< Matthew 9 >

1 Jesus and his disciples got into the boat. They skirted around [the lake] and went to [Capernaum, the city where he was living].
Il monta dans une barque, traversa, et arriva dans sa ville.
2 [Some men] brought to him a man who was paralyzed and who was lying on a sleeping pad. When Jesus perceived that they believed [that he could heal the paralyzed man], he said to him, “Young man, be encouraged! I forgive your sins.”
Et voici qu'on lui amena un homme paralysé, couché sur un lit. Jésus, voyant leur foi, dit au paralytique: « Mon fils, réjouis-toi! Tes péchés te sont pardonnés. »
3 Some of the men who taught the [Jewish] laws said among themselves, “[He claims that he can forgive sins! That means that he claims to be equal with God] He is insulting God!”
Voici, quelques-uns des scribes se disaient: « Cet homme blasphème. »
4 Jesus knew what they were thinking. So he said, “(You should not think evil [thoughts], [accusing me because I claim that I am God]!/Why do you think evil [thoughts], [saying that it is wrong for me to claim that I am God]?) [RHQ]
Jésus, connaissant leurs pensées, leur dit: « Pourquoi pensez-vous mal dans vos cœurs?
5 It would [not] be risky [for someone] to say [to this man], ‘[I] forgive your sins’, [because no one could see whether or not it really happened]. But [no one, without having the power to heal], would say [to him], ‘[Get] up and walk!’, [because people could easily see whether it happened or not!] [RHQ]
Car lequel est le plus facile, de dire: « Tes péchés sont pardonnés », ou de dire: « Lève-toi et marche »?
6 [So I am going to do something] in order that you may know that [God] has authorized [me], the one who came from heaven, to forgive the sins [of people while I am] on the earth, [as well as to heal people].” Then he said to the paralyzed man, “Get up, pick up your sleeping pad, and go home!”
Mais, afin que vous sachiez que le Fils de l'homme a sur la terre le pouvoir de pardonner les péchés, il dit au paralytique: « Lève-toi, prends ton lit, et va dans ta maison. »
7 And [immediately] the man got up, [picked up his sleeping pad], and went home!
Il se leva et s'en alla dans sa maison.
8 When the crowds saw this, they were awestruck. They praised God for giving authority to a human being [to do] such [things].
Mais la foule, voyant cela, s'émerveilla et glorifia Dieu, qui avait donné un tel pouvoir à des hommes.
9 As Jesus was going away from there, he saw me, a man named Matthew. I was sitting at a table where I collected taxes [for the Roman government]. He said to me, “Come with me [and become my disciple]!” So I got up and went with him.
Comme Jésus passait par là, il vit un homme appelé Matthieu, assis au bureau de perception des impôts. Il lui dit: « Suis-moi. » Il se leva et le suivit.
10 [Then I invited] Jesus and his disciples to my home for a meal. While [they] were sitting and eating in my home, many tax collectors and [other people who were] {whom [the Pharisees]} [considered to be habitual] sinners came unexpectedly to eat with us.
Comme il était assis dans la maison, voici que beaucoup de collecteurs d'impôts et de pécheurs vinrent s'asseoir avec Jésus et ses disciples.
11 When the Pharisees saw [that, they came] to us disciples and said, “([It is disgusting that] your teacher, [who claims to be righteous], eats [and associates] with tax collectors and [other] sinners!/Why is it that your teacher, [who claims to be righteous], eats [and associates] with tax collectors and [other] sinners?)” [RHQ]
Les pharisiens, voyant cela, dirent à ses disciples: « Pourquoi votre maître mange-t-il avec les publicains et les pécheurs? »
12 Jesus heard what [they said], so he told them [this parable]: “[It is] people who are sick who need a [doctor] [MET], not people who are well.” [What he meant by that was that it was people who knew that they were sinners who were coming to him in order to be helped spiritually].
Jésus, ayant entendu cela, leur dit: « Ceux qui sont en bonne santé n'ont pas besoin de médecin, mais ceux qui sont malades, si.
