< Nehemiah 5 >

1 [Later, ] many of the men and their wives protested loudly about what [some of] the [other] Jews were doing.
Ήτο δε μεγάλη κραυγή του λαού και των γυναικών αυτών κατά των αδελφών αυτών των Ιουδαίων.
2 Some/One of them said, “We have many children. So we need a lot of grain to be able to eat and continue to live.”
Διότι ήσαν τινές λέγοντες, Ημείς, οι υιοί ημών και αι θυγατέρες ημών, είμεθα πολλοί· όθεν ας λάβωμεν σίτον, διά να φάγωμεν και να ζήσωμεν.
3 Others said, “The fields and vineyards and houses that we own, it has been necessary for us to (mortgage them/promise to give them to someone if we do not pay back to him the money he has loaned us) in order to get money to buy grain, during this (famine/time where there is not much food).”
Και ήσαν τινές λέγοντες, Ημείς βάλλομεν ενέχυρον τους αγρούς ημών, τους αμπελώνας ημών και τας οικίας ημών, διά να λάβωμεν σίτον εξ αιτίας της πείνης.
4 Others said, “We have [needed to] borrow money to pay the taxes that the king [commanded us to pay] on our fields and our vineyards.
Ήσαν έτι τινές λέγοντες, Ημείς εδανείσθημεν αργύρια διά τους φόρους του βασιλέως επί τους αγρούς και επί τους αμπελώνας ημών·
5 We are Jews just like [IDM] they are. Our children are ([just as good as/equal with)] their children. But we have needed to sell some of our children to become slaves [in order to pay what we owe]. We have already sold some of our daughters to become slaves. Our fields and vineyards have been taken away from us, so now we do not have [the money to pay what we owe, and we are forced to sell our children to get money to pay those debts].”
τώρα δε η σαρξ ημών είναι ως η σαρξ των αδελφών ημών, τα τέκνα ημών ως τα τέκνα αυτών· και ιδού, ημείς καθυποβάλλομεν εις δουλείαν τους υιούς ημών και τας θυγατέρας ημών διά να ήναι δούλοι, και τινές εκ των θυγατέρων ημών εφέρθησαν ήδη εις δουλείαν· και δεν είναι ουδέν εις την εξουσίαν ημών, διότι άλλοι έχουσι τους αγρούς και τους αμπελώνας ημών.
6 I was very angry when I heard these things that they were complaining about.
Και ηγανάκτησα σφόδρα, ακούσας την κραυγήν αυτών και τους λόγους τούτους.
7 So I thought about what I could do about it. I told the leaders and officials [who were responsible for this work], “You are charging interest to your own relatives [when they borrow money from you]!” Then I called together a large group of people,
Και εσκέφθην κατ' εμαυτόν, και επέπληξα τους προκρίτους και τους προεστώτας και είπα προς αυτούς, Σεις φορολογείτε έκαστος τον αδελφόν αυτού. Και συνεκάλεσα κατ' αυτών σύναξιν μεγάλην.
8 and I said to their [leaders], “Some of our Jewish relatives have been forced to sell themselves to become slaves of people who have come from other countries. As much as we have been able to, we have been buying them back [out of slavery]. But now you are forcing your own relatives to sell themselves to you, their fellow Jews, as slaves!” [When I said that to them, ] they were silent. There was nothing that they could say [because they knew that what I said was true].
Και είπα προς αυτούς, Ημείς κατά την δύναμιν ημών εξηγοράσαμεν τους αδελφούς ημών Ιουδαίους, τους πωληθέντας εις τα έθνη· και σεις αυτοί θέλετε πωλήσει τους αδελφούς σας; ή θέλουσι πωληθή εις ημάς; Εκείνοι δε εσιώπων και δεν εύρηκαν απόκρισιν.
9 Then I said to them, “What you are doing is terrible [EUP]! You certainly ought to [RHQ] obey God and do what is right! If you did that, our enemies who do not revere Yahweh [would see that we are doing what is right and] would not ridicule us.
Και είπα, Δεν είναι καλόν το πράγμα το οποίον σεις κάμνετε· δεν πρέπει να περιπατήτε εν τω φόβω του Θεού ημών, διά να μη ονειδίζωσιν ημάς τα έθνη, οι εχθροί ημών;
10 My fellow Jews and I and my servants have lent money and grain to people [without charging interest]. So you all should stop charging interest on these loans.
και εγώ έτι και οι αδελφοί μου και οι δούλοί μου εδανείσαμεν εις αυτούς χρήματα και σίτον· ας αφήσωμεν, παρακαλώ, την απαίτησιν ταύτην·
11 Also, you must give back to them their fields, their vineyards, their olive tree orchards, and their houses that you have taken from them. You must also give back to them the interest that you charged them when they borrowed money, grain, wine, and [olive] oil from you, and you must do it today!”
