< Matthew 15 >

1 Then [some] Pharisees and men who taught the [Jewish] laws came from Jerusalem [to talk to] Jesus. They said,
Siis tulid mõned variserid ja kirjatundjad Jeruusalemmast Jeesuse juurde ning küsisid:
2 “(We think it is disgusting that your disciples disobey the traditions of our ancestors!/Why do your disciples disobey [what our ancestors wrote down and] our [elders taught us]?) [RHQ] They do not perform the proper ritual of washing their hands before they eat!”
„Miks sinu jüngrid astuvad üle esivanemate pärimusest? Nad ei pese enne sööki käsi.“
3 Jesus answered them, “(What is really disgusting is that you refuse to obey God’s commands [just] so that you can follow what your ancestors taught you!/Why do you refuse to obey what God commanded [people to do, just] so that you can follow your own traditions?) [RHQ]
Jeesus vastas neile: „Miks te ise astute üle Jumala käsust oma pärimuse pärast?
4 God gave these [two] commands: ‘Honor your father and your mother,’ and ‘People who speak evil about their father or mother must be executed.’
Jumal on ju öelnud: „Austa oma isa ja ema!“ning „Kes oma isa või ema neab, peab surema.“
5 But you tell people, ‘You can say to your father or mother, “What I was going to give to you [to help provide for you], [I have now promised] to give [to God].”’
Kuid teie ütlete, et kui keegi ütleb oma isale või emale: „Selle toetuse, mis sa pidid minu käest saama, ma annan ohvrianniks Jumalale, “
6 And if you do that, you think that you do not need to give anything to help your parents. In [that way], [by teaching people] your traditions, you disregard what God commanded.
siis ta ei pea oma isa austama. Te olete teinud Jumala sõna tühjaks oma pärimusega!
7 You only pretend to be good! Isaiah prophesied accurately about you [also when he quoted what God said about your ancestors. God said],
Te silmakirjatsejad, eks ole prohvet Jesaja õigesti kuulutanud teie kohta:
8 ‘These people talk [as if they] honor me [MTY], but they do not think about honoring me at all [MET].
„See rahvas austab mind oma huultega, nende süda on aga minust kaugel.
9 It is useless for them to worship me, because they teach what people thought up [as if I myself had commanded it].’”
Ilmaaegu nad teenivad mind, õpetades õpetusi, mis on vaid inimeste reeglid.““
10 Then Jesus [again] summoned the crowd to come [nearer] to him. Then he said to them, “Listen to [what I am about to tell you], and [try to] understand it.
Ja Jeesus kutsus rahva enda juurde ning ütles: „Kuulge ja mõistke!
11 Nothing that a person puts into his mouth [to eat] causes [God to consider] that person to be unacceptable. Instead, it is [the words] that come out of people’s mouths [SYN] that cause [God to reject them].”
Inimest ei rüveta mitte see, mis suust sisse läheb, vaid see, mis suust välja tuleb – see rüvetab inimest.“
12 Later we disciples went to Jesus and said, “Do you know that the Pharisees heard what you said, and as a result they felt offended [RHQ]?”
Siis jüngrid tulid tema juurde ja ütlesid: „Kas sa tead, et variserid vihastasid, kui nad seda kuulsid?“
13 Then, [to teach us what God would do to the Pharisees], Jesus told [us this parable]: “My Father in heaven [will] get rid of all [those who teach things that are contrary to his truth, just like a farmer] gets rid of plants that he did not plant, by pulling them up along with their roots [MET].
Jeesus aga vastas neile: „Iga taim, mida minu taevane Isa pole istutanud, juuritakse välja.
