< Matthew 10 >

1 He told [us] twelve disciples to come to him. Then he gave us the power/authority to expel evil spirits [that controlled people]. He also enabled [us] to heal all people who had diseases or who were sick.
anantaraṁ yīśu rdvādaśaśiṣyān āhūyāmēdhyabhūtān tyājayituṁ sarvvaprakārarōgān pīḍāśca śamayituṁ tēbhyaḥ sāmarthyamadāt|
2 [Here is a list of us] twelve [disciples whom he called] apostles ([which means ‘messengers’]): Simon, [to whom he gave the new name] Peter; Andrew, Peter’s [younger] brother; James, the son of Zebedee; John, the [younger] brother of James;
tēṣāṁ dvādaśaprēṣyāṇāṁ nāmānyētāni| prathamaṁ śimōn yaṁ pitaraṁ vadanti, tataḥ paraṁ tasya sahaja āndriyaḥ, sivadiyasya putrō yākūb
3 Philip; Bartholomew; Thomas; me, Matthew, the tax collector; James, the [son] of Alpheus; Thaddeus;
tasya sahajō yōhan; philip barthalamay thōmāḥ karasaṁgrāhī mathiḥ, ālphēyaputrō yākūb,
4 Simon, a member of the party [that wanted to overthrow the Roman government; ] and Judas Iscariot (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]), who [later] enabled [the Jewish leaders] to seize Jesus.
kinānīyaḥ śimōn, ya īṣkariyōtīyayihūdāḥ khrīṣṭaṁ parakarē'rpayat|
5 When Jesus was [about to] send [us] twelve [apostles to tell his message to people in various places], he gave [us] these instructions: “Do not go where the non-Jews live [MTY] or into the towns [where the] Samaritans live, [because they hate you].
ētān dvādaśaśiṣyān yīśuḥ prēṣayan ityājñāpayat, yūyam anyadēśīyānāṁ padavīṁ śēmirōṇīyānāṁ kimapi nagarañca na praviśyē
6 Instead, go to the people of Israel [SYN] who have [gone away from God like] sheep that have gotten lost [MET].
isrāyēlgōtrasya hāritā yē yē mēṣāstēṣāmēva samīpaṁ yāta|
7 When you go [to them], proclaim to them that God [EUP/MTY] will soon begin to rule over people.
gatvā gatvā svargasya rājatvaṁ savidhamabhavat, ētāṁ kathāṁ pracārayata|
8 Heal sick people, cause dead people to become alive, heal people who have leprosy, and cause demons to leave people [who are controlled by them] {[whom demons control]}. Do not charge money [for helping people, because God] did not charge you anything [for helping you].
āmayagrastān svasthān kuruta, kuṣṭhinaḥ pariṣkuruta, mr̥talōkān jīvayata, bhūtān tyājayata, vinā mūlyaṁ yūyam alabhadhvaṁ vinaiva mūlyaṁ viśrāṇayata|
9 Do not take any money with you [MTY], nor a knapsack. Do not take an extra shirt, nor sandals [in addition to what you are wearing], nor a walking stick. Every worker deserves to get pay [from the people for whom he works], [so you deserve to receive food and a place to stay from the people to whom you go].
kintu svēṣāṁ kaṭibandhēṣu svarṇarūpyatāmrāṇāṁ kimapi na gr̥hlīta|
anyacca yātrāyai cēlasampuṭaṁ vā dvitīyavasanaṁ vā pādukē vā yaṣṭiḥ, ētān mā gr̥hlīta, yataḥ kāryyakr̥t bharttuṁ yōgyō bhavati|
11 In whatever town or village you enter, find out which person is worthy [that you should stay in his home]. And as you go into that house, [ask God to] bless the people [who live there] [MTY]. Stay in that home until you leave [that town or village].
