< Mark 5 >
1 Jesus and his disciples arrived on the [east] side of Lake [Galilee. They landed near] where the Gerasene [people lived].
Ter pridejo na drugo stran morja, v okolico Gadarensko.
2 There was a man in that region whom evil spirits controlled.
In precej, ko stopi iz ladje, sreča ga človek iz grobov, kteri je imel nečistega duha,
3 [Because that man was violent and people were afraid of him], they had tied him up many times. [As he grew more violent], no one was able to tie him up any longer, not even with chains,
In je prebivališče imel v grobih; in tudi z verigami ga ni mogel nihče zvezati:
4 because the chains would be broken by him {he would break the chains} whenever he was bound {they bound him} with them. The iron shackles would also be smashed by him {He would also smash the iron shackles} whenever they were fastened {they fastened them} [on his feet].
Kajti bil je velikokrat z oklepami in verigami zvezan, pa je verige potrgal in oklepe polomil, in nihče ga ni mogel ukrotiti.
5 He lived in one of the caves [where they bury dead people]. During both night and day he would scream among the caves and in the hills. He would also cut himself with [sharp] stones. [That day] he came out of the caves.
In vedno, po noči in po dnevu, bil je po gorah in po grobih, ter je kričal in se bíl s kamenjem.
6 As Jesus [and his disciples got] out of the boat, that man saw Jesus from a distance. He immediately ran to Jesus, and then he knelt before him.
Ugledavši pa Jezusa oddaleč, steče, ter mu se pokloni.
7 Jesus said to the evil spirit, “You evil spirit, come out of this man!” [But the demon did not leave quickly]. It shouted very loudly, “Jesus, I [know that you are the] (Son of/man who is also) God, so (we have nothing in common./what do we have in common?) [IDM, RHQ] [So leave me alone] I ask you to promise, knowing God is listening, that you will not torture me [now]!”
In zakričavši z močnim glasom, reče: Kaj imam s teboj, Jezus, sin Boga najvišega? Zaklinjam te pri Bogu, ne muči me!
(Govoril mu je namreč: Izidi, nečisti duh, iz tega človeka.)
9 [So, in order to expel the demon more easily], Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” He replied, “My name is Crowd/Mob because there are many of us [evil spirits in this man].”
In vpraša ga: Kako ti je ime? Pa odgovorí in reče: Legeon mi je ime, ker nas je mnogo.
10 Then the evil spirits fervently kept begging Jesus that he not send them out of the region.
In prosil ga je zeló, naj jih ne izžene iz tega kraja.
11 [At the same time], a large herd of pigs was (grazing/rooting for food) nearby on the hillside.
Bila je pa tam pri gorah velika čreda svinj, ktere so se pasle;
12 So the evil spirits pleaded with Jesus, “Allow us to go to the pigs in order that we might enter them!”
In zaprosijo ga vsi hudiči, govoreč: Dovoli nam, da vnidemo va-nje.
13 He permitted them [to do that]. So the evil spirits left the man and entered the pigs. The herd, [which numbered] about 2,000, rushed down the cliff into the lake, and drowned in the lake.
In Jezus jim precej dovoli. In duhovi nečisti izidejo in vnidejo v svinje; in zakadí se čreda z brega v morje – bilo jih je pa kaki dve tisoči – ter potonejo v morji.
14 The men who had been tending the pigs ran and reported in the town and the countryside [what had happened. Many people] went to see what had happened.
Tisti pa, ki so svinje pasli, pobegnejo, in oznanijo po mestu in po vaséh. Pa izidejo, da pogledajo, kaj bi to bilo, kar se je zgodilo.
15 They came to [the place where] Jesus [was]. Then they saw the man whom evil spirits had [previously] controlled. He was sitting there with clothes on and mentally sound. [As a result], they became afraid [because they thought that Jesus might destroy more of their property]. (OR, [they realized that Jesus must be very powerful].)
In pridejo k Jezusu, in ugledajo obsedenca, da sedí in je oblečen in pameten, tistega, ki je imel legeon, in preplašijo se.
16 The people who had seen what had happened described what had happened to the man whom the evil spirits [previously] controlled. They also described [what had happened to] the pigs.
In povedó jim tisti, kteri so bili videli, kako se je zgodilo obsedencu, in o svinjah.
17 Then the people pleaded with Jesus to leave their region.
In začnó ga prositi, naj odide iž njih krajev.
18 As Jesus got in the boat [in order to leave], the man whom the evil spirits [previously] controlled begged Jesus, “[Please let me] go with you!”
In ko stopi na ladjo, prosil ga je obsedenec, da bi bil ž njim.
19 But Jesus did not let him [go with him]. On the contrary, he said to him, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord [God] has done for you, and tell them how [God] was kind to you.”
Jezus mu pa ne dopustí, nego mu reče: Pojdi na dom svoj k svojim, in naznani jim, kaj ti je Gospod storil, in kako se te je usmilil.
20 So the man left [and traveled around] the Ten Towns [district]. He told people how much Jesus had done for him. All the people [who heard what the man said] were amazed.
Ter odide in začne oznanjevati po Deseterih mestih, kaj mu je storil Jezus; in vsi so se čudili.
21 Jesus [and his disciples] went in a boat back around Lake [Galilee] to where they were before. When they arrived at the shore of the lake, a large crowd gathered around Jesus.
In ko se prepelje Jezus v ladji zopet na drugo stran, zbere se pri njem mnogo ljudstva; in bil je pri morji.
22 One of the men who presided over a (synagogue/Jewish meeting place), whose name was Jairus, came there. When he saw Jesus, he prostrated himself at his feet.