επιστρέψατε λοιπόν εις αυτούς, ταύτην την ημέραν, τους αγρούς αυτών, τους αμπελώνας αυτών, τους ελαιώνας αυτών και τους οίκους αυτών και το εκατοστόν του αργυρίου και του σίτου, του οίνου και του ελαίου, το οποίον απαιτείτε παρ' αυτών.
12 The leaders replied, “We will do what you have said. We will return to them everything that we forced them to give to us, and we will not require that they give us anything more.” Then I summoned the priests, and I forced the leaders to vow in front of them that they would do what they had promised to do.
Τότε είπον, Θέλομεν αποδώσει ταύτα και δεν θέλομεν ζητήσει ουδέν παρ' αυτών· ούτω θέλομεν κάμει, καθώς συ λέγεις. Τότε εκάλεσα τους ιερείς και ώρκισα αυτούς, ότι θέλουσι κάμει κατά τον λόγον τούτον.
13 I shook out the folds of my robe and said to them, “If you do not do what you have just now promised to do, I hope/desire that God will shake you like I am shaking my robe. He will take away your homes and everything else that you own.” They all replied, “Amen/May it be so!” And they praised Yahweh. Then they did what they had promised to do.
Εξετίναξα έτι τον κόλπον μου, λέγων, Ούτω να εκτινάξη ο Θεός πάντα άνθρωπον από του οίκου αυτού και από του κόπου αυτού, όστις δεν εκτελέση τον λόγον τούτον, και ούτω να ήναι εκτετιναγμένος και κενός. Και είπον πάσα η σύναξις, Αμήν, και εδόξασαν τον Κύριον. Και έκαμεν ο λαός κατά τον λόγον τούτον.
14 I was appointed to be the governor of Judea in the twentieth year that Artaxerxes was the king [of Persia]. For the next twelve years, until he had been ruling for almost 32 years, neither I nor my officials accepted [the money that we were allowed/entitled to receive to buy] food because of my being the governor.
Αφ' ης δε ημέρας προσετάχθην να ήμαι κυβερνήτης αυτών εν τη γη Ιούδα, από του εικοστού έτους έως του τριακοστού δευτέρου έτους Αρταξέρξου του βασιλέως, δώδεκα έτη, εγώ και οι αδελφοί μου δεν εφάγομεν τον άρτον του κυβερνήτου.
15 The men who were governors before I became the governor had burdened the people by requiring them to pay a lot of taxes. They had forced each person to pay to them 40 silver coins every day, in addition to giving food and wine to them. Even their servants/officials oppressed the people. But I did not do that, because I revered God.
Οι πρότεροι όμως κυβερνήται, οι προ εμού, κατεβάρυνον τον λαόν, και ελάμβανον παρ' αυτών άρτον και οίνον, εκτός τεσσαράκοντα σίκλων αργυρίου· έτι και οι δούλοι αυτών εξουσίαζον τον λαόν· αλλ' εγώ δεν έκαμνον ούτω, φοβούμενος τον Θεόν.
16 I also continued to work on the wall, and I did not take land from people [who were unable to pay back the money that they had borrowed from me]. All those who worked for me joined me to work on the wall.
Και μάλιστα ενισχύθην εις το έργον τούτου του τείχους, και αγρόν δεν ηγοράσαμεν· και πάντες οι δούλοί μου ήσαν συνηγμένοι εκεί εις το έργον.
17 Also, every day I was responsible to feed 150 Jewish officials, and also [official] visitors who came from nearby countries.
Ήσαν έτι εις την τράπεζάν μου εκατόν πεντήκοντα άνδρες εκ των Ιουδαίων και των προεστώτων, και οι ερχόμενοι προς ημάς εκ των εθνών των πέριξ ημών.
18 Each day I [told my servants to] serve [us the meat from] one ox, six very good sheep, and chickens. And every ten days I gave them a large new supply of wine. But I knew that the people were burdened [by paying lots of taxes], so I did not accept [the money that I was entitled/allowed to receive to buy all this] food because of my being the governor.
Το δε καθ' ημέραν ετοιμαζόμενον δι' εμέ ήτο εις βους και εξ εκλεκτά πρόβατα· και πτηνά ητοιμάζοντο δι' εμέ, και άπαξ εις δέκα ημέρας αφθονία από παντός είδους οίνου· και όμως δεν εζήτησα τον άρτον του κυβερνήτου· διότι η δουλεία ήτο βαρεία επί τούτον τον λαόν.
19 My God, do not forget me, and reward me because of all that I have done for these people.
Μνήσθητί μου, Θεέ μου, επ' αγαθώ, κατά πάντα όσα εγώ έκαμον υπέρ του λαού τούτου.

< Nehemiah 5 >