13 He continued by saying, “You need to learn what these words that [God said] mean: ‘I want you to [act] mercifully to people and not [just to offer] sacrifices.’ Keep in mind that I came [from heaven, not] to invite [people who think] [IRO] [that they are] righteous [to turn away from their sinful lives and come to me, but to invite people who know they are] sinners [to turn from their sins and come to me].”
Mais vous, allez apprendre ce que cela signifie: « Je veux la miséricorde et non les sacrifices, car je suis venu non pas pour appeler les justes, mais les pécheurs à la repentance. »
14 Later, the disciples of John [the Baptizer] came to Jesus and asked him, “We [(exc)] and the Pharisees [often] abstain from food [to show that we want to please God], but your disciples do not do that. Why [do they not]?”
Alors les disciples de Jean s'approchèrent de lui, disant: « Pourquoi nous et les pharisiens jeûnons souvent, mais tes disciples ne jeûnent pas? »
15 [Jesus wanted to show them and the Pharisees that it was not appropriate for his disciples to abstain from food and mourn while he was still with them]. So he [gave them this illustration]: “When a bridegroom is with [his friends at the time of the wedding], (his friends certainly do not mourn, do they?/do his friends mourn?) [RHQ] [No, they do not mourn, because they are not sad at that time. But when] the bridegroom is taken {[someone] takes the [/his enemies] take the bridegroom} from them, they will abstain from food, [because then they will be sad].”
Jésus leur dit: « Les amis de l'époux peuvent-ils se lamenter tant que l'époux est avec eux? Mais les jours viendront où l'époux leur sera enlevé, et alors ils jeûneront.
16 [Jesus wanted to show them that people who desire to live in accordance with his new message should not try to continue to obey the old religious traditions like] ([abstaining from food/fasting]) [MET]. [So he said to them], “People do not sew a patch of unshrunken cloth on an old garment [to mend a hole]. If they did that, [when they washed the garment], the patch would [shrink] and tear the garment, and the hole would become bigger.
Personne ne met une pièce d'étoffe non rétrécie sur un vieux vêtement; car la pièce se détacherait du vêtement, et l'on ferait un trou plus grave.
17 Neither does anyone pour freshly-[squeezed] grape juice into old skin bags [to store it]. If anyone did that, those skin bags would tear [because they would not stretch when the grape juice ferments and expands. They] would be ruined, and the wine would be spilled {spill} [on the ground]. Instead, [people] put new wine into new skin bags, [and the bags will stretch when the wine ferments]. As a result, both [the wine and the bags] are preserved.”
On ne met pas non plus de vin nouveau dans de vieilles outres à vin, sinon les outres éclateraient, le vin se répandrait et les outres seraient ruinées. Non, on met le vin nouveau dans des outres à vin fraîches, et tous deux sont conservés. »
18 While Jesus was saying that, a leader of the Jewish meeting place came and bowed down before him [to show respect]. Then he said, “My daughter just died! But if you come and lay your hand on her, she will live [again]!”
Pendant qu'il leur racontait ces choses, voici qu'un chef vint se prosterner devant lui en disant: « Ma fille vient de mourir, mais viens poser ta main sur elle, et elle vivra. »
19 So Jesus got up, and he and [we] disciples went with the man.
Jésus se leva et le suivit, ainsi que ses disciples.
20 Then a woman who [had been suffering constant vaginal] bleeding for twelve years came near Jesus. She was saying to herself, “[I want Jesus to heal me without anyone finding out that I have this problem of bleeding]. So if I [touch him] or even if I just touch his garment, I will be healed [without anyone finding out about it].” So she came behind him and touched the tassel of his garment.
Voici qu'une femme qui avait eu un écoulement de sang pendant douze ans vint derrière lui et toucha la frange de son vêtement;
car elle disait en elle-même: « Si je touche seulement son vêtement, je serai guérie. »
22 Then Jesus turned around [to see who had touched him]. And when he saw the woman, he said to her, “Be encouraged, dear woman. Because you believed [PRS] [that I could heal you, I] have healed you.” The woman was healed at that very moment.
Mais Jésus, s'étant retourné et l'ayant vue, lui dit: « Ma fille, réjouis-toi! Ta foi t'a guérie. » Et la femme fut guérie dès cette heure-là.
