< Luke 18 >

1 [Jesus] told [his disciples] a parable to teach them that they always ought to pray confidently and not be discouraged [if God does not immediately answer their prayers].
Yesu alobaki na bayekoli na Ye lisese moko mpo na kolakisa bango ete basengeli kosambelaka tango nyonso, na kolemba te.
2 He said, “In a certain city there was a judge who did not revere God, and did not care about people, either.
Alobaki: — Kati na engumba moko, ezalaki na mosambisi moko oyo azalaki kotosa Nzambe te, mpe azalaki komemia bato te.
3 There was a widow in that city who kept coming to him, saying, ‘Please decide what is just [in the dispute between me and] the man who is opposing me [in court!’]
Kati na engumba yango, ezalaki mpe na mwasi moko akufisa mobali; azalaki koya mbala na mbala epai ya mosambisi yango mpo na koloba na ye: « Longisa ngai liboso ya monguna na ngai. »
4 For a long time the judge refused [to help her]. But later he thought to himself, ‘I do not revere God and I do not care about people,
Wuta tango molayi, mosambisi yango aboyaki. Kasi suka na suka, amilobelaki: « Atako natosaka Nzambe te mpe namemiaka bato te,
5 but this widow keeps bothering me! So I will make sure that she is treated justly. [If I do not do that], she will exhaust me by continually coming to me!’”
kasi lokola motungisi ya mwasi oyo akufisa mobali eleki ndelo, nakolongisa ye kaka, mpo ete akoba te koyaka tango nyonso kino kozangisa ngai kimia. »
6 Then the Lord [Jesus] said, “[Even though] the judge was not a righteous man, think carefully about what he said!
Nkolo abakisaki: — Boyoka maloba ya mosambisi mabe oyo!
7 [Similarly], (God will certainly show that [what you] have done has been right!/will God not show that [what you] have done has been right?) [RHQ] He will do this for you whom he has chosen. [He will do this for you] who pray earnestly to him night and day, asking him to [help you]. He may delay [helping you].
Boni, Nzambe akolongisa te baponami na Ye, tango bagangaka epai na Ye butu mpe moyi? Boni, akozelisa bango?
8 But I tell you, [some day] he will show that what you did was right, and he will do it quickly. But when [I], the one who came from heaven, return to earth, (there may not be [many people who will still] be trusting [that I will vindicate them] (OR, who will still be trusting in me)./will there be [many people who will still] be trusting [that I will vindicate them] (OR, who will still be trusting in me)?) [RHQ]”
Nazali koloba na bino: akolongisa bango noki. Nzokande, ekozala ndenge nini tango Mwana na Moto akoya! Boni, akokuta kondima kati na mokili?
9 [Jesus] also told a parable [to warn] people who mistakenly thought that they were doing things that made them acceptable to God. Besides, they also despised other people.
Epai ya bato oyo bamimonaki bato ya sembo mpe batiolaki bato mosusu, Yesu alobaki lisusu lisese oyo:
10 [He said this]: “Two men went up to the Temple [in Jerusalem] to pray. One was a Pharisee. The other was a tax collector.
— Bato mibale bakendeki na Tempelo mpo na kosambela: moko azalaki Mofarizeo; mpe mosusu, mofutisi mpako.
11 The Pharisee stood and prayed silently, ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men. [Some] extort money [from others]; some treat others unjustly; some commit adultery. [I do not do such things. And I am certainly not] like this tax collector [who cheats people]!
Mofarizeo abendanaki ye moko na pembeni mpe asambelaki: « Oh Nzambe, nazali kotonda Yo, mpo ete nazali te lokola bato mosusu oyo bazali miyibi, bato mabe, bato na bikobo to mpe lokola mofutisi mpako oyo.
12 [Our law says that we(exc) should] (fast/abstain from food) [once a week], [but I do more than that. I] fast twice a week! I give [you] ten percent of all that I earn!’
Nakilaka bilei mbala mibale na poso mpe napesaka eteni ya zomi ya nyonso oyo nazwaka. »
13 But the tax collector stood far [from the other people in the Temple courtyard because he felt very unworthy]. He would not even look up toward heaven. Instead, he beat on his chest [to show that he was sorry for his sin]. He said, ‘God, I am a sinner; be merciful to me [and forgive me]!’”
Kasi mofutisi mpako atelemaki mwa mosika; amekaki ata te kotombola miso na ye na likolo, kasi atiaki loboko na ye na tolo mpe alobaki: « Oh Nzambe, yokela ngai mawa, pamba te nazali moto ya masumu! »
14 [Then Jesus said], “I tell you [(pl)] that as the tax collector went home, the record of his sins was erased {[God] erased the record of his sins}, not that of the Pharisee. [Remember this]: Those who exalt themselves will be humbled {[God] will humble all those who exalt themselves}, but those who humble themselves will be exalted {[he] will exalt those who humble themselves}.”
Nazali koloba na bino: mofutisi mpako azongaki na ndako na ye sima na Nzambe kokomisa ye moto ya sembo, kasi Mofarizeo te. Pamba te moto nyonso oyo amitombolaka, bakokitisa ye; mpe oyo amikitisaka, bakotombola ye.
15 [One day when many people were coming to Jesus], they were also bringing small children. They wanted him to put his hands on [the children and bless them]. When the disciples saw that, they rebuked [those who were bringing those children].
Bato bazalaki mpe komema bana mike epai ya Yesu mpo ete atia bango maboko. Tango bayekoli bamonaki bongo, bapamelaki bango.
16 But Jesus called the children [to come to him]. He said to his disciples, “Let the children come to me! Do not stop them! It is people who are [humble and trusting] like they are who can experience God ruling [their lives].
Kasi Yesu abengaki bana mpe alobaki: — Botika bana mike baya epai na Ngai; bopekisa bango te koya epai na Ngai, pamba te Bokonzi ya Nzambe ezali mpo na bato oyo bazali lokola bana mike.
17 Note this: Those who do not [trust God and] allow him to direct [their lives], as children [do], will not enter the [MET] place where God rules.”
Nazali koloba na bino penza ya solo: moto nyonso oyo azali koyamba te Bokonzi ya Nzambe lokola mwana moke akotikala kokota te kati na Bokonzi yango.
18 A [Jewish] leader asked [Jesus], “Good teacher, what shall I do in order to have eternal life?” (aiōnios g166)
Mokambi moko ya Bayuda atunaki na Yesu: — Moteyi malamu, nasengeli kosala nini mