< Nahum 1 >
1 [I am] Nahum, from Elkosh [village]. [This is] a message about Nineveh [city, the capital of Assyria that was given] to me in a vision [by Yahweh].
Faminaniana ny amin’ ny loza hanjo an’ i Ninive, dia ny bokin’ ny fahitan’ i Nahoma Elkosita.
2 Yahweh our God (is jealous/does not want people to worship any other god). He is very angry [with those who worship other gods], and he gets revenge [DOU] [on all] those who oppose him [DOU].
Andriamanitra saro-piaro sy mamaly heloka Jehovah; Jehovah dia Mpamaly heloka sady be fahatezerana; Jehovah dia Mpamaly ny rafilahiny Ary mitahiry fahatezerana hamelezany ny fahavalony.
3 Yahweh does not quickly become angry; but he is very powerful, and he will certainly punish [LIT] those who have done evil things [MTY]. He shows his power by sending whirlwinds and storms, and clouds are [like] [MET] the dust [stirred up by] his feet.
Mahari-po Jehovah sady be hery Ary tsy mety manamarina ny meloka; Amin’ ny tadio sy ny tafio-drivotra no lalan’ i Jehovah. Ary rahona no vovoky ny tongony.
4 When he commands oceans and rivers to become dry, they dry up. [He causes the grass in the fields in] the Bashan [region] and [on the slopes of] Carmel [Mountain] to wither, [and causes] the flowers in Lebanon to fade.
Miteny mafy ny ranomasina izy ka mahatankina azy Ary mandritra ny ony rehetra; Malazo Basana sy Karmela. Ary malazo koa ny vonin’ i Libanona.
5 When he appears, [it is as though] the mountains shake and the hills melt; the earth quakes and [the people on] the earth tremble.
Mihorohoro eo anatrehany ny tendrombohitra, Sady miempo ny havoana, Ary mientanentana eo anatrehany ny tany, Dia ny tany onenana sy ny mponina rehetra ao aminy.
6 There is no one [RHQ] who can resist him when he becomes extremely angry; there is no one [RHQ] who can survive when his anger is very hot. When he is very angry, [it is as though] his anger is like [SIM] a blazing fire, and [it is as though] mountains are shattered into pieces.
Iza no mahatoetra eo anoloan’ ny fahavinirany? Ary iza no mahatanty ny firehitry ny fahatezerany? Aidina toy ny afo ny fahatezerany, Ary mirodana eo anoloany ny vatolampy.
7 But he is good; he protects [us his people] when we experience troubles. He takes care of those who trust in him.
Tsara Jehovah, fiarovana mafy amin’ ny andro fahoriana, Ka mahalala izay mialoka aminy.
8 But he will get rid of his enemies; he will be to them [like] [MET] a flood that destroys everything. He will chase his enemies into the darkness [of the place where the dead are].
Fa amin’ ny riaka manafotra no anafoanany ny fitoerany, Ary ny fahavalony dia henjehiny ho any amin’ ny maizina.
9 [So], it is useless [RHQ] for you [people of Nineveh] to plot against Yahweh. He will not [need to] strike you two times to destroy you; he will destroy you [by striking you only once].
Inona no heverinareo ho enti-manohitra an’ i Jehovah? Fahafonganana no hataony, Tsy hiverina fanindroany ny fahoriana.
10 [It will be as though his enemies] are tangled in thorns, and they will stagger like people who have drunk a lot of wine. They will be burned up like [SIM] a fire completely burns up stubble/straw.
Fa na dia miforiporitra toy ny tsilo aza ireny Sady vonton’ ny divay mahery fibobohany, Dia ho levona tokoa toy ny vodivary maina izy.
11 In Nineveh [city] there was a man who advised people to do very wicked things to Yahweh.
Avy tao aminao no nivoahan’ ny anankiray izay misain-dratsy ho enti-manohitra an’ i Jehovah Sady mamoron-kevi-dratsy.
12 But this is what Yahweh says [about you Israeli people]: “Although the people of Assyria have very many people and their army is very powerful, they will be destroyed and will disappear. [I say to my people in Judah, ] ‘have [already] punished you, but I will not punish you again.
Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah: Na dia tsy latsaka isa ka mbola maro aza ireny, Dia hofongorana ihany izy ka ho levona Fa efa nampahory anao Aho, Ka tsy hampahory anao intsony.
13 Now I will cause the [people of Assyria] to no longer control/oppress you [MET]; [it will be as though] I will tear off the shackles/chains on your [hands and feet].”
Fa ankehitriny hotapahiko ny ziogany ho afaka aminao, Ary hotosako ny famatorana anao.
14 [And this is what] Yahweh also declares about you people of Nineveh: “You will not have any descendants who will continue to have your family names. And I will destroy all the statues of your gods that were carved or formed in molds. I will cause you [to be killed and] sent to your graves, because you are vile/despicable!”
Ary Jehovah efa nandidy ny aminao hoe: Tsy ho velo-maso intsony ny anaranao; Hataoko tapaka tsy ho ao an-tranon’ ny andriamanitrao ny sarin-javatra voasokitra sy ny sarin-javatra an-idina; Hanao ny fasana ho anjaranao Aho, satria hita fa latsa-danja ianao.
15 [You people of Judah, ] look! A messenger will be coming across the mountains, and he [SYN] will be bringing good news [to you]. He will be declaring [that you will now have] peace [because Assyria will have been conquered]. [So, ] celebrate your festivals, and do what you solemnly promised to do [when your enemies were threatening to attack you], because your wicked [enemies] will not invade your country again, [because] they will be completely destroyed.
Injany! any an-tendrombohitra ny tongotry ny mitondra teny soa mahafaly Sady mitory fiadanana! Tandremo ny andro firavoravoanao, ry Joda, Efao ny voadinao; Fa tsy handeha hamaky eo aminao intsony ilay tena ratsy fanahy, Indray ripaka izy rehetra.