< Luke 23 >
1 Then the whole group got up and took Jesus to Pilate, [the Roman governor].
І вставши все множество їх, повели Його до Пилата.
2 They began to accuse Jesus, saying, “We [(exc)] have determined that this fellow has caused political trouble in our country. He has been [telling people that they should] not pay taxes to the Roman government [MTY]. Also, he says that he is the Messiah, a king!”
І стали винувата Його, кажучи: Сього знайшли ми, що розвертав народ і забороняв кесареві данину давати, та й каже, що Він Христос - цар.
3 Pilate asked him, “Do you [(sg) claim that you are] the King of the Jews?” He replied, “[It is] as you have [just] now said.”
Пилат же спитав Його, кажучи: Чи Ти цар Жидівський? Він же, озвавшись до него, рече: Ти кажеш.
4 Pilate said to the chief priests and [the rest of] the crowd, “I do not conclude that this man is guilty of any crime.”
Пилат же сказав до архиєреїв і до народу: Нїякої не знаходжу вини в чоловікові сьому.
5 But they kept insisting, “He is inciting the people [to riot]! He has been teaching his [ideas] throughout all of Judea [district]. He started [doing it] in Galilee [district] and now he is doing it here!”
Вони ж намагали, говорячи: Що бунтує народ, навчаючи по всій Юдеї, почавши від ГалилеЇ аж посї.
6 When Pilate heard that, he asked, “Is this man from Galilee [district]?”
Пилат же, почувши про Галилею, спитав, чи чоловік не Галилеєць,
7 When they told him that Jesus was [from Galilee, which was the district] that Herod [Antipas] ruled, [he told them] to take Jesus to Herod [Antipas], because Herod was in Jerusalem at that time.
і, довідавшись, що Він присуду Іродового, післав Його до Ірода, що також був у Єрусалимі тими днями.
8 [So they did]. When Herod saw Jesus, he was very happy. He [had heard about Jesus], and he had been hoping for a long time that he could see Jesus perform a miracle.
Ірод же, побачивши Ісуса, зрадїв вельми; бажав бо здавна бачити Його; бо чув багато про Него; й сподївав ся яку ознаку бачити, що від Него станеть ся.
9 So he asked Jesus many questions, but Jesus did not reply [to any of them].
Питав же Його словами многими; Він же нічого не відказав йому.
10 The chief priests and men who taught the [Jewish] laws stood near Jesus, accusing him very strongly.
Стояли ж архиєреї та письменники, завзято винуючи Його.
11 Then Herod and his soldiers (made fun of/ridiculed) [Jesus]. They put gorgeous clothes on him [to mock him as being a king]. Then Herod sent him back to Pilate.
Зневаживши ж Його Ірод з воїнами своїми та насьміявшись, сягнувши Його в шату ясну, післав Його Пилатові.
12 Until that time Herod and Pilate had been very hostile to each other, but that very day they became friends.
Стали ж собі другами Пилат та Ірод того дня; жили бо перше, ворогуючи між собою.
13 Pilate then gathered together the chief priests and other [Jewish] leaders and the crowd [that was still there].
Пилат же, скликавши архиєреїв та князїв і народ,
14 He said to them, “You brought this man to me, saying that he had caused trouble among the people. But [I want you to know that] after having examined him while you were listening, I do not conclude that he is guilty of any of the things that you are accusing him about.
каже до них: Привели ви мені чоловіка сього, яко розвертаючого народ; і ось я, перед вами питаючи, ніякої не знайшов в чоловікові сьому вини, якими винуєте Його;
15 [Obviously] Herod did not [conclude that] either, because he sent him back to me [without punishing him]. [So it] is clear that this man has not done anything for which we [(inc)] should kill him.
та й нї Ірод; посилав бо Його до вето, й ось нїчого достойного емерти не знайдено в Ньому.
16 So I will [have my soldiers] flog him and then release him.”
То, покаравши, відпущу Його.
(Треба ж йому було відпускати їм щосьвята одного.)
18 But the whole crowd shouted, “Execute this man! Release Barrabas for us [(exc)]!”
Закричали ж вони всі разом, кажучи: Візьми сього, відпусти ж нам і Вараву,
19 Barrabas was a man who had tried to persuade people in the city to rebel [against the Roman government. While doing that], he had murdered [someone]. So he had been put {they had put him} in prison, [where he was waiting to be executed].
котрого, за якусь бучу, що сталась у городі, і за убийство, вкинуто в темницю.
20 Because Pilate wanted to release Jesus, he tried to persuade the crowd again.
Знов же Пилат покликнув, хотівши відпустити Ісуса.
21 But they kept shouting, “[Command your soldiers to] kill him by nailing him to a cross!/Have him crucified!”
Вони ж кричали: Розпни, розпни Його!
