< Matthew 5 >
1 When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a hillside. He sat down [in order to teach] his disciples. They came near to him [to listen to him].
A [Jezus], widząc tłumy, wszedł na górę, a gdy usiadł, podeszli do niego jego uczniowie.
2 Then he began to teach them by saying,
Wtedy otworzył usta i nauczał ich:
3 [God] is pleased with people who recognize that they have a spiritual [need]; he will allow them to be the people whose lives he rules over.
Błogosławieni ubodzy w duchu, ponieważ do nich należy królestwo niebieskie.
4 [God] is pleased with people who mourn [because they have sinned; ] they will be encouraged {he will encourage them.}
Błogosławieni, którzy się smucą, ponieważ oni będą pocieszeni.
5 [God] is pleased with people who are meek; they will inherit the earth [that God will recreate].
Błogosławieni cisi, ponieważ oni odziedziczą ziemię.
6 [God] is pleased with people who sincerely [desire to live] righteously [just like they] desire to eat and drink [MET]; they will be enabled {he will enable them} to do all that he desires [MET].
Błogosławieni, którzy łakną i pragną sprawiedliwości, ponieważ oni będą nasyceni.
7 [God] is pleased with people who act mercifully; he will act mercifully to them.
Błogosławieni miłosierni, ponieważ oni dostąpią miłosierdzia.
8 [God] is pleased with people who think only about that which pleases him; [some day] they will [be where] God is and will see him.
Błogosławieni czystego serca, ponieważ oni zobaczą Boga.
9 [God] is pleased with people who help other people to live peacefully; they will be considered to be {he will consider that they are} his children [MET].
Błogosławieni czyniący pokój, ponieważ oni będą nazwani synami Bożymi.
10 [God is pleased with] people to whom evil things are done {to whom [other people] do evil things} because they [conducted themselves] righteously; he will allow them to be where he rules over people.
Błogosławieni, którzy cierpią prześladowanie z powodu sprawiedliwości, ponieważ do nich należy królestwo niebieskie.
11 [God is pleased with] you when [other] people insult you, when [other people] do evil things to you and when [other people] say falsely [that] you are evil because [you believe in] me.
Błogosławieni jesteście, gdy z mego powodu będą wam złorzeczyć, prześladować was i mówić kłamliwie wszystko, co złe, przeciwko wam.
12 [When that happens], rejoice and be glad [DOU], because [God will give] you a great reward in heaven. [God will think highly of you], just like [he thought highly of] the prophets whom your [ancestors persecuted] long ago.
Radujcie się i weselcie, ponieważ obfita jest wasza nagroda w niebie; tak bowiem prześladowali proroków, którzy [byli] przed wami.
13 “You are [able to influence] evil [people] [MTY] [and improve the way they live in order that they do not become more evil, just like] salt [is able to improve the flavor of food and to preserve it] [MET] [from spoiling]. Salt that no longer tastes salty cannot become salty again [RHQ]. As a result, that salt becomes useless. It is rejected by people, thrown on the ground, and walked on {People reject it, throw it on the ground and walk on it} [MET]. [Similarly, if the way you live no longer influences people to live in a godly manner, God will reject you].
Wy jesteście solą ziemi; lecz jeśli sól zwietrzeje, czym [ją] posolą? Na nic się już nie przyda, tylko na wyrzucenie i podeptanie przez ludzi.
14 You [enable] evil [people] [MTY] [to perceive God’s truth as] a light [enables people to perceive what is around them. Just like] everyone can see [LIT] [the lights of] a city on a hill [MET], [other people can see what you do].
Wy jesteście światłością świata. Nie może się ukryć miasto położone na górze.
15 After people light a lamp, they never put it under a basket. Instead, [they put it] on a lampstand in their houses in order that it can shine on everyone there.
Nie zapala się świecy i nie stawia jej pod naczyniem, ale na świeczniku, i świeci wszystkim, którzy [są] w domu.
16 [Similarly], you need to do [what is right] [MET] in such a manner that other people can see the good deeds that you do, and as a result they will praise your Father [who is] in heaven.”
Tak niech wasza światłość świeci przed ludźmi, aby widzieli wasze dobre uczynki i chwalili waszego Ojca, który jest w niebie.
