< Mark 8 >
1 During those days, a large crowd of people gathered again. [After they had been there a couple days], they had no food to eat. So Jesus summoned the disciples [to come closer] and then he said to them,
In jenen Tagen, als sehr viel Volk zugegen war und sie nichts zu essen hatten, rief Jesus seine Jünger zu sich und sprach zu ihnen:
2 “This is the third day that these people have been with me, and they have nothing [left] to eat, so now I feel very sorry for them.
Mich jammert das Volk; denn sie verharren nun schon drei Tage bei mir und haben nichts zu essen.
3 Furthermore, if I send them home [while they are still] hungry, [some of] them will faint on the way home, because some of them have come from far away.”
Und wenn ich sie nüchtern nach Hause entlasse, so werden sie auf dem Wege erliegen; denn etliche von ihnen sind von weither gekommen.
4 [Knowing that he was suggesting that they give the people something to eat, one of] his disciples replied, “(We cannot possibly find food to satisfy this crowd, here in this place where no people live!/How can we find food to satisfy this crowd, here in this place where no people live?)” [RHQ]
Und seine Jünger antworteten ihm: Woher könnte jemand diese hier in der Wüste mit Brot sättigen?
5 Jesus asked them, “How many loaves of bread do you have?” They replied, “[We have] seven [flat loaves].”
Und er fragte sie: Wie viele Brote habt ihr? Sie sprachen: Sieben.
6 Jesus commanded the crowd, “Sit down on the ground!” [After they sat down], he took the seven loaves, he thanked [God for them], he broke them [into pieces] and started giving them to his disciples in order that they might distribute them [to the people].
Und er befahl dem Volke, sich auf die Erde niederzusetzen, und nahm die sieben Brote, dankte, brach sie und gab sie seinen Jüngern, damit sie sie vorlegten. Und sie legten sie dem Volke vor.
7 [They found that] they [also] had a few small [dried] fish. So after he thanked God for these, he told the disciples, “Distribute these also.” [After they distributed the bread and fish to the crowd],
Sie hatten auch noch einige Fischlein; und nach einem Segensspruch befahl er, auch diese vorzulegen.
8 the people ate this food and they had plenty [to] satisfy [them]. [The disciples] collected the pieces of food that were left over. [They filled] seven large baskets full of those pieces.
Und sie aßen und wurden satt und hoben an übriggebliebenen Brocken noch sieben Körbe auf.
9 [They estimated that] there were about 4,000 people [who ate on that day].
Es waren ihrer etwa viertausend; und er entließ sie.
10 Then Jesus dismissed the crowd. Immediately after that, he got into the boat along with his disciples, and they went [around Lake Galilee] to Dalmanutha district.
Und alsbald stieg er mit seinen Jüngern in das Schiff und kam in die Gegend von Dalmanutha.
11 [In those days some] Pharisees came to Jesus. They asked him [to perform] a miracle [that would show that] God [had sent him]. They wanted to [find a way by which they could] convince the people to reject him. [So] they started to argue with him.
Und die Pharisäer gingen hinaus und fingen an, sich mit ihm zu besprechen, indem sie von ihm ein Zeichen vom Himmel forderten, um ihn auf die Probe zu stellen.
12 Jesus sighed quietly to himself, and then he said, “I am disgusted that [RHQ], [even though] you people have seen how I [have healed people], you keep asking me to perform miracles! Note this: Such a miracle will certainly not be shown {I will certainly not show such a miracle} [just] for you people!”
Und er seufzte in seinem Geiste und sprach: Warum fordert dieses Geschlecht ein Zeichen? Wahrlich, ich sage euch, es wird diesem Geschlecht kein Zeichen gegeben werden.
13 Then he left them. He got into the boat again, along [with his disciples], and they went further around [Lake Galilee].
Und er ließ sie, stieg wieder in das Schiff und fuhr ans jenseitige Ufer.
14 The disciples had forgotten to bring along [enough] food. Specifically, they had only one flat loaf of bread with them in the boat.
Und sie hatten vergessen, Brote mitzunehmen, und hatten nur ein Brot bei sich im Schiff.
15 [As they were going], Jesus warned them against [the attitudes the Pharisees and Herod Antipas had, attitudes that were having a bad effect on other people. He did this by telling them a parable]. He said, “Be careful! Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod!”
