< Matthew 23 >

1 Then Jesus said to the crowd and to us his disciples,
Alors Jésus parla au peuple et à ses disciples, et il leur dit:
2 “Moses was the [renowned] teacher who taught [the people the laws that God gave him] [MTY]. Now, the Pharisees and the men who teach our [Jewish] laws have made themselves the ones who interpret those laws [IDM].
Les scribes et les pharisiens sont assis dans la chaire de Moïse.
3 Consequently, you should do whatever they tell you that you must do. But do not do what they do, because they themselves do not do what they tell [you that you must do].
Faites donc et observez tout ce qu'ils vous disent; mais ne faites pas comme eux, parce qu'ils disent et ne font pas.
4 They [require you to obey many rules that are difficult to obey]. But they themselves [do not help anyone obey those rules. It is] as if they are tying up loads that are hard to carry and putting them on your shoulders [MET] [for you to carry. But they] themselves [do not desire to help anyone obey those laws. They are like] people who do not want to lift [even the slightest load] that they [could lift] [MET]
Ils lient des fardeaux pesants et les mettent sur les épaules des hommes; mais pour eux, ils ne veulent pas les remuer du doigt!
5 [with] one finger. Whatever they do, they do it to be seen by other people {so that other people will see them doing that}. [For example], they make extra wide the tiny boxes containing portions of Scripture that they wear on their arms. They enlarge the tassels on their robes, [to make others think that they are pious].
Ils font toutes leurs actions pour être vus des hommes: ils élargissent leurs phylactères, et ils allongent les franges de leurs manteaux;
6 [They want people to honor them. For example], at dinner parties they sit in the seats where the most important people sit. In the places of worship [they want to sit] in the seats where the most honored people sit.
ils aiment à avoir la première place dans les festins et les premiers sièges dans les synagogues,
7 Also, [they want people to] greet them [respectfully] in the marketplaces and to honor them by calling them ‘Teacher’.
à être salués dans les places publiques et à être appelés par les hommes: Maître!
8 But you [who are my disciples] should not allow people to address you [honorably] as ‘Rabbi’, [which means ‘teacher]’. I [am the] only one who is [really] your teacher, which means that you are all [equal, like] brothers and sisters, [and none of you should act superior to another, as the Pharisees do].
Mais vous, ne vous faites point appeler maître. Car vous n'avez qu'un seul Maître; et vous êtes tous frères.
9 Do not [honor anyone] on earth [by] addressing him as ‘Father’, because God, your Father in heaven, is the only [spiritual] father of all of you.
N'appelez personne sur la terre votre père; car vous n'avez qu'un seul Père, celui qui est dans les cieux.
10 Do not [allow people to] call you ‘Instructors’, because I, the Messiah, am the one instructor who [teaches all of] you.
Et ne vous faites pas appeler directeurs; car vous n'avez qu'un seul Directeur, le Christ.
11 In contrast, everyone among you who wants [God to consider them] to be important must serve others as servants do.
Mais le plus grand d'entre vous sera votre serviteur.
12 [God] will humble those who exalt themselves. And [he] will exalt those who humble themselves.”
Quiconque s'élèvera sera abaissé, et quiconque s'abaissera sera élevé.
13 [Then Jesus said to the religious leaders], “You men who teach the [Jewish] laws and you Pharisees are hypocrites! There will be terrible punishment for [you, because by teaching what is false], you [prevent people] [MTY/HYP] [who are thinking about letting] God rule their lives [from doing that] [MET]. [What you are doing is like] closing a gate [MET] [so that people who] are wanting to enter [a city cannot go in]. As for you, [you do not let] God [rule your lives. Neither do you allow] other people [to let God rule their lives. What you do is like] not going into a [house] yourselves, and not allowing others to enter it [either] [MET].”
Malheur à vous, scribes et pharisiens hypocrites! Car vous fermez aux hommes le royaume des cieux; vous n'y entrez pas, et ceux qui veulent y entrer, vous les en empêchez!
[Malheur à vous, scribes et pharisiens hypocrites! Car vous dévorez les maisons des veuves, en affectant de faire de longues prières! A cause de cela, vous subirez un jugement plus rigoureux.]
