< Micah 4 >
1 Yahweh [says that] some day his temple will be on top of a mountain, and that mountain will be the most important [MET] one on the earth; it will be [as though it is] higher than all the hills, and huge groups of people from all over the world will come there [to worship].
Pero en los últimos días, sucederá que el monte del templo de Yahvé se establecerá en la cima de las montañas, y será exaltado sobre las colinas; y la gente acudirá a ella.
2 [People from] many nations will say [to each other], “Let’s go to the mountain where Yahweh is, to the temple where we can worship the God whom Jacob [worshiped]. There God will teach us how he wants us to conduct our lives, and we will do what he wants us to do.” Zion [Hill] is the place where he will teach [people]; and [people will go] out from Jerusalem [to tell others] his messages.
Muchas naciones irán y dirán, “¡Ven! Subamos a la montaña de Yahvé, y a la casa del Dios de Jacob; y nos enseñará sus caminos, y caminaremos por sus senderos”. Porque la ley saldrá de Sión, y la palabra de Yahvé desde Jerusalén;
3 Yahweh will settle disputes between many people, and he will [also] settle disputes between powerful nations that are far away. Then people will hammer their swords to cause them to become plow blades, and [hammer] their spears to cause them to become pruning knives. [Armies of] nations will no [longer] fight against [armies of other] nations, and they will no longer train [men how to fight] in wars.
y juzgará entre muchos pueblos, y decidirá sobre las naciones fuertes que están lejos. Convertirán sus espadas en rejas de arado, y sus lanzas en podaderas. La nación no levantará la espada contra la nación, tampoco aprenderán más la guerra.
4 Everyone will sit [peacefully] under his own grapevines, and under his own fig trees; no one will cause them to be afraid. [That is what will surely happen] because the Commander of the armies of angels has said it.
Pero cada uno se sentará bajo su vid y bajo su higuera. Nadie les hará tener miedo, porque la boca del Señor de los Ejércitos ha hablado.
5 Many [HYP] [of the people of other] nations will worship [IDM] their own gods, but we will worship Yahweh our God always, forever.
En efecto, todas las naciones pueden caminar en nombre de sus dioses, sino que caminaremos en el nombre de Yahvé, nuestro Dios, por los siglos de los siglos.
6 Yahweh says, “There will soon be a time when I will gather the people whom I have punished, who have been (exiled/forced to go to other countries), all those whom [I have caused to] suffer much.
“En ese día”, dice Yahvé, “Reuniré lo que está cojo, y recogeré lo que se aleja, y lo que he afligido;
7 My people who did not die while they were exiled will become a strong nation [again]. Then [I], Yahweh, will be their king, and I will rule from Jerusalem forever.
y haré que lo que estaba cojo sea un remanente, y la que fue arrojada lejos una nación fuerte: y Yahvé reinará sobre ellos en el monte Sión desde entonces, para siempre”.
8 As for you people of Jerusalem [MET], you who [guard all of my people] like [MET] [a shepherd guards his sheep] from a tower, you [who live on] Zion [Hill], will have great power again. You people who live in Jerusalem will again rule like you did previously.
Tú, torre del rebaño, la colina de la hija de Sión, a ti te llegará. Sí, el antiguo dominio vendrá, el reino de la hija de Jerusalén.
9 [So] why [RHQ] are you wailing now? Is it because you have no king? Have all your wise people died? You are groaning loudly like [SIM] a woman who is giving birth to a baby.
Ahora, ¿por qué gritas en voz alta? ¿No hay un rey en ti? Su consejero ha perecido, que los dolores se han apoderado de ti como de una mujer de parto?
10 [Well], you people of Jerusalem should writhe and groan like [SIM] a woman who is having birth pains, because now you must leave this city, and [while you are traveling], you will set up tents in open fields [at night]; you will go to [live in] Babylon. [But while you are] there, [I], Yahweh, will rescue you; I will free you from the power/control [MTY] of your enemies.
Ten dolores, y da a luz, hija de Sión, como una mujer de parto; por ahora saldrás de la ciudad, y habitará en el campo, y llegará incluso a Babilonia. Allí serán rescatados. Allí Yahvé te redimirá de la mano de tus enemigos.
11 Now [the armies of] many nations have gathered to attack you. They are saying, ‘Jerusalem must be destroyed! We want to see this city [when it becomes ruins]!’
Ahora bien, se han reunido muchas naciones contra ti, que dicen, “Que se mancille, y que nuestro ojo se regodee en Sión”.
12 But they do not know what [I], Yahweh, think, and they do not understand what I plan: I will gather them [and punish them] like [SIM] [farmers] thresh grain on the ground.
Pero no conocen los pensamientos de Yahvé, ni entienden su consejo; porque los ha reunido como las gavillas a la era.
13 So, you people of Jerusalem, rise up and punish [MET] [the nations who oppose you]. I will cause you [to be very strong], [as if] [MET] you had horns made of iron, [as if] [MET] you had hoofs made of bronze; and you will crush many nations. And [then you will take] from your enemies the valuable things that they have taken [from other countries], and you will dedicate those things to [me, the one who is] the Lord of all [the people on] the earth.”
Levántate y trilla, hija de Sión, porque haré que tu cuerno sea de hierro, y haré que tus cascos sean de bronce. Vas a golpear en pedazos a muchos pueblos. Dedicaré su ganancia a Yahvé, y su sustancia al Señor de toda la tierra.