< Micah 1 >
1 [I am] Micah. I am from [the town of] Moresheth [in Judah]. Yahweh gave me these [messages in] visions about Samaria and Jerusalem during the time when Jotham, [and then] Ahaz, and [then] Hezekiah, were the kings of Judah.
2 You people everywhere on the earth, pay attention to this [DOU]! Yahweh our God is accusing you from his holy temple [in heaven].
萬民よ聽け 地とその中の者よ耳を傾けよ 主ヱホバ汝らに對ひて證を立たまはん 即ち主その聖殿より之を立たまふべし
3 He will come down [from heaven] and walk on the tops of the highest mountains.
4 [It will be as though] the mountains will melt under his [feet] like [SIM] wax [melts] in front of a fire, and like [SIM] water [disappears] when it rushes/flows down into a valley.
山は彼の下に融け谷は裂けたり 火の前なる蝋のごとく坡に流るる水の如し
5 Those things will happen because of the terrible sins [DOU] that the people [MTY] of Israel, [the descendants of] Jacob, have committed. But it was [RHQ] [the people of] Samaria [city who persuaded all the people of] Israel to sin, and it was [RHQ] because the people of Jerusalem [set up altars to worship their gods] that [the other people of] Judah [were persuaded to worship idols on] their hilltops.
是みなヤコブの咎の故イスラエルの家の罪のゆゑなり ヤコブの愆とは何か サマリヤにあらずや ユダの崇邱とは何か エルサレムにあらずや
6 So Yahweh will cause Samaria to become a heap [of rubble/ruins]; [it will be only] a field for planting vineyards. He will cause the stones of its [buildings] to roll down into the valley, and the foundations [of the buildings] will be uncovered.
7 All the idols in Samaria will be smashed, and the gifts [given to prostitutes at the temples of their idols] will be destroyed in a fire. And because people paid prostitutes there, [their enemies will take away those idols and sell them] to get money to pay to prostitutes [in other countries].
その石像はみな碎かれその獲たる價金はみな火にて焚れん 我その偶像をことごとく毀たん 彼妓女の價金よりこれを積たれば是はまた歸りて妓女の價金となるべし
8 Because [Samaria will be destroyed], I will weep and wail. I will walk around (barefoot/without any sandals on my feet) and naked. I will howl like a jackal/wolf and screech like an owl,
我これがために哭き咷ばん 衣を脱ぎ裸體にて歩行ん 山犬のごとくに哭き駝鳥のごとくに啼ん
9 because Samaria will be completely destroyed [MET]; nothing can save that city. But the same thing will happen to Judah! [It is as though the enemy army] has [already] reached the city gates of Jerusalem, [the main city where] my people [live].
10 Do not tell that to [our enemies] in Gath [city in Philistia]! Do not cry, [lest the people there find out what is happening]! [Instead, just] roll in the dirt in Beth-Leaphrah [because the name of that town means ‘house of dust].’
ガテに傳ふるなかれ 泣さけぶ勿れ ベテレアフラにて我塵の中に輾びたり
11 You people who live in Shaphir [town, whose name means ‘beautiful],’ naked and ashamed, you will be taken [to another country]. [You people in] Beth-Ezel [town] should mourn, [because] no one from Zaanan [town, whose name means ‘one who goes out],’ will go out to help you.
サピルに住る者よ 汝ら裸になり辱を蒙りて進みゆけ ザアナンに住る者は敢て出ず ベテエゼルのの哀哭によりて汝らは立處を得ず
12 [The name of] Maroth [town sounds like ‘bitterness];’ everyone there is anxiously waiting for good things to happen to them, but good things will not happen to them; instead, terrible things are about to happen to them, and it will soon happen at the gates of Jerusalem.
マロテに住る者は己の幸福につきて思ひなやむ 其は災禍ヱホバより出てエルサレムの門に臨めばなり
13 You people of Lachish [city, whose name sounds like ‘team],’ hitch your horses to pull the chariots [in which you can ride to flee from your enemies]. The Israeli people rebelled against Yahweh, and you (imitated them/did the same evil things that they did), and that caused the people of Jerusalem [IDM] to start sinning, too.
ラキシに住る者よ馬に車をつなげ ラキシはシオンの女の罪の根本なり イスラエルの愆は汝の中に見ゆ
14 [You people of Judah], send a farewell gift to [the people] of Moresheth [town], [because their enemies will soon destroy it]. [The name of the town Aczib means ‘deception],’ and the kings of Israel [will soon find out that the people of that town] will deceive them.
この故に汝モレセテガテに離別の饋物を與へよ アクジブの家々はイスラエルの王等におけること人を欺く溪川のごとくなるべし
15 [The name of your town of] Mareshah [means ‘conqueror],’ and Yahweh will [soon] send someone to conquer your town. [It will be necessary for] the great/glorious leaders of Israel to go [and hide in the cave at] Adullam [city].
マレシヤにすめる者よ 我また汝の地を獲べき者を汝に携へ往べし イスラエルの榮光アドラムに往ん
16 [You people of Judah], shave your heads [while you will be mourning], because your children whom you love will [soon] be (exiled/forced to leave you and go to another country).
汝その悦ぶところの子等の故によりて汝の髮を剃おろせ 汝の首の剃し處を大きくして鷲のごとくにせよ 其は彼等擄へられて汝を離るればなり