< Luke 24 >

1 Before dawn on Sunday those women went to the tomb. They took with them the spices that they had prepared [to put on Jesus’ body].
Men på den første Dag i Ugen meget årle kom de til Graven og bragte de vellugtende Urter, som de havde beredt.
2 They discovered that the stone had been rolled away from [the entrance to] the tomb.
Og de fandt Stenen bortvæltet fra Graven.
3 They went in the tomb, but the body of the Lord Jesus was not there!
Men da de gik derind, fandt de ikke den Herres Jesu Legeme.
4 They did not know what to think about that. Then suddenly two men wearing bright shining clothes stood by them!
Og det skete, da de vare tvivlrådige om dette, se, da stode to Mænd for dem i strålende Klædebon.
5 The [women] were frightened. As they prostrated themselves on the ground, the two men said to them, “(You should not be seeking someone who is alive in [a place where they bury] dead people!/Why are you seeking in [a place where they bury] dead people someone who is alive?) [RHQ]
Men da de bleve forfærdede og bøjede deres Ansigter imod Jorden, sagde de til dem: "Hvorfor lede I efter den levende iblandt de døde?
6 He is not here; he has (become alive again/risen from the dead)! Remember that while he was still with you in Galilee [district] he said to you,
Han er ikke her, men han er opstanden; kommer i Hu, hvorledes han talte til eder, medens han endnu var i Galilæa, og sagde,
7 ‘[Even though I] am the one who came from heaven, [someone] will enable sinful men to seize [MTY] me. They will [kill me by] nailing me to a cross. But on the third day [after that], I will become alive [again].’”
at Menneskesønnen burde overgives i syndige Menneskers Hænder og korsfæstes og opstå på den tredje Dag."
8 The [women] remembered that he had said that.
Og de kom hans Ord i Hu.
9 So they left the tomb and went to the eleven [apostles] and his other [disciples] and told them those things.
Og de vendte tilbage fra Graven og kundgjorde alle disse Ting for de elleve og for alle de andre.
10 The ones who kept telling those things to the apostles were Mary from Magdala [village], Joanna, Mary who was the mother of James, and the other women [who were] with them.
Men det var Maria Magdalene og Johanna og Maria, Jakobs Moder, og de øvrige Kvinder med dem; de sagde Apostlene disse Ting.
11 But the apostles thought that what the women [said] was nonsense. They did not believe what the women said.
Og disse Ord kom dem for som løs Tale; og de troede dem ikke.
12 But Peter got up and ran to the tomb [anyway]. He stooped down [and looked inside]. He saw the linen cloths [in which Jesus’ body had been wrapped]. [The cloths were] by themselves (OR, [He did not see] anything else). So, wondering what had happened, he went home.
Men Peter stod op og løb til Graven; og da han kiggede derind ser han Linklæderne alene liggende der, og han gik hjem i Undren over det, som var sket.
13 That same day two of [Jesus’ disciples] were walking to a village named Emmaus. It was about (seven miles/eleven kilometers) from Jerusalem.
Og se, to af dem vandrede på den samme Dag til en Landsby, som lå tresindstyve Stadier fra Jerusalem, dens Navn var Emmaus.
14 They were talking with each other about all the things that had happened [to Jesus].
Og de talte med hinanden om alle disse Ting, som vare skete.
15 While they were discussing those things, Jesus himself approached them and started walking with them.
Og det skete, medens de samtalede og spurgte hinanden indbyrdes, da kom Jesus selv nær og vandrede med dem.
16 But they were prevented {[something] prevented them} from recognizing [MTY] him.
Men deres Øjne holdtes til, så de ikke kendte ham.
17 [Jesus] said to them, “What have you two been talking about while you were walking?” They stopped, and their faces looked very sad.
Men han sagde til dem: "Hvad er dette for Ord, som I skifte med hinanden på Vejen?" Og de standsede bedrøvede.
18 One of them, whose name was Cleopas, said, “(You [(sg)] must be the only person who is visiting Jerusalem [for the Passover festival] who does not know the events that have happened there in recent days!/Are you the only person who is visiting Jerusalem [for the Passover festival] who does not know the events that have happened there in recent days?) [RHQ]”
Men en af dem, som hed Kleofas, svarede og sagde til ham: "Er du alene fremmed i Jerusalem og ved ikke, hvad der er sket der i disse dage?"
