< Matthew 18 >
1 About that time we disciples approached Jesus and said, “Who [among us will be] the most important when God [MTY/EUP] [makes you] king?”
V ten čas přistoupili učedlníci k Ježíšovi, řkouce: Kdo pak jest větší v království nebeském?
2 Jesus called a child to come, and he placed that child in our midst.
A zavolav Ježíš pacholete, postavil je uprostřed nich,
3 He said, “Think about this: If you [(pl)] do not change [the way you(pl) think] and become [as humble] as little children, you [(pl)] will surely not go to the place where God [MTY/EUP] rules.
A řekl: Amen pravím vám: Neobrátíte-li se a nebudete-li jako pacholátka, nikoli nevejdete do království nebeského.
4 The people who become as humble as this child [or any child] is, will be the most important people among those over whom God rules.
Protož kdož by se koli ponížil jako pacholátko toto, tenť jest větší v království nebeském.
5 Also, when those who, [because they love] me, welcome [a] child like this one, [God considers] that they are welcoming me.”
A kdož by koli přijal pacholátko takové ve jménu mém, mneť přijímá.
6 “If you cause someone who believes in me to sin, [even if it is someone who is socially unimportant like] this little child, [God will severely punish you]. If a heavy stone were fastened around your neck and you were thrown into the deep waters of the sea, [people would consider that you had been severely punished. But God will punish] you more severely [than that if you cause someone to sin]
Kdo by pak pohoršil jednoho z maličkých těchto věřících ve mne, lépe by jemu bylo, aby zavěšen byl žernov osličí na hrdlo jeho, a pohřížen byl do hlubokosti mořské.
7 It will be terrible for those [MTY] who cause others to stop believing in me. [God will punish them eternally]. It is inevitable that there will be [those who] cause others to stop believing in me. But it will be horrible for everyone who does that.
Běda světu pro pohoršení. Ačkoli musí to býti, aby přicházela pohoršení, ale však běda člověku, skrze něhož přichází pohoršení.
8 So, if you [are wanting to use] one of your hands or feet to sin, [stop using that hand or foot! Even if you have to] cut it off [to avoid sinning, do it] [MET]! It is good [that you not sin and] go where you will live [with God eternally, even though while you are still here on earth] you are maimed or lame and do not have a hand or a foot. But it is not good that you continue to have your two hands and two feet [and do] [MTY] [the sinful things you want to, and as a result], you are thrown into [hell], where there is eternal fire burning. (aiōnios , questioned)
Protož jestliže ruka tvá anebo noha tvá pohoršuje tě, utniž ji a vrz od sebe. Lépe jest tobě do života vjíti kulhavému anebo bezrukému, nežli dvě ruce aneb dvě noze majícímu uvrženu býti do věčného ohně. (aiōnios )
9 If what you see you [makes you want] to sin, [stop looking at those things! Even if you have to] gouge out one of your eyes and throw it away [to avoid sinning, do it] [HYP]! It is good [that you not sin and] go where you will live [with God eternally, even though while you are still here on earth] you have only one eye. But it is not good that you continue to have your two eyes [and do the sinful things you want to, and as a result], you are thrown {God throws you} into hell where there is eternal fire burning.” (Geenna )
A pakli oko tvé pohoršuje tebe, vylup je a vrz od sebe. Lépe jest tobě jednookému do života vjíti, nežli obě oči majícímu uvrženu býti do pekelného ohně. (Geenna )
10 “Make an effort that you [(pl)] do not despise [even] one of these children. I tell you [(pl)] truly that [since] the angels [live] in heaven [in the presence of] my Father, [they will report to him if you mistreat the children].
Viztež, abyste nepotupovali ani jednoho z maličkých těchto. Neboť pravím vám, že andělé jejich v nebesích vždycky vidí tvář Otce mého, kterýž v nebesích jest.
Nebo přišel Syn člověka, aby spasil to, což bylo zahynulo.
