< Matthew 3 >
1 While [Jesus was still in Nazareth town], John, [whom the people called] the Baptizer, went to a desolate place in Judea [district].
In jenen Tagen trat Johannes der Täufer auf und ließ in der Wüste Judäas den Ruf erschallen:
2 He was preaching [to the people who came there]. He kept saying, “[You need to] turn away from your sinful behavior, because God [MET] will soon begin to rule [over people, and he will reject you if you do not turn away from your sinful life].”
"Ändert euern Sinn, denn das Königreich der Himmel ist nahe herbeigekommen!"
3 John was the person who [fulfilled] what was said by Isaiah the prophet {what Isaiah the prophet [predicted] when he said}, long ago: In a desolate area ([people will hear someone/someone will be heard]) shouting [to the people who pass by], Prepare [yourselves to receive] the Lord when he comes! [Make yourselves ready so that you will be prepared when he comes] [MET, DOU], just like people [improve and] straighten out the road [for an important official!]
Er ist der Mann, vom dem der Prophet Jesaja gesprochen hat: In der Wüste ruft eine Stimme: "Bereitet dem Herrn den Weg, ebnet ihm die Pfade!"
4 John wore [coarse] clothing made from camel’s hair. And [as the prophet Elijah did long ago], he wore a leather belt around his waist. His food was [only] grasshoppers and honey [that he found] in that desolate area.
Johannes aber trug ein Kleid von Kamelhaaren und um seine Hüften einen Ledergurt; und seine Nahrung waren Heuschrecken und wilder Honig.
5 [People who lived in] Jerusalem [city] [MTY], many [HYP] [people who lived in other places in] Judea [district] [MTY], and many [HYP] [people who lived in] the area around the Jordan [River] [MTY] came to John [to hear him preach].
Da gingen die Leute aus Jerusalem, aus ganz Judäa und aus der ganzen Gegend um den Jordan zu ihm hinaus,
6 After [they heard him tell them to turn away from their sinful behavior], they [openly] confessed their sins, and as a result they were baptized by John {John baptized them} in the Jordan River.
ließen sich im Jordanflusse taufen und bekannten ihre Sünden.
7 After John noted that many men of the Pharisee [religious group] and of the Sadducee [religious group] were coming [to him] to be baptized {in order that he would baptize them}, he said to them, “You people are [evil like poisonous] snakes [MET]! I warn you that God will some day punish [MTY] everyone who sins. (And do not think that you can escape from his punishing you [MTY] [if you do not turn from your sinful behavior]!/Did someone tell you that you can escape from his punishing you [MTY] [if you do not turn from your sinful behavior]?) [RHQ]
Als er nun auch viele Pharisäer und Sadduzäer zu seiner Taufe kommen sah, sprach er zu ihnen: "Ihr Schlangenbrut! Wer hat euch denn gesagt, daß ihr dem kommenden Zorngericht entrinnen könnt?
8 Do what is appropriate [IDM] for people who have truly turned away from their sinful behavior [before you come to me in order to be baptized] {[that I baptize you]}.
So bringt den Frucht, wie sie der Sinnesänderung entspricht!
9 [God promised to give Abraham many descendants. In order to fulfill that promise], God [does not need you! I] tell you that he can change these stones to make them descendants of Abraham. So do not start to say to yourselves, ‘Since we are descendants of [our ancestor] Abraham, [God will not punish us even though we have sinned].’
Und laßt euch nur nicht beikommen, zu denken: 'Wir haben ja Abraham zum Vater.' Denn ich sage euch: Gott kann aus diesen Steinen hier dem Abraham Kinder entstehen lassen.
10 [God is] ready [to punish you if you do not turn away from your sinful behavior, just like] a man who lays his axe at the roots of a [fruit] tree [in order to] chop it down and throw it into the fire if it does not produce good fruit [MET].”
Schon liegt die Axt den Bäumen an der Wurzel; und jeder Baum, der nicht gute Frucht bringt, wird abgehauen und ins Feuer geworfen.
11 “As for me, I [am not very important, because] I baptize you [only] with water. I [baptize you] because of your feeling sorry that you have sinned. But someone else will come soon who is very great; [he will do powerful deeds] (OR, [act powerfully]). [Because he is] superior to me, I am not worthy [even to do a menial task for him, such as] to carry his sandals. He will put [his] Holy Spirit [within] you [to truly change] the way you live [MET], and [he will judge others of you and punish you in] the fire [in hell]. ()
Ich taufe euch mit Wasser, damit ihr euern Sinn ändert. Der aber nach mir kommt, hat größere Gewalt als ich, und ich bin nicht wert, ihm seine Schuhe nachzutragen: der wird euch mit Heiligem Geiste und mit Feuer taufen.
12 [He is like a farmer who wants to clear away the grain that is on the ground where it has been threshed] {[they have threshed it]}. [That farmer uses a] huge fork to throw the grain into the air [to separate the wheat from the chaff] [MET], and then he cleans up the threshing area. [Similarly], God will [separate righteous people from the evil people like a farmer who] gathers the wheat into his storage area, and then [God] will burn the [people who are like] chaff with a fire that will never be put out [MET].”
Er hat schon die Wurfschaufel in der Hand und wird seine Tenne reinigen: seinen Weizen wird er in den Speicher sammeln; aber die Spreu wird er verbrennen mit einem Feuer, das niemand löschen kann."
13 During that time, Jesus went from Galilee [District] to the Jordan [River], where John was. [He did that] in order to be baptized by John {in order to ask that John would baptize him}.
Damals kam auch Jesus aus Galiläa an den Jordan zu Johannes, um sich von ihm taufen zu lassen.
14 [When Jesus asked John to baptize him], John objected, saying, “I need to be baptized by you {you to baptize me} [because you are superior to me. Since you are not a sinner], ([you(sg)] should not come to me [to be baptized by me] {[to ask that I baptize you(sg)]}!/why do you come to me [to be baptized by me] {[ask that I baptize you(sg)]} [RHQ]?)”
Der aber suchte ihn davon abzubringen, indem er sprach: "Ich hätte es nötig, mich von dir taufen zu lassen, und du kommst zu mir?"
15 But Jesus said to him, “Baptize me at this time, because in this way we [two] will do [everything that God] requires.” Then John consented to baptize him.
Doch Jesus antwortete ihm: "Laß mich nur! Denn so ziemt es uns, jede Vorschrift zu erfüllen." Da gab Johannes ihm nach.
16 After he was baptized {John baptized Jesus}, Jesus immediately came up out of the water. Just then, [it was as though] the sky was opened {split apart}. Then [Jesus] saw God’s Spirit coming down upon him. He came in the form of a dove.
In dem Augenblick aber, als Jesus nach seiner Taufe aus dem Wasser emporstieg, tat sich der Himmel über ihm auf, und er sah den Geist Gottes wie eine Taube niederschweben und auf sich kommen.
17 Then [God] [SYN] spoke from heaven, saying, “This is my Son. I love him. I am very pleased with him.”
Und eine Stimme aus dem Himmel sprach: "Dies ist mein geliebter Sohn, den ich erkoren habe."