< Luke 6 >

1 One (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest), while Jesus was walking through some grain fields with his disciples, the disciples picked some of the heads of grain. They rubbed them in their hands [to separate the grains from the husks], and ate the grain. [The law of Moses permitted people to do that if they were hungry].
Jedne je subote prolazio kroz usjeve. Učenici su njegovi trgali klasje, trli ga rukama i jeli.
2 Some Pharisees [who were watching] said to Jesus, “(You should not be doing on our rest day [work] that [our] laws forbid!/Why are you doing on our rest day [work] that our laws forbid?)” [RHQ]
A neki farizeji rekoše: “Zašto činite što subotom nije dopušteno?”
3 [Jesus wanted to show them that the record in Scriptures indicated that God permitted people to disobey certain religious laws when they needed food]. [So] he replied, “[It is written in the Scriptures] what [our revered ancestor, King] David did when he and the men with him were hungry. You have read about that, ([but you do not think about what it implies/so why do you not think about what it implies]?) [RHQ]
Odgovori im Isus: “Zar niste čitali što učini David kad ogladnje on i njegovi pratioci?
4 David entered God’s big worship tent [and asked for some food]. [The high priest gave him] the bread that the priests had presented to God. It was permitted [in] one of [Moses’ laws] that only the priests could eat that bread. But [even though David was not a priest], he ate some, and gave some to the men who were with him. [And God did not consider that what David did was wrong]!”
Kako uđe u Dom Božji, uze, pojede i svojim pratiocima dade prinesene kruhove kojih ne smije jesti nitko, nego samo svećenici?”
5 Jesus also said to them, “[I am] the one who came from heaven, so [I] have the authority [to determine what is right for my disciples to do on] the day of rest!”
I govoraše im: “Sin Čovječji gospodar je subote!”
6 Another (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest) Jesus entered a (synagogue/Jewish meeting place) and taught the people. There was a man there whose right hand was shriveled.
Druge subote uđe u sinagogu i stane naučavati. Bio je ondje čovjek kome desnica bijaše usahla.
7 The men who taught the [Jewish] laws and the Pharisees [who were there] watched Jesus, to see if he would heal the man (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day). They did this so that, [if he healed the man], they would accuse him [of disobeying their laws by working on the day of rest].
Pismoznanci i farizeji vrebahu na nj da li subotom liječi kako bi našli u čemu da ga optuže.
8 But Jesus knew what they were thinking. So he said to the man with the shriveled hand, “Come and stand here [in front of everyone]!” So the man got up and stood there.
A on je znao njihove namjere pa reče čovjeku s usahlom rukom: “Ustani i stani na sredinu!” On usta i stade.
9 Then Jesus said to the others, “I ask you this: Do the laws that [God gave Moses] permit [people] to do what is good (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day), or [do they permit people] to harm [others]? [Do they permit us] to save [a person’s] life [on our day of rest] or to let [him] die [HYP] [by refusing to help him]?”
A Isus im reče: “Pitam ja vas: je li subotom dopušteno činiti dobro ili činiti zlo? Život spasiti ili upropastiti?”
10 [They refused to answer him. So] after he looked around at them all, he said to the man, “Stretch out your [shriveled] hand!” The man did that, and his hand became all right again!
Sve ih ošinu pogledom pa reče čovjeku: “Ispruži ruku!” On učini tako - i ruka mu zdrava.
11 But the men who taught the Jewish laws and the Pharisees were very angry, and they discussed with one another what they could do to [get rid of] Jesus.
A oni se, izbezumljeni, počnu dogovarati što da poduzmu protiv Isusa.
12 About that time [Jesus] went up into the hills to pray. He prayed to God all night.
Onih dana iziđe na goru da se pomoli. I provede noć moleći se Bogu.
