< Micah 7 >

1 I am very miserable/frustrated! I am like [SIM] someone who is hungry, [who searches for fruit to pick] after all the fruit had been picked and who finds no grapes or figs to eat.
Hélas! je suis comme après la récolte des fruits d’été, comme après le grappillage de la vendange: pas une grappe a manger! pas une des premières figues que mon âme désire!
2 [All] the godly people have disappeared from this land; there is not one of them left. [The people who are left] are all murderers [MTY]; [it is as though] everyone is eager to kill his fellow countryman.
L’homme pieux a disparu de la terre, et il n’y a plus un juste parmi les hommes. Tous ils se mettent en embuscade pour répandre le sang; chacun fait la chasse à son frère et lui tend le filet.
3 They [all] use both hands to do what is evil. [Government] officials and judges [all] ask for bribes. Important people tell others what they want, and they plot/scheme together [about how to get it done].
Le mal, il y a des mains pour le bien faire; le prince exige, le juge fait son prix, et le grand manifeste son avidité; c’est ainsi qu’ils ourdissent ensemble leur trame.
4 [Even] the best people are [as worthless] [SIM] as briers; the people [who are considered by others to be] [IRO] the most honest are worse than clumps of thornbushes. But, [Yahweh] will soon judge them; now is the time that he will punish people, a time when they will be [very] confused [because of being defeated].
Le meilleur d’entre eux est pareil à l’épine; le plus droit, pire qu’une haie de ronces. — Le jour annoncé par tes sentinelles, le jour de ton châtiment est venu; maintenant ils vont être dans la confusion! —
5 [So], do not trust anyone! Do not trust [even] a friend; [even] be careful what you say to your wife whom you love!
Ne croyez pas à un ami, ne vous fiez pas à un intime; devant celle qui repose sur ton sein, garde les paroles de ta bouche!
6 Boys will despise their fathers, and girls will defy their mothers. Women will defy their mothers-in-law. Your enemies will be those who live in your own houses.
Car le fils traite son père de fou; la fille s’insurge contre sa mère, la belle-fille contre sa belle-mère; chacun a pour ennemis les gens de sa maison.
7 As for me, I wait for Yahweh [to help me]. I confidently expect that God, my Savior, will answer me [when I pray].
Et moi je regarderai vers Yahweh, j’espérerai dans le Dieu de mon salut; mon Dieu m’écoutera.
8 You who are our enemies, do not gloat/rejoice about [what has happened to] us, [because even] if we have experienced disasters, [those disasters will end and] we will be restored. [Even] if [it is as though] we are sitting in the darkness, Yahweh will be our light.
Ne te réjouis pas à mon sujet, ô mon ennemie; car, si je suis tombée, je me relèverai; si je suis assise dans les ténèbres, Yahweh est ma lumière.
9 We must be patient while Yahweh punishes us because we have sinned against him. But later, [it will be as though] he will go to court and defend us, and he will make sure that the judge makes a right decision about us. [It will be as though] he will bring us out into the light, and we will see it when he rescues us.
Je porterai la colère de Yahweh, puisque j’ai péché contre lui, jusqu’à ce qu’il prenne en main ma cause, et qu’il établisse mon droit; il me fera sortir à la lumière, je contemplerai sa justice.
10 Our enemies will [also] see that, and they will be disgraced because they [ridiculed us], saying “Why is [RHQ] Yahweh, that God of yours, [not helping you]?” But with our own eyes we will see them when they are defeated; we will see them trampled like [SIM] mud in the streets.
Que mon ennemie le voie, et que la honte la recouvre, elle qui me disait: « Où est Yahweh, ton Dieu? » Mes yeux la contempleront; maintenant elle sera foulée aux pieds, comme la boue des rues.
11 [You people of Israel, ] at that time your cities will be rebuilt, and your territory will become larger.
Le jour vient où tes murs seront rebâtis; ce jour-là le décret sera retiré.
12 [People from many countries will come to honor you]: people from Assyria and from [near] the [Euphrates] River [in the east] and from Egypt [in the south], from distant seas, and from many mountains.
Ce jour-là, on viendra jusqu’à toi, de l’Assyrie et des villes d’Égypte, de l’Égypte jusqu’au fleuve, d’une mer à l’autre et d’une montagne à l’autre.
13 But [the other countries on] the earth will become desolate because of the [evil] things that their people have done.
Le pays deviendra un désert, à cause de ses habitants: c’est là le fruit de leurs actions.
14 Yahweh, protect your people like [MET] [a shepherd protects his sheep] by using his walking stick; lead your people [MET] whom you have chosen to belong to you. [Even though some of them] live by themselves in a forest, give them the fertile pastureland in the Bashan and Gilead [regions] that they possessed long ago.
Pais ton peuple avec ta houlette, le troupeau de ton héritage, qui habite solitaire dans la forêt, au milieu du Carmel; qu’elles paissent en Basan et en Galaad, comme aux jours anciens!
15 [Yahweh says/replies], “[Yes], I will perform miracles for you like the miracles that I performed when I rescued your [ancestors] from [being slaves in] Egypt.”
Comme au jour où tu sortis du pays d’Égypte, je lui ferai voir des prodiges.
16 [People from many] nations will see [what Yahweh does for you], and they will be ashamed because they do not have any power. They will put their hands over their mouths and their ears [because they will be very amazed because of what Yahweh does], [and they will not be able to say anything or hear anything].
Les nations le verront, et seront confuses de toute leur puissance; elles mettront la main sur la bouche; leurs oreilles seront assourdies.
17 [Being very humiliated, ] they will crawl on the ground [MTY] like [SIM] snakes. They will come out of their homes trembling, and stand revering Yahweh our God. They will be very afraid of him, and will tremble in front of him.
Elles lécheront la poussière comme le serpent; comme les reptiles de la terre, elles sortiront avec effroi de leurs retraites; elles viendront en tremblant vers Yahweh, notre Dieu, et elles vous craindront.
18 [Yahweh], there is no [RHQ] God like you; you forgive the sins [DOU] that were committed by the people who have survived, the people who belong to you. You do not remain angry forever; you are very happy [to show us] that you faithfully love [us].
Quel Dieu est semblable à vous, qui ôtez l’iniquité, et qui pardonnez la transgression au reste de votre héritage? Il ne fait pas à toujours prévaloir sa colère, car il prend plaisir, lui, à faire grâce.
19 You will again act kindly/compassionately toward us. You will get rid of [the scroll on which you have written] the sins that we have committed [as though you were] trampling it under your feet or throwing it into the deep ocean.
Il aura encore pitié de nous, il foulera encore aux pieds nos iniquités! Vous jetterez au fond de la mer tous leurs péchés;
20 You will show that you faithfully [do what you promised for us] and faithfully love us, just like you solemnly promised long ago to our ancestors Abraham and Jacob that you would do.
vous ferez voir à Jacob votre fidélité, à Abraham la miséricorde, que vous avez jurée à nos pères, dès les jours anciens.

< Micah 7 >