< Mark 13 >

1 While Jesus was leaving the Temple [area], one of his disciples said to him, “Teacher, look at how marvelous [these] huge stones [in the walls are] and how wonderful [these] buildings [are]!”
Yesuusi Xoossa Keethafe keyishin, iya tamaaretappe issoy, “Asttamaariyaw, ha lo77o shuchchaanne ha lo77o shuchcha keethaa be7ay!” yaagis.
2 Jesus said to him, “[Yes], these buildings that you are looking [at] [RHQ] [are wonderful], but I [want to tell you something about] them. They will [soon] be destroyed {[Foreign invaders] will destroy [them]} [completely, with the result that] no stone here [in this Temple area] will be left on top of another stone.”
Yesuusi zaaridi, “Ha gita shuchcha keethaa be7ay? Ha keethay shuchchi shuchcha bolla gimbbettida mela laalettonna attenna; issi shuchchika attonna ubbay laalettana” yaagis.
3 After they arrived on Olive [Tree] Hill across [the valley] from the Temple, Jesus sat down. When Peter, James, John, and Andrew were alone with him, they asked him,
Yesuusi Xoossa keethafe hini baggara Shamaho Deriya bolla uttidashin, Phexiroosi, Yayqoobi, Yohaannisinne Inddiriyasi banttarkka iyaakko yidi,
4 “Tell us, when will [that] happen [to the buildings of the Temple? Tell us what will happen that will show us that all these things that God has planned] are about to be finished {that [God] is about to finish all these things [that he has planned]}.”
“Hayssi awude hananeekko, nuus oda; ha ubbay polettana wodiya erisiya malaatay aybee?” yaagidi oychchidosona.
5 Jesus replied to them, “[I cannot give you a simple answer to your questions. All I will say is], beware that no one deceives you [concerning what will happen]!
Yesuusi qassi enttako hayssada yaagidi odis. “Hinttena oonikka balethonna mela naagettite.
6 Many people will come and say (that I sent them/that they have my authority) [MTY]. They will say, ‘I am [the Messiah]!’ They will deceive many people.
Daro asati ta sunthan, ‘Taani Kiristtoosa’ yaagidi tamaarssishe yidi, daro asaa balethana.
7 Whenever people tell you about wars [that are close] or wars that are far away, do not be troubled. [God has said] that those things must happen. [But when they do happen, do not think] that [God] will finish all [that he has planned] at that time!
Matan de7iya olaanne haahon de7iya ola wore hintte si7iya wode hirggofite. Hessa melabay hananaw bessees, shin wurssethay buroona.
8 [Groups who live in various] countries will fight each other, and various governments will fight each other. There will also be [big] earthquakes in various places; and there will be famines. Yet, [when these things happen, people will have only just begun to suffer. The first things that they suffer will be like] the first pains a woman [suffers] who is about to bear a child. [They will suffer much more after that].
Issi biittaa asay hara biitta asaara olettana; qassi issi kawotethay hara kawotethatara olettana; biittaa qaaxoy ubba bessan hanana; koshay daana, shin hessi ubbay yelo iqethas zooke mela.
9 Be ready for [what people will do to you at that time]. Because [you believe in] me, they will arrest you and put you on trial before the religious councils. (In the synagogues/In the Jewish meeting places), you will be beaten {others will beat you}. You will be put {[People will put] you} [on trial] in the presence of high government authorities. As a result, you will be able to tell them [about me].
“Shin hinttee, hintte huu7en naagettite. Ays giikko, asi hinttena oykkidi, pirdda keethas aathi immana; qassi Ayhude Woosa Keethatankka hinttena lisson garaafana; deriya haareyssata sinthaninne kawota sinthan ta gisho hintte markkattanaw eqqana.
10 My good message must be proclaimed {[You] must proclaim my good message} to [people in] all people-groups before [God finishes all that he has planned].
Wurssethay gakkanaappe sinthe Wonggelay koyro dere ubbaas odettanaw bessees.
