< Matthew 24 >
1 Jesus left the Temple [courtyard]. As he was walking along, [we] disciples came to him to ask him to note [how beautiful] the Temple buildings [were].
En Jezus ging uit en vertrok van den tempel; en Zijn discipelen kwamen bij Hem, om Hem de gebouwen des tempels te tonen.
2 He said to us, “These buildings that you are looking at [RHQ] [are wonderful, but] I want to tell you [something about them. They will soon be completely destroyed] {[Foreign invaders will completely destroy them]}. Every stone [in these buildings] will be thrown down {they will throw down every stone in these buildings}. Not one stone will be left {They will not leave one stone} on top of another stone.”
En Jezus zeide tot hen: Ziet gij niet al deze dingen? Voorwaar zeg Ik: Hier zal niet een steen op den anderen steen gelaten worden, die niet afgebroken zal worden.
3 [Later], as Jesus was sitting alone on [the slope of] Olive [Tree] Hill, [we] disciples went to him and asked him, “When will this happen [to the buildings of the Temple? Also, tell us what will happen to indicate that you are about to] come again, and [to indicate] that this world is ending?” (aiōn )
En als Hij op den Olijfberg gezeten was, gingen de discipelen tot Hem alleen, zeggende: Zeg ons, wanneer zullen deze dingen zijn, en welk zal het teken zijn van Uw toekomst, en van de voleinding der wereld? (aiōn )
4 Jesus replied, “[All that I will say is], be sure that no one deceives you [about what will happen]
En Jezus, antwoordende, zeide tot hen: Ziet toe, dat u niemand verleide.
5 Many [people] will come and say (that I sent them/that they have my authority) [MTY]. They will say, ‘I am the Messiah’, and they will deceive many [people].
Want velen zullen komen onder Mijn Naam, zeggende: Ik ben de Christus; en zij zullen velen verleiden.
6 You will hear about wars [that are close] and wars that are far away, but do not let that trouble you. Keep in mind that [God has said that] those things must happen. But [when they happen], it will not mean that the end [of the world] has come!
En gij zult horen van oorlogen, en geruchten van oorlogen; ziet toe, wordt niet verschrikt; want al die dingen moeten geschieden, maar nog is het einde niet.
7 [Groups in various] countries will fight each other, and [various] governments [will also fight] against each other. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
Want het ene volk zal tegen het andere volk opstaan, en het ene koninkrijk tegen het andere koninkrijk; en er zullen zijn hongersnoden, en pestilentien, en aardbevingen in verscheidene plaatsen.
8 These things will happen first. Then there will be other things that [will happen before I return. What will happen will be like the first pains] of childbirth MET].
Doch al die dingen zijn maar een beginsel der smarten.
9 At that time [people who oppose you] will take you to [the authorities, who] will mistreat you and kill you. You will be hated by [people who live in] all nations [PRS] {[People who live in] all nations [PRS] will hate you} because [you believe in me][MTY].
Alsdan zullen zij u overleveren in verdrukking, en zullen u doden, en gij zult gehaat worden van alle volken, om Mijns Naams wil.
10 Also, many [people] will stop believing [in me because of the way they will suffer]. They will betray each other and will hate each other.
En dan zullen er velen geergerd worden, en zullen elkander overleveren, en elkander haten.
11 Many will come saying that they are prophets, but they will be lying, and they will deceive many people.
En vele valse profeten zullen opstaan, en zullen er velen verleiden.
12 Because there will be more and more [people] who will disobey [God’s] laws [PRS], many [people] will no longer [MET] love [their fellow believers] [PRS].
En omdat de ongerechtigheid vermenigvuldigd zal worden, zo zal de liefde van velen verkouden.
13 But [all] those who keep on [believing in me] to the end [of their lives] will be saved.
Maar wie volharden zal tot het einde, die zal zalig worden.
14 Furthermore, the good message about my ruling over people’s lives will be preached in every part of the world, in order that people of all ethnic groups may hear it. Then the end [of the world] will come.”
En dit Evangelie des Koninkrijks zal in de gehele wereld gepredikt worden tot een getuigenis allen volken; en dan zal het einde komen.
15 “[But before the world ends], the disgusting person who will defile [the] holy [Temple and cause people to abandon it will stand in the Temple. Daniel the prophet spoke and wrote] about that [long ago]. May everyone who reads [this] pay attention [to the following warning from me: ]
Wanneer gij dan zult zien den gruwel der verwoesting, waarvan gesproken is door Daniel, den profeet, staande in de heilige plaats; (die het leest, die merke daarop!)
16 When you see that happen [in the Temple, those of you] who are in Judea [district] must flee to the [higher] hills!
Dat alsdan, die in Judea zijn, vlieden op de bergen;
17 Those who are outside their houses must not go back into their houses to get things [before they flee].
Die op het dak is, kome niet af, om iets uit zijn huis weg te nemen;
18 Those who are [working] in a field should not turn back to get their outer clothing [before they flee].
En die op den akker is, kere niet weder terug, om zijn klederen weg te nemen.