In glej, eden od starešin shajališča, po imenu Jair, pride in ko ga ugleda, pade mu pred noge;
23 Then he pleaded with Jesus earnestly, “My twelve-year old daughter is [sick and] nearly dead! [Please] come [to my house] and place your hands on her in order that she will be healed {to heal her}, so that she will not die!”
In prosil ga je zeló, govoreč: Hči mi umira; pridi, polóži na njo roké, da ozdravi in bo živa.
24 So Jesus [and the disciples] went with him. A large crowd followed [Jesus] and [many] pushed close to him.
Pa odide ž njim; in šlo je za njim mnogo ljudstva, in stiskali so ga.
25 There was a woman [in the crowd] who had vaginal bleeding [EUP] [every day] for twelve years.
In neka žena, ktera je imela krvotok dvanajst let,
26 She had suffered much while many doctors [treated her]. But although she had spent all [her money] to pay the doctors, she had not been helped {they had not helped her}. Instead, she had become worse [EUP].
In je mnogo pretrpela od mnogih zdravnikov, in potrošila vse svoje; pa jej ni nič pomagalo, nego je še huje bilo;
27 After she heard that Jesus [healed people], she came [to where he was and pushed] in the crowd [close] behind Jesus.
Prišla je, slišavši za Jezusa, med ljudstvom od zadi in se je dotaknila obleke njegove.
28 She did that because she was thinking, “If I [touch him or] even if I touch his clothes, I will be healed {his power will heal me}.” So she touched Jesus’ clothes.
Kajti djala je: Če se le obleke njegove dotaknem, ozdravela bom.
29 At once her bleeding stopped. At the same time, she sensed that she had been cured of {that [he] had cured} her illness.
In precej je usahnil vir krvi njene, in spoznala je po životu, da je ozdravela od bolezni.
30 Jesus [also] immediately sensed that his power had healed someone. So he turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?”
In začutivši Jezus precej po sebi, da je moč iž njega izšla, reče, obrnivši se med ljudstvom: Kdo se je dotaknil moje obleke?
31 [One of] his disciples replied, “You can see that many people are crowding close to you! [Probably many people touched you]! So (why do you ask ‘Who touched me?’[/We are surprised] that you ask ‘Who touched me?’ [RHQ])”
Pa mu rekó učenci njegovi: Saj vidiš ljudstvo, da te stiska, pa praviš: Kdo se me je dotaknil?
32 But Jesus kept looking around in order to see the one who had done it.
In oziral se je okoli, da bi ugledal tisto, ktera je to storila.
33 The woman was very afraid and trembling. [She thought that Jesus might be angry because she had violated the law that women who had such a] sickness [should not touch other people. But] she knew [that Jesus had healed her]. So she prostrated herself before him. Then she told him truthfully [about what she had done].
Žena pa, vedoč, kaj jej se je zgodilo, uplašena in trepetaje pristopi, in pred njim pade in mu pové vso resnico.
34 He said to her, “(Ma’am/Young lady), because you have believed [that I could heal you], I have healed you. You may go home with peace [in your heart/inner being], [because I promise that] you will not be sick [this way any more].”
On jej pa reče: Hči, vera tvoja ti je pomogla; pojdi v miru, in bodi zdrava od nadloge svoje.
35 While Jesus was still speaking [to that woman], some people arrived who had come from Jairus’ house. They said [to Jairus], “Your daughter has [now] died. So (it is useless that you bother the teacher any longer [by urging him to go to your house]!/why do you bother the teacher any longer [by urging him to go to your house]?) [RHQ]”
In ko je še govoril, pridejo od starešine shajališčnega, govoreč: Hči tvoja je umrla; čemu nadleguješ še učeniku?
36 But when Jesus heard what these men said, he said to Jairus, “Do not think that the situation is hopeless! Just keep believing [that she will live]!”
Jezus pa precej, ko je slišal besedo, ktero so povedali, reče starešini: Ne boj se, le veruj!
37 Then he allowed only [his three closest disciples], Peter, James, and John, to go with him [to Jairus’ house]. He did not allow any other people to go with him. After they arrived near the house, Jesus saw that the people there were in turmoil. They were weeping and wailing [DOU] loudly.
In ni pustil nikomur, da bi šel za njim, razen Petru in Jakobu in Janezu bratu Jakobovemu.
In pride v starešinovo hišo, in ugleda hrup in tiste, kteri so mnogo jokali in hrumeli.
39 He entered the house and then he said to them, knowing that [he was going to cause her to live again], “(Do not make such a disturbance!/Why are you making such a disturbance?) [RHQ] Stop crying, for the child is not dead! On the contrary, she is [only] sleeping [HYP, EUP]!”
In ko vnide, reče jim: Kaj hrumite in jokate? Deklica ni umrla, nego spí.
40 The people laughed at him, [because they knew that she was dead]. But he sent all the other people outside the house. Then he took the child’s father and mother and the [three disciples] who were with him. He went into [the room] where the child was [lying].
In posmehovali so mu se. On pa izžene vse, in vzeme očeta in mater deklice, in te, kteri so bili ž njim, in vnide, kjer je deklica ležala.
41 He took hold of the child’s hand and said to her [in her own language], “Talitha, Koum!” That means, “Little girl, get up!”
In prijemši deklico za roko, velí jej: Talita, kumi! to se tolmači: Deklica, (pravim ti, ) vstani!
42 At once the girl got up and walked around. ([It was not surprising that she could walk], because she was twelve years old.) [When this happened, all who were present] were very astonished.
In precej je vstala deklica in hodila; imela je pa dvanajst let; in začudijo se z velikim čudom.
43 Jesus ordered them strictly, “Do not tell anyone about [what I have done]!” Afterwards he told them that something to eat should be brought to the girl {that they should bring the girl something to eat}.
In zapové jim zeló, naj nikdor ne zvé tega; in reče, naj jej dadó jesti.