13 The next day he summoned all his disciples to come near him. From them he chose twelve men, whom he called apostles.
Kad se razdanilo, dozva k sebi učenike te između njih izabra dvanaestoricu, koje prozva apostolima:
14 They were Simon, to whom he gave the [new] name, Peter; Andrew, Peter’s [younger] brother; James and [his younger brother], John; Philip; Bartholomew;
Šimuna, koga prozva Petrom, i Andriju, brata njegova, i Jakova, i Ivana, i Filipa, i Bartolomeja,
15 Matthew, whose other name was Levi; Thomas; [another] James, the [son] of Alpheus; Simon, who belonged to the party [that encouraged people to] rebel [against the Roman government];
i Mateja, i Tomu, i Jakova Alfejeva, i Šimuna zvanoga Revnitelj,
16 Judas, the [son] of [another] James; and Judas Iscariot (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]), the one who later (betrayed Jesus./enabled the Jewish leaders to seize Jesus.)
i Judu Jakovljeva, i Judu Iškariotskoga, koji posta izdajica.
17 [Jesus] came down from the hills with his disciples and stood on a level area. There was a very big crowd of his disciples there. There was also a large group of people who had come from Jerusalem and from many [other] places [in] Judea [district], and from the coastal areas near Tyre and Sidon [cities].
Isus siđe s njima i zaustavi se na ravnu. I silno mnoštvo njegovih učenika i silno mnoštvo naroda iz cijele Judeje i Jeruzalema, iz primorja tirskog i sidonskog
18 They came to hear Jesus talk to them and to be healed {and for him to heal them} from their diseases. He also healed those whom evil spirits had troubled.
nagrnuše da ga slušaju i da ozdrave od svojih bolesti. I ozdravljali su oni koje su mučili nečisti dusi.
19 Everyone [in the crowd] tried to touch him, because he was healing everyone by [his/God’s] power.
Sve je to mnoštvo tražilo da ga se dotakne jer je snaga izlazila iz njega i sve ozdravljala.
20 He looked [MTY] at his disciples and said, “[God] is pleased with you [who know] that you lack what [he wants you to have; ] he will allow you to be the people whose lives he rules over.
On podigne oči prema učenicima i govoraše: “Blago vama, siromasi: vaše je kraljevstvo Božje!
21 [God] is pleased with you who sincerely desire to receive what [MTY] [he wants you to have]; he will give you what you need, until you are satisfied. [God] is pleased with you that grieve now [because of sin]. Later you will be joyful.
Blago vama koji sada gladujete: vi ćete se nasititi! Blago vama koji sada plačete: vi ćete se smijati!
22 [God] is pleased with you when [other] people hate you, when they will not let you join them, when they insult you, when they say that you are evil because [you believe in] me, the one who came from heaven.
Blago vama kad vas zamrze ljudi i kad vas izopće i pogrde te izbace ime vaše kao zločinačko zbog Sina Čovječjega!
23 When that happens, rejoice! Jump up and down because you are so happy! [God will give] you a great reward in heaven! [When they do these things to you, it will prove that you are God’s servants]. (OR, [People have always treated God’s servants like that].) Do not forget that these people’s ancestors did the same things to the prophets [who served God faithfully]!
Radujte se u dan onaj i poskakujte: evo, plaća vaša velika je na nebu. Ta jednako su činili prorocima oci njihovi!”
24 But there will be terrible punishment for you that are rich; the happiness you have received [from your riches] is the only happiness that you will get.
“Ali jao vama, bogataši: imate svoju utjehu!
25 There will be terrible punishment for you who [think that you] have all that you need now; you will [realize] that these things will not make you feel satisfied. There will be terrible punishment for you who are joyful now; you will [later] be very sad.
Jao vama koji ste sada siti: gladovat ćete! Jao vama koji se sada smijete: jadikovat ćete i plakati!
26 When most [HYP] people speak well about you, trouble is ahead for you; [it will not prove that you are God’s servants, because] your ancestors used to speak well about those who falsely [claimed that they were] prophets.”
Jao vama kad vas svi budu hvalili! Ta tako su činili lažnim prorocima oci njihovi.”
