< Malachi 1 >
1 [This is] the message that Yahweh gave to [the prophet] Malachi to [give to the people of] Israel.
Profecía de la Palabra de Yavé contra Israel, por medio de Malaquías.
2 Yahweh says, “I have [always] loved you [Israeli people].”
Los amé, dice Yavé. Pero ustedes dicen: ¿En qué nos amaste? ¿No es Esaú hermano de Jacob? Yavé dice: Pero amé a Jacob
3 But you reply, “In what way have you loved us?” Yahweh replies, “[This is how I loved you]: [It is true that your ancestor] Jacob was [RHQ] Esau’s [younger] brother, and I loved Jacob, but I rejected Esau. I caused his hilly region to become (desolate/a place where crops did not grow). I caused the land which he possessed to become a desert where jackals/wolves live.”
y a Esaú aborrecí. Entregué sus montañas a la desolación y di su heredad a los chacales del campo despoblado.
4 [The descendants of Esau who live in] Edom may say, “[Yes, ] we have been crushed/ruined, but we will rebuild [houses] in the ruins.” But the Commander of the armies of angels replies, “They may build [houses again], but I will demolish [them again]. Their [country] will be called ‘The land where wicked people [live]’ and [their people will be called] ‘The people with whom Yahweh is angry forever’.”
Aunque Edom diga: Fuimos arruinados, pero edificaremos las ruinas. Yavé de las huestes dice: Ellos edificarán y Yo destruiré. Los llamarán el territorio perverso y el pueblo contra el cual Yavé está airado para siempre.
5 When you [Israeli] people yourselves see [what I will do to them], you will say, “[It is evident far] beyond the borders of Israel that Yahweh is [very] great!”
Los ojos de ustedes lo verán y dirán: ¡Grande es Yavé más allá de la frontera de Israel!
6 But the Commander of the armies of angels says to the priests, “Boys honor their fathers, and servants [respect] their masters. So, if I am [like your] father and your master, why [RHQ] do you not honor and respect me? You have despised me [MTY]!” But you ask, “(How/In what way) have we despised you?”
El hijo honra al padre, y el esclavo a su amo. Entonces si Yo soy Padre, ¿dónde está mi honra? Y si soy Amo, ¿dónde está la reverencia hacia Mí? Oh sacerdotes que desprecian mi Nombre y dicen: ¿En qué despreciamos tu Nombre?
7 [Yahweh replies, ] “[Instead of honoring me, you have despised me] by offering sacrifices on my altar that are unacceptable to me.” Then you ask, “What sacrifices have we given that have been unacceptable to you?” [Yahweh replies, ] “You think that (it does not matter/it is okay) if you do not respect my altar.
En que ofrecen sobre mi altar pan contaminado. Pero ustedes dicen: ¿En qué lo contaminamos? Al considerar despreciable la mesa de Yavé.
8 You offer for sacrifices animals that are blind. (Is that not wrong?/That is disgusting!) [RHQ] And you offer for sacrifices animals that are crippled or that have diseases. (Is that also not wrong?/That [also] is disgusting!) [RHQ] If you tried to give presents like that to your governor, (do you think [RHQ] that he would be pleased?/he would certainly not be pleased!) (Would he [RHQ] accept such gifts? He would certainly not accept such gifts!) [That is what] the Commander of the armies of angels says!”
Pues cuando ofrecen animal ciego para el sacrificio, ¿no está mal? Y cuando ofrecen lo cojo o lo enfermo, ¿no está mal? Preséntalo a tu jefe, dice Yavé de las huestes. ¿Se agradará de ti? ¿O lo recibirá amablemente?
9 [And he also says, ] “You plead with me to be merciful to you. But you bring to me sacrifices that are not acceptable to me, so why should I be kind to you [RHQ]?”
Ahora pues, imploren el favor de ʼEL para que tenga compasión de nosotros, dice Yavé de las huestes. De sus manos viene esto. ¿Le serán aceptos?
10 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] says, “I wish/desire that one of you would shut the gates [of the temple courtyard], in order that no one could offer those worthless sacrifices. I am not pleased with you, and I will not accept the offerings that you bring to me.
¡Oh que esté entre ustedes uno que cierre las puertas para que no enciendan fuego vano en mi altar! No tengo complacencia en ustedes, dice Yavé de las huestes, ni acepto ofrenda de sus manos.
11 [People of other] nations honor me [MTY] [every day], from sunrise/morning until sunset/evening. All over the world people offer incense and [other] pure/acceptable offerings to me [MTY]. [They do that] because [people among all] the nations know that I [MTY] am [very] great.
Porque desde donde sale el sol hasta donde se oculta, mi Nombre es grande entre las naciones, dice Yavé de las huestes, y en todo lugar se ofrece a mi Nombre incienso y ofrenda pura.
12 But you [priests show that you] despise me [by what you do]. You say, ‘[It is all right if] people pollute the altar by bringing sacrifices that are unacceptable.’
Ustedes lo profanan cuando dicen que la mesa de Yavé es impura, y su alimento, despreciable.
13 You say ‘We are tired of [burning all these sacrifices on the altar].’ You (turn up your noses at/act very disrespectfully toward) [me]. When you bring [to me] animals that have been stolen or ones that are crippled or that have diseases, to offer them for sacrifices, [do you think that] [RHQ] I should accept them?
Además dicen: ¡Qué fastidioso es esto! Y con desdeño inhalan, dice Yavé de las huestes. Me traen lo robado, lo cojo y lo enfermo para presentar la ofrenda. ¿Debo aceptar esto de su mano?
14 [I will] curse anyone who [tries to] cheat [me] by solemnly promising [to bring to me a perfect] ram from his flock [of sheep] and then brings to me one that has defects. [If anyone does that, I will punish him], because I am a great king; [I am] the Commander of the armies of angels and [people of the other] nations revere me [MTY], [but you do not]!”
¡Maldito sea el engañador, que aunque tiene macho robusto en su rebaño, promete y sacrifica a Yavé lo dañado! Porque Yo soy gran Rey, dice Yavé de las huestes, y mi Nombre es temible entre las naciones.