11 And when people arrest you in order to prosecute you [because you believe in me], do not worry before that happens about what you will say. Instead, say what [God] puts into your mind at that time. Then it will not be [just] you who will be speaking. It will be the Holy Spirit [who will be speaking through you].
Entti hinttena pirdda keethi ehiya wodenne aathi immiya wode, woygidi odaneekko koyro hirggofite; he saatiyan Xoossay hinttew immiyabaa odite. Hinttenan Geeshsha Ayyaanay odetteesippe attin hinttena gidekketa.
12 [Other evil things will happen]: People [who do not believe in me] will (betray/help others seize) their brothers [and sisters] in order that [the government] can execute them. Parents [will betray] their children, and children will betray their parents so that [the government] will kill their parents.
“Ishay ba ishaa, aaway ba na7aa wodhisana. Nayti banttana yelidayssata bolla denddidi, entta wodhisana.
13 [In general], you will be hated by most [HYP] people {most [HYP] people will hate you} because [you believe in] me. But all you who continue [to trust in me strongly] until your life is finished will be saved {[God] will save all you who continue [to trust in me strongly] until your life ends}.
Asay ubbay hinttena ta sunthaa gisho ixxana, shin wurssethi gakkanaw minniday attana.
14 [During that time] the disgusting [thing/person that the prophet Daniel described] will enter the Temple. It/He will defile [the Temple when he enters it and will cause people to abandon it. When you see it/him standing there] where it/he should not be, [you should run away quickly] (May everyone who is reading this pay attention to [this warning from Jesus]!) [At that time] those people who are in Judea [district] must flee to [higher] hills.
“Shin bashshaa tunatethay eqqanaw bessonna bessan eqqidashin hintte be7ana.” (Akeekiso: Hessi woy guusseeko nabbabeyssi akeeko!) “Yihuda biittan he wode de7eyssati deriyakko baqato.
15 Those people who are outside their houses must not enter their houses in order to get anything [before they run away].
Keetha huu7en de7iya uraykka issibaa ekkanaw duge wodhdhidi, ba soo geloppo.
16 Those who are [working] in a field must not return [to their houses] in order to get [additional] clothes [before they flee].
Gaden de7eyssi ba ma7uwa ekkanaw guye simmofo.
17 But I feel very sorry for women who will be pregnant and women who will be nursing their babies in those days, [because it will be very difficult for them to run away]
He wode qanthatida maccasatasinne dhanthiya maccasatas daro un77a gidana.
18 In those days people will suffer very severely. People have never suffered like that since the time when God first created the world until now; and people will not [suffer that way] again. [So] pray that [this painful time] will not happen in (winter/the rainy season), [when it will be hard to travel].
Shin hayssi ubbay haniya wodey balggo gidonna mela, Xoossaa woossite.
Ays giikko, Xoossay alamiya medhdhida wodiyappe doomidi, ha77i gakkanaw haniboonna metoynne sinthafekka hanonna metoy asa bolla he wode hanana.
20 If the Lord [God] had not [decided that he would] shorten that time [when people suffer so much], everyone would die. But he has [decided to] shorten that time because [he is concerned about you] people whom he has chosen [DOU].
Goday he gallasata taybuwa guuthonaako, ase gididay oonikka attenna. Shin I ba doorida asa gisho, he gallasata taybuwa guuthees.
21 [At that time people who will] falsely [say that they are] Messiahs and prophets will appear. Then they will perform many kinds (of miracles/of things that ordinary people cannot do) [DOU]. They will even try to deceive [you] people whom God has chosen, [but they will not] be able to do that. So at that time if someone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or [if someone says], ‘Look, he is over there!’ do not believe it!
“He wode oonikka hinttena, ‘Hekko, Kiristtoosi hayssan de7ees woykko Kiristtoosi hinin de7ees’ yaagikko, hessa ammanoppite.
Worddanchcho Kiristtoosatinne worddo nabeti denddidi bantaw dandda7ettiko, hari attoshin Xoossay dooridayssatakka balethanaw malaatatanne malaalisiyabata bessana.
