей старец: егда же препочи Дух на них, и пророчествоваша, и ктому не приложиша.
26 Two of the leaders whom Moses/I appointed, Eldad and Medad, were not there when the rest of them gathered together. They had not left [their tents] to go and stand around the Sacred Tent. But Yahweh’s Spirit came on them also, and they started to (prophesy/speak messages from Yahweh).
И осташася два мужа в полце: имя единому Елдад, и имя второму Модад: и препочи на них Дух. И сии беша от вписанных, и не приидоша ко скинии, и пророчествоваша в полце.
27 So a young man ran and told Moses/me, “Eldad and Medad are prophesying in all their tents!”
И притек юноша возвести Моисею, и рече, глаголя: Елдад и Модад пророчествуют в полцех.
28 Joshua, who had helped Moses/me since he was a young man, said, “Sir, tell them to stop doing that!”
И отвещав Иисус Навин, предстояй Моисею избранный ему, рече господи мой Моисею, запрети им.
29 But Moses/I replied, “(Are you worried that they might injure my reputation/Do you think that I want to be the only one who prophesies) [RHQ]? I wish that all Yahweh’s people could (prophesy/speak messages from Yahweh). I wish that Yahweh would give the power of his Spirit to all of them!”
И рече ему Моисей: еда ревнуеши ты мне? И кто даст всем людем Господним (быти) пророки, егда даст Господь Духа Своего на них?
30 Then Moses/I and all the leaders went back to their/our tents.
И иде Моисей в полк сам и старцы Израилтестии.
31 Then Yahweh sent a strong wind from the sea. It blew quail into the area all around the camp for miles in every direction, [and caused the quail to fall onto the ground]. They were piled up on the ground about (3 feet/1 meter) high!
И дух изыде от Господа, и изведе крастели из моря и наведе на полк день ходу отсюду и день ходу отюнуду, окрест полка яко на два лактя от земли.
32 So the people went out and gathered up the quail all that day, and all that night, and all of the following day. [It seemed as though] everyone gathered at least 50 bushels! They spread the quail out on the ground all around the camp, [so that the quail would dry out].
И воставше людие весь день и всю нощь, и весь день наутрие, и собраша крастели: иже мало, собра десять спуд: и иссушиша себе сушаницы окрест полка.
33 [Then they cooked them and started to eat them]. But while they were still eating the meat [MTY], Yahweh [showed that he] was very angry with them. He struck them with a severe plague/sickness, [and many people died].
И мяса бяху им еще в зубех их, прежде оскудения, и Господь разгневася зело на люди, и порази Господь люди язвою великою зело:
34 The people who died and were buried were the ones who had said they wanted to eat meat [like they had formerly eaten in Egypt]. So they called that place Kibroth-Hattaavah, [which means ‘graves of those who craved’].
и прозвася имя месту тому Гробы Похотения: яко тамо погребоша людий похотевших.
35 From there, the Israelis continued walking [east] until they arrived at Hazeroth [town], where they stopped and stayed [for a long time].
(И) воздвигошася людие от Гробов Похотения во Асироф, и быша людие во Асирофе.