< Nehemiah 2 >

1 After King Artaxerxes [had been ruling the Persian Empire] for almost 20 years, (during the spring/before the hot season) of that year, when it was time to serve wine to him [during a feast], I took the wine and gave it to him. I had never looked sad when I was in front of him before, [but on that day he saw that I looked very sad].
Uti den månaden Nisan, i tjugonde årena Konungs Arthahsasta, då vin stod för honom, tog jag vinet upp, och fick Konungenom; och jag var icke lustig för honom.
2 So he asked me, “Why are you sad? [I know that] you are not sick. It must be that you are troubled about something.” Then I was very afraid, [because it was not proper to be sad when I came to the king] (OR, [because I was worried what the king would do to me if he refused to do what I was about to request him to do]).
Då sade Konungen till mig: Hvi ser du så illa ut? Du är ju icke krank? Det äret icke, utan du äst bedröfvad. Men jag fruktade mig svårliga.
3 I replied, “Your majesty, I hope you will live a very long time! But (how can I prevent myself from being sad, because the city where my ancestors are buried [has been destroyed] and is in ruins?/I cannot keep myself from looking sad, because the city where my ancestors are buried [has been destroyed and] is in ruins.) [RHQ] [Even] the city gates have been completely burned.”
Då sade jag till Konungen: Konungen lefve evinnerliga! Skulle jag icke se illa ut? Den staden, der mina fäders begrafningshus är, ligger öde, och dess portar äro med eld uppbrände.
4 The king replied, “What do you want me to do [for you]?” I prayed [silently] to our God [who is/rules] in heaven.
Då sade Konungen till mig: Hvad är då ditt begär? Då bad jag Gud af himmelen;
5 Then I replied, “If you are willing [to do it], and if I have pleased you, send me to the city [of Jerusalem] in Judah [province] where my ancestors are buried, in order that I may [help people to] rebuild the city.”
Och sade till Konungen: Om Konungenom så godt tyckte, och din tjenare funne nåd för dig, att du ville sända mig till Juda, till den staden, der mina fäder begrafne äro, att jag måtte uppbygga honom.
6 While the queen was sitting beside the king, he asked, [“If I allow you to go, ] how long will you be gone? When will you return?” [I told the king how long I would be gone, and] the king gave me permission to go, and I told him what day [I wanted to leave].
Och Konungen sade till mig, och Drottningen, som jemte honom satt: Huru lång kan din resa varda? Och när kan du komma igen? Och Konungenom föll i sinnet, att han skulle sända mig åstad. Och jag satte honom en bestämd tid före;
7 I also said to the king, “If you are willing to do it, write letters for me to take to the governors of the province west of the [Euphrates] River. Tell them to allow me to travel safely [through their province] until I arrive in Judah.
Och sade till Konungen: Om Konungenom så godt tycker, så gifve han mig bref till landshöfdingarna på hinsidon älfvena, att de ledsaga mig derigenom, tilldess jag kommer in i Juda;
8 Also, [please write] a letter to Asaph, the man who takes care of your forest [in that area], telling him to give me timber to make the beams to support the gates of the fortress that is near the temple, and timber for making the walls of the city, and for building the house in which I [will live].” The king did what I requested him to do, because my God was graciously/kindly (helping/acting for) me.
Och bref till Assaph, Konungens skogshöfvitsman, att han låter mig få trä till bjelkar åt portarna i palatset i husena, och till stadsmurarna, och till huset, der jag infara skall. Och Konungen gaf mig det, efter mins Guds goda hand öfver mig.
9 [After I got ready, I left to travel to Judah]. The king sent some army officers and soldiers riding on horses to accompany me, [to protect me]. When I came to where the governors of the provinces west of the [Euphrates] River lived, I gave them the letters that the king had written.
Och då jag kom till landshöfdingarna på hinsidon älfvena, fick jag dem Konungens bref. Och Konungen sände med mig höfvitsmän och resenärar.