23 Be alert! Remember that [I] have warned you about all this before [it happens.]
Shin hintte naagettite; taani hinttew ubbabaa kasetada odas.
24 After the time when people suffer like that, the sun will become dark, the moon will not shine,
“Shin he wode he waayiyappe guye, away dhumana; ageenay poo7uwa aggana;
25 the stars will fall from the sky, and all things in the sky will be shaken {[God will cause] all things in the sky to shake}.
xoolinttoti saloppe kunddana; qassi salon de7iya wolqqatikka qaaxxana.
26 Then people will see [me], the one who came from heaven, coming through the clouds powerfully and gloriously.
He wode Asa Na7ay, gita wolqqaranne bonchchuwara shaara giddora yishin entti be7ana.
27 Then I will send out my angels in order that they gather together the people whom [God] has chosen from [everywhere, and that includes] all the most remote places on earth [IDM, DOU].
He wode taani kiitanchchota sa7a oyddu bagga kiittana; sa7a gaxappe saluwa gaxa gakkanaw, Xoossay doorida asa shiishana.
28 Now I [want you to] learn something from this parable about [the way] fig trees [grow]. [In this area], when their buds become tender and their leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near.
“Leemisuwa balase mithaafe akeekite; balasiya aaciya wodenne I haythay cil77iya wode, torchchey matattidayssa hintte ereeta.
29 Similarly, when you see [what I have just described] happening, you yourselves will know that it is very near [the time for me to return] [MTY]. [It will be as though I am] already at the door [HEN].
Hessadakka, hintte he ubbabay haneyssa be7iya wode, I matidi pengge gakkidayssa erite.
30 Keep this in mind: You have observed the things that I have done and said, but all of those events [that I have just told you about] will happen before all of you will die.
Taani hinttew tuma odays; ha ubbabay hanana gakkanaw hayssan de7iya asay ubbay hayqqenna.
31 You can [be certain that] these things [that I have prophesied] will happen. [You can be more certain of that than] you can [be certain that] the earth and what is in the sky will stay in place.
Saloynne sa7ay aadhdhana, shin ta qaalay ubbarakka aadhdhenna.
32 But no one knows the exact time [when I will return]. The angels in heaven also do not know. Even [I do not know.] Only my Father knows.
“Shin he gallasaanne he saatiya Aawa xalaalappe attin hari attoshin salon de7iya kiitanchchota gidin woykko Na7aa gidin oonikka erey baawa.
33 So be ready, [like people who are waiting for an important man to come], because you do not know when that time will come [when all these events will happen]!
He wodey awude gidaneekko, hintte eronna gisho, naagettitenne minnite.
34 When a man who wants to travel [to a distant place] is [about to] leave his house, he tells his servants that they should manage the house. [He tells] each one what he should do. Then he tells the doorkeeper to be ready [for his return].
Ta yuussay ba keetha aggidi, oge biya uraa mela. Uray ba aylleta huu7en huu7en oosuwa immidi entta ba oosuwas aawa oothis; qassi naageysika minthidi naagana mela kiittis.
35 [That man must always be] ready, [because he does not know whether] his master will return in the evening, at midnight, when the rooster crows, or at dawn. [Similarly], you also must [always] be ready, because you do not know [when I will return].
“Hessa gisho, minnite. Ays giikko, keethaaway omarssi gidin woykko giddi bilahe gidin woykko kutto waaso gidin woykko wontta guura gidin awude yaanekko, hintte erekketa.
36 [May it not happen that] when I come suddenly, I will find that you are not ready!
Hintte akeekonna I yidi hinttena dhiskkidi de7ishin demmonna mela minnite.
37 These words that I am saying to you [disciples] I am saying to everyone [who believes in me: Always] be ready!” [That is what Jesus warned his disciples].
Taani hinttew odeyssa asa ubbaas odays; minnite” yaagis.

< Mark 13 >