< Mark 1 >

1 ([This is/I want to tell you]) the good message about Jesus Christ, the Son of God (OR, the man who was also God). [What I want to tell you] begins just like the prophet Isaiah [said it would begin, when] he wrote [these words that God said to Jesus: ] Listen! I am sending my messenger ahead of you. He will prepare [people for] your [coming].
Penn-kentañ Aviel Jezuz-Krist, Mab Doue.
Hervez ar pezh a oa bet skrivet er brofeded: Setu e kasan va c'hannad dirak da zremm, da gempenn an hent dirazout;
3 He will call out to people [who pass by where he is] in the desolate area, “As people improve and straighten out pathways [before an important official arrives] [MET], make [yourselves] ready [DOU] [in order that you will be prepared when] the Lord [comes].”
mouezh an hini a gri el lec'h distro a lavar: Kempennit hent an Aotrou, plaenit e wenodennoù.
4 [The messenger that Isaiah predicted was] John. [People called him] ‘The Baptizer’. In the desolate area near the Jordan River he kept telling people, “If you want God to forgive you for having sinned, you must turn away from your sinful behavior [before you ask me to] baptize [you].”
Yann a zeuas o badeziñ el lec'h distro, hag o prezeg badeziant ar geuzidigezh evit pardon ar pec'hedoù.
5 A great number [HYP] of people who lived in Jerusalem [city] and [elsewhere] in the Judea [district] were going out to where John was. There, [after hearing John’s message], they [responded by] confessing the sinful things [that they had done]. Then they were being baptized by John {John was baptizing them} in the Jordan River.
An holl Judea hag holl dud Jeruzalem a yae d'e gavout, hag e oant badezet gantañ er stêr Jordan, oc'h anzav o fec'hedoù.
6 John wore [rough] clothes made of camel’s hair. And [as the prophet Elijah had done], he wore a leather belt around his waist; and what he ate was [only] grasshoppers and honey [that he found] in that desolate area.
Yann a zouge ur sae a vlev kañval hag ur gouriz lêr en-dro d'e groazell; e voued a oa kilheien-raden ha mel gouez.
7 He was preaching, “Very shortly a man will come who is very great. I [am nothing compared to him. Because he is so superior to me], I am not even worthy to [serve him like a slave] by stooping down and untying his sandals.
Hag e prezege, o lavarout: Dont a ra unan war va lerc'h, hag a zo galloudusoc'h egedon, ha n'on ket dellezek, en ur blegañ, da zieren korreenn e votoù.
8 I used [only] water when I baptized you [because you said that you wanted to change your lives], but he will put his Holy Spirit [within] you [to truly change your lives].”
Evidon-me, ho padezet em eus en dour, met eñ ho padezo er Spered-Santel.
9 During that time [when John was preaching], Jesus came from Nazareth [town], which is in Galilee [district]. He went to [where John was preaching] and he was baptized by John {John baptized him} in the Jordan [River].
Erruout a reas, en amzer-se, ma teuas Jezuz eus Nazared e Galilea, hag e voe badezet gant Yann er Jordan.
10 Immediately after [Jesus] came up out of the water, he saw heaven opened up [and he saw] the Spirit [of God] descending on himself. He came in the form of a dove.
Kerkent, evel ma save eus an dour, e welas an neñvoù digor hag ar Spered-Santel, evel ur goulm, o tiskenn warnañ.
11 And [God] [MTY] spoke to him from heaven saying, “You are my Son, whom I love dearly. I am very pleased with you.”
Ur vouezh a zeuas eus an neñvoù, o lavarout: Te eo va Mab karet-mat, ennout em eus lakaet va holl levenez.
12 (Then/Right away) the Spirit [of God] sent Jesus into the desolate area.
Ha raktal ar Spered a gasas Jezuz el lec'h distro.
13 He was there for 40 days. During that time, he was tempted by Satan {Satan tempted him}. There were wild animals [there] also. But angels took care of him.
Hag e voe el lec'h distro daou-ugent devezh, o vezañ temptet gant Satan; eno e oa gant al loened gouez, hag an aeled a servije anezhañ.
14 Later, after John was put in prison {after [soldiers] put John in prison} [because he had rebuked the governor Herod Antipas for his sins], Jesus went to Galilee [district]. There he was preaching the good message [that came] from God.
Met goude ma voe bet lakaet Yann er prizon, Jezuz a yeas e Galilea, o prezeg Aviel rouantelezh Doue,
15 He was repeatedly saying, “Now is the time when God will begin to rule people’s lives [in a new way]. [So] turn away from your sinful behavior! Believe the good message [in order] ([to belong to him/to become those whose lives he will rule])!”
hag o lavarout: An amzer a zo peurc'hraet, ha rouantelezh Doue a zo tost. Ho pet keuz ha kredit en Aviel.