15 “You are hypocrites, you men who teach the [Jewish] laws and you Pharisees! Your punishment will be terrible, because you exert yourselves very much to get [even] one person to believe what you teach. For instance, you travel across seas and lands [to distant places] in order to do that. And [as a result], when one person [believes what you teach], you make that person much more deserving to go to hell than you yourselves [deserve to].” (Geenna g1067)
Malheur à vous, scribes et pharisiens hypocrites! Car vous courez la mer et la terre pour faire un prosélyte; et, quand vous l'avez, vous en faites un enfant de la géhenne deux fois plus que vous! (Geenna g1067)
16 “You [Jewish leaders], your punishment will be terrible! You are [like people who are] blind [MET] who are trying to lead others. You say, ‘[In the case of] those who promise to [do] something and then ask the Temple [to affirm what they have promised], it means nothing [if they do not do what] they have promised. But if they ask the gold that is in the Temple [to affirm what they have promised], they must do what they promised.’
Malheur à vous, conducteurs aveugles, qui dites: Si quelqu'un jure par le temple, ce n'est rien, mais s'il jure par l'or du temple, il est lié par son serment.
17 You are fools, and you are [like people who are] blind [MET]! The gold [that is in the Temple] is important, but [the Temple] is even more important [RHQ], because it is the Temple that the gold is in that sets the gold apart for a special use for God.
Insensés et aveugles, lequel est le plus grand, l'or ou le temple qui rend cet or sacré?
18 Also [you say], ‘In the case of those who promise to [do] something and then ask [the altar to affirm what they have promised], it means nothing [if they do not do what they have promised]. But if they ask the gift [that] they have put on the altar [to support what they have promised], they must do [what they promised].’
Et si quelqu'un, dites-vous, jure par l'autel, ce n'est rien; mais s'il jure par l'offrande qui est sur l'autel, il est lié par son serment.
19 [You are like people who are] blind [MET]. The gift [that is offered] on the altar is important, but the altar is even more important [RHQ] because it is the altar on which the offering is offered that sets it apart for a special use for God.
Aveugles, lequel est le plus grand, l'offrande ou l'autel qui rend cette offrande sacrée?
20 So, those who promise to do something, and then ask the altar [to affirm what they have promised] are asking everything on the altar [to support what they promised].
Celui donc qui jure par l'autel, jure par l'autel et par tout ce qui est dessus;
21 Those who promise to do something, and then ask the Temple [to affirm what they promised], are asking that [God], to whom the Temple belongs, [will affirm what they have promised].
celui qui jure par le temple, jure par le temple et par celui qui en fait sa demeure;
22 Those who promise to do something and then ask heaven [to affirm what they promised] are asking the throne of God and [God], who sits on that throne, [to affirm what they promised].”
et celui qui jure par le ciel, jure par le trône de Dieu, et par celui qui y est assis.
23 “You men who teach the [Jewish] laws and you Pharisees, your punishment will be terrible! You are hypocrites because, [even though] you give [to God] a tenth of [the herbs you produce, such as] mint, dill, and cummin, you do not [obey God’s] laws that are more important. [For example, you do not act] justly toward others, you do not act mercifully toward people, and you are not trustworthy. It is good to [give a tenth of your herbs] to God, but you should also [obey] these other [more important laws].
Malheur à vous, scribes et pharisiens hypocrites! Car vous payez la dîme de la menthe, de l'aneth et du cumin, et vous négligez les choses les plus importantes de la loi: la justice, la miséricorde et la fidélité. Voilà les choses qu'il fallait faire, sans omettre les autres.
24 You [leaders are like] blind people [who are trying to lead others. According to your laws you say that touching gnats and camels makes you unacceptable to God. What you are doing is like] straining a gnat [out of a jar of water so that you do not swallow it and thereby become unacceptable to God], and [at the same time] swallowing a camel [with the water] [MET]!”
Conducteurs aveugles, qui arrêtez le moucheron dans votre filtre et qui avalez le chameau!
25 “You men who teach people the [Jewish] laws and you Pharisees, your punishment will be terrible! You are hypocrites! You are greedy and selfish, but you [make yourselves appear holy. You are like] cups and plates that have been cleaned on the outside, but on the inside [they are very filthy].
Malheur à vous, scribes et pharisiens hypocrites! Car vous nettoyez le dehors de la coupe et du plat, tandis que l'intérieur est plein de rapacité et d'intempérance.
26 You blind Pharisees! First you must [stop being greedy and selfish]. [Then you will be able to do what] is [righteous. That will be like] cleaning the inside of a cup first. Then when you clean [MET] the outside [of the cup], [the cup will truly be clean].”
Pharisien aveugle, nettoie premièrement le dedans de la coupe et du plat, afin que le dehors aussi devienne pur!
