< Luke 19 >

1 Jesus and his disciples entered Jericho and were going through the [city].
Potom Ježíš vešel do Jericha.
2 There was a man [there] named Zacchaeus. He was a chief tax collector, who was rich.
Žil tam vrchní výběrčí daní Zacheus, velký boháč.
3 He tried to see Jesus, but he was very short, and there was a big crowd of people [near Jesus]. So he was not able to see him.
Chtěl za každou cenu vidět Ježíše, ale protože sám byl malé postavy a okolo Ježíše se tísnily davy lidí,
4 So he ran further ahead [along the road] that Jesus was walking on. He climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see Jesus.
předběhl průvod a vylezl na strom; odtamtud ho vyhlížel.
5 When Jesus got there, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down quickly, because [God wants] me to go [with you(sg)] to your house and stay there [tonight]”!
Když Ježíš došel až k tomu místu, podíval se vzhůru a řekl: „Zachee, pojď rychle dolů, chci dnes být tvým hostem.“
6 So he came down quickly. [He took Jesus to his house] and welcomed him joyfully.
Zacheus slezl, jak nejrychleji uměl a plný radosti si odváděl Ježíše domů.
7 The people [who saw Jesus go there] grumbled saying, “He has gone to be the guest of a man who is a sinner!”
Lidé se posmívali: „Jde na návštěvu k takovému hříšníkovi!“
8 Then Zacchaeus stood up [while they were eating] and said to the Lord [Jesus], “Lord, I want you [(sg)] to know that I am going to give half of what I own to poor people. And as for the people whom I have cheated, I will pay them back four times the amount [I have gotten from them by cheating].”
Tu se Zacheus zastavil a obrátil na Ježíše: „Pane, polovinu svého majetku rozdám chudým a koho jsem okradl, tomu to čtyřnásobně vynahradím.“
9 Jesus said to him, “Today [God] has forgiven [PRS] [you and the other people in] [MTY] this house, because you [(sg)] also [have shown that you have trusted in God as] your ancestor Abraham [did].
Nato Ježíš řekl: „Dnes se pro tohoto muže a jeho rodinu všechno mění. Teď plným právem patří k Božímu lidu.
10 Remember this: [I], the one who came from heaven, came to seek and save [people like you(sg)] who have [gone astray from God, just like a shepherd who searches for his] lost [sheep].”
Přišel jsem hledat a zachránit právě ty ztracené.“
11 They were coming near to Jerusalem, and the people who were [going with Jesus] who heard him say these things thought that as soon as [he got to Jerusalem] he would become their king.
Tyto události a to, že měl Ježíš namířeno do Jeruzaléma, vedlo lidi k domněnce, že se nyní ujme své vlády.
12 [So] he told them this parable: “A prince prepared to go to a distant country in order that [the Emperor] would make him a king. [He intended] to return later.
Jak to doopravdy bude, jim Ježíš naznačil následujícím vyprávěním: „Jeden vznešený muž odešel daleko za hranice své vlasti, aby se tam dal korunovat a vrátil se zpět jako král.
13 [Before he left], he summoned ten of his servants. He gave each of them a coin worth three months’ wages. He said to them, ‘Do business with these coins until I return!’ [Then he left].
Předtím si však zavolal svých deset úředníků, dal každému z nich určitý obnos a řekl: ‚Nenechte je ležet ladem a snažte se jimi něco získat.‘
14 But [many of] his fellow-citizens hated him. So after he left they sent some messengers to tell [the Emperor], ‘We [(exc)] do not want this man to be our king!’
Někteří občané ho však nenáviděli, a proto žádali: ‚Nechceme, aby byl naším králem.‘
15 But [the Emperor] made him king anyway. [Later] the [new king] returned. Then he commanded that the servants to whom he had given the coins should be summoned {that someone should summon the servants to whom he had given the coins}. He wanted to know how much they had gained by doing business with the coins.
Vladař se však přesto vrátil s královskou hodností. Ihned si dal předvolat úředníky, kterým svěřil peníze, aby zjistil, jak hospodařili.