Und er gebot ihnen und sprach: Sehet zu, hütet euch vor dem Sauerteig der Pharisäer und vor dem Sauerteig des Herodes!
16 [The disciples misunderstood him]. So they said to one another, “[He must have said that] because we have no bread.”
Und sie besprachen sich untereinander und sagten: Weil wir kein Brot haben!
17 Jesus knew [what they were discussing among themselves]. So he said to them, “([I am disappointed that you are] discussing about your not having enough bread!/Why are you discussing about your not having enough bread?) [RHQ] (You should understand by now [that I can provide miraculously for you if you need food!/Why do you not yet perceive or understand that I can provide miraculously for you if you need food]?) [RHQ] (You are not thinking!/Why are you not thinking?) [RHQ]
Und als es Jesus merkte, sprach er zu ihnen: Was machet ihr euch Gedanken darüber, daß ihr kein Brot habt? Verstehet ihr noch nicht und begreifet ihr noch nicht? Habt ihr noch euer verhärtetes Herz?
18 (I am also disappointed that, although you have eyes, you do not [understand what you] see!/Why is it that, although you have eyes, you do not [understand what you] see?) [RHQ] You have ears, but you do not understand [what I say] [RHQ]!” [Then he asked], “Do you not remember [what happened]
Habt Augen und sehet nicht, Ohren und höret nicht? Und denket ihr nicht daran,
19 when I broke [only] five loaves [and fed] the 5.000 people [RHQ]? [Not only was everyone satisfied, but there was food left over] How many baskets full of pieces of bread [that were left over] did you collect?” They replied, “We collected twelve baskets full.”
als ich die fünf Brote brach für die Fünftausend, wieviel Körbe voll Brocken ihr aufgehoben habt? Sie sprachen zu ihm: Zwölf!
20 Then he asked, “When I broke the seven loaves in order to [feed] the 4,000 people, [again when everyone had plenty to eat], how many large baskets [of pieces of bread that were left over] did you collect?” They replied, “[We collected] seven [large baskets full].”
Und als ich die sieben für die Viertausend brach, wieviel Körbe voll Brocken habt ihr aufgehoben? Sie sprachen: Sieben!
21 Then he kept saying to them, “([I am disappointed that] you do not understand yet [that you should never worry that you do not have enough food]!/Why do you not understand yet [that you should never worry that you do not have enough food]?)” [RHQ]
Und er sprach zu ihnen: Was seid ihr denn noch so unverständig?
22 They arrived [in the boat] at Bethsaida [town]. People brought to Jesus a blind man and earnestly requested that Jesus touch him [in order to heal him].
Und sie kommen nach Bethsaida; und man bringt einen Blinden zu ihm und bittet ihn, daß er ihn anrühre.
23 Jesus took the hand of the blind man, led him outside the town, he put his saliva on the man’s eyes, he put his hands on the man, and then he asked him, “Do you see anything?”
Und er nahm den Blinden bei der Hand und führte ihn vor das Dorf hinaus, spie ihm in die Augen, legte ihm die Hände auf und fragte ihn, ob er etwas sähe.
24 The man looked up and then he said, “[Yes], I see people! They are walking around, but I cannot see them [clearly]. They look like trees!”
Und er blickte auf und sprach: Ich sehe die Leute, als sähe ich wandelnde Bäume!
25 Then Jesus again touched the eyes of the blind man. The man looked intently and at that moment he was completely healed! He could see everything clearly.
Hierauf legte er noch einmal die Hände auf seine Augen und ließ ihn aufblicken; und er wurde wieder hergestellt und sah alles deutlich.
26 Jesus said to him, “Do not go into the town! [First go straight home and tell the people there about what I did]!” Then he sent the man to his home.
Und er schickte ihn in sein Haus und sprach: Du sollst nicht ins Dorf hineingehen, noch es jemandem im Dorfe sagen!
27 Jesus and the disciples [left Bethsaida town and went to the villages near Caesarea Philippi town]. On the way he questioned them, “Who do people say that I [really] am?”
Und Jesus ging samt seinen Jüngern hinaus in die Dörfer bei Cäsarea Philippi; und auf dem Wege fragte er seine Jünger und sprach zu ihnen: Für wen halten mich die Leute?