aparaṁ yūyaṁ yat puraṁ yañca grāmaṁ praviśatha, tatra yō janō yōgyapātraṁ tamavagatya yānakālaṁ yāvat tatra tiṣṭhata|
yadā yūyaṁ tadgēhaṁ praviśatha, tadā tamāśiṣaṁ vadata|
13 If the people who live in [MTY] that house are worthy [of being blessed] {[God blessing them]}, [God] will bless them. If the people who live in that house are not worthy [of being blessed] {[of God blessing them]}, [God] will bless you [instead of blessing them].
yadi sa yōgyapātraṁ bhavati, tarhi tatkalyāṇaṁ tasmai bhaviṣyati, nōcēt sāśīryuṣmabhyamēva bhaviṣyati|
14 If the people [who live in any house or town] do not welcome you [to their home or town], nor listen to your message, leave that house or town. And as you leave, shake off the dust from your feet. [By doing that, you will warn them that God will punish them for rejecting your message].
kintu yē janā yuṣmākamātithyaṁ na vidadhati yuṣmākaṁ kathāñca na śr̥ṇvanti tēṣāṁ gēhāt purādvā prasthānakālē svapadūlīḥ pātayata|
15 Note this carefully: [At the time when God] judges [all people, he] will punish [the people who lived in] Sodom and Gomorrah [MTY], [the ancient cities which God destroyed because their people were extremely wicked]. But in any town where the people [MTY] refuse to hear your message, God will punish them even more severely.”
yuṣmānahaṁ tathyaṁ vacmi vicāradinē tatpurasya daśātaḥ sidōmamōrāpurayōrdaśā sahyatarā bhaviṣyati|
16 “Take note: After I send you out, [you will be as defenseless] as sheep [MET] in the midst of [people who are as dangerous as] wolves. So you should wisely [stay away from such people, like you stay away from poisonous] snakes [SIM]. You should be as harmless as doves are [SIM].
paśyata, vr̥kayūthamadhyē mēṣaḥ yathāvistathā yuṣmāna prahiṇōmi, tasmād yūyam ahiriva satarkāḥ kapōtāivāhiṁsakā bhavata|
17 Also, be on guard against [our religious leaders]. They will arrest you and take you to the members of the religious councils [to put you on trial and punish you because you are my disciples]. You will be whipped {The local leaders will whip you} [in] their meeting places.
nr̥bhyaḥ sāvadhānā bhavata; yatastai ryūyaṁ rājasaṁsadi samarpiṣyadhvē tēṣāṁ bhajanagēhē prahāriṣyadhvē|
18 [And] because [you teach] about me, you will be taken {[the religious leaders] will take you} to governors and kings [in order that they may put you on trial and punish you]. As a result, you will testify to those rulers and to [other] non-Jews [about what I have done].
yūyaṁ mannāmahētōḥ śāstr̥ṇāṁ rājñāñca samakṣaṁ tānanyadēśinaścādhi sākṣitvārthamānēṣyadhvē|
19 When [the religious leaders] arrest you, do not be worried about what you will say [to them], because at that very time [the] Holy Spirit will tell you the words that you should say.
kintvitthaṁ samarpitā yūyaṁ kathaṁ kimuttaraṁ vakṣyatha tatra mā cintayata, yatastadā yuṣmābhi ryad vaktavyaṁ tat taddaṇḍē yuṣmanmanaḥ su samupasthāsyati|
20 It is not that you [will decide what to] say. Instead, you will say what the Spirit of your [heavenly] Father tells [you to say].
yasmāt tadā yō vakṣyati sa na yūyaṁ kintu yuṣmākamantarasthaḥ pitrātmā|
21 [You will be taken] {[People who do not believe in me will] take you} to the authorities to be killed [because you believe in me. For example], people will betray their brothers, and fathers will betray their children. Children will rebel against their parents and cause [them] to be killed.
sahajaḥ sahajaṁ tātaḥ sutañca mr̥tau samarpayiṣyati, apatyāgi svasvapitrō rvipakṣībhūya tau ghātayiṣyanti|
22 Many people will hate you [because you believe in me]. Nevertheless, [many people] will keep on believing in me until they die. They are the people whom [God] will take to live with him.