16 The first man came [to him] and said, ‘Sir, with your one coin [I] have earned ten more [coins]!’
Přišel první a řekl: ‚Pane, získal jsem desetkrát tolik, než jsi mi svěřil.‘
17 He said to this man, ‘[You are a] good servant! [You have] done [very] well! Because you have [handled] faithfully a small amount [of money, I will give you] authority [to rule] ten cities.’
Král ho pochválil: ‚Výborně, jsi dobrý hospodář. Nešlo o mnoho a obstál jsi. Svěřuji ti proto vládu nad deseti městy.‘
18 Then the second servant came and said, ‘Sir, with your one coin [I] have earned five more [coins]!’
Přišel druhý úředník, aby vykázal zisk: ‚Pane, mám pro tebe pětkrát tolik, než jsi mi svěřil.‘
19 He said to that servant similarly, ‘[Good! I will give you authority to rule] five cities.’
I toho král pochválil a svěřil mu správu nad pěti městy.
20 Then another servant came. He said, ‘Sir, here is your coin. I wrapped it in a napkin and put it away, [so that nothing would happen to it].
Pak přišel další a řekl: ‚Pane, vím, že jsi přísný,
21 I did that [because] I was afraid [of what you would do to me if the business failed. I know] you are a man who does not do foolish things with your money. You [even] take [from others money] that does not really belong to you, [like a farmer who] harvests grain [from another man’s field] where he did not [even] do the planting.’
a tak jsem se bál o tvůj majetek. Dobře jsem ho ukryl a tady ti ho vracím nedotčený.‘
22 The king said to that servant, ‘You wicked servant! I will condemn you by the very words [MTY] that you [have just now spoken]. (You know that I do not [do foolish things with my money]./Did you not know that I do not [do foolish things with my money]?) [RHQ] [You said] that I [even] take [from others money] that does not really [belong to me], [like a farmer who] harvests grain [from another man’s field] where he did not [even] do the planting.
Král mu řekl: ‚Tvá vlastní slova tě soudí, lenochu. Věděl jsi, co jsem nařídil, a nesplnil jsi to.
23 So (you should at least have given my money to money lenders!/why did you not [at least] give my money to bankers?) [RHQ] Then [when I returned] I could have collected that amount plus the interest [it would have earned]!’
Proč jsi moje peníze alespoň neuložil na úrok?‘
24 Then [the king] said to those who were standing near, ‘Take the coin from him and give it to [the servant] who has ten coins!’
Pak řekl okolostojícím: ‚Vezměte ty peníze od něho a dejte je tomu, kdo získal desetinásobek.‘
25 They protested, ‘But Sir, he already has ten [coins]!’
Namítali: ‚Pane, vždyť ten už má dost.‘
26 [But the king said], ‘I tell you this: To the people who [use well what] they have [received], more will be given {[I] will give more}. But from the people who [do] not [use well what they have received], even what they [already] have will be taken away {[I] will take away even what they already have}.
Král odpověděl: ‚Každému, kdo se osvědčí, bude ještě přidáno, ale ten, kdo se neosvědčí, přijde o všechno.
27 Now, [as for] those enemies of mine who did not want me to rule over them, bring them here and execute them while I am watching!’”
A mé nepřátele, kteří mne nechtěli za panovníka, popravte!‘“
28 After [Jesus] said those things, he [continued on the road] up to Jerusalem, going ahead of his disciples.
Když skončil svoje vypravování, pokračoval v cestě do Jeruzaléma.
29 When they got near Bethphage and Bethany [villages], near the hill that is called {that they call} Olive [Tree] Hill,
V blízkosti dvora Betfage u Betanie pod Olivovou horou vyzval dva své učedníky: „Jděte naproti do městečka. Najdete tam uvázané oslátko, na kterém dosud nikdo neseděl. Odvažte ho a přiveďte.
30 he said to two of [his] disciples, “Go to the village just ahead [of you]. As you [two] enter [it], you will see a young animal that no one has ever ridden, that has been {someone has} tied up. Untie it and bring it [to me].
31 If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say [to him], ‘The Lord needs it.’”
Kdyby se vás někdo ptal, proč to děláte, řekněte: ‚Pán ho potřebuje.‘“
32 [So] the [two disciples] went [to the village] and found the [animal], just like he had told them.