19 I [feel] very sorry for women who will be pregnant and women who will be nursing [their babies] in those days, [because it will be very difficult for them to run away]
Maar wee den bevruchten, en den zogenden vrouwen in die dagen!
20 Pray that you will not have to flee (in the winter/in the rainy season) [when it will be hard to travel]. [People who think that God never allows anyone to do any work on] our day of rest [will not help you as you flee, so] pray also that you will not have to flee on such a day,
Doch bidt, dat uw vlucht niet geschiede des winters, noch op een sabbat.
21 because people will suffer very severely [when those things happen]. People have never suffered that severely since [God] created the world until now, and no one will ever [suffer like that again].
Want alsdan zal grote verdrukking wezen, hoedanige niet is geweest van het begin der wereld tot nu toe, en ook niet zijn zal.
22 If [God had not decided to] shorten that time [MTY] [when people will suffer so much], everyone [LIT] would die. But [he has decided to] shorten it because [he is concerned] about [the people] whom [he] has chosen.”
En zo die dagen niet verkort werden, geen vlees zou behouden worden; maar om der uitverkorenen wil zullen die dagen verkort worden.
23 “[At that time] people will appear [who will] falsely [say that they are] the Messiah or [that they are] prophets. They will perform many kinds (of miracles/of things that ordinary people cannot do), in order to deceive people. They will even try [to see] if [it is] possible to deceive [you people whom God has] chosen. So, at that time, if someone says to you, ‘Look, here [is] the Messiah!’ or [if someone says], ‘Over there is the Messiah!’ do not believe it!
Alsdan, zo iemand tot ulieden zal zeggen: Ziet, hier is de Christus, of daar, gelooft het niet.
Want er zullen valse christussen en valse profeten opstaan, en zullen grote tekenen en wonderheden doen, alzo dat zij (indien het mogelijk ware) ook de uitverkorenen zouden verleiden.
25 Do not forget [that] I have warned you about all this before [it happens].
Ziet, Ik heb het u voorzegd!
26 So if someone says to you, ‘Look, [the Messiah] is in the desolate area!’ do not go there. [Likewise, if someone says to you], ‘Look, he is in a secret room!’ do not believe [that person],
Zo zij dan tot u zullen zeggen: Ziet, hij is in de woestijn; gaat niet uit; Ziet, hij is in de binnenkameren; gelooft het niet.
27 because just like lightning flashes from the east to the west [and people everywhere can] see it [SIM], when [I], the one who came from heaven, return again, [everyone will see me].
Want gelijk de bliksem uitgaat van het oosten, en schijnt tot het westen, alzo zal ook de toekomst van den Zoon des mensen wezen.
28 [When I return, it will be as obvious to everyone as the fact that] wherever you see vultures gathering, you know that there will be an animal carcass [MET] there. (OR, Just like the vultures gather together wherever there is an animal carcass, God will punish sinful people wherever they are.)”
Want alwaar het dode lichaam zal zijn, daar zullen de arenden vergaderd worden.
29 “Immediately after many people have suffered during those days, [the universe will become dark]. The sun will become dark. The moon will not shine. The stars will fall from the sky. And the powerful [objects] in the sky will be shaken. (OR, And the spiritual beings in space will be deposed.)
En terstond na de verdrukking dier dagen, zal de zon verduisterd worden, en de maan zal haar schijnsel niet geven, en de sterren zullen van den hemel vallen, en de krachten der hemelen zullen bewogen worden.
30 After that, something [will be seen] {[people will observe something]} in the sky that indicates that [I], the one who came from heaven, [am returning to the earth]. Then [unbelieving people from] all ethnic groups of the earth will [mourn because they will be afraid] of [God punishing them]. They will see [me], the one who came from heaven, coming on the clouds with power and great glory [as I return to the earth].
En alsdan zal in den hemel verschijnen het teken van den Zoon des mensen; en dan zullen al de geslachten der aarde wenen, en zullen den Zoon des mensen zien, komende op de wolken des hemels, met grote kracht en heerlijkheid.
31 I will send my angels [to the earth] from everywhere in the heavens. [They will be] blowing trumpets loudly. [Then] from throughout the whole earth [DOU] they will gather the people whom I have chosen.”
En Hij zal Zijn engelen uitzenden met een bazuin van groot geluid, en zij zullen Zijn uitverkorenen bijeenvergaderen uit de vier winden, van het ene uiterste der hemelen tot het andere uiterste derzelve.
32 “[Now] I [want you to] learn something [from] this parable about [how] fig trees [grow]. [In this area], when the buds [of a fig tree] become tender and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near.
En leert van den vijgeboom deze gelijkenis: wanneer zijn tak nu teder wordt, en de bladeren uitspruiten, zo weet gij, dat de zomer nabij is.
33 Similarly, when you see all these things that I [have just described happening], you will know that [the time for me to return] is very close [MET].