17 “I came to earth, not to annul the laws [that God gave Moses] or [what] the prophets [MTY] [wrote]. Instead, I [came] to cause to happen [what the authors of those books predicted would happen]. So do not think any longer that I have come [to earth] in order that I might annul [what they wrote].
Nie sądźcie, że przyszedłem znieść Prawo albo Proroków. Nie przyszedłem znieść, ale wypełnić.
18 Keep this in mind: [Every] point of those laws, [including those points that seem] least important, and even the smallest details of the laws [MTY] will surely be in effect [HYP, LIT] until the heavens and the earth disappear and until all [that God told their authors to write] happens.
Zaprawdę bowiem powiadam wam: Dopóki niebo i ziemia nie przeminą, ani jedna jota, ani jedna kreska nie przeminie z prawa, aż wszystko się wypełni.
19 Since [all God’s laws are important], if anyone disobeys any of those commandments, [even if it would be] one of the least [important ones], and if that person teaches people [to disobey any of those commandments], it will be said {[God] will say} that that person is the least [important] of those in the place where [EUP] God rules. But those who obey [those commandments] and teach [other people to obey them, it will be said] {[God] will say} that they are very important among those that God rules.
Kto by więc złamał jedno z tych najmniejszych przykazań i uczyłby tak ludzi, będzie nazwany najmniejszym w królestwie niebieskim. A kto by [je] wypełniał i uczył, ten będzie nazwany wielkim w królestwie niebieskim.
20 Keep this in mind: [You assume that] the Pharisees and the men who teach our laws [faithfully obey] what God commands. But if you do not obey those laws better than they obey them, you will by no means enter the place where God rules.”
Mówię wam bowiem: Jeśli wasza sprawiedliwość nie będzie obfitsza niż uczonych w Piśmie i faryzeuszy, żadnym sposobem nie wejdziecie do królestwa niebieskiego.
21 “You have heard [your religious teachers say] that it was said {that [Moses] said} to your ancestors, ‘Do not murder [anyone.’ This implied that] if someone murders [another person], the judge will condemn that person [and] sentence him to be [executed] {[say that someone must execute him]}.
Słyszeliście, że powiedziano przodkom: Nie będziesz zabijał, a kto by zabił, podlega sądowi.
22 But what I say to you is this: [If you are] angry with someone, [God] will judge you. If you say to someone, ‘[You are worthless],’ the Jewish Council will judge you. If you [hate someone], and say to them 'You fool!' you. yourself, will be in danger of being thrown into the fires in hell. (Geenna )
Lecz ja wam mówię: Każdy, kto się gniewa na swego brata bez przyczyny, podlega sądowi, a kto powie swemu bratu: Raka, podlega Radzie, a kto powie: Głupcze, podlega [karze] ognia piekielnego. (Geenna )
23 So, when you take your gift [for God] to the altar, if you remember that you have offended someone,
Jeśli więc przyniesiesz swój dar na ołtarz i tam przypomnisz sobie, że twój brat ma coś przeciwko tobie;
24 leave your gift by the altar, and first go [to the person you have offended]. Tell that person that you are sorry for what you have done, and ask that person to forgive you. Then go back and offer your gift [to God].
Zostaw swój dar tam przed ołtarzem, idź i najpierw pojednaj się ze swoim bratem, a potem przyjdź i ofiaruj swój dar.
25 [Also], when a fellow citizen [takes you to court in order to] accuse you, settle accounts with that person quickly while you are walking with that person [to court]. Do that [while there still is time to do so] in order that he will not take you to the judge, [because if] the judge [favors the person who is accusing you, he will declare that you are guilty and send you] to the prison guard, and the prison guard will put you in prison.
Pogódź się ze swoim przeciwnikiem szybko, dopóki jesteś z nim w drodze, aby przeciwnik nie wydał cię sędziemu, a sędzia strażnikowi, i aby nie wtrącono cię do więzienia.
26 Keep this in mind: [If you go to prison], you will never get out [because you will never be able to] pay all that the judge says that you owe [MET]. [And remember also that] you [ought to settle accounts with God before you die, too].”
