< Malachi 1 >

1 [This is] the message that Yahweh gave to [the prophet] Malachi to [give to the people of] Israel.
2 Yahweh says, “I have [always] loved you [Israeli people].”
ヱホバ曰たまふ我汝らを愛したり 然るに汝ら云ふ 汝いかに我儕を愛せしやと ヱホバいふエサウはヤコブの兄に非ずや されど我はヤコブを愛し
3 But you reply, “In what way have you loved us?” Yahweh replies, “[This is how I loved you]: [It is true that your ancestor] Jacob was [RHQ] Esau’s [younger] brother, and I loved Jacob, but I rejected Esau. I caused his hilly region to become (desolate/a place where crops did not grow). I caused the land which he possessed to become a desert where jackals/wolves live.”
エサウを惡めり 且つわれ彼の山を荒し其嗣業を山犬にあたへたり
4 [The descendants of Esau who live in] Edom may say, “[Yes, ] we have been crushed/ruined, but we will rebuild [houses] in the ruins.” But the Commander of the armies of angels replies, “They may build [houses again], but I will demolish [them again]. Their [country] will be called ‘The land where wicked people [live]’ and [their people will be called] ‘The people with whom Yahweh is angry forever’.”
エドムは我儕ほろぼされたれども再び荒たる所を建んといふによりて萬軍のヱホバかく曰たまふ 彼等は建ん されど我これを倒さん 人は彼等を惡境とよび又ヱホバの恒に怒りたまふ人民と稱へん
5 When you [Israeli] people yourselves see [what I will do to them], you will say, “[It is evident far] beyond the borders of Israel that Yahweh is [very] great!”
汝らこれを目に見て云ん ヱホバはイスラエルの地に大なりと
6 But the Commander of the armies of angels says to the priests, “Boys honor their fathers, and servants [respect] their masters. So, if I am [like your] father and your master, why [RHQ] do you not honor and respect me? You have despised me [MTY]!” But you ask, “(How/In what way) have we despised you?”
子は其父を敬ひ僕はその主を敬ふ されば我もし父たらば我を敬ふこと安にあるや 我もし主たらば我をおそるること安にあるや なんぢら我が名を藐視る祭司よと萬軍のヱホバいひたまふ 然るに汝曹はいふ我儕何に汝の名を藐視りしやと
7 [Yahweh replies, ] “[Instead of honoring me, you have despised me] by offering sacrifices on my altar that are unacceptable to me.” Then you ask, “What sacrifices have we given that have been unacceptable to you?” [Yahweh replies, ] “You think that (it does not matter/it is okay) if you do not respect my altar.
汝ら汚れたるパンをわが壇の上に獻げしかして言ふ我儕何に爾を汚せしやと 汝曹ヱホバの臺は卑しきなりと云しがゆゑなり
8 You offer for sacrifices animals that are blind. (Is that not wrong?/That is disgusting!) [RHQ] And you offer for sacrifices animals that are crippled or that have diseases. (Is that also not wrong?/That [also] is disgusting!) [RHQ] If you tried to give presents like that to your governor, (do you think [RHQ] that he would be pleased?/he would certainly not be pleased!) (Would he [RHQ] accept such gifts? He would certainly not accept such gifts!) [That is what] the Commander of the armies of angels says!”
汝ら盲目なる者を犠牲に獻ぐるは惡に非ずや 又跛足なるものと病者を獻ぐるは惡に非ずや 今これを汝の方伯に獻げよ されば彼なんぢを悦ぶや 汝を受納るや 萬軍のヱホバ之をいふ
9 [And he also says, ] “You plead with me to be merciful to you. But you bring to me sacrifices that are not acceptable to me, so why should I be kind to you [RHQ]?”
請ふ汝ら神に我らをあはれみ給はんことをもとめよ これらは凡て汝らの手になれり 彼なんぢらを納んや 萬軍のヱホバこれを言ふ
10 The Commander of the armies of angels [also] says, “I wish/desire that one of you would shut the gates [of the temple courtyard], in order that no one could offer those worthless sacrifices. I am not pleased with you, and I will not accept the offerings that you bring to me.
汝らが我壇の上にいたづらに火をたくこと無らんために汝らの中一人扉を閉づる者あらまほし われ汝らを悦ばず 又なんぢらの手より獻物を受じと萬軍のヱホバいひ給ふ
11 [People of other] nations honor me [MTY] [every day], from sunrise/morning until sunset/evening. All over the world people offer incense and [other] pure/acceptable offerings to me [MTY]. [They do that] because [people among all] the nations know that I [MTY] am [very] great.
日の出る處より沒る處までの列國の中に我名は大ならん 又何處にても香と潔き獻物を我名に獻げん そはわが名列國の中に大なるべければなりと萬軍のヱホバいひ給ふ
12 But you [priests show that you] despise me [by what you do]. You say, ‘[It is all right if] people pollute the altar by bringing sacrifices that are unacceptable.’
しかるになんぢら之を褻したり そは汝曹はヱホバの臺は汚れたり また其果すなはちその食物は卑しと云ばなり
13 You say ‘We are tired of [burning all these sacrifices on the altar].’ You (turn up your noses at/act very disrespectfully toward) [me]. When you bring [to me] animals that have been stolen or ones that are crippled or that have diseases, to offer them for sacrifices, [do you think that] [RHQ] I should accept them?
なんぢらは又如何に煩勞しきことにあらずやといひ且これを藐視たり 萬軍のヱホバこれをいふ 又なんぢらは奪ひし物跛足たる者病る者を携へ來れり 汝らかく獻物を携へ來ればわれ之を汝らの手より受べけんや ヱホバこれをいひ給へり
14 [I will] curse anyone who [tries to] cheat [me] by solemnly promising [to bring to me a perfect] ram from his flock [of sheep] and then brings to me one that has defects. [If anyone does that, I will punish him], because I am a great king; [I am] the Commander of the armies of angels and [people of the other] nations revere me [MTY], [but you do not]!”
群の中に牡あるに誓を立てて疵あるものをヱホバに獻ぐる詐僞者は詛はるべし そは我は大なる王また我名は列國に畏れらるべきなればなり 萬軍のヱホバこれをいふ

< Malachi 1 >