< Nehemiah 13 >

1 On that day, when someone read to the people parts of the laws [that God gave] to Moses, they read where it was written that no one from the Ammon people-group or the Moab people-group was ever to be allowed to be with God’s people while they were gathered together [to worship].
Pa tsiku limenelo anawerenga buku la Mose anthu akumva. Ndipo anapeza mawu akuti, Mwamoni kapena Mmowabu asalowe konse mu msonkhano wa Mulungu.
2 The reason for that was that the people of Ammon and the people of Moab did not give/sell any food or water to the Israelis [while the Israelis were going through their areas after they left Egypt]. Instead, the people of Ammon and Moab paid money to Balaam in order that he would curse the Israelis. But God commanded Balaam to bless the people, not to curse them.
Paja iwowa sanawachingamire Aisraeli kukawapatsa chakudya ndi madzi. Mʼmalo mwake analemba ganyu Baalamu kuti adzawatemberere. Komabe Mulungu wathu anasandutsa tembererolo kukhala mdalitso.
3 So when the people heard these laws [being read to them], they sent away all the people whose ancestors had come from other countries.
Anthu atamva lamuloli, anachotsa pakati pawo onse amene anali achilendo.
4 Previously, Eliashib the priest had been appointed to be in charge of the storerooms in the temple. He was a relative of [our enemy] Tobiah.
Izi zisanachitike, wansembe Eliyasibu anali atasankhidwa kukhala woyangʼanira zipinda zosungiramo katundu za Nyumba ya Mulungu. Iyeyu ankagwirizana kwambiri ndi Tobiya.
5 He allowed Tobiah to use a large room in which they had previously stored the grain offerings and the incense, the equipment that is used in the temple, the offerings [that the people had brought] for the priests, and the tithes of grain and wine and [olive] oil that [God] had commanded the people to bring to the [other] descendants of Levi, and to the temple musicians, and to the temple guards.
Choncho anamupatsa chipinda chachikulu chimene kale ankasungamo zopereka zakudya, lubani, ziwiya, zopereka za chakhumi za tirigu, vinyo ndi mafuta zoyenera kuperekedwa kwa Alevi, oyimba nyimbo ndi alonda a ku Nyumba ya Mulungu, komanso mphatso zoyenera kupereka kwa ansembe.
6 While [Tobias was using that room], I was not in Jerusalem, because in the 32nd year that Artaxerxes was the king of Babylonia, I went back there to report to him. After a while I requested the king to allow me to return to Jerusalem, [and he allowed me to go].
Koma pamene izi zonse zinkachitika mu Yerusalemu, ine kunalibe popeza mʼchaka cha 32 cha Aritasasita mfumu ya Babuloni ine ndinabwerera kwa mfumu. Patapitanso nthawi ndinapempha chilolezo kwa mfumuyo
7 When I arrived in Jerusalem, I found out that Eliashib had done an evil thing by allowing Tobiah to use a room in God’s temple.
ndipo ndinabwerera ku Yerusalemu. Kumeneko ndinamva za chinthu choyipa chimene Eliyasibu anachita pomupatsa Tobiya chipinda mʼbwalo la Nyumba ya Mulungu.
8 I became very angry, and I threw out of that room everything that belonged to Tobiah.
Ndinapsa mtima kwambiri ndipo ndinataya kunja katundu yense wa Tobiya amene anali mʼchipindamo.
9 Then I commanded [that they perform a ritual] to make the rooms (pure/acceptable to God) again. And I also ordered that all the equipment used in the temple and all the grain offerings and incense should be put in that room again.
Ndinalamulira kuti ayeretse zipinda, ndipo kenaka ndinabwezeramo zida za mʼNyumba ya Mulungu, pamodzi ndi chopereka cha zakudya ndi lubani.
10 I also found out that the temple musicians and [other] descendants of Levi had left Jerusalem and returned to their fields/farms, because the Israeli people had not been bringing to them the food [that they needed].
Ndinapezanso kuti Alevi sankalandira magawo awo amene amayera kulandira. Chotsatira chake Alevi onse pamodzi ndi oyimba nyimbo amene ankagwira ku Nyumba ya Mulungu anathawa, aliyense kupita ku munda wake.
11 So I rebuked the officials, saying to them, “(Why have you not taken care of the work in the temple?/It is disgraceful that you have not taken care of the work in the temple.)” [RHQ] So I brought the descendants of Levi and the musicians back to the temple, and told them to do their work there again.
Choncho ndinadzudzula akuluakulu aja ndipo ndinawafunsa kuti, “Nʼchifukwa chiyani Nyumba ya Mulungu yasiyidwa?” Ndipo ine ndinawayitanitsa pamodzi ndi kuwayika mʼmalo awo.