23 Then Jesus [and some of us disciples] came to the Jewish leader’s house. Jesus heard the flute players [playing funeral music] and the crowd [that had gathered] wailing loudly [because the girl had died].
Lorsque Jésus entra dans la maison du chef et qu'il vit les joueurs de flûte et la foule en grand désordre,
24 [Knowing that he would cause her to live again], he said [to them], “Go away [and stop the funeral music and wailing], because the girl is not dead! She is [just] sleeping!” [The people laughed at him, because they knew that she was dead].
il leur dit: « Faites place, car la jeune fille n'est pas morte, mais elle dort. » Ils se moquaient de lui.
25 But Jesus told them to get out of the house. Then he went into [the room where the girl was lying]. He took hold of her hand and she [became alive again and] got up.
Mais, comme la foule s'était retirée, il entra, la prit par la main, et la jeune fille se leva.
26 And the [people of that] whole region heard [PRS] about it.
Le bruit de cela se répandit dans tout le pays.
27 As Jesus went away from there, two blind men followed him and shouted, “Have mercy on us [and heal our eyes, you who are the Messiah], the Descendant of [King] David!”
Comme Jésus passait par là, deux aveugles le suivirent en criant: « Aie pitié de nous, fils de David! »
28 Jesus went into the house, where he [was staying], and then the blind men went in, too. Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able [to heal your eyes]?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord!”
Lorsqu'il fut entré dans la maison, les aveugles s'approchèrent de lui. Jésus leur dit: « Croyez-vous que je puisse faire cela? » Ils lui ont dit: « Oui, Seigneur. »
29 Then he touched their eyes and he said [to them], “Because you believe [that I can heal your eyes], I am healing them [right now]!”
Puis il leur toucha les yeux, en disant: « Qu'il vous soit fait selon votre foi. »
30 And they were able to see [IDM]! Then Jesus told them sternly, “Be sure [IDM] that you do not tell anybody [what I did for you]!”
Alors leurs yeux s'ouvrirent. Jésus leur donna un ordre strict, en disant: « Veillez à ce que personne ne sache rien de tout cela. »
31 But they went out and reported it throughout that whole region.
Mais ils sortirent et répandirent sa renommée dans tout le pays.
32 When [Jesus and we disciples] left [the house], some people brought to Jesus a man who was unable to speak because he was controlled by a demon {a demon controlled him}.
Comme ils sortaient, voici qu'on lui amena un muet possédé d'un démon.
33 After Jesus had expelled the demon, the man who had been unable to speak began to speak! The crowd [who saw this] marveled. They said, “Never before have [we seen] anything as [marvelous] as this happen in Israel!”
Le démon ayant été chassé, le muet parla. La foule était dans l'admiration et disait: « On n'a jamais rien vu de pareil en Israël. »
34 But the Pharisees said, “It is [Satan], who rules the demons, who [enables this man to] expel demons [from people].”
Mais les pharisiens disaient: « Par le prince des démons, il chasse les démons. »
35 Then [we] went [with] Jesus through many of [HYP] the cities and towns [in Galilee district. He was teaching (in the synagogues/in the Jewish meeting places)], and preaching the good message about how God rules [over people’s lives]. He also was healing the [people who had] various diseases and illnesses.
Jésus parcourait toutes les villes et tous les villages, enseignant dans les synagogues, prêchant la Bonne Nouvelle du Royaume, et guérissant toute maladie et tout malaise parmi les gens.
36 When he saw the crowd of people, he pitied them because they were harassed and dejected. [They were] like sheep that do not have a shepherd [SIM].
Mais, voyant les foules, il fut ému de compassion pour elles, car elles étaient harassées et dispersées, comme des brebis sans berger.
37 Then he gave [this illustration] to us disciples: “[The people who are ready to receive my message are like a] field that is ready to be harvested {for people to harvest}. But there are only a few [of you who are teaching people my message].
Il dit alors à ses disciples: « La moisson est abondante, mais les ouvriers sont peu nombreux.
38 So pray and ask the Lord [God] to send [more] workers [who will gather people together and teach them my message, just like a landowner sends workers] into his [field to gather] the [MET] harvest.”
Priez donc le maître de la moisson d'envoyer des ouvriers dans sa moisson. »

< Matthew 9 >