16 [One day], while Jesus was walking along by Galilee Lake, he saw [two men], Simon and Simon’s [younger] brother, Andrew. They were casting their [fishing] net into the lake. They [earned money by] catching [and selling] fish.
Hag, evel ma valee a-hed mor Galilea, e welas Simon hag Andrev e vreur, o teurel o roued er mor, rak pesketaerien e oant.
17 Then Jesus said to them, “[Just like you have been] gathering fish, come with me and I will [teach] you how to [gather people to become my disciples]” [MET].
Neuze Jezuz a lavaras dezho: Heuilhit ac'hanon, ha me ho raio pesketaerien dud.
18 Immediately they abandoned [the work that they were doing with] their nets, and they went with him.
Kerkent, o lezel o rouedoù, e heuilhjont anezhañ.
19 After they had gone on a little further, Jesus saw [two other men], James and James’ [younger] brother, John. They were the sons of [a man named] Zebedee. They were both in a boat mending [fishing] nets.
Hag ac'hano, o vont un tamm a-raokoc'h, e welas en ur vag Jakez mab Zebedea, ha Yann e vreur, o fichañ o rouedoù.
20 As soon as Jesus saw them, he told them that [they should leave their work and to come with him]. So they left their father, [who remained] in the boat with the hired servants, and they went away with Jesus.
Raktal e c'halvas anezho; hag int, o lezel Zebedea o zad er vag gant an devezhourien, a heulias anezhañ.
21 [Later] Jesus [and those disciples] arrived at Capernaum [town]. On the next (Sabbath/Jewish rest day), after Jesus had entered (the synagogue/the Jewish meeting place), he began teaching [the people who had gathered there].
Goude-se ez ejont e Kafarnaoum; Jezuz, o vezañ da gentañ aet er sinagogenn deiz ar Sabad, a gelenne enni.
22 They were continually amazed at the way he taught. [He did] not [just teach what others had taught], like the men who teach the [Jewish] laws did. [They habitually just repeated what other people had taught]. Instead, he taught with [his own] authority.
Hag e oant souezhet eus e gelenn; rak o deskiñ a rae evel o kaout galloud, ha neket evel ar skribed.
23 Suddenly, [while he was teaching], a man [appeared] in their worship place who had an evil spirit in him, and he shouted,
Neuze, en em gavas er sinagogenn un den dalc'het gant ur spered hudur hag a grias, o lavarout:
24 “Jesus, from Nazareth [town, since] we [evil spirits] have nothing in common with you, ([do not interfere with us]!/what do you want with us [evil spirits]?) [RHQ] (Do not destroy us [now]!/Have you come to destroy us [now]?) [RHQ] I know who you are. I know that you are the holy one [who has come] from God!”
Ah! Petra a zo etre te ha ni, Jezuz a Nazared? Deuet out evit hor c'holl? Me a oar piv out: Sant Doue.
25 Jesus rebuked [the evil spirit], saying, “Be quiet! And come out [of the man]!”
Jezuz a c'hourdrouzas anezhañ o lavarout: Tav, ha kae eus an den-se.
26 The evil spirit shook the man hard. He screamed loudly, and then he came out of the man [and left].
Neuze ar spered hudur en hejas start hag o leuskel ur griadenn vras, a yeas kuit outañ.
27 All [the people who were there] were amazed. As a result, they discussed this among themselves, [exclaiming], “(This is [amazing]!/What is this?) [RHQ] Not only does he teach in a new and authoritative way, but also the evil spirits obey him [when] he commands [them]!”
Souezhet bras e voent holl, en hevelep doare ma en em c'houlennent etrezo: Petra eo kement-mañ? Petra eo ar gredenn nevez-mañ? Rak gant galloud e c'hourc'hemenn, memes d'ar speredoù hudur, hag e sentont outañ.
28 The people very soon told [many others] throughout the whole Galilee district what Jesus [had done].
Hag ar vrud anezhañ en em skuilhas kerkent en holl vro en-dro da C'halilea.
29 After they left (the synagogue/the Jewish meeting place), [Jesus, Simon and Andrew], along with James and John went directly to Simon and Andrew’s house.
Kerkent goude, o vezañ aet er-maez eus ar sinagogenn, e teujont gant Jakez ha Yann e ti Simon hag Andrev.
30 Simon’s mother-in-law was lying in bed because she had a [high] fever. Right away someone told Jesus about her [being sick].
Mamm-gaer Simon a oa en he gwele, klañv gant an derzhienn, ha raktal e komzjont outañ diwar he fenn.
31 He went to her, and helped her up by taking hold of her hand. She recovered [at once] from the fever, and then she [got up and] served them [some food].
