< Micah 4 >
1 Yahweh [says that] some day his temple will be on top of a mountain, and that mountain will be the most important [MET] one on the earth; it will be [as though it is] higher than all the hills, and huge groups of people from all over the world will come there [to worship].
Pero en los últimos días sucederá que la montaña de la casa del Señor se colocará en la cima de las montañas, y se elevará sobre las colinas; y los pueblos correrán hacia ella.
2 [People from] many nations will say [to each other], “Let’s go to the mountain where Yahweh is, to the temple where we can worship the God whom Jacob [worshiped]. There God will teach us how he wants us to conduct our lives, and we will do what he wants us to do.” Zion [Hill] is the place where he will teach [people]; and [people will go] out from Jerusalem [to tell others] his messages.
Y varias naciones irán y dirán: Ven, y subamos al monte del Señor, y a la casa del Dios de Jacob; y él nos enseñará sus caminos y seremos guiados por su palabra; porque de Sión saldrá la ley, y la palabra del Señor de Jerusalén.
3 Yahweh will settle disputes between many people, and he will [also] settle disputes between powerful nations that are far away. Then people will hammer their swords to cause them to become plow blades, and [hammer] their spears to cause them to become pruning knives. [Armies of] nations will no [longer] fight against [armies of other] nations, and they will no longer train [men how to fight] in wars.
Y él será juez entre los grandes pueblos, y las naciones fuertes y muy lejanas serán enjuiciadas; sus espadas serán martilladas en azadones de arado y sus lanzas en hoces; las naciones ya no levantarán sus espadas unas contra otras, y el entrenamiento para la guerra habrá desaparecido para siempre.
4 Everyone will sit [peacefully] under his own grapevines, and under his own fig trees; no one will cause them to be afraid. [That is what will surely happen] because the Commander of the armies of angels has said it.
Pero cada hombre se sentará debajo de su vid y debajo de su higuera, y no habrá nadie que los atemorice, porque la boca del Señor de los ejércitos lo ha dicho.
5 Many [HYP] [of the people of other] nations will worship [IDM] their own gods, but we will worship Yahweh our God always, forever.
Porque todos los pueblos caminarán, cada uno en el nombre de su dios, y nosotros caminaremos en el nombre del Señor nuestro Dios por los siglos de los siglos.
6 Yahweh says, “There will soon be a time when I will gather the people whom I have punished, who have been (exiled/forced to go to other countries), all those whom [I have caused to] suffer much.
En ese día, dice el Señor, reuniré a la coja, reuniré a la que ha sido perseguida, y a la que había castigado;
7 My people who did not die while they were exiled will become a strong nation [again]. Then [I], Yahweh, will be their king, and I will rule from Jerusalem forever.
Y hará de ella, que cojeaba, una remanente, y ella, que era descarriada; una nación fuerte: y el Señor será su Rey en el Monte Sión de ahora en adelante.
8 As for you people of Jerusalem [MET], you who [guard all of my people] like [MET] [a shepherd guards his sheep] from a tower, you [who live on] Zion [Hill], will have great power again. You people who live in Jerusalem will again rule like you did previously.
Y tú, oh torre del rebaño, fortaleza de la hija de Sión, a ti vendrá, aun la autoridad anterior, el reino de la hija de Jerusalén.
9 [So] why [RHQ] are you wailing now? Is it because you have no king? Have all your wise people died? You are groaning loudly like [SIM] a woman who is giving birth to a baby.
Ahora, ¿por qué lloras tan fuerte? ¿No hay rey en ti? ¿Ha llegado la destrucción a tu sabio ayudante? para que los dolores te hayan tomado como los dolores de una mujer en el parto.
10 [Well], you people of Jerusalem should writhe and groan like [SIM] a woman who is having birth pains, because now you must leave this city, and [while you are traveling], you will set up tents in open fields [at night]; you will go to [live in] Babylon. [But while you are] there, [I], Yahweh, will rescue you; I will free you from the power/control [MTY] of your enemies.
Siente dolor, haz sonidos de dolor, oh hija de Sion, como una mujer en el parto: porque ahora saldrás de la ciudad, viviendo en el campo, y vendrás hasta Babilonia; allí tendrás salvación; allí el Señor los hará libre de las manos de sus enemigos.
11 Now [the armies of] many nations have gathered to attack you. They are saying, ‘Jerusalem must be destroyed! We want to see this city [when it becomes ruins]!’
Y ahora varias naciones se han unido contra ti, y dicen: Que sea profanada y que nuestros ojos vean el destino de Sión.
12 But they do not know what [I], Yahweh, think, and they do not understand what I plan: I will gather them [and punish them] like [SIM] [farmers] thresh grain on the ground.
Pero ellos no tienen conocimiento de los pensamientos del Señor, sus mentes no pueden ver su propósito; porque los ha reunido como tallos de grano en el suelo de trilla.
13 So, you people of Jerusalem, rise up and punish [MET] [the nations who oppose you]. I will cause you [to be very strong], [as if] [MET] you had horns made of iron, [as if] [MET] you had hoofs made of bronze; and you will crush many nations. And [then you will take] from your enemies the valuable things that they have taken [from other countries], and you will dedicate those things to [me, the one who is] the Lord of all [the people on] the earth.”
¡Levántate! y que el grano sea molido, oh hija de Sion, porque haré tu cuerno de hierro y tus pezuñas de bronce, y varios pueblos serán quebrantados por ti, y entregarás sus despojos al Señor y su riqueza al Señor de toda la tierra.