< Nehemiah 1 >
1 [I am] Nehemiah, the son of Hacaliah. [I am writing] this account [of what I did when I returned to Jerusalem. After King Artaxerxes had been ruling the Persian Empire] for almost 20 years, near the end of that year, I was in Susa, the capital [of Persia].
Este es el relato de Nehemías, hijo de Hacalías. En el mes de Quisleu, en el vigésimo año del reinado de Artajerjes, yo estaba en la fortaleza de Susa.
2 My brother Hanani came to visit me. He and some other men had just returned from Judah. I queried them about the Jews who were living there, whose [parents] had been (exiled/taken forcefully) [to Babylonia many years previously]. I also asked them about [what was happening in] Jerusalem.
Hanani, uno de mis hermanos, vino de Judá con otros hombres. Les pregunté sobre el remanente de los exiliados judíos que habían regresado del cautiverio, y también sobre Jerusalén.
3 They said to me, “The Jews in Jerusalem who returned there from Babylonia are living in a very difficult situation. The walls of the city have been broken down, and even the city gates have been burned down.”
Me dijeron: “El remanente que quedó del exilio está allí en la provincia, pero tiene muchos problemas y se siente humillado. Las murallas de Jerusalén han sido derribadas y sus puertas incendiadas”.
4 When I heard that, I sat down and cried. For several days I mourned, and I (fasted/abstained from eating food), and I prayed to our God, [who is/rules] in heaven.
Cuando me enteré de la noticia, me senté, llorando y lamentándome durante días, ayunando y orando al Dios del cielo.
5 I said, “Yahweh, [you who are/rule] in heaven, you are a wonderful and awesome God. You keep your promise to faithfully love those who love you and who obey your commands.
Entonces oré: “Por favor, Señor Dios del cielo – el Dios grande y asombroso que mantiene su acuerdo de amor confiable con los que lo aman y guardan sus mandamientos –
6 Now please look down and listen to what I am praying. I pray during the day and at night for your Israeli people. I confess that we Israeli people have sinned. Even my family and I have sinned against you.
por favor escucha y enfoca tu atención en la oración de tu siervo que te estoy orando ahora, día y noche, en nombre de tus siervos, los israelitas. Confieso los pecados que los israelitas hemos cometido contra ti, incluidos los míos y los de mi familia.
7 We have acted very wickedly. [Many years ago] your servant Moses gave us your laws and all the things you commanded us to do [DOU], but we have not obeyed/done them.
Hemos hecho cosas terribles para ofenderte y no hemos cumplido los mandamientos, las leyes y los reglamentos que le diste a tu siervo Moisés.
8 “But please remember what you told your servant Moses. You said, ‘If you sin, I will scatter you among the ([heathen nations/nations that do not believe in me]).
“Por favor, recuerda lo que le dijiste a Moisés cuando le dijiste: ‘Si son infieles, los dispersaré entre las naciones,
9 But if you return to me and obey my commands, even if you have been exiled to very remote/distant places on the earth, I will bring you back here [to Israel], the land that I [MTY] have chosen to be honored in.’
pero si vuelven a mí y siguen mis mandamientos y los obedecen, entonces, aunque sean exiliados hasta los confines de la tierra, los reuniré y los llevaré al lugar que he elegido donde seré honrado.
10 “We are your servants. We are the people whom you brought here by your very great power [MTY, DOU]
Ellos son tus siervos y nuestro pueblo. Los has salvado con tu gran poder y tu increíble fuerza.
11 Yahweh, please hear this prayer of mine, and the prayers of all your people who are delighted to revere you [MTY]. Today I will go to the king, to request that he do me a great favor. Please motivate him to act kindly toward me, in order that I will be successful [in obtaining what I want].” At that time, I was the one whose work was to taste all the food and drink before it was served to the king, [to be sure that no one had put poison in it].
Señor, por favor responde a mi oración y a las oraciones de los que aman adorarte. Por favor, permíteme tener éxito hoy y haz que el rey simpatice conmigo’”. Yo era el copero del rey.