27 “You men who teach the [Jewish] laws and you Pharisees, your punishment will be terrible! You are hypocrites! You are like tombs [SIM] that are painted white [so that people can see them and avoid touching them]. The outside surfaces are beautiful, but inside they are full of dead people’s bones and filth.
Malheur à vous, scribes et pharisiens hypocrites! Car vous ressemblez à des sépulcres blanchis, qui, au dehors, paraissent beaux, mais qui, au dedans, sont pleins d'ossements de morts et de toutes sortes d'impuretés.
28 You are [like those tombs]. When people look at you, they think that you are righteous, but in your (inner beings/hearts) you are hypocrites and you disobey [God’s] commands.”
Vous de même, au dehors, vous paraissez justes aux hommes, mais, au dedans, vous êtes remplis d'hypocrisie et d'iniquité.
29 “You men who teach the [Jewish] laws and you Pharisees are hypocrites! Your punishment will be terrible! You rebuild the tombs of the [prophets whom others killed long ago]. You decorate the monuments [that honor] righteous [people].
Malheur à vous, scribes et pharisiens hypocrites! Car vous bâtissez les tombeaux des prophètes, et vous ornez les sépulcres des justes;
30 You say, ‘If we had [lived] when our ancestors [MET] [lived], we would not have helped [MET] those who killed [MTY] the prophets.’
puis vous dites: Si nous avions vécu du temps de nos pères, nous ne nous serions pas joints à eux pour répandre le sang des prophètes.
31 Thus [you recognize that you should honor the prophets, but you disregard the word of God that other men whom God has sent teach you. In that way] you testify against yourselves that you are descendants and disciples [MET] of those who killed the prophets.
Ainsi, vous témoignez contre vous-mêmes que vous êtes bien les fils des meurtriers des prophètes.
32 You are as ready to murder people as [MET] your ancestors were!
Comblez donc la mesure de vos pères!
33 [You people are so wicked] You are [as dangerous as poisonous] snakes [DOU, MET]! (You [foolishly] think that you will escape being punished in hell!/Do you [foolishly] think that you will escape when [God] punishes [wicked people] in hell?) [RHQ] (Geenna g1067)
Serpents, race de vipères, comment échapperez-vous au châtiment de la géhenne? (Geenna g1067)
34 Take note that this is why I will send prophets, wise men, and other men who will teach you [my message]. You will kill some of them by nailing them to crosses, and you will kill some in other ways. You will whip some of them in the places where you worship, and [you will] chase them from city to city.
C'est pourquoi, voici que je vous envoie des prophètes, des sages et des scribes; vous tuerez et crucifierez les uns; vous battrez de verges les autres dans vos synagogues, et vous les persécuterez de ville en ville,
35 As a result, God will consider that you are guilty for killing [SYN] all the righteous [people], including killing [MTY] [Adam’s son] Abel, who was a righteous man [SYN], and Zechariah, the son of Barachiah, whom you [are guilty of] killing [in the holy place] between the Temple and the altar, and for killing [all the prophets] who lived between [the times that those two men lived].
afin que retombe sur vous tout le sang innocent qui a été répandu sur la terre, depuis le sang d'Abel, le juste, jusqu'au sang de Zacharie, fils de Barachie, que vous avez assassiné entre le temple et l'autel.
36 Think about this: You people who have observed my ministry, it is you whom [God] will punish [for killing all] those [prophets]!”
En vérité, je vous le dis, tous ces malheurs viendront sur cette génération.
37 “O [people of] Jerusalem [MTY, APO], you killed the prophets [who lived long ago], and you killed others whom [God] sent to you. You killed them by throwing stones at them [DOU]! Many times I wanted to gather you together [to protect you], like a hen gathers her young chicks under her wings [MET]. But you did not want [me to do that].
Jérusalem, Jérusalem, qui tues les prophètes et qui lapides ceux qui te sont envoyés, combien de fois j'ai voulu rassembler tes enfants, comme une poule rassemble ses poussins sous ses ailes, et vous ne l'avez pas voulu!
38 So listen to this: Your city [SYN] will [soon] become an uninhabited place.
Voici que votre demeure va vous être laissée déserte!
39 Keep this in mind: You will see me again only when I [return], and you say [about me], ‘[God] is truly pleased with this man who comes with God’s authority [MTY].’”
Car, je vous le déclare, vous ne me verrez plus désormais, jusqu'à ce que vous disiez: «Béni soit celui qui vient au nom du Seigneur!»

< Matthew 23 >