< Matthew 14 >
1 During that time Herod [Antipas], the ruler, heard reports about Jesus [performing miracles].
På den Tid hørte Fjerdingsfyrsten Herodes Rygtet om Jesus.
2 He said to his servants: “That must be John the Baptizer. He must have risen from the dead, and that is why he has power to perform miracles.”
Og han sagde til sine Tjenere: "Det er Johannes Døberen; han er oprejst fra de døde, derfor virke Kræfterne i ham."
3 The reason [Herod thought that was this: Herod had married] Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip, [while Philip was still living. So] John had been saying to him, “[What] you [did by] marrying [your brother’s wife while your brother is still alive is against God’s] law!” Then, to [please] Herodias, Herod [told his soldiers] to arrest John. They bound him with chains and put him in prison.
Thi Herodes havde grebet Johannes og bundet ham og sat ham i Fængsel for sin Broder Filips Hustru, Herodias's Skyld.
Johannes sagde nemlig til ham: "Det er dig ikke tilladt at have hende."
5 Herod wanted to have John executed, but he was afraid that the people [who had accepted what John taught would riot if he did that], because they believed that John was a prophet.
Og han vilde gerne slå ham ihjel, men frygtede for Mængden, thi de holdt ham for en Profet.
6 But when Herod [gave a party to celebrate] his birthday, the daughter of Herodias danced for [his guests]. This pleased Herod.
Men da Herodes's Fødselsdag kom, dansede Herodias's Datter for dem; og hun behagede Herodes.
7 So he promised to give her whatever she asked, and he asked God to punish him if he did not do what he had promised.
Derfor lovede han med en Ed at give hende, hvad som helst hun begærede.
8 [So Herodias’ daughter went and asked her mother what to ask for]. Her mother told her to ask for John the Baptizer’s head. [So] her daughter [went back and] said [to Herod]: “[Cut off] the head of John the Baptizer and [please] bring it here on a platter [so that my mother can know for sure that he is dead!]”
Og tilskyndet af sin Moder siger hun: "Giv mig Johannes Døberens Hoved hid på et Fad!"
9 The king was distressed because he now knew he should not have made that promise to her. [But] because he had made an oath [in front of] his guests [when he made that promise], and [he did not want] them [to think that he would not do what he had promised], he commanded that [the girl] be given [what she requested].
Og Kongen blev bedrøvet; men for sine Eders og for Gæsternes Skyld befalede han, at det skulde gives hende.
10 He sent [the executioner to go to] the prison and to cut off John’s head.
Og han sendte Bud og lod Johannes halshugge i Fængselet.
11 [The executioner did that, and] put John’s head on a platter and gave it to the girl. Then the girl took it to her mother.
Og hans Hoved blev bragt på et Fad og givet Pigen, og hun bragte det til sin Moder.
12 John’s disciples then went [to the prison], took John’s body and buried it, and they reported to Jesus [what had happened].
Da kom hans Disciple og toge Liget og begravede ham, og de kom og forkyndte Jesus det.
13 After Jesus heard that, he took [just us disciples] with him and we went by boat [on Galilee Lake to an uninhabited place]. Matthew 14:13-21 After the crowds heard [that we had gone to an uninhabited place], they [left their towns and] followed Jesus, walking along the shore.
Og da Jesus hørte det, drog han bort derfra i et Skib til et øde Sted afsides; og da Skarerne hørte det, fulgte de ham til Fods fra Byerne.
14 When Jesus came [to the shore], he saw a large crowd of people [who had gathered there, waiting for him]. He felt sorry for them, and he healed those [among them who were] sick.
Og da han kom i Land, så han en stor Skare, og han ynkedes inderligt over dem og helbredte deres syge.
15 When it was [nearly] evening, we disciples came to him and said, “This is a place where nobody lives, and it is very late. Dismiss the crowds so that they can go into the [nearby] towns. [Have them do that so that they can] buy food for themselves.”
Men da det blev Aften, kom Disciplene til ham og sagde: "Stedet er øde, og Tiden er allerede forløben; lad Skarerne gå bort, for at de kunne gå hen i Landsbyerne og købe sig Mad."
16 But Jesus said to us, “They do not need to leave [to get food. Instead], you [yourselves] give them something to eat!”
Men Jesus sagde til dem: "De have ikke nødig at gå bort; giver I dem at spise!"
17 We said to him, “But we have only five loaves of bread and two [cooked] fish here!”
Men de sige til ham: "Vi have ikke her uden fem Brød og to Fisk."
18 He said [to us], “Bring them to me!”
Men han sagde: "Henter mig dem hid!"
