< Nahum 2 >
1 [You people of] [APO] Nineveh, your enemies are coming to attack you. [So] place guards on the tops of the walls around the city! Guard the roads [into the city]! Get ready to fight! Gather your troops/soldiers [MTY] together!
Izaðe zatiraè na te, èuvaj grad, pazi na put, utvrdi bedra, ukrijepi se dobro.
2 Even though enemy soldiers have destroyed the descendants of [MTY] Jacob, Yahweh will cause them to be honored again. Israel is like a grapevine that has been ruined, but Israel will prosper again.
Jer Gospod povrati slavu Jakovljevu kao slavu Izrailjevu, jer ih pustošnici opustošiše i loze im potrše.
3 The shields of the enemy soldiers [who are coming to attack you] will shine red [as the sun shines on them], and they will wear bright red uniforms. The metal of their chariot [wheels] will flash when they line up [before the battle], and their soldiers will lift up their cypress/pine spears and wave them.
Štit je junaka njegovijeh crven, vojnici su u skerletu; kola æe mu biti kao zapaljeni luèevi na dan kad se uvrsta, i jele æe se ljuljati strašno.
4 Their chariots will dash through the streets [of Nineveh] and rush furiously through the plazas. Going as quick as lightning, they will resemble flaming torches.
Kola æe praskati po ulicama i udarati jedna o druga po putovima, biæe kao luèevi, i trèaæe kao munje.
5 [Meanwhile], your king will summon his officers who will stumble as they [try to] come [quickly]. They will dash to the [city] wall, holding their shields to protect themselves.
Pominjaæe junake svoje, a oni æe padati iduæi, pohitjeæe k zidovima njegovijem, i zaklon æe biti gotov.
6 But, the gates [of the dams] on the rivers will be thrown open [by enemy soldiers], and [the flood will cause] the palace to collapse.
Vrata æe se rijekama otvoriti, i dvor æe se razvaliti.
7 The queen will have her clothes stripped off her [by enemy soldiers], and her slave girls will moan like doves and beat their breasts [to show that they are very sad].
I koja stoji, zarobiæe se i odvešæe se, djevojke njezine pratiæe je uzdišuæi kao golubice, bijuæi se u prsi.
8 [The people will rush from] Nineveh like [SIM] water rushes from a broken dam. [The officials] will shout, “Stop! Stop!” but the people will not even look back [as they run away].
Ninevija bijaše kao jezero vodeno otkako je; ali bježe. Stanite, stanite. Ali se niko ne obzire.
9 [The enemy attackers say to each other, ] “Seize the silver! Grab the gold! There is a huge amount of very valuable things in this city, more valuable things than anyone can count!”
Grabite srebro, grabite zlato; blagu nema kraja, mnoštvo je svakojakih dragih zaklada.
10 [Soon everything valuable in the city] will be seized or ruined. People will be trembling, with the result that they will not be able to fight. Their faces will all become pale.
Isprazni se, i ogolje, i opustje; i srce se rastopi, koljena udaraju jedno o drugo, i bol je u svijem bedrima, i lica su svjema pocrnjela.
11 [After that happens, people will say, ] “What happened to [RHQ] that [great city of Nineveh]? [It was like] [MET] a den [full] of young lions, where the male and female lions lived and fed the young ones.
Gdje je loža lavovima i pasište laviæima, kuda iðaše lav i lavica i laviæ, i nikoga ne bješe da plaši?
12 [The soldiers in Nineveh were like] [MET] lions that killed or strangled [other animals] [and brought the meat] to their dens.”
Lav lovljaše svojim laviæima dosta, i davljaše lavicama svojim, i punjaše peæine svoje lova i lože svoje grabeža.
13 The Commander of the armies of angels says [to the people of Nineveh], “I am opposed to you; I will cause your chariots to [be burned in fires and] go up in smoke. Your young men will be killed with swords. [Your soldiers] will never again conquer [other nations] and seize their valuable possessions. Your messengers will never again take messages [to other nations, demanding that their armies surrender to them].”
Evo me na te, govori Gospod nad vojskama, i popaliæu kola tvoja u dim, i maè æe proždrijeti laviæe tvoje, i istrijebiæu sa zemlje grabež tvoj, i neæe se èuti glas poslanika tvojih.