12 Then all the people of Judah again started to bring to the temple storerooms their tithes of grain, wine, and [olive] oil.
Pambuyo pake Ayuda anayambanso kubwera ndi zopereka zawo za chakhumi cha tirigu, vinyo ndi mafuta kuti ziperekedwe ku nyumba yosungiramo chuma.
13 I appointed these men to be in charge of the storerooms: Shelemiah, who was a priest; Zadok, who knew the Jewish laws very well; and Pedaiah, a descendant of Levi. I appointed Hanan, who is the son of Zaccur and grandson of Mattaniah, to assist them. I knew that I could trust these men while they distributed those offerings to their fellow workers.
Ndipo ndinasankha wansembe Selemiya, mlembi Zadoki, ndi Mlevi wotchedwa Pedaya kukhala oyangʼanira zipinda zosungiramo. Ndinasankhanso Hanani mwana wa Zakuri mwana wa Mataniya kukhala wowathandizira chifukwa ndinaona kuti anthu awa anali odalirika. Ntchito yawo inali yogawira abale awo zinthu zofunika.
14 My God, do not forget all these good things that I have faithfully done for your temple and for the work that is done there!
Inu Mulungu wanga, mundikumbukire pa zimenezi, ndipo musafafanize ntchito zanga zimene ndachita mokhulupirika pa Nyumba yanu pofuna kukutumikirani.
15 During that time, I saw some people in Judea [who were working] on the Sabbath day. [Some were] pressing grapes [to make wine]. Others were putting grain, [bags of] wine, [baskets of] grapes, figs, and many [HYP] other things, on their donkeys and taking them into Jerusalem. I warned them that they should not sell things to the people of Judea on Sabbath days.
Nthawi imeneyo ndinaona anthu a mu Yuda akuponda ndi kufinya mphesa pa tsiku la Sabata. Ena ankawunjika tirigu milumilu ndi kumasenzetsa abulu. Enanso ankabwera ndi vinyo, mphesa, mkuyu ndi katundu wa mitundumitundu ku Yerusalemu pa tsiku la Sabata. Choncho ndinawachenjeza za kugulitsa zakudya pa tsiku la Sabata.
16 I also saw some people from Tyre [city] who were living there in Jerusalem who were bringing fish and other things [into Jerusalem] to sell to the people of Judea on the Sabbath day.
Nawonso anthu a ku Turo amene ankakhala mu Yerusalemu ankabweretsa nsomba ndi akatundu ena onse amalonda kudzagulitsa pa Sabata kwa anthu a mʼdziko la Yuda ndi a mu Yerusalemu.
17 So I rebuked the Jewish leaders and told them, “This is [RHQ] a very evil thing that you are doing! You are causing the Sabbath days to be unholy.
Ndipo ndinadzudzula anthu olemekezeka a dziko la Yuda. Ndinawafunsa kuti, “Nʼchoyipa chanji mukuchitachi, kumayipitsa tsiku la Sabata chotere?
18 Your ancestors did [RHQ] things like that, so God punished them, and as a result, this city was destroyed! And now by causing the Sabbath day to be unholy, you are going to cause God to be angry with us Israeli people [and punish us] more!”
Makolo anu anachita zomwezi ndipo Mulungu wathu anadzetsa mavuto pa ife ndi pa mzinda uwu. Kodi inu mukufuna kuwutsanso mkwiyo wa Mulungu pa Israeli pamene mukudetsa tsiku la Sabata?”
19 So I ordered that at (the beginning of every Sabbath day/every Friday evening) they should shut the gates of the city before it became dark. I also ordered that they should not open the gates until (the Sabbath day was ended [the next day]/Saturday evening). Then [each Sabbath day] I put some of my men at the gates, so they would make sure that nothing to sell was brought into the city on that day.
Nʼchifukwa chake ndikulamula kuti pamene kuyamba kuda, tsiku la Sabata lisanayambe, azitseka zipata zonse za Yerusalemu ndipo asazitsekule mpaka sabata litatha. Ndinayika ena mwa antchito anga oyangʼanira pa zipata kuti katundu aliyense asalowe mu Yerusalemu pa tsiku la Sabata.
20 One or two times merchants [DOU] stayed outside of the city on (Friday night/[the night before the Sabbath day]).
Choncho kamodzi kapena kawiri anthu amalonda ndi anthu ogulitsa katundu osiyanasiyana ankagona usiku wonse kunja kwa Yerusalemu.
21 I warned them, “It is useless [RHQ] for you to stay here outside the walls [on Friday night]! If you do this again, I will tell my men to arrest you!” So after that, they did not come on Sabbath days.