Zaprawdę powiadam ci: Nie wyjdziesz stamtąd, dopóki nie oddasz ostatniego grosza.
27 “You have heard [God’s] commandment, ‘Do not commit adultery.’
Słyszeliście, że powiedziano przodkom: Nie będziesz cudzołożył.
28 But what I say to you is this: If a man only looks at a woman desiring to have sex with her, [God considers that] his doing that [MET] is sin.
Lecz ja wam mówię: Każdy, kto patrzy na kobietę, aby jej pożądać, już popełnił z nią cudzołóstwo w swoim sercu.
29 If because of what you see [MTY] you [are tempted to] sin, [stop looking at those things! Even if you have to] gouge out one of your eyes and throw it away [HYP] [to avoid sinning, do it!] It is good [that you not sin and] as a result [go to heaven, even though while you are still here on earth] you lack one [or both of] your eyes. But it is not good [that you continue to have two eyes and sin and, as a result, God] sends your whole body to hell. (Geenna )
Jeśli więc twoje prawe oko jest ci powodem upadku, wyłup je i odrzuć od siebie. Pożyteczniej bowiem jest dla ciebie, aby zginął jeden z twoich członków, niż żeby całe twoje ciało było wrzucone do ognia piekielnego. (Geenna )
30 If you are [tempted to] use one of your hands to sin [MTY], [stop using your hand. Even if you have to] cut your hand off and throw it away [to avoid sinning, do it] [HYP]! It is good [that you do not sin and as a result you go to heaven, even though while you are still here on earth] you lack one [or both] of your [hands]. But it is not good [that you sin and, as a result, God] sends your whole body to hell.” (Geenna )
A jeśli twoja prawa ręka jest ci powodem upadku, odetnij ją i odrzuć od siebie. Pożyteczniej bowiem jest dla ciebie, aby zginął jeden z twoich członków, niż żeby całe twoje ciało było wrzucone do ognia piekielnego. (Geenna )
31 “It is written {[Moses] wrote}, ‘If a man is divorcing his wife, he should write a document [on which he states that he is] divorcing her.’
Powiedziano też: Kto oddala swoją żonę, niech jej da list rozwodowy.
32 But [now listen to what] I say to you: [A man] may [divorce his wife] only if she has committed adultery, [and not for any other reason]. If a man divorces his wife [for any other reason, and he has sex with another woman], he makes his wife become one against whom he has committed adultery, [because in God’s estimation she still is his wife]. Also, if a man marries a woman who is divorced {whose husband has divorced her}, [God considers] him [guilty of] committing adultery.”
Lecz ja wam mówię: Kto oddala swoją żonę – poza przypadkiem nierządu – prowadzi ją do cudzołóstwa, a kto żeni się z oddaloną, cudzołoży.
33 “You have also heard [your religious teachers say] that it was written {that [Moses] wrote} to your ancestors, ‘Make sure that you do what you promised the Lord that you would do!’ [DOU]
Słyszeliście też, że powiedziano przodkom: Nie będziesz fałszywie przysięgał, ale dotrzymasz Panu swych przysiąg.
34 But [now listen to what] I say to you: Never promise to do anything and then ask a superior being to affirm [that what you are saying will happen. For example, do] not [promise that you will give something and then ask spiritual beings in] heaven [MTY] [to affirm that you will do it], because heaven is where God [sits] on his throne [MTY] [to rule over people].
Lecz ja wam mówię: Wcale nie przysięgajcie – ani na niebo, gdyż jest tronem Boga;
35 [Also, do] not [promise that you will give something and then ask spiritual beings] on earth [MTY] [to affirm that you will do it], because the earth is where God rests his feet [MET]. [Also, do] not [promise that you will do something and ask religious authorities] in Jerusalem [to affirm that you will do it], because Jerusalem is the city where [God], the great King [rules].
Ani na ziemię, gdyż jest podnóżkiem jego stóp, ani na Jerozolimę, gdyż jest miastem wielkiego króla.
36 [Also, do not promise that you will do something and then say that] your head [should be cut off] {[someone should cut off] your head} [if you do not do it]. You are not [even] able to [change the color of the hair of your head by] making one [black] hair white or one [white] hair black.