27 “But I say this to each of you [disciples] who are listening [to what I say]: Love your enemies [as well as your friends]. Do good things for those who hate you!
“Nego, velim vama koji slušate: Ljubite svoje neprijatelje, dobro činite svojim mrziteljima,
28 [Ask God to] bless those who curse you! Pray for those who mistreat you!
blagoslivljajte one koji vas proklinju, molite za one koji vas zlostavljaju.”
29 If someone [insults one of you by] striking you on one of your cheeks, turn your face [so that he can strike] the other cheek [also]. If [a bandit] wants to take away your [(sg)] coat, let him also have your shirt.
“Onomu tko te udari po jednom obrazu pruži i drugi, i onomu tko ti otima gornju haljinu ne krati ni donje.
30 Give something to everyone who asks you [(sg) for something]. If someone takes away things that belong to you [(sg)], do not ask him to return them.
Svakomu tko od tebe ište daji, a od onoga tko tvoje otima ne potražuj.”
31 In whatever way you [(pl)] want others to act toward you, that is the way that you should act toward them.
“I kako želite da ljudi vama čine, tako činite i vi njima.”
32 If you love [only] those who love you, do not [expect God] to praise you for [doing that] [RHQ], [because] even sinners love those who love them.
“Ako ljubite one koji vas ljube, kakvo li vam uzdarje? Ta i grešnici ljube ljubitelje svoje.
33 If you do good things [only] for those who do good things for you, do not [expect God] to reward you [for doing that] [RHQ], [because] even sinners do that.
Jednako tako, ako dobro činite svojim dobročiniteljima, kakvo li vam uzdarje? I grešnici to isto čine.
34 If you lend [things or money only] to those who you expect will give something back to you, do not [expect that God] will reward you [RHQ] [for doing that]. Even sinners lend to other sinners, because they expect them to pay everything back.
Ako pozajmljujete samo onima od kojih se nadate dobiti, kakvo li vam uzdarje? I grešnici grešnicima pozajmljuju da im se jednako vrati.”
35 Instead, love your enemies! Do good things for them! Lend to them, and do not expect them to pay anything back! [If you do that, God will give] you a big reward. And you will be [acting like] his children [should]. Remember that God is kind to people who are not grateful and to people who are wicked, [and he expects you to be like that too].
“Nego, ljubite neprijatelje svoje. Činite dobro i pozajmljujte ne nadajuć se odatle ničemu. I bit će vam plaća velika, i bit ćete sinovi Svevišnjega jer je on dobrostiv i prema nezahvalnicima i prema opakima.”
36 Act mercifully toward others, just like your Father [in heaven acts] mercifully [toward you].”
“Budite milosrdni kao što je Otac vaš milosrdan.”
37 “Do not say how sinfully others have acted, and then [God] will not say how sinfully you have acted. Do not condemn others, and then [he] will not condemn you [DOU]. Forgive others [for the evil things that they have done to you], and then [God] will forgive you.
“Ne sudite i nećete biti suđeni. Ne osuđujte i nećete biti osuđeni. Praštajte i oprostit će vam se.
38 Give [good things to others], and then [God] will give [good] things to you. It will be [as though] [MET] [God is putting things in a basket] for you. He will give you a full amount, pressed down in the basket, which he will shake [so that he can put more in], and it will spill over the sides! [Remember that] the way you act [toward others] will be the way that [God] will act toward you!”
Dajite i dat će vam se: mjera dobra, nabijena, natresena, preobilna dat će se u krilo vaše jer mjerom kojom mjerite vama će se zauzvrat mjeriti.”
39 He also told [his disciples] this parable [to show them that they should be like him, and not be like the Jewish religious leaders]: “(You certainly would not [expect] a blind man to lead another blind man./Would you [expect] a blind man to lead [another] blind man?) [RHQ] If he tried to do [that], (they would both probably fall into a hole!/wouldn’t they both probably fall into a hole?) [RHQ] [I am your teacher, and you disciples should be like me].