Koma ndinawachenjeza ndi kuwafunsa kuti, “Nʼchifukwa chiyani mukugona pafupi ndi khoma? Ngati muchitanso zimenezi, ine ndidzakugwirani.” Kuyambira nthawi imeneyo, sanabwerenso pa tsiku la Sabata.
22 I also commanded the descendants of Levi to [perform the ritual to] purify themselves and to guard the city gates, to make sure that the Sabbath was kept holy [by not allowing merchants to enter it on Sabbath days]. My God, do not forget this also that I [have done for you]! And because of your faithfully loving me, allow me to continue to live [many more years]!
Ndipo ndinalamulira Alevi kuti adziyeretse okha ndi kubwera kudzalonda pa zipata ndi cholinga choti tsiku la Sabata likhale tsiku loyera. Inu Mulungu wanga, kumbukireninso ine pa zimenezi ndipo mundisunge malingana ndi chikondi chanu chachikulu chosasinthika.
23 During that time, I also found out that many of the Jewish men had married women from Ashdod [city], and from [the] Ammon and Moab [people-groups].
Masiku amenewo ndinaonanso anthu a ku Yuda amene anakwatira akazi ochokera ku Asidodi, Amoni ndi Mowabu.
24 The result was that half of their children spoke the language that people in Ashdod speak or some other language, and they didn’t know how to speak our language.
Theka la ana awo linkayankhula chiyankhulo cha Asidodi kapena chiyankhulo chimodzi cha anthu ena, ndipo sankathanso kuyankhula chiyankhulo cha Ayuda.
25 So I rebuked those men, and I [asked God to] curse them, and I beat them and pulled out [some of] their hair. Then I forced them to solemnly promise, knowing that God [MTY] was [listening], that they would never again marry foreigners, and never allow their children to marry foreigners.
Tsono ndinakangana nawo ndi kuwatemberera. Ndinamenya ena mwa anthuwo ndi kuzula tsitsi lawo. Ine ndinawalumbiritsa mʼdzina la Mulungu kuti, “Inu musapereke ana anu aakazi kuti akwatiwe ndi ana awo aamuna kapena inuyo ngakhale ana anu aamuna kukwatira ana awo aakazi.
26 [I said to them], “Solomon, the king of Israel, sinned [RHQ] as a result of [marrying] foreign women. He was greater than any of the kings of other nations. God loved him, and caused him to become the king of all the Israeli people, but his foreign wives caused even him to sin.
Kodi Solomoni mfumu ya Israeli suja anachimwa chifukwa cha ukwati ngati umenewu. Pakati pa mitundu yambiri panalibe mfumu ngati iyi. Iye anakondedwa ndi Mulungu wake, ndipo Mulungu anamuyika kukhala mfumu ya Israeli yense, koma iyeyo anachimwa chifukwa cha akazi achilendo.
27 [Do you think that] we should do what you have done, and disobey our God by marrying foreign women [who worship idols]? [RHQ]”
Kodi tsopano ife tizimva inu kuti mukuchita choyipa chachikulu chimenechi, kupandukira Yehova Mulungu wathu pomakwatira akazi achilendo?”
28 One of the sons of Jehoiada, the son of Eliashib the Supreme Priest, had married the daughter of [our enemy] Sanballat, from Beth-Horon [town]. So I forced Jehoiada’s son to leave Jerusalem.
Mmodzi mwa ana aamuna a Yehoyada mwana Eliyasibu mkulu wa ansembe nʼkuti nthawi imeneyi ali mpongozi wa Sanibalati wa ku Horoni. Choncho ndinamuthamangitsa pamaso panga.
29 My God, do not forget that those people [who have married foreign women] have caused it to be a shame/disgrace to be a priest, and have caused people to despise the agreement that you made with the priests and with the [other] descendants of Levi [who help the priests])!
Inu Mulungu wanga, mukumbukire mmene iwo anayipitsira unsembe, pangano la unsembe komanso la Alevi.
30 I did all that to make sure that there were no more foreign people among the [Israeli] people [who would encourage them to worship idols]. I also established regulations for the priests and [other] descendants of Levi, in order that they would know what work they should do.
Motero ndinayeretsa ansembe ndi Alevi powachotsera kalikonse kachilendo. Ndipo ndinakhazikitsa ntchito zawo, kuti aliyense akhale pa ntchito yake.
31 I also arranged for people to bring the firewood [that was needed to burn on the altar, as Moses had declared] that we should [do]. I also arranged for the people to bring the first part of what they harvested [each year]. My God, do not forget [that] I [have done all these things], and bless me [for doing them]!
Ndiponso kupereka nkhuni ndi zipatso zoyamba kucha pa nthawi yake. Ndikumbukireni pondikomera mtima, Inu Mulungu wanga.

< Nehemiah 13 >