Ti dva šli a nalezli všechno tak, jak Ježíš řekl.
33 As they were untying it, its owners said to them, “Why are you two untying that young animal?”
Když oslátko odvazovali, přišli majitelé a ptali se, proč to dělají.
34 They replied, “The Lord needs it.” [So the owners said that they could take it].
Odpověděli: „Pán ho potřebuje.“
35 The [two disciples] brought [the animal] to Jesus. They threw their cloaks on the animal’s back [for him to sit on] and helped Jesus get on it.
Přivedli oslíka, pokryli mu hřbet svými plášti a posadili na něj Ježíše.
36 Then as he rode along, [others] spread their cloaks on the road [to honor him].
Ostatní lidé stlali dokonce své pláště na cestu, kudy jel.
37 As they came near [to Jerusalem], on the road that descends from Olive [Tree] Hill, the whole crowd of his disciples began to rejoice and praise God loudly for all the great miracles that they had seen [Jesus do].
Když začali sestupovat z Olivové hory, zmocnilo se zástupu nadšení; děkovali Bohu za všechny divy, které na vlastní oči viděli.
38 They were saying things like, “May the Lord [God] bless our king who comes representing [MTY] him!” “May there be peace [between God] in heaven [and us his people]!” “May [everyone] praise God!”
Provolávali: „Sláva králi, Bůh ho posílá! Nebe je smířeno, sláva!“
39 Some of the Pharisees who were in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples [for saying things like that]!”
Byli tam také někteří farizejové a ti mu domlouvali: „Pokárej své učedníky, aby se takhle nerouhali.“
40 He replied, “I tell you this: If these people would be silent, the stones themselves would shout [to praise me]!”
Ježíš odpověděl: „Jestliže oni zmlknou, bude volat kamení.“
41 When [Jesus] came near [to] Jerusalem and saw the city, he cried about [its people].
Když se před Ježíšem otevřel pohled na Jeruzalém, vstoupily mu slzy do očí a plný smutku
42 He said, “[My disciples know what they need to do] to have peace [with God]; I wish that even today [the rest of] you people knew it. But now you are unable to know [MTY] it.
řekl: „Město, kéž bys alespoň dnes pochopilo, co ti může přinést pokoj. Ty však nic nechápeš,
43 I want you to know this: Soon [your enemies] will come and will set up a barricade around your [city]. They will surround [the city] and attack [it] on all sides.
a tak přijde den, kdy tě obklíčí nepřátelé a oblehnou tě.
44 They will [break through] the walls [and] destroy everything. They will smash you and your people/children. [When they finish destroying everything], there will not be one stone left on top of another. [All this will happen] because you did not recognize the time when God sent his [Messiah] to [save] you!”
Nakonec tě srovnají se zemí a tvé syny pobijí, protože jsi nerozeznalo čas, kdy k tobě přichází Bůh.“
45 [Jesus entered Jerusalem and] went into the Temple [courtyard]. He saw the people who were selling [things there],
V Jeruzalémě vešel do chrámu a hned za branou narazil na ty, kdo tam prodávali. Začal je vyhánět
46 and he began to chase them out. He said to them, “It has been written {[A prophet] wrote} [in the Scriptures that God said], ‘[I want] my house to be a place where people pray’; but you bandits have made it a cave where you can [hide]!”
se slovy: „Je psáno, že tento chrám je svaté místo pro modlitby, a vy jste z něho udělali tržiště.“
47 Each day [during that week Jesus] was teaching people in the Temple [courtyard]. The chief priests and the men who taught the [Jewish] laws and [other Jewish] leaders tried to find a way to kill him.
Po několik dní se Ježíš vracel do chrámu a učil tam. Velekněží a vykladači zákona se ho chtěli za podpory předních občanů Jeruzaléma zmocnit a připravit ho o život,
48 But they did not find any way to do it, because all the people there listened eagerly to him [and would have resisted them if they had tried to hurt him].
ale nevěděli, jak to udělat, protože lid ho miloval a rád mu naslouchal.

< Luke 19 >