19 He told the people [who had gathered there] to sit on the grass. Then he took the five flat loaves and the two fish. He looked up toward heaven, thanked [God for them], and broke [them into pieces]. Then he gave them to us disciples, and we distributed them to the crowd.
Og han bød Skarerne at sætte sig ned i Græsset og tog de fem Brød og de to Fisk, så op til Himmelen og velsignede; og han brød Brødene og gav Disciplene dem, og Disciplene gave dem til Skarerne.
20 All [the people in the crowd] ate until they had enough to eat. Then we [disciples] gathered the pieces that were left over, [and we] filled twelve baskets with them.
Og de spiste alle og bleve mætte; og de opsamlede det, som blev tilovers af Stykkerne, tolv Kurve fulde
21 Those who ate were about 5,000 men. [We did] not [count the] women and children!
Men de, som spiste, vare omtrent fem Tusinde Mænd, foruden Kvinder og Børn.
22 Right after that happened, Jesus told us disciples to get in the boat and to go ahead of him further around [the lake] while he dismissed the crowds.
Og straks nødte han sine Disciple til at gå om Bord i Skibet og i Forvejen sætte over til hin Side, medens han lod Skarerne gå bort.
23 After he dismissed them, he went up into the hills to pray by himself. When it was evening, he was [still] there alone.
Og da han havde ladet Skarerne gå bort, gik han op på Bjerget afsides for at bede. Og da det blev silde, var han der alene.
24 [By this time] we were already many hundred meters from the shore. The boat was being severely tossed around by the waves {The waves were severely tossing the boat} because the wind was [blowing] against [it].
Men Skibet var allerede midt på Søen og led Nød af Bølgerne; thi Vinden var imod.
25 [Then Jesus came down from the hills to the lake]. Some time between three and six o’clock in the morning he walked on the water toward our [boat].
Men i den fjerde Nattevagt kom han til dem, vandrende på Søen.
26 When we disciples saw someone walking on the water, we thought that [we must be seeing] a ghost. We were terrified, and we screamed out because we were afraid.
Og da Disciplene så ham vandre på Søen, bleve de forfærdede og sagde: "Det er et Spøgelse;" og de skrege af Frygt.
27 Immediately Jesus said to us, “Cheer up! It is I. Do not be afraid!”
Men straks talte Jesus til dem og sagde: "Værer frimodige; det er mig, frygter ikke!"
28 Peter said to him, “Lord, if it is you, tell me to walk on the water to you!”
Men Peter svarede ham og sagde: "Herre! dersom det er dig, da byd mig at komme til dig på Vandet!"
29 Then Jesus said, “Come!” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.
Men han sagde: "Kom!" Og Peter trådte ned fra Skibet og vandrede på Vandet for at komme til Jesus.
30 But when Peter looked at the [tossing waves which] the strong wind [caused], he became afraid. He began to sink, and cried out, “Lord, save me!”
Men da han så det stærke Vejr, blev han bange; og da han begyndte at synke, råbte han og sagde: "Herre, frels mig!"
31 Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and grabbed him. He said to Peter, “You only trust a little bit [in my power] (Why did you doubt [that I could keep you from sinking]?/You should not have doubted [that I could keep you from sinking]!) [RHQ]”
Og straks udrakte Jesus Hånden og greb ham, og han siger til ham: "Du lidettroende, hvorfor tvivlede du?"
32 Then Jesus and Peter got in the boat, and the wind [immediately] stopped blowing.
Og da de stege op i Skibet, lagde Vinden sig.
33 All [of us disciples] who were in the boat worshipped Jesus and said, “Truly you are the (Son of/man two is also) God!”
Men de, som vare i Skibet, faldt ned for ham og sagde: "Du er sandelig Guds Søn."
34 When we had gone further around [the lake in the boat], we came ashore at Gennesaret [town].
Og da de vare farne over, landede de i Genezareth.
35 The men of that area recognized Jesus. So they sent [people to inform those who lived] in that whole surrounding region [MTY] [that Jesus was in their area]. [So the people] brought to Jesus all the sick people [who lived in that region].
Og da Folkene på det Sted kendte ham, sendte de Bud til hele Egnen der omkring og bragte alle de syge til ham.
36 [The sick people] kept begging him to allow them to touch [him or] just to touch the edge of his robe [so that they would be healed]. And all who touched [him or his robe] were healed {he healed all who touched [him or his clothing]}.
Og de bade ham, at de blot måtte røre ved Fligen af hans Klædebon; og alle de, som rørte derved, bleve helbredede.