14 Do not pay any attention to [the Pharisees]. They [do not help people who do not know God’s truth] to [understand it, just like] blind guides [do not help] blind [people to perceive where they should go] [MET]. If a blind person [tries to] lead [another] blind person, they will both fall into a big hole [MET]. [Similarly, both the Pharisees and their disciples will end up in hell].” (questioned)
Laske neil olla! Nad on pimedate pimedad teejuhid. Kui pime juhib pimedat, kukuvad mõlemad auku.“
15 Peter said to Jesus, “Explain to us the parable [about what a person eats].”
„Seleta meile seda tähendamissõna!“palus Peetrus.
16 He replied [to them], “(I am disappointed that even you, [who should understand what I teach], still do not understand!/Why is it that even you [who should understand what I teach], still do not understand?) [RHQ]
„Kas ka teie veel ei mõista?“küsis Jeesus.
17 (You ought to understand that all [food that people] eat enters their stomachs, and later the refuse passes out of their [bodies]./Cannot you understand that all [food that people] eat enters their stomachs and later the refuse passes out [of their bodies]?) [RHQ] [Because food does not alter what we think and desire, what we eat does not cause God to consider that we are unacceptable to him].
„Kas te ei saa aru, et kõik, mis suust sisse läheb, liigub edasi kõhtu ja heidetakse taas välja?
18 [You should know that] what comes out of [people’s] mouths, [meaning everything that they say] [SYN], comes from their inner beings/hearts. Many of the [things that they say] cause [God to consider] them to be unacceptable [to him].
Aga mis suust väljub, tuleb südamest ja see rüvetab inimest.
19 It is people’s innermost beings that [cause them] to think things that are evil, to murder people, to [commit] adultery, to commit other sexual sins, to steal things, to testify falsely, and to speak evil about [others].
Sest südamest lähtub kurje mõtteid – mõrva, abielurikkumist, hoorust, vargust, valetunnistusi ja laimu.
20 It is these actions that cause [God to consider] people to be unacceptable [to him]. To eat with unwashed hands does not cause [God to consider] people unacceptable to him.”
Need rüvetavad inimest, aga pesemata kätega söömine ei rüveta.“
21 After Jesus [took us and] left [Galilee district], we went into the region [where the cities of] Tyre and Sidon [are located].
Ja Jeesus lahkus sealt ning läks Tüürose ja Siidoni aladele.
22 A woman [from the group of people called] Canaanites who live in that region came [to the place where Jesus was staying]. She kept shouting [to him], “Lord, you are the descendant of [King] David, [you are the Messiah!] Have pity on me [and my daughter!] She is suffering very much because a demon controls her.”
Üks neist paigust pärit Kaanani naine tuli ja hüüdis: „Issand, Taaveti Poeg, halasta minu peale! Mu tütar vaevleb rängalt kurja vaimu käes!“
23 But Jesus did not answer her at all. [We] disciples came to him, and [knowing that the woman was not a Jew], we said to him, “Tell her to leave, because she keeps [bothering us] by yelling behind us!”
Kuid Jeesus ei vastanud sõnagi. Siis jüngrid astusid tema juurde ja palusid teda: „Saada ta minema, sest ta karjub meie kannul!“
24 But Jesus said [to her], “I have been sent {[God] has sent me} to [help] only the Israelite people [at this time] [SYN]. [They are like] sheep that have gotten lost [MET] [because they do not know the way to heaven].”
Jeesus vastas: „Mind on läkitatud üksnes Iisraeli rahva kadunud lammaste juurde.“
25 But she came [closer] to Jesus and knelt down in front of him [to worship him]. She pled, “Lord/Sir, help me!”
Ent naine tuli ja põlvitas Jeesuse ette, öeldes: „Issand, aita mind!“
26 Then, [to suggest to her that he needed to help the Jews first and not the non-Jews, whom the Jews called dogs], he told her, “It is not good [for someone] to take food [that has been prepared for] the children and throw it to the [little] dogs.”
„Ei sobi võtta laste leiba ja visata koertele, “kostis Jeesus.
27 [But to show that she believed that non-Jews could also receive help from God], the woman said [to Jesus], “Lord/Sir, what you [say is] correct, but even the [little] dogs eat the crumbs that fall to the floor [when] their masters [sit at] their tables [and eat]!”