19 He said to them, “What events?” They replied, “[The things that happened] to Jesus, [the man] from Nazareth, who was a prophet. Many people saw him [perform] great miracles, and God [enabled him] to teach wonderful [messages]!
Og han sagde til dem: "Hvilket?" Men de sagde til ham: "Det med Jesus af Nazareth, som var en Profet, mægtig i Gerning og Ord for Gud og alt Folket;
20 But our chief priests and leaders handed him over [to the Roman authorities. The authorities] sentenced him to die, and they killed him by nailing him to a cross.
og hvorledes Ypperstepræsterne og vore Rådsherrer have overgivet ham til Dødsdom og korsfæstet ham.
21 We [(exc)] were hoping that he was the one who would free [us] Israelites [from our enemies] But [this does not seem possible now, because] three days have [already] passed since that happened.
Men vi håbede, at han var den, som skulde forløse Israel. Men med alt dette er det i Dag den tredje Dag, siden dette skete.
22 On the other hand, some women from our group amazed us. Early this morning they went to the tomb,
Men også nogle af vore Kvinder have forfærdet os, idet de kom årle til Graven,
23 but Jesus’ body was not there! They came [back] and said that they had seen some angels in a vision. The angels said that he was alive!
og da de ikke fandt hans Legeme, kom de og sagde, at de havde også set et Syn af Engle, der sagde, at han lever.
24 Then some of those who were with us went to the tomb. They saw that things were exactly as the women had reported. But they did not see [Jesus].”
Og nogle af vore gik hen til Graven, og de fandt det således, som Kvinderne havde sagt; men ham så de ikke."
25 He said to them, “[You two] foolish [men! You are so] slow to believe all that the prophets have written [about the Messiah]!
Og han sagde til dem: "O I uforstandige og senhjertede til at tro på alt det, som Profeterne have talt!
26 ([You should certainly have known that] it was necessary that the Messiah should suffer all those things [and die], and then enter his glorious [home in heaven]!/Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer all those things [and die], and then enter his glorious [home in heaven]?) [RHQ]”
Burde ikke Kristus lide dette og indgå til sin Herlighed?"
27 Then he explained to them all the things that [the prophets] had written in the Scriptures about himself. He started with what Moses [MTY] [wrote] and then explained to them what all the [other] prophets [wrote].
Og han begyndte fra Moses og fra alle Profeterne og udlagde dem i alle Skrifterne det, som handlede om ham.
28 They came near to the village to [which the two men] were going. Jesus indicated that he would go further,
Og de nærmede sig til Landsbyen, som de gik til; og han lod, som han vilde gå videre.
29 but they urged him [to not do that]. They said, “Stay with us [tonight], because it is late in the afternoon and it will soon be dark.” So he went in [the house] to stay with them.
Og de nødte ham meget og sagde: "Bliv hos os; thi det er mod Aften, og Dagen hælder." Og han gik ind for at blive hos dem.
30 When they sat down to eat, he took some bread and [asked God to] bless it. He broke it and gave [some pieces] to them.
Og det skete, da han havde sat sig med dem til Bords, tog han Brødet, velsignede og brød det og gav dem det.
31 And just then [God] enabled them to recognize [MTY] him. But [immediately] he disappeared!
Da bleve deres Øjne åbnede, og de kendte ham; og han blev usynlig for dem.
32 The two men said to each other, “[While we were walking] along the road and he talked with us and [enabled] us [(inc)] to understand the Scriptures, we [became so excited that it was as though] [MET] a fire was burning within us [RHQ]! [We should not stay here; we should go tell the others what happened]!”
Og de sagde til hinanden: "Brændte ikke vort Hjerte i os, medens han talte til os på Vejen og oplod os Skrifterne?"
33 So they left immediately and returned to Jerusalem. There they found the eleven [apostles] and others who had gathered together with them
Og de stode op i den samme Time og vendte tilbage til Jerusalem og fandt forsamlede de elleve og dem, som vare med dem, hvilke sagde:
34 who told [those two men], “It is true that the Lord has become alive again, and he has appeared to Peter!”
"Herren er virkelig opstanden og set af Simon."
35 Then those two [men] told [the others] what had happened [as they were walking] along the road. They also [told them how] they both recognized Jesus as he broke some bread [for them].