12 What do you [(pl)] think [you would do in the following situation]? If you had 100 sheep and one of them got lost, you would surely leave the 99 sheep [that are] on the hill and go and search for the lost one [RHQ], would you not?
Co se vám zdá? Kdyby některý člověk měl sto ovec, a zbloudila by jedna z nich, zdaliž nenechá devadesáti devíti, a jda na hory, nehledá té pobloudilé?
13 If you found it, I affirm to you [(pl)] that you would rejoice very much. You would be happy that 99 sheep did not stray away, but you would rejoice even more [because you had found] the sheep that had strayed away.
A nahodí-liť mu se nalézti ji, amen pravím vám, že se radovati bude nad ní více, než nad devadesáti devíti nepobloudilými.
14 In the same way [that shepherds do not want one of] their [sheep to stray away], so [God], your Father in heaven, does not want [even] one of these children to go to hell.” ()
Takť není vůle před Otcem vaším, kterýž jest v nebesích, aby zhynul jeden z maličkých těchto.
15 “If a fellow believer sins [against you], go [to him], and when you two are alone, reprove him [for sinning against you]. If that person listens to you [and feels sorry that he has sinned against you], you will have restored [your friendship with] that person.
Zhřešil-li by pak proti tobě bratr tvůj, jdi a potresci ho mezi sebou a jím samým. Uposlechl-li by tebe, získal jsi bratra svého.
16 If that person will not listen to you [nor feel sorry that he has sinned against you], go get one or two other people [who will listen to what you both have to say]. Have them go with you so that [what is written] {[Moses wrote]} [in the Scriptures might happen: ] ‘[When one person accuses another in some matter], it should be confirmed by [at least] two or three people {[at least] two or three people should confirm it} [before that person can be declared] guilty {[before they declare that person guilty]}.’
Jestliže by pak neuposlechl, přijmi k sobě jednoho anebo dva, aby v ústech dvou nebo tří svědků stálo každé slovo.
17 If the one who has sinned against you will not listen to them [or does not feel sorry that he has sinned against you], tell that to the congregation [so that they can rebuke him]. If that person will not listen to the congregation [or feel sorry that he has sinned against you, exclude him from being a member of your congregation, just like] you [would exclude] pagans, tax collectors, [and others who do not believe in God and sin greatly].
Pakliť by jich neuposlechl, pověz církvi. Jestliže pak i církve neuposlechne, budiž tobě jako pohan a publikán.
18 Keep this in mind: Whatever you decide on earth [about punishing] or [not punishing a member of your congregation] is what has also been decided by [God] in heaven {what [God] in heaven has also decided}.
Amen pravím vám: Cožkoli svížete na zemi, budeť svázáno i na nebi; a cožkoli rozvížete na zemi, budeť rozvázáno i na nebi.
19 Also note this: If [at least] two of you [who live] here on earth agree together about something you ask [God] for [DOU], [God], my Father [who is] in heaven, will give you what you ask for.
Opět pravím vám: Jestliže by dva z vás svolili se na zemi o všelikou věc, za kterouž by koli prosili, staneť se jim od Otce mého nebeského.
20 [This is true], because wherever [at least] two or three of you assemble because you believe in me [MTY], I am [spiritually] present with you. I [will hear what you ask for and I will ask God to do it for you].”
Nebo kdežkoli shromáždí se dva nebo tři ve jménu mém, tuť jsem já uprostřed nich.
21 Then Peter approached [Jesus] and said to him, “How many times must I forgive a fellow believer who [keeps on] sinning against me? [If he keeps asking me to forgive him, must I forgive him] as many as seven times?”
Tedy přistoupiv k němu Petr, řekl: Pane, kolikrát zhřeší proti mně bratr můj, a odpustím jemu? Do sedmilikrát?
22 Jesus said to him, “I tell you [that the number of] times [you must forgive someone is] not just up to seven, but [you must] ([forgive him] 77 times/never stop forgiving him).