„Jah, Issand, “ütles naine, „ometi söövad koerad raasukesi, mis nende isandate laualt pudenevad.“
28 Then Jesus said to her, “O woman, [because] you believe firmly [in me, I] will [heal your daughter] as you desire!” At that moment [the demon left] her daughter, [and she] became well.
„Naine, sinu usk on suur!“vastas Jeesus, „Sündigu sulle, nagu sa soovid!“Ja tema tütar sai terveks samal tunnil.
29 After Jesus, [along with us disciples], departed from that area, we went [back] to Galilee Lake [and walked] along it. Then Jesus climbed the hill [near there] and sat down [to teach the people].
Jeesus lahkus sealt ja jõudis Galilea mere äärde. Ta läks üles mäele ja istus maha.
30 Crowds kept coming to him for the next two days and brought lame, crippled, and blind people, those who were unable to talk, and many others [who had various sicknesses]. They laid them in front of Jesus [so that he would heal them] [SYN]. And he healed them.
Tema juurde tuli palju rahvast, tuues kaasa halvatuid, pimedaid, vigaseid, tummi ja palju teisi. Nad panid haiged Jeesuse jalge ette ja ta tegi nad terveks,
31 The crowd saw [him heal] people who could not talk, crippled people, lame people, and blind people, and they were amazed. They said, “Praise God [who rules over us who live in] Israel!”
nõnda et inimesed imestasid, nähes tummi rääkimas, vigaseid tervena, halvatuid kõndimas ja pimedaid nägemas. Ning nad ülistasid Iisraeli Jumalat.
32 Then Jesus called us disciples to him and said [to us], “This crowd [of people] has been with me for three days and have nothing [left] to eat. I feel sorry for them. I do not want to send them away [while they are still] hungry, [because if I did that], they might faint on the way [home].”
Jeesus aga kutsus oma jüngrid enese juurde ja ütles: „Mul on rahvast kahju. Nad on juba kolm päeva minu juures olnud ja neil pole midagi süüa. Ma ei taha neid näljastena ära saata, muidu võivad nad teel nõrkeda.“
33 We disciples said to him, “In this place where nobody lives, (we cannot possibly obtain enough food to feed such a large crowd!/how can we obtain a large enough amount of food to feed such a large crowd?) [RHQ]”
„Kust me saaksime siin inimtühjas kohas leiba nii suure rahvahulga toitmiseks?“küsisid jüngrid.
34 Jesus asked us, “How many small loaves do you have?” We said to him, “[We have] seven small loaves and a few [cooked] fish.”
„Mitu leiba teil on?“küsis Jeesus neilt. „Seitse. Ja mõned kalakesed ka, “vastasid nad.
35 He told the people to sit on the ground.
Siis käskis Jeesus rahval maha istuda,
36 Then he took the seven small loaves and the fish. After he thanked [God for them], he broke them [into pieces], and he kept giving [them] to us. Then we [kept distributing] them to the crowd.
võttis seitse leiba ja kalad, tänas, murdis need ja ulatas jüngritele, jüngrid andsid aga rahvale.
37 [Because Jesus made the food multiply miraculously], all [those people] ate and had [plenty to] satisfy [them]. There were 4,000 men [who ate], but no [one counted] the women and the children [who also ate]. Then we [disciples] collected the pieces of food that were left over, and we filled seven large baskets [with them].
Kõik sõid ja said söönuks ning ülejäänud palukesi koguti kokku seitse korvitäit.
Sööjaid oli seal neli tuhat meest, arvestamata naisi ja lapsi.
39 After Jesus dismissed the crowd, he, [along with us], got in the boat, and we sailed [around the lake] to the region called Magadan.
Ja kui Jeesus oli rahva minema saatnud, astus ta paati ja suundus Magdala alale.

< Matthew 15 >