Og de fortalte, hvad der var sket på Vejen, og hvorledes han blev kendt af dem, idet han brød Brødet.
36 As they were saying that, Jesus himself [suddenly] appeared among them. He said to them, “[May God give] you [inner] peace!”
Men medens de talte dette, stod han selv midt iblandt dem; og han siger til dem: "Fred være med eder!"
37 They were startled and afraid, [because] they thought that they were seeing a ghost!
Da forskrækkedes de og betoges af Frygt og mente, at de så en Ånd.
38 He said to them, “(You should not be alarmed!/Why are you alarmed?) [RHQ] And (you should not be doubting [that I am alive]/Jesus!/why are you doubting [that I am alive]/Jesus?) [RHQ]
Og han sagde til dem: "Hvorfor ere I forfærdede? og hvorfor opstiger der Tvivl i eders Hjerter?
39 Look at [the wounds in] my hands and my feet! You can touch me and see [my body]. Then you can see that it is really I myself. [You can tell that I am really alive] because ghosts do not have bodies, as you see that I have!”
Ser mine Hænder og mine Fødder, at det er mig selv; føler på mig og ser; thi en Ånd har ikke Kød og Ben, som I se, at jeg har."
40 After he said that, he showed them [the wounds in] his hands and his feet.
Og da han havde sagt dette, viste han dem sine Hænder og sine Fødder.
41 They were joyful and amazed, [but] they still did not believe [that he was really alive] (OR, [that Jesus was the one that they were seeing]). [So] he said to them, “Do you have anything here to eat?”
Men da de af Glæde herover endnu ikke kunde tro og undrede sig, sagde han til dem: "Have I her noget at spise?"
42 [So] they gave him a piece of broiled fish.
Og de gave ham et Stykke af en stegt Fisk.
43 While they were watching, he took it and ate it.
Og han tog det og spiste det for deres Øjne.
44 Then he said to them, “[I will repeat] what I told you while I was still with you: Everything that was written about me by Moses and the [other] prophets [MTY] and in the Psalms must be fulfilled!”
Men han sagde til dem: "Dette er mine Ord, som jeg talte til eder, medens jeg endnu var hos eder, at de Ting bør alle sammen opfyldes, som ere skrevne om mig i Mose Lov og Profeterne og Salmerne."
45 Then he enabled them to understand [the things that had been written about him in] the Scriptures.
Da oplod han deres Forstand til at forstå Skrifterne.
46 He said to them, “This is what they wrote: That the Messiah would suffer [and die], but on the third day after that he would become alive again.
Og han sagde til dem: "Således er der skrevet, at Kristus skulde lide og opstå fra de døde på den tredje Dag,
47 [They] also [wrote that the message] must be preached {[that his disciples] must preach [the message]} [everywhere that people] must turn from their sinful ways for [God] to forgive their sins. [They wrote that his followers should preach that message, claiming] his authority [MTY]. They wrote that they should start [preaching] it in Jerusalem, and then [go and] preach it to all ethnic groups.
og at der i hans Navn skal prædikes Omvendelse og Syndernes Forladelse for alle Folkeslagene og begyndes fra Jerusalem.
48 You [apostles] must tell people that you know that those things [that happened to me] are true.
I ere Vidner om disse Ting.
49 And I want you to know that I will send the [Holy Spirit] [MTY] to you, as my Father promised that [he would do]. But you must stay in this city until God fills you with the power [of his Spirit].”
Og se, jeg sender min Faders Forjættelse over eder; men I skulle blive i Staden, indtil I blive iførte Kraft fra det høje."
50 Then [Jesus] led them outside [the city] until they came near Bethany [village]. There he lifted up his hands and blessed them.
Men han førte dem ud til hen imod Bethania, og han opløftede sine Hænder og velsignede dem.
51 As he was doing that, he left them [and went up to heaven].
Og det skete, idet han velsignede dem, skiltes han fra dem og opløftedes til Himmelen.
52 They worshipped him. And then they returned to Jerusalem very joyfully.
Og efter at have tilbedt ham vendte de tilbage til Jerusalem med stor Glæde.
53 Each day [SYN] they went into the Temple [courtyard], and spent a lot of time praising God.
Og de vare stedse i Helligdommen og priste Gud.

< Luke 24 >