mannamahētōḥ sarvvē janā yuṣmān r̥tīyiṣyantē, kintu yaḥ śēṣaṁ yāvad dhairyyaṁ ghr̥tvā sthāsyati, sa trāyiṣyatē|
23 When people in one town cause you to suffer, escape to another town [and tell the people there about me]. Note this: [I], the one who came down from heaven, will certainly return [to earth] before you have finished going from one town to another town throughout Israel [and telling people about me].
tai ryadā yūyamēkapurē tāḍiṣyadhvē, tadā yūyamanyapuraṁ palāyadhvaṁ yuṣmānahaṁ tathyaṁ vacmi yāvanmanujasutō naiti tāvad isrāyēldēśīyasarvvanagarabhramaṇaṁ samāpayituṁ na śakṣyatha|
24 A disciple should not [expect to be] greater than his teacher, and servants [are not] superior to their master.
gurōḥ śiṣyō na mahān, prabhōrdāsō na mahān|
25 You do not [expect that] people will [treat] a disciple better than [they treat] his teacher, or that [they will treat] a servant [better than they treat] his master. [Similarly, because I am your teacher and master, you can expect that people will mistreat you, because they have mistreated me]. The most you can expect is that people [will treat you like they treat me. I am like] the ruler of a household [MET]. But people [have insulted me by] calling [me] Beelzebub, [the ruler of the demons]. So they [will] certainly [insult you more, you who are only like] members of my household [MET]!”
yadi śiṣyō nijagurō rdāsaśca svaprabhōḥ samānō bhavati tarhi tad yathēṣṭaṁ| cēttairgr̥hapatirbhūtarāja ucyatē, tarhi parivārāḥ kiṁ tathā na vakṣyantē?
26 “Do not be afraid of [people who insult you and do evil things to you. God wants] everything that is unknown now to be revealed {[God wants you to] reveal everything [that is unknown now]}. [He does] not [want his truth] to remain hidden [MET] and kept secret [DOU].
kintu tēbhyō yūyaṁ mā bibhīta, yatō yanna prakāśiṣyatē, tādr̥k chāditaṁ kimapi nāsti, yacca na vyañciṣyatē, tādr̥g guptaṁ kimapi nāsti|
27 [So, instead of being afraid], what I say to you [secretly as people do] at night [MTY], tell [publicly as people do] during the daytime [MTY]. What I [say to you privately as people do when they] whisper to you [MTY], proclaim publicly [MTY, DOU].
yadahaṁ yuṣmān tamasi vacmi tad yuṣmābhirdīptau kathyatāṁ; karṇābhyāṁ yat śrūyatē tad gēhōpari pracāryyatāṁ|
28 Do not be afraid of people who [are able to] kill your body [SYN] but are not able to destroy your soul. Instead, fear [God because] he is able to destroy both a [person’s] body and a [person’s] soul in hell. (Geenna g1067)
yē kāyaṁ hantuṁ śaknuvanti nātmānaṁ, tēbhyō mā bhaiṣṭa; yaḥ kāyātmānau nirayē nāśayituṁ, śaknōti, tatō bibhīta| (Geenna g1067)
29 [Think about the] sparrows. [They have so little value] that [you] can buy cares two of them for [only] one small coin [RHQ]. But when [any] sparrow falls to the ground [and dies] [LIT], [God], your [heavenly] Father, knows it, [because he cares about everything].
dvau caṭakau kimēkatāmramudrayā na vikrīyētē? tathāpi yuṣmattātānumatiṁ vinā tēṣāmēkōpi bhuvi na patati|
30 [He cares about you, too]. He even knows how many hairs you have on your head!