28 They replied, “[Some people say] that you are John the Baptizer, [who has come back to life again]. Others say [that you are the prophet] Elijah [who has returned from heaven as God promised]. And others say that you are one of the [other former] prophets [who has come back to life again].”
Sie antworteten: Die einen sagen, du seiest Johannes der Täufer; und andere, du seiest Elia; andere aber, du seiest einer der Propheten.
29 He asked them, “What about you? Who do you say that I am?” Peter replied to him, “[We believe that] you are the Messiah!”
Und er fragte sie: Ihr aber, für wen haltet ihr mich? Da antwortete Petrus und sprach zu ihm: Du bist der Christus!
30 Then Jesus warned them strongly that they should not tell anyone [yet that he was the Messiah].
Und er gebot ihnen ernstlich, daß sie das niemandem von ihm sagen sollten.
31 Then Jesus began to teach them, “[Even though] I am the one who came from heaven, it is necessary that I suffer very much. It is also necessary that I be rejected by the elders, the chief priests, and the men who teach the [Jewish] laws {that the elders, the chief priests, and the men who teach the [Jewish] laws reject me}, and that I be killed {they kill me}. But on the third day [after I am killed I] will become alive again.”
Und er fing an, sie zu lehren, daß des Menschen Sohn viel leiden und von den Ältesten und Hohenpriestern und Schriftgelehrten verworfen und getötet werden müsse und nach drei Tagen wieder auferstehen.
32 He said this to them clearly. But Peter took Jesus aside and then, [because he assumed that the Messiah would never die], he started to rebuke Jesus [for talking about dying].
Und er redete das Wort ganz unverhohlen. Und Petrus nahm ihn beiseite und fing an, ihm zu wehren.
33 Jesus turned around and looked at his disciples. Then he rebuked Peter, saying, “Stop thinking like that! Satan [is causing you to talk like that! Instead] of wanting what God wants [me to do, you are wanting] me to do [only] what [most] people [would want me to do].”
Er aber wandte sich um und sah seine Jünger an und schalt den Petrus und sprach: Weiche hinter mich, Satan! Denn du denkst nicht göttlich, sondern menschlich!
34 Then he summoned the crowd along with his disciples [so that they might listen to him]. He told them, “If any one [of you] wants to be my disciple, you must not do [only] what you yourself want to do. Specifically, you must [be willing to allow people to hurt you and to disgrace you. That is what they do to criminals] who are forced to carry crosses [MET] [to the places where they will be crucified]. That is what anyone who wants to be my disciple must do.
Und er rief das Volk samt seinen Jüngern zu sich und sprach zu ihnen: Wer mir nachkommen will, der verleugne sich selbst und nehme sein Kreuz auf sich und folge mir nach!
35 [You must do that], because those who try to save their lives [by denying that they belong to me when people want to kill them for believing in me] will not live [eternally], but those who are killed because of being my [disciples] and [because of telling others my] good message will live [forever with me].
Denn wer seine Seele retten will, der wird sie verlieren; wer aber seine Seele verliert um meinetwillen und um des Evangeliums willen, der wird sie retten.
36 People might get everything [they want] in this world, but (they are really gaining nothing if they do not get eternal life [because they do not become my disciples!]/what will they gain if they do not get eternal life [because they do not become my disciples]?) [RHQ]
Denn was hülfe es dem Menschen, wenn er die ganze Welt gewönne und büßte seine Seele ein?
37 ([Think carefully about the fact that] there is absolutely nothing that people can give [to God] that would enable them to gain eternal life!/Is there anything that a person can give [to God] in order to gain eternal life?) [RHQ]
Oder was will ein Mensch zum Lösegeld seiner Seele geben?
38 And think about this: Those who refuse [to say that they belong to] me and who reject what I say in these days when many people have turned away [from God] and are very sinful, I, the one who came from heaven, will also refuse [to say that they belong to me] when I come back with the holy angels and have the glorious brightness that my Father has!”
Denn wer sich meiner und meiner Worte schämt unter diesem ehebrecherischen und sündigen Geschlecht, dessen wird sich auch des Menschen Sohn schämen, wenn er kommen wird in der Herrlichkeit seines Vaters mit den heiligen Engeln.