< Matthew 21 >

1 As [we] approached Jerusalem, we came near Bethphage [village], near Olive [Tree] Hill. Jesus said to two [of his] disciples, “Go to the village just ahead of us. As soon as you enter [it], you will see a donkey and her foal that are {someone has} tied [up]. Untie them and bring them [here] to me.
Y como se acercaron a Jerusalén, y vinieron a Betfagé, al monte de las Olivas, entonces Jesús envió dos discípulos,
Diciéndoles: Id a la aldea que está delante de vosotros, y luego hallaréis una asna atada, y un pollino con ella; desatadla, y traédmelos.
3 If anyone says anything to you [about your doing that], tell [him], ‘The Lord needs them.’ He will [then allow you to] lead them away.”
Y si alguno os dijere algo, decid: El Señor los ha menester. Y luego los dejará.
4 When all this happened, what was written by a prophet {what a prophet wrote about} was fulfilled {happened}. The prophet wrote, “Tell the people who live in Jerusalem [SYN], ‘Look! Your king is coming to you! He will come humbly. He [will show that he is humble, because he will be] riding on a colt, the offspring of a donkey.’”
Y todo esto fue hecho, para que se cumpliese lo que fue dicho por el profeta, que dijo:
Decid a la hija de Sión: He aquí, tu Rey viene a ti, manso, y sentado sobre una asna, y sobre un pollino, hijo de bestia de yugo.
6 So the [two] disciples went and did what Jesus told them to do.
Y los discípulos fueron, e hicieron como Jesús les mandó;
7 They brought the donkey and its colt [to Jesus]. They placed their cloaks on them [to make something for him to sit on]. Then Jesus [mounted the colt] and sat on the cloaks.
Y trajeron el asna y el pollino, y pusieron sobre ellos sus mantos; y se sentó sobre ellos.
8 Then a large crowd spread [some of] their clothing on the road, and other [people] cut off branches from [palm] trees and spread them on the road. [They did those things to decorate the road in order to honor Jesus].
Y la multitud, que era muy numerosa, tendía sus mantos en el camino; y otros cortaban ramas de los árboles, y las tendían por el camino.
9 The crowds that walked in front of him and those who walked behind him were shouting things like, “Praise the [Messiah], the descendant of [King] David!” “May the Lord [God] bless [this one] who comes as [God’s] representative and with [God’s] authority [MTY].” “Praise God, who is in the highest [heaven]!”
Y las personas que iban delante, y las que iban detrás, aclamaban diciendo: ¡Hosanna al Hijo de David! ¡Bendito el que viene en el nombre del Señor! ¡Hosanna en las alturas!
10 As Jesus entered Jerusalem, a crowd of people [MTY] from all [over the city] became excited and were saying, “Why [are they honoring] this man [like that]?”
Y entrando él en Jerusalén, toda la ciudad se alborotó, diciendo: ¿Quién es éste?
11 The crowd [that was already following him] said, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee!”
Y los acompañantes decían: Este es Jesús, el Profeta, de Nazaret de Galilea.
12 Then Jesus went into the Temple [courtyard] and chased out all of those who were buying and selling things there. He also overturned the tables of those who were giving [Temple tax money in exchange for Roman] coins, and he overturned the seats of those who were selling pigeons [for sacrifices].
Y entró Jesús en el Templo de Dios, y echó fuera todos los que vendían y compraban en el Templo, y trastornó las mesas de los cambiadores, y las sillas de los que vendían palomas;
13 Then he said to them, “It is {([Jeremiah/A prophet]) has} written [in the Scriptures that God said], ‘[I want] my house to be called a place where [people] pray’, but you bandits have made it [MET] your hideout!”
Y les dice: Escrito está: Mi Casa, Casa de oración será llamada; mas vosotros cueva de ladrones la habéis hecho.
14 After that, [many] blind [people] and lame [people] came to Jesus in the temple [in order that he would heal them], and he healed them.
Entonces vinieron a él ciegos y cojos en el Templo, y los sanó.
15 The high priests and the men who taught the people the [Jewish] laws saw the wonderful deeds that Jesus did. [They also saw and] heard the children shouting in the Temple, “We praise the [Messiah], the descendant of [King] David!” The religious leaders were indignant [because they did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah].
Mas los príncipes de los sacerdotes y los escribas, viendo las maravillas que hacía, y a los muchachos aclamando en el templo y diciendo: ¡Hosanna al Hijo de David! Se indignaron,
16 [They thought that Jesus should not be allowing the children to say that], so they asked him, “[How can you tolerate] this [RHQ]? Do you hear what these [children] are shouting?” Then Jesus said to them, “Yes, I [hear them, but] if you [remembered what] you have read [in the Scriptures about children praising me, you would know that God is pleased] [RHQ] [with them]. [The psalmist] wrote, [saying to God], ‘You have taught infants and other children to praise you perfectly.’”
y le dijeron: ¿Oyes lo que éstos dicen? Y Jesús les dice: Sí; ¿nunca leisteis: De la boca de los niños y de los que maman perfeccionaste la alabanza?