yuṣmacchirasāṁ sarvvakacā gaṇitāṁḥ santi|
31 [God] values you much more than he values sparrows [LIT]. So, do not be afraid [of people who threaten to kill you]
atō mā bibhīta, yūyaṁ bahucaṭakēbhyō bahumūlyāḥ|
32 If people, [without being afraid, are willing to] tell others [that they are my disciples], I will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven [that they are my disciples].
yō manujasākṣānmāmaṅgīkurutē tamahaṁ svargasthatātasākṣādaṅgīkariṣyē|
33 But if they are afraid to say in front of others that they are my [disciples], I will tell my Father, who is in heaven, [that] they are not [my disciples].”
pr̥thvyāmahaṁ śāntiṁ dātumāgata̮iti mānubhavata, śāntiṁ dātuṁ na kintvasiṁ|
34 “Do not think that I came to earth to cause [people] to live together harmoniously. The result of my coming is that [some of those who follow me] [MTY] will be killed.
pitr̥mātr̥ścaśrūbhiḥ sākaṁ sutasutābadhū rvirōdhayituñcāgatēsmi|
35 Because I came [to earth, people who do not believe in me] will oppose [those who do believe in me. For example], some sons will oppose their fathers, some daughters will oppose their mothers, and some daughters-in-law will oppose their mothers-in-law.
tataḥ svasvaparivāraēva nr̥śatru rbhavitā|
36 [This shows that sometimes] a person’s enemies will be members of his own household.
yaḥ pitari mātari vā mattōdhikaṁ prīyatē, sa na madarhaḥ;
37 People who love their fathers or mothers more than [they love] me are not worthy to [have a relationship with me]. And people who love their sons or daughters more than [they love] me are not worthy [to belong to] me.
yaśca sutē sutāyāṁ vā mattōdhikaṁ prīyatē, sēpi na madarhaḥ|
38 [People who are ready to execute a prisoner force him to] carry a cross [to the place where they will nail him to it] [MET]. Those who are not [willing to allow other people to hurt and disgrace them like that because of being my disciples] are not worthy to belong to me.
yaḥ svakruśaṁ gr̥hlan matpaścānnaiti, sēpi na madarhaḥ|
39 People who [deny that they believe in me in order to escape being killed] will not live [with God eternally] [MET], but people who [confess that they believe in] me and, [as a result are] killed, will live [with God eternally] [MET].”
yaḥ svaprāṇānavati, sa tān hārayiṣyatē, yastu matkr̥tē svaprāṇān hārayati, sa tānavati|
40 “[God considers that] everyone who welcomes you, welcomes me [SIM], and [he considers that] everyone who welcomes me welcomes [him], the one who sent me [SIM].
yō yuṣmākamātithyaṁ vidadhāti, sa mamātithyaṁ vidadhāti, yaśca mamātithyaṁ vidadhāti, sa matprērakasyātithyaṁ vidadhāti|
41 Those who welcome [someone because] [MTY] [they know] that person is a prophet they will receive the [same] reward that prophets [receive from God. Likewise], those who welcome a person [because] [MTY] [they know] that person is righteous will receive the reward righteous people [receive from God].
yō bhaviṣyadvādīti jñātvā tasyātithyaṁ vidhattē, sa bhaviṣyadvādinaḥ phalaṁ lapsyatē, yaśca dhārmmika iti viditvā tasyātithyaṁ vidhattē sa dhārmmikamānavasya phalaṁ prāpsyati|
42 [Note this: ] people [see that you are thirsty] [MTY] [and] give you a drink of cold water because they know that [MTY] you are one of my disciples. [God] will certainly reward people who do that. [They might consider that what they did] is insignificant, [but God will consider it very significant]” [LIT].
yaśca kaścit ētēṣāṁ kṣudranarāṇām yaṁ kañcanaikaṁ śiṣya iti viditvā kaṁsaikaṁ śītalasalilaṁ tasmai dattē, yuṣmānahaṁ tathyaṁ vadāmi, sa kēnāpi prakārēṇa phalēna na vañciṣyatē|

< Matthew 10 >