I dí mu Ježíš: Nepravím tobě až do sedmikrát, ale až do sedmdesátikrát sedmkrát.
23 [In order to illustrate] why [you should do this], I [will tell you a story in which] God [MTY/EUP], [who cares for] the people whose lives he rules over, is compared {I compare God, [who cares for] the people whose lives he rules over} to a king [and his officials]. That king told [some of his servants that he wanted] his officials to pay what they owed him.
A protož podobno jest království nebeské člověku králi, kterýž chtěl počet klásti s služebníky svými.
24 [So those officials were brought to the king to] settle [their accounts with him]. [One of the officials who were brought] owed the king several million dollars.
A když počal počtu klásti, podán mu jeden, kterýž byl dlužen deset tisíců hřiven.
25 But because he did not have [enough money] to pay [what he owed], the king demanded that he, his wife, his children and all he possessed be sold [to someone else, and that the king] be repaid [with] {receive} [the money that was paid for them].
A když neměl čím zaplatiti, kázal jej pán jeho prodati, i ženu jeho i děti i všecko, což měl, a zaplatiti.
26 Then that official, [knowing that he did not have the money to pay that huge debt], fell on his knees [in front of the king] and begged him saying, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you all of it, [eventually].’
Tedy padna služebník ten, prosil ho, řka: Pane, poshověj mi, a všeckoť zaplatím tobě.
27 The king, [knowing that the official could never pay all that huge debt], felt sorry for him. So he canceled his debt and released him.
I slitovav se pán nad služebníkem tím, propustil ho a dluh jemu odpustil.
28 Then this official went to another one of the king’s officials who owed him a bit less than a year’s wages. He grabbed him [by the throat], started choking him, and said to him, ‘Pay back what you owe [me]!’
Vyšed pak služebník ten, nalezl jednoho z spoluslužebníků svých, kterýž mu byl dlužen sto peněz, a chopiv se ho, hrdloval se s ním, řka: Zaplať mi, cos dlužen.
29 That official fell on his knees and begged him saying, ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay you all of it, [eventually].’
Tedy padna spoluslužebník ten k nohám jeho, prosil ho, řka: Poshověj mi, a všeckoť zaplatím tobě.
30 But this official kept refusing [to cancel that small debt that the man owed him]. Instead, he [caused that official to be] put in prison [and to stay there] until he could pay back all the money that he owed him.
On pak nechtěl, ale odšed, dal jej do žaláře, dokudž by nezaplatil dluhu.
31 When the other officials [of the king] learned that this had happened, they felt very distressed. So they went to the king and reported in detail what had happened.
Tedy vidouce spoluslužebníci, co se dálo, zarmoutili se velmi; a šedše, pověděli pánu svému všecko, co se bylo stalo.
32 Then the king summoned the official [who had owed him several million dollars]. He said to him, ‘You wicked servant! I canceled that huge debt [that you owed me] because you begged me [to do so]
Tehdy povolav ho pán jeho, dí mu: Služebníče zlý, všecken ten tvůj dluh odpustil jsem tobě, nebs mne prosil.
33 You should have been merciful [and canceled your fellow official’s debt], just like I was merciful to you [and canceled your debt] [RHQ]!’
Zdaližs i ty neměl se smilovati nad spoluslužebníkem svým, jako i já smiloval jsem se nad tebou?
34 The king was very angry. He handed this official over to some jailers who would torture him severely until he paid all of the debt that he owed.”
I rozhněvav se pán jeho, dal jej katům, dokudž by nezaplatil všeho, což mu byl dlužen.
35 [Then Jesus continued by saying], “That is what my Father in heaven will do to you if you do not [feel merciful and] sincerely forgive a fellow believer [who sins against you].”
Takť i Otec můj nebeský učiní vám, jestliže neodpustíte jeden každý bratru svému z srdcí vašich jejich provinění.