17 Then Jesus left the city. We [disciples] went [with him] to Bethany [town], and we slept there [that night].
Y dejándolos, se marchó fuera de la ciudad, a Betania; y posó allí.
18 Early [the next morning], when we were returning to the city, [Jesus] was hungry.
Y por la mañana volviendo a la ciudad, tuvo hambre.
19 He saw a fig tree near the road. [So he went over to it to pick some figs to eat]. But when he got close, he saw that there were no [figs on the tree]. There were only leaves on it. So [to illustrate how God would punish the nation of Israel], he said to the fig tree, “May you never again produce figs!” As a result, the fig tree withered that night. (aiōn g165)
Y viendo una higuera sobre el camino, vino a ella, y no halló nada en ella, sino hojas solamente, y le dijo: Nunca más para siempre nazca de ti fruto. Y luego se secó la higuera. (aiōn g165)
20 [The next day] when we disciples saw [what had happened to the tree], we marveled, and we said [to Jesus], “(It is astonishing that the fig tree withered so quickly!/How is it that the fig tree dried up so quickly?)” [RHQ]
Y viendo esto los discípulos, maravillados decían: ¡Cómo se secó luego la higuera!
21 Jesus said to us, “Think about this: If you believe [that God has power to do what you ask him to] and you do not doubt [that], you will be able to do [things like what I have] done to this fig tree. You will even be able to do [marvelous deeds like] saying to a nearby hill, ‘Uproot yourself and throw yourself into the sea’, and it will happen!
Y respondiendo Jesús les dijo: De cierto os digo, que si tuviereis fe, y no dudareis, no sólo haréis esto a la higuera; mas si a este monte dijereis: Quítate y échate en el mar, será hecho.
22 In addition [to that], whenever you ask [God for something] when you pray [to him, if you] believe [that he will give it to you], you will receive [it from him].”
Y todo lo que pidiereis en oración, creyendo, lo recibiréis.
23 After that, Jesus went into the Temple [courtyard]. While he was teaching [the people], the chief priests and the elders of the Jewish Council approached him. They asked, “By what authority are you doing these things? Who authorized you to do what you did [here yesterday] [DOU]?”
Y como vino al Templo, se llegaron a él cuando estaba enseñando, los príncipes de los sacerdotes y los ancianos del pueblo, diciendo: ¿Con qué autoridad haces esto? ¿Y quién te dio esta autoridad?
24 Jesus said to them, “I also will ask you a question, and if you answer me, I will tell you who authorized me to do these things.
Y respondiendo Jesús, les dijo: Yo también os preguntaré una palabra, la cual si me dijereis, también yo os diré con qué autoridad hago esto.
25 Where did John [the Baptizer] get [his authority to] baptize [those who came to him]? [Did he get it] from God or from people? [MTY/EUP]” The chief priests and elders debated among themselves [about what they should answer]. [They said to each other], “If we say, ‘[It was] [MTY/EUP] from God’, he will say to us, ‘Then (you should have believed his [message]!/why did you not believe [John’s message]?) [RHQ]’
El bautismo de Juan, ¿de dónde era? ¿Del cielo, o de los hombres? Ellos entonces pensaron entre sí, diciendo: Si decimos, del cielo, nos dirá: ¿Por qué pues no le creisteis?
26 If we say, ‘It was from people’, we are afraid that the crowd [will react violently], because all [the people] believe that John was a prophet [sent by God].”
Y si decimos, de los hombres, tememos al pueblo; porque todos tienen a Juan por profeta.
27 So they answered Jesus, “We do not know [where John got his authority].” Then he said to them, “[Because you did not answer my question], I will not tell you who authorized me to do the things I did [here yesterday].”
Y respondiendo a Jesús, dijeron: No sabemos. Y él también les dijo: Ni yo os digo con qué autoridad hago esto.
28 [Then Jesus said to the chief priests and elders], “Tell me [RHQ] what you think [about what I am about to tell you]. There was a man who had two sons. He went to his older son and said, ‘My son, go and work in my vineyard today!’
Pero, ¿qué os parece? Un hombre tenía dos hijos, y llegando al primero, le dijo: Hijo, ve hoy a trabajar en mi viña.
29 But the son said [to his father], ‘I do not want to [go and work in your vineyard today]!’ But later he changed his mind, and he went to the vineyard [and worked].
Y respondiendo él, dijo: No quiero; mas después, arrepentido, fue.
30 Then the father approached his younger son and said what he had said to his older son. That son said, ‘Sir, I will [go and work in the vineyard today.’] But he did not go there.
Y llegando al otro, le dijo de la misma manera; y respondiendo él, dijo: Yo voy señor. Y no fue.
31 So which of the man’s two sons did what their father desired?” They answered, “The older son.” Jesus [explained to them what that parable meant] by saying, “Think about this: [It is more likely that other people, including] tax collectors and prostitutes, [whom you think are very sinful], will enter where God rules, than it is that you [Jewish leaders] will enter.