Alzo ook gijlieden, wanneer gij al deze dingen zult zien, zo weet, dat het nabij is, voor de deur.
34 Keep this in mind: All of these events will happen before all the people who have observed the things that I have done have died.
Voorwaar, Ik zeg u: Dit geslacht zal geenszins voorbijgaan, totdat al deze dingen zullen geschied zijn.
35 [You can be certain that these] things that I have told [you] about will happen. You can be more certain of that than you can be certain that the earth and sky [LIT] will continue to exist.”
De hemel en de aarde zullen voorbijgaan, maar Mijn woorden zullen geenszins voorbijgaan.
36 “But neither I, nor any other person, nor any angel in heaven, knows either the day or the hour [when the things that I have told you about will happen]. Only [God, my] Father, [knows].
Doch van dien dag en die ure weet niemand, ook niet de engelen der hemelen, dan Mijn Vader alleen.
37 It will be like what happened when Noah lived. Until the flood came, [the people] did not know that [anything bad would happen] to them. Before the flood waters covered the earth, [the people] were eating and drinking [as usual]. Some men were marrying women and [some parents] were giving their daughters to men to marry them. They were doing all this until the day that Noah [and his family] entered the big boat. And then the flood came and drowned all [those who were not in the boat]. Similarly, [the unbelieving people will not know] when [I, the one who came from heaven], will return, [and they will not] be [expecting me].
En gelijk de dagen van Noach waren, alzo zal ook zijn de toekomst van den Zoon des mensen.
Want gelijk zij waren in de dagen voor den zondvloed, etende en drinkende, trouwende en ten huwelijk uitgevende, tot den dag toe, in welken Noach in de ark ging;
En bekenden het niet, totdat de zondvloed kwam, en hen allen wegnam; alzo zal ook zijn de toekomst van den Zoon des mensen.
40 When I [return], I [will not take all people up to heaven. I will take only those who trust in me. For example], two [people] will be in the fields. One of them will be taken {[I] will take one of them} up [to heaven] and the other [person] will be left {and I will leave the other [person]} [here to be punished].
Alsdan zullen er twee op den akker zijn, de een zal aangenomen, en de ander zal verlaten worden.
41 [Similarly], two [women] will be at the mill grinding grain. One of them will be taken up [to heaven] and the other will be left.
Er zullen twee vrouwen malen in den molen, de ene zal aangenomen, en de andere zal verlaten worden.
42 So, because you do not know what day [I], your Lord, will return [to the earth], you need to be ready [for me to return at any time].
Waakt dan; want gij weet niet, in welke ure uw Heere komen zal.
43 You know that if the owners of a house knew at what time in the night thieves would come, they would be awake and prevent the thieves from breaking into their houses. Similarly, I [will come just like unexpectedly as a thief].
Maar weet dit, dat zo de heer des huizes geweten had, in welke nachtwake de dief komen zou, hij zou gewaakt hebben, en zou zijn huis niet hebben laten doorgraven.
44 So you need to be ready [for my return], because [I], the one who came from heaven, will return [to the earth] at a time when you do not expect [me to come].”
Daarom, zijt ook gij bereid; want in welke ure gij het niet meent, zal de Zoon des mensen komen.
45 “Think about what every faithful and wise servant is like [RHQ]. The house owner appoints one servant to supervise the other servants. He tells him to give them food at the proper times. [Then he leaves on a long trip].
Wie is dan de getrouwe en voorzichtige dienstknecht, denwelken zijn heer over zijn dienstboden gesteld heeft, om hunlieder hun voedsel te geven ter rechter tijd?
46 If that servant is doing that [work] when the house owner returns, [the house owner] will be very pleased with him.
Zalig is die dienstknecht, welken zijn heer, komende, zal vinden alzo doende.
47 Think about this: The house owner will appoint [that one servant] to be the supervisor of all his possessions.
Voorwaar, Ik zeg u, dat hij hem zal zetten over al zijn goederen.
48 But a wicked servant might say to himself, ‘The owner [has been away] for a long time, [so he probably] will not return soon [and find out what I am doing.’]
Maar zo die kwade dienstknecht in zijn hart zou zeggen: Mijn heer vertoeft te komen;
49 [So he] will begin to beat the other servants and eat and get drunk.
En zou beginnen zijn mededienstknechten te slaan, en te eten en te drinken met de dronkaards;
50 [Then] the house owner will come back at a time when the servant does not expect him [DOU].
Zo zal de heer van dezen dienstknecht komen ten dage, in welken hij hem niet verwacht, en ter ure, die hij niet weet;
51 He will punish that servant severely [HYP], (OR, cut that servant into two pieces) and he will put him where (the hypocrites/the ones who only pretended to be good) are put. In that place the people cry and grind their teeth [because they suffer very much].”
En zal hem afscheiden, en zijn deel zetten met de geveinsden; daar zal wening zijn en knersing der tanden.