22 He [spoke to them] a third time and asked them, “Why? What crime has he committed? I have concluded that he has done nothing for which he deserves to die. So I will [have my soldiers] flog him and then release him.”
Він же втрете каже до них: Яке ж бо зло зробив сей? Нїякої вини смерти не знайшов я в Йому. То покаравши, випущу Його.
23 But they kept insisting. They shouted loudly that [Jesus] should be nailed {that [Pilate] should [have his soldiers] nail [Jesus]} to a cross. Finally, because they continued to shout [PRS] [so loudly],
Вони ж намагали голосом великим, просячи Його розпяти. І перемогли голоси їх та архиєрейські.
24 Pilate decided to do what the crowd requested.
Пилат же присудив, щоб сталось по просьбі їх.
25 The man who had been {whom they had} put in prison because he had rebelled [against the government] and who had murdered [someone], he released! That was the man whom the crowd had asked him [to release]. He handed Jesus over [to the soldiers], to do what [the crowd] wanted.
Відпустив же їм за бунт і убийство вкинутого в темницю, котрого просили; Ісуса ж видав на їх волю.
26 As the soldiers were taking [Jesus] away, they seized a man named Simon, [who was] from Cyrene [city in Africa]. He was returning [to Jerusalem] from out in the countryside. They [took from Jesus the cross that he had been carrying. Then] they put it on Simon’s shoulders, and [told him to] carry it behind Jesus.
І як повели Його, то, взявши одного Симона Киринея, ідучого з поля, положили на него хрест нести за Ісусом.
27 A large crowd followed Jesus. The crowd included many women who were beating their breasts [to show how sad they were], and wailing for him.
Ійшло ж слідом за Ним велике множество народу й жінок, що голосили й ридали по Йому.
28 But Jesus turned to them and said, “You women of Jerusalem, do not cry for me! Instead, cry because of [what is going to happen to] yourselves and your children!
І обернувшись до них Ісус, рече: Дочки Єрусалимські, не плачте по мені, а по собі плачте і по дітях ваших.
29 I want you to know that there will soon be a time when people will say, ‘Women [SYN] who have never borne children or nursed babies are fortunate!’
Бо ось прийдуть дні, коли скажуть: Блаженні неплідні, й утроби, що не родили, й соски, що не годували.
30 Then, [in order that they will not have to suffer greatly when their enemies destroy this city], people who are left in the city will say to the mountains, ‘Fall down on us!’ And people will say to the hills, ‘Cover us!’
Тоді стануть говорити горам; упадїть на нас, і узгіррям: Покрийте і нас.
31 [I am innocent] [MET]. [I am like] a living tree [that people do not try to burn. But the people of Jerusalem deserve that their enemies punish them. They are like] dry wood that is ready to [burn]. So if they [nail me to the cross], ([their enemies] will certainly do much worse things to them!/what worse things will happen to them?) [RHQ]”
Бо коли зеленому дереву се роблять, то з сухим що станеть ся?
32 Two other men who were criminals were also being led away {[The soldiers] also led away two other men who were criminals}. They were going to be executed {[The soldiers] were going to execute them} [with Jesus].
Ведено ж і инших двох лиходіїв з Ним на смерть.
33 When they came to the place which is called ‘The Skull’, they nailed [Jesus] to a cross [after removing his clothes]. They did the same thing to the two criminals. They crucified one at the right [side of Jesus] and one at his left [side].
І, як прийшли на врочище Черепове, там розняли Його й лиходіїв, одного по правиці, а одного по лівиці.
34 Jesus prayed, “[My] Father, forgive them, because they do not realize [whom] they are doing [this to]!” Then [the soldiers] divided Jesus’ clothing by gambling with something like dice, [to decide which piece of clothing each one would get].
Ісус же рече: Отче, відпусти їм; не знають бо, що роблять.
35 Many people stood nearby, watching. And the [Jewish] leaders (made fun of/ridiculed) [Jesus], saying, “He [said] [IRO] [that he] saved other people! If he is the Messiah, the one God has chosen, he should save himself!”
І стояв народ дивлячись. Насьміхали ся ж і старші з ними, кажучи: Инших спасав; нехай спасе й себе, коли се Христос, вибраний Божий.
36 The soldiers also ridiculed him because he [claimed to be a king]. They came up to him and offered him some sour wine.
Насьміхади ся ж з Него й воїни, приступаючи й оцет подаючи Йому,
37 They said to him, “If you [(sg)] are the King of the Jews, save yourself!”
і кажучи: Коли Ти єси цар Жидівський, спаси себе.
38 [They] also [fastened on the cross] a sign [that stated] why [they] were nailing him to the cross. [But all it said was], ‘This is the King of the Jews’.
Була ж і надпись над Ним письмом Грецьким та Римським, та Єврейським: Се цар Жидівський.
