< Matthew 28 >
1 After (the Sabbath/the Jewish day of rest) [ended], on Sunday morning at dawn, Mary from Magdala and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.
Après le sabbat, comme le premier jour de la semaine commençait à luire, Marie-Madeleine et l'autre Marie vinrent pour voir le tombeau.
2 Suddenly there was a strong earthquake. [At the same time] an angel from God came down from heaven. He [went to the tomb and] rolled the stone away [from the entrance so that everyone could see that the tomb was empty]. Then he sat on the stone.
Et voici qu'il se fit un grand tremblement de terre; car un ange du Seigneur descendit du ciel et vint rouler la pierre, et il s'assit dessus.
3 His appearance was [as bright] [SIM] as lightning, and his clothes were as white as snow.
Son aspect était semblable à un éclair, et son vêtement blanc comme la neige.
4 The guards shook because they were very afraid. Then they became [completely motionless], as though they were dead.
De la frayeur que les gardes en eurent, ils furent tout bouleversés, et ils devinrent comme morts.
5 The angel said to the two women, “You should not be afraid! I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was {whom they} (nailed to a cross/crucified).
Mais l'ange, prenant la parole, dit aux femmes: Pour vous, ne craignez point; car je sais que vous cherchez Jésus, qui a été crucifié.
6 He is not here! [God] has (caused him to be alive again/raised him [from the dead]), just like [Jesus] told you [would happen!] Come and see the place where his body lay!
Il n'est pas ici; il est ressuscité, comme il l'avait dit. Venez, voyez le lieu où il était couché;
7 Then go quickly and tell his disciples, ‘He has risen from the dead! He will go ahead of you to Galilee [district]. You will see him there.’ [Pay attention to what] I have told you!”
et hâtez-vous d'aller dire à ses disciples qu'il est ressuscité des morts. Voici qu'il vous précède en Galilée: c'est là que vous le verrez, je vous en avertis!
8 So the women left the tomb quickly. They were afraid, but they were [also] very joyful. They ran to tell us disciples [what had happened].
Aussitôt, elles s'éloignèrent promptement du tombeau, avec une crainte mêlée d'une grande joie, et elles coururent porter la nouvelle à ses disciples.
9 Suddenly, [as they were running], Jesus appeared to them. He said, “Greetings!” The women came close to him. They knelt down and clasped his feet and worshipped him.
Et voici que Jésus se présenta devant elles, et il leur dit: Je vous salue! Elles s'approchèrent, saisirent ses pieds et l'adorèrent.
10 Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid! Go and tell (all my disciples/all those who have been accompanying me) that they should go to Galilee. They will see me there.”
Alors Jésus leur dit: Ne craignez point; allez dire à mes frères de se rendre en Galilée: c'est là qu'ils me verront.
11 While the women were going, some of the soldiers who had been guarding [the tomb] went into the city. They reported to the chief priests everything that had happened.
Comme elles étaient en chemin, quelques-uns des gardes vinrent à la ville et rapportèrent aux principaux sacrificateurs tout ce qui était arrivé.
12 So the chief priests and Jewish elders met together. They made a plan [to explain why the tomb was empty]. They gave the soldiers a lot of money [as a bribe].
Ceux-ci se réunirent avec les anciens, et, après en avoir délibéré, ils donnèrent une forte somme d'argent aux soldats,
13 They said, “Tell people, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole his [body] while we were sleeping.’
avec cet ordre: Dites que ses disciples sont venus de nuit et qu'ils l'ont enlevé pendant que vous dormiez.
14 If the governor hears [MTY] about this, we ourselves will make sure that he does not get angry [and punish you]. [So you will not have to worry].”
Si cela vient à la connaissance du gouverneur, nous l'apaiserons, et nous vous tirerons de peine.
15 So the soldiers took the money and did as they were told {as [the chief priests and elders] told them}. And this story has been told {People have told this story} among the Jews to the very day [that I am writing] this.
Les soldats, ayant pris l'argent, agirent d'après ces instructions; et ce bruit s'est répandu parmi les Juifs jusqu'à ce jour.
16 [Later we] eleven [disciples] went to Galilee [district]. We went to the mountain where Jesus had told [us] to go.
Les onze disciples allèrent en Galilée, sur la montagne que Jésus leur avait désignée.
17 We saw him [there] and worshipped him. But some of [us] doubted [that it was really Jesus, and that he had become alive again].
Quand ils le virent, ils l'adorèrent. Or, ils avaient eu des doutes.
18 Then Jesus came [close] to [us] and said, “[My Father] has given me all authority over everything and everyone in heaven and on earth.
Jésus, s'étant approché, leur parla ainsi: Toute puissance m'a été donnée dans le ciel et sur la terre.
19 So go, and [using my authority, teach my message to] people of all ethnic groups so that they may become my disciples. Baptize them [to be under the authority of] [MTY] my Father, and of me, his Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Allez donc, enseignez toutes les nations, en les baptisant au nom du Père, du Fils et du Saint-Esprit,
20 Teach them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember that [by the Spirit] I will be with you always, until the end of [this] age.” (aiōn )
et en leur apprenant à garder tout ce que je vous ai commandé. Et voici que je suis avec vous tous les jours, jusqu'à la fin du monde! (aiōn )