¿Cuál de los dos hizo la voluntad del padre? Dicen ellos: El primero. Les dijo Jesús: De cierto os digo, que los publicanos y las rameras os van delante al Reino de Dios.
32 I [say this to you] because, even though John [the Baptizer] explained to you how to live righteously, you did not believe his message. But tax collectors and prostitutes believed his [message, and they turned away from their sinful behavior]. In contrast, you, even though you saw what they did, refused to turn away from your sinful behavior, and you did not believe [John’s message].”
Porque vino a vosotros Juan en camino de justicia (rectitud), y no le creisteis; y los publicanos y las rameras le creyeron; y vosotros, viendo esto, nunca os arrepentisteis después para creerle.
33 “Listen to another parable [that I will tell you]. There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He built a fence around it. He dug a hole in the ground [inside the fence]. He placed [in the hole] a stone tank to [collect the juice that would be] pressed out of the grapes. He also built a tower [inside that fence that someone would sit in to guard that vineyard]. He arranged for some men [to care for] the vineyard [and to give him some of the grapes in return]. Then he went away to another country.
Oíd otra parábola: Hubo un hombre, padre de familia, el cual plantó una viña; y la cercó de vallado, y cavó en ella un lagar, y edificó una torre, y la dio a renta a labradores, y se fue lejos.
34 When it was time to harvest the grapes, the landowner sent some of his servants to the men who were taking care of the vineyard to get his share of the grapes [that the vineyard had produced].
Y cuando se acercó el tiempo de los frutos, envió sus siervos a los labradores, para que recibiesen sus frutos.
35 But the renters seized the servants. They beat one of them, they killed another one, and [killed] another one of them [by throwing] stones at him.
Mas los labradores, tomando a los siervos, al uno hirieron, y al otro mataron, y al otro apedrearon.
36 [So the landowner] sent more servants than [he had sent] the first [time]. The renters treated those servants the same way that [they had treated the other servants].
Envió de nuevo otros siervos, más que los primeros; e hicieron con ellos de la misma manera.
37 Later, [knowing this], [the landowner] sent his son to [the renters to get his share of the grapes]. When he sent him, he said [to himself], ‘They will certainly respect my son [and give him some of the grapes].’
Y a la postre les envió su hijo, diciendo: Tendrán respeto a mi hijo.
38 But when the renters saw his son [arriving], they said to each other, ‘This is the man who will inherit [this vineyard]! Let’s kill him and divide the property [among ourselves].’
Mas los labradores, viendo al hijo, dijeron entre sí: Este es el heredero; venid, matémosle, y tomemos su heredad.
39 So they grabbed him, dragged him outside the vineyard, and killed him.
Y tomándole, le echaron fuera de la viña, y le mataron.
40 [Now I ask you], when the landowner returns to his vineyard, what [do you think] he will do to those renters?”
Pues cuando viniere el señor de la viña, ¿qué hará a aquellos labradores?
41 [The chief priests and elders] replied, “He will thoroughly destroy those wicked [renters]! Then he will rent the vineyard to others. They will give him [his share of] the grapes when they are ripe.”
Le dicen: a los malos destruirá sin misericordia, y su viña dará a renta a otros labradores, que le paguen el fruto a sus tiempos.
42 Jesus said to them, “[That is right, so you need to think carefully about these words which] you have read [RHQ] in the Scriptures: The builders rejected a certain stone. [But others put] that same stone [in its proper place, and it] has become the most important stone [of the] building [MET]. The Lord has done this, and we marvel as we look at it.
Les dijo Jesús: ¿Nunca leisteis en las Escrituras: La piedra que desecharon los que edificaban, esta fue hecha por cabeza de esquina? Por el Señor es hecho esto, y es cosa maravillosa en nuestros ojos.
43 So, [because you reject me], I am going to tell you this: God will no longer let you [Jews] be the people over whom he rules. Instead, he will let [non-Jews] be the people over whom he rules, and they will do [IDM] what he asks them to do.
Por tanto os digo, que el Reino de Dios será quitado de vosotros, y será dado a gente que hagan el fruto de él.
44 [The important stone in the building represents me, the Messiah, and those who reject me are like people who fall on this stone]. Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken into pieces {This cornerstone will break into pieces anyone who falls on it}, and it will crush anyone on whom it falls.”
Y el que cayere sobre esta piedra, será quebrantado; y sobre quien ella cayere, lo desmenuzará.
45 When the chief priests and the [elders who were] Pharisees heard this parable, they realized that he was accusing them [because they did not believe that he was the Messiah].
Oyendo los príncipes de los sacerdotes y los fariseos sus parábolas, entendieron que hablaba de ellos.
46 They wanted to seize him, but [they did not do so] because they were afraid of what the crowds [would do if they did that], because [the crowds] considered that Jesus was a prophet.
Y buscando cómo echarle mano, temieron al pueblo; porque le tenían por profeta.

< Matthew 21 >