Ani na swoją głowę nie będziesz przysięgał, gdyż nie możesz jednego włosa uczynić białym albo czarnym.
37 [If you talk about doing something], just say ‘Yes, I [will do it],’ or ‘No, I [will not do it].’ [If you say] anything more than that, it is from [Satan], the Evil One.”
Ale wasza mowa niech będzie: Tak – tak, nie – nie. A co jest ponadto, pochodzi od złego.
38 “You have heard [your religious teachers say] that [it is written] {[Moses wrote]}, ‘[Retaliate like this]: [If someone damages] one of your eyes, [someone should damage] one of that person’s eyes. [If someone damages] one of your teeth, [someone should damage] one of that person’s teeth.’
Słyszeliście, że powiedziano: Oko za oko i ząb za ząb.
39 But [now listen to what] I say to you: Do not take revenge for evil [deeds done] {[that other people do]} [to you]. Instead, if someone [insults you by] striking you on one cheek, turn your other cheek toward that person [in order that he can strike it also].
Lecz ja wam mówię: Nie sprzeciwiajcie się złemu, ale jeśli ktoś uderzy cię w prawy policzek, nadstaw mu i drugi.
40 If someone wants to sue you and take your (inner garment/shirt), give him your (outer garment/coat) also.
Temu, kto chce się z tobą procesować i wziąć twoją szatę, zostaw i płaszcz.
41 If a [military authority] compels you to go with him one mile [and carry his gear], go with him two miles [and carry his gear].
A jeśli ktoś cię przymusza, żebyś [szedł] z nim jedną milę, idź z nim [i] dwie.
42 Also, if someone asks you for [something], give [him what he is asking for]. If someone requests you to lend him [something], do not refuse [to lend it to him].”
Temu, kto cię prosi, daj, a od tego, kto chce od ciebie pożyczyć, nie odwracaj się.
43 “You have heard [your religious teachers say that it is written that Moses wrote], ‘Love the citizens of your country and hate your enemies.’
Słyszeliście, że powiedziano: Będziesz miłował swego bliźniego, a swego nieprzyjaciela będziesz nienawidził.
44 But [now listen to what] I say to you: Love your enemies [as well as your friends], and pray for those who cause you to suffer.
Lecz ja wam mówię: Miłujcie waszych nieprzyjaciół, błogosławcie tym, którzy was przeklinają, dobrze czyńcie tym, którzy was nienawidzą i módlcie się za tych, którzy wam wyrządzają zło i prześladują was;
45 Do that in order to imitate what [God], your Father [who is] in heaven, does. He desires that you [MET] do [like he does]. [He acts kindly to all people. For example, he causes] the sun to shine [equally] on wicked [people] and on good [people], and [he sends] rain [both] on righteous [people] and on unrighteous [people].
Abyście byli synami waszego Ojca, który [jest] w niebie. On bowiem sprawia, że jego słońce wschodzi nad złymi i nad dobrymi i deszcz zsyła na sprawiedliwych i niesprawiedliwych.
46 If you love [only] the people who love you, ([do not expect God to] reward you [in heaven]!/will [God] reward you [in heaven]?) [RHQ] [This is based on the fact that everyone], even the tax collectors, [who you think are very great sinners], love [RHQ] those who love them. [If you act like them], ([you are not any different from tax collectors!/in what way are you different from tax collectors]?) [RHQ]
Jeśli bowiem miłujecie tych, którzy was miłują, jakąż macie nagrodę? Czyż i celnicy tego nie czynią?
47 If you want [God] to bless only your friends, (you are not acting any better than other people!/are you acting any better than other people?) [RHQ] Even the non-Jews, [who you think sin very much] (OR, [you think are unacceptable to God]), want God to bless their friends [RHQ], [but God does not reward them for that].
A jeśli tylko waszych braci pozdrawiacie, cóż szczególnego czynicie? Czyż i celnicy tak nie czynią?
48 [You need to love those who do not love you], and in that way become perfect as [God] your Father, [who is] in heaven, is perfect.”
Bądźcie więc doskonali, tak jak doskonały jest wasz Ojciec, który jest w niebie.