Neuze, o tostaat, en ur gemer he dorn e reas dezhi sevel; raktal an derzhienn a yeas kuit diouti, hag e servijas anezho.
32 That evening, after the sun had gone down [and restrictions about travel on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day]) [were ended], some people brought to Jesus many people who were sick and others whose lives evil spirits were controlling.
War an abardaez, pa voe kuzhet an heol, e tegasjont dezhañ an holl dud klañv, hag ar re a oa dalc'het gant diaoulien.
33 [It seemed as though] everyone [HYP, MTY] [who lived in] the town was gathered at the doorway [of Simon’s house].
Holl dud kêr a oa dastumet dirak dor an ti.
34 Jesus healed many people who were ill with various diseases. He also expelled many demons [from people]. He did not allow the demons to tell people [about him], because they knew that he [had come from God, and for various reasons he did not want everyone to know that yet].
Hag e yac'haas kalz a dud klañv eus meur a gleñved, hag e kasas kuit meur a ziaoul, o tifenn outo lavarout ec'h anavezent anezhañ.
35 Jesus got up very early [the next morning] while it was still dark. He left [the house] and went away [from the town] to a place where there were no people. Then he prayed there.
Ar beure, evel ma rae c'hoazh gwall deñval, o vezañ savet, ez eas er-maez, hag o vont en ul lec'h a-du, e pedas eno.
36 Simon and his companions searched for him. When they found him, [wanting him to go back to town to help other people], they said to him,
Simon, hag ar re a oa gantañ a yeas d'e glask.
37 “[Come back to the town with us, because] many [HYP] people [in Capernaum] are looking for you!”
O vezañ e gavet, e lavarjont dezhañ: An holl a glask ac'hanout.
38 He said to them, “[No], let’s go on to the neighboring towns in order that I can preach there also, because the reason that I came [into the world] was to [preach to people] in many places!”
Eñ a lavaras dezho: Deomp d'an nesañ bourc'hioù, evit ma prezegin ivez eno; rak evit-se eo on deuet.
39 So they went throughout Galilee [district. As they did so, each (Sabbath/Jewish rest day]) he preached in (synagogues/Jewish meeting places). He was also expelling evil spirits [from people].
Hag e prezege en o sinagogennoù, dre an holl C'halilea, hag e kase kuit an diaoulien.
40 [One day] a man who had [a bad skin disease called] leprosy came to Jesus. He knelt down in front of Jesus and then he pleaded with him saying, “[Please heal me, because I know] you are able to heal me if you want to!”
Un den lovr a zeuas d'e gavout, en em daolas war e zaoulin, en pedas hag a lavaras dezhañ: Mar fell dit, e c'hellez va glanaat.
41 Jesus felt very sorry for him. [So he ignored the religious laws about coming close to people who had that disease]. He reached out his hand and touched the man. Then he said to him, “Since I am willing [to heal you], be healed {I heal you} [now]!”
Jezuz, o kaout truez outañ, a astennas e zorn, en stokas, hag a lavaras dezhañ: Fellout a ra din, bez glanaet.
42 Immediately the man was healed! He was no longer a leper!
Hag adalek m'en devoa lavaret-se, al lorgnez a guitaas raktal an den-mañ, hag e voe glanaet.
43 Jesus spoke sternly to him before he sent him away.
Jezuz a gasas anezhañ kuit raktal, gant gourc'hemennoù start,
44 What Jesus said was, “Go to a local priest and show yourself to him [in order that he may examine you and verify that you are healed]. Then, [after the priest tells the local people], they will know [that you have been healed, and you will be able to associate with them again]. Make sure that you do not tell others [about what happened] Then go to [Jerusalem and take to the priest what Moses commanded that people who have been healed from leprosy should offer, in order that he] may offer it [as a sacrifice to God].”
o lavarout dezhañ: Diwall da lavarout netra da zen; met kae hag en em ziskouez d'ar beleg, ha kinnig evit da c'hlanidigezh ar pezh en deus Moizez gourc'hemennet, evit ma servijo-se da desteni dezho.
45 The man went [and presented himself to the priest. But then] he began to tell many people about [how Jesus had healed him] [DOU]. As a result, Jesus was no longer able to enter any town publicly [because the crowds would surround him]. Instead, he remained outside [the towns] in places [where no people lived]. But people kept coming to him from all over that region.
Met an den-mañ, o vezañ aet kuit, en em lakaas da zisklêriañ uhel an dra ha da skuilhañ ar vrud aze, en hevelep doare na c'helle mui Jezuz mont e kêr dirak an holl; met en em zerc'hel a rae er-maez el lec'hioù distro, hag a bep tu e teued d'e gavout.

< Mark 1 >