A kaza im i prispodobu: “Može li slijepac slijepca voditi? Neće li obojica u jamu upasti?
40 A disciple should not [expect to be] better known than his teacher. But if a student is fully trained {if someone fully trains a student}, the student can become like his teacher [MET]. [So you should be content to be like me].
Nije učenik nad učiteljem. Pa i tko je posve doučen, bit će samo kao njegov učitelj.”
41 (Why do you notice [someone else’s small faults]?/None of you should be concerned about [someone else’s small faults] [MET, RHQ].) [That would be like] noticing a speck in that person’s eye. But you should be concerned about [your own big faults. They are like] planks in your own eye, [which you do not notice].
“Što gledaš trun u oku brata svojega, a brvna u oku svome ne opažaš?
42 (You [(sg)] should not say, ‘Friend, let me take out that speck in your eye!’ when you do not notice the log in your own eye!/Why do you say, ‘Friend, let me take out that speck in your eye!’ when you do not notice the log in your own eye?) [RHQ] [If you do that], you are a hypocrite! You should first [stop committing your own sins. That will be like] removing the plank from your own eye. Then, as a result, you will have the spiritual insight you need to help others get rid of the [faults that are like] specks in their eyes.”
Kako možeš kazati bratu svomu: 'Brate, de da izvadim trun koji ti je u oku', a sam u svom oku brvna ne vidiš? Licemjere! Izvadi najprije brvno iz oka svoga pa ćeš onda dobro vidjeti izvaditi trun što je u oku bratovu.”
43 “[People are like trees] [MET]. Healthy trees do not bear bad fruit (OR, bear only good fruit), and unhealthy trees do not bear good fruit.
“Nema dobra stabla koje bi rađalo nevaljalim plodom niti stabla nevaljala koje bi rađalo dobrim plodom.
44 [Just like you] can tell if a tree is good or bad by looking at its fruit, [you can tell which people are good and which are bad by looking at the way they] conduct their lives. [For example, because thornbushes cannot produce figs], no one can pick figs from thornbushes. And [since bramble bushes cannot produce grapes], no one can [pick] grapes from bramble bushes.
Ta svako se stablo po svom plodu poznaje. S trnja se ne beru smokve niti se s gloga grožđe trga.”
45 [Similarly], good people will conduct their lives in a good way because they think a lot of good [things], and evil people will live in an evil way because they think a lot of evil [things]. The basic principle is that people speak [and act] according to all that they think.”
“Dobar čovjek iz dobra blaga srca svojega iznosi dobro, a zao iz zla iznosi zlo. Ta iz obilja srca usta mu govore.”
46 “[Because people should obey what their masters tell them], (it is disgraceful that you say that I am your master but you do not do what I tell you!/why do you say that I am your master but you do not do what I tell you?) [RHQ]
“Što me zovete 'Gospodine, Gospodine!', a ne činite što zapovijedam?
47 Some people come to me, and hear my messages and obey them. I will tell you what they are like.
Tko god dolazi k meni te sluša moje riječi i vrši ih, pokazat ću vam kome je sličan:
48 They are like a man who dug deep [into the ground to prepare to build his house]. He made sure that the foundation was on solid ground. Then when there was a flood, the water tried to wash away the house. But the river could not shake the house, because it was built {he built it} on a solid [foundation].
sličan je čovjeku koji gradi kuću pa iskopa u dubinu i postavi temelj na kamen. A kad bude poplava, nahrupi bujica na tu kuću, ali je ne može uzdrmati jer je dobro sagrađena.
49 But some people hear my messages but do not obey them. They are like a man who built a house on top of the ground without [digging] a foundation. When the river flooded, the house collapsed immediately and was completely ruined. [So it is important for you to obey what I teach you].”
A koji čuje i ne izvrši, sličan je čovjeku koji sagradi kuću na tlu bez temelja; nahrupi na nju bujica i umah se sruši te bude od te kuće razvalina velika.”

< Luke 6 >