39 One of the criminals who was hanging [on a cross] began to insult Jesus, saying, “You [(sg) said that you] are the Messiah, so [you must be powerful]! So save yourself, and save us, too!”
Один же з повішених лиходіїв хулив Його, кажучи: Коли Ти Христос, спаси себе й нас!
40 But the other [criminal] rebuked him, saying, “(You [(sg)] should be afraid of God [punishing you]!/Are you not afraid of God [punishing you]?) [RHQ] They are punishing him [and us] similarly.
Озвавши ся ж другий, докорив йому, кажучи: І не боїш ся Бога, коли в такому ж осуді єси?
41 They have justly decided that we [(inc) two] must die. They are punishing us as we deserve [for the evil things that we did]. But this man has done nothing wrong!”
Та ми по правді; по заслузї бо за те, що коїли, приймаємо; сей же нічого недоброго не зробив.
42 Then he said, “Jesus, [please] remember me [and take care of me] when you become king!”
І сказав до Ісуса: Спогадай мене, Господи, як прийдеш у царство Твоє.
43 Jesus replied, “I want you [(sg)] to know that today you [(sg)] will be with me in the place where everyone is happy!” (OR, that today you will be with me in Paradise!)
І рече йому Ісус: Істино глаголю тобі: Сьогодні зо мною будеш у раю.
44 [Then it] was about noontime. It became dark over the whole land, [and it stayed dark] until three o’clock in the afternoon.
Було ж се коло години шестої, і темрява сталась по всїй землі до години девятої.
45 There was no light from the sun. Then the [thick] curtain [that closed off the most holy place] in the Temple split into two pieces. [That signified that ordinary people could now go into the presence of God].
І померкло сонце, й роздерлась завіса церковня посерединї.
46 [As that happened], Jesus shouted loudly, “Father, I put my spirit into your care [MTY]!” When he said that, he [EUP] died.
І покликнувши голосом великим Ісус, рече: Отче, у Твої руки передаю духа мого! Й, се промовивши, зітхнув духа.
47 When the officer [who supervised the soldiers who were executing Jesus] saw what happened, he praised God [for the way Jesus died], saying, “[I am] sure that this man had done nothing wrong!”
Побачивши ж сотник, що сталось, прославив Бога, кажучи: Справдї, чоловік сей праведний був.
48 When the crowd of people who had gathered to see those events saw what happened, they returned [to their homes], beating their chests [to show that they were sorrowful].
І ввесь народ, що зійшов ся на сю дивовижу, побачивши, що сталось, бючи себе в груди, вертав ся.
49 All of Jesus’ friends, including the women who had come with him from Galilee [district], stood at a distance and saw everything that happened.
Стояли ж усї знакомі Його оддалеки й жінки, що поприходили слїдом за Ним із Галилеї, дивлячись на се.
50 There was a man named Joseph who [came there]. He was from the town of Arimathea in Judea. He was a good and a righteous man, and he was a member of the [Jewish] Council.
І ось чоловік, на ймя Йосиф, що був радник, чоловік добрий і праведний,
51 But he had not agreed with the other Council [members] when they decided [to kill Jesus] and when they [planned how to] do it. He was waiting expectantly for [the time when] God [would send] his king to begin to rule.
(сей не пристав до ради й дїла їх, ) з Ариматеї, города Жидівського, що також сподівавсь царства Божого;
52 He went to Pilate and asked [Pilate to permit him] to [take] Jesus’ body [and bury it. After Pilate allowed him to do that],
сей, прийшовши до Пилата, просив тїла Ісусового.
53 he [and some others] took [Jesus’ body] down [from the cross]. They wrapped it in a linen cloth. Then they put his body in a tomb that he had [hired others to] dig out of a rock [cliff]. No one had ever put a body in it before.
І, знявши Його, обгорнув Його плащеницею, і положив Його у гробі висіченому, де ніколи нїхто не лежав.
54 [They had to do it quickly because] that was [Friday], the day when [people] prepared [things for the Jewish day of rest]. (The Sabbath/The day of rest) was about to start [at sunset, so they had to finish burying Jesus’ body before sunset].
І був день пятниця, а субота сьвітала.
55 The women who had come with [Jesus] from Galilee [district] followed [Joseph and the men who were with him]. They saw the tomb, and they saw how the men laid [Jesus’] body [inside it, and saw the men roll a huge stone across the entrance].
Поприходивши ж слїдом жінки, що прийшли з Галилеї, дивились на гріб, і як положене було тіло Його.
56 Then the women returned to the houses [where they were staying. That evening] they prepared spices and ointments to put [on Jesus’ body], but (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day) they rested, according to what [Moses] had commanded.
І вернувшись наготовили пахощів та мира, а в суботу відпочивали по заповіді.