10 But when [two government officials, ] Sanballat from [a village near] Horon and Tobiah from the Ammon [people-group], heard that I had arrived, they were very angry that someone had come to help the Israeli people.
Då nu Saneballat den Horoniten, och Tobia tjenaren, den Ammoniten, det hörde, förtröt det dem svårliga, att någor menniska kommen var, som något godt sökte för Israels barn.
11 When I arrived in Jerusalem, I did not tell anyone what thoughts God had given to me about what I should do there. Three days after I arrived in Jerusalem, I went out of the city in the evening, taking a few other men with me. I was riding a donkey; we had no other animals with us.
Och då jag kom till Jerusalem, och hade varit der i tre dagar,
Stod jag om nattena upp, och någre få män med mig; ty jag sade det ingen menniska, hvad mig min Gud ingifvit hade till att göra med Jerusalem; och intet djur var med mig, utan det jag red uppå.
13 We left the city, going out through the Valley Gate, then past the well called the Jackal (OR, Dragon’s) Well, and then past the gate called the Rubbish/Garbage Gate. We inspected all the walls that had been broken down and all the gates that had been burned down.
Och jag red ut genom dalporten om nattena, och framom drakabrunnen, och åt dyngoportenom, och besåg Jerusalems murar, som sönder voro, och portarna, som med eld uppbrände voro;
14 Then we went to the Fountain Gate and to the pool called the King’s Pool, but my donkey could not get through [the narrow opening] (OR, [the rubble]).
Och gick öfver till brunnporten, och till Konungsdammen; och var intet rum, der djuret, som under mig var, uppå gå kunde.
15 So we turned back and went along the [Kidron] Valley. We inspected the wall there before we turned back/around and entered the city again at the Valley Gate.
Så drog jag om nattena bort åt bäcken, och besåg murarna, och vände om, och kom igenom dalporten hem igen.
16 The [city] officials did not know where I had gone or what I was doing, because I had not told anyone about what I planned to do. I had not said anything about it to the Jewish leaders or the officials or the priests or any of the others who would be helping me in the work [that I wanted to do].
Och öfverstarna visste icke hvart jag gick, eller hvad jag gjorde; förty jag hade ändå intet sagt Judarna, och Presterna, rådherrarna och öfverstarna, och dem androm, som uppå verket arbetade.
17 But now I said to them, “You all know very well the terrible things [that have happened to] our city. The city is ruined; even the gates are burned down. So we should rebuild the city wall. If we do that, we will no longer feel humiliated/disgraced.”
Så sade jag dem nu: I sen den uselhet, som vi uti äre, att Jerusalem ligger öde, och dess portar äro med eld uppbrände; kommer, låter oss bygga murarna till Jerusalem, att vi icke länger skola vara till en försmädelse.
18 Then I told them about how God had kindly/graciously helped me [when I talked to the king], and what the king had said to me. They immediately replied, “Let’s start rebuilding!” So they started to do this good work.
Och jag lät dem förstå min Guds hand, den öfver mig god var; dertill Konungens ord, som han med mig talat hade. Och de sade: Så låt oss nu vara uppe. Och vi byggde, och deras händer voro tröste till godt.
19 But when Sanballat, Tobiah, and Gershom the Arab [king of the Kedar region] heard about what we planned to do, they made fun of us and ridiculed us. They said, “What is this work that you are doing? Are you rebelling against the king [again]?” [RHQ]
Då nu Saneballat den Horoniten, och Tobia tjenaren, den Ammoniten, och Gesem den Araben, hörde det, begabbade de oss, och föraktade oss, och sade: Hvad är det I gören? Viljen I åter falla af ifrå Konungenom?
20 But I replied, “Our God [who is/rules] in heaven will help our plans to succeed. But as for you, you have no right to decide anything about this city, because you have not participated in what has happened in this city in previous years.”
Då svarade jag dem, och sade: Gud af himmelen gifver oss lycko; ty vi hans tjenare hafve uppe varit, och byggom; men I hafven ingen del eller rätt, eller åminnelse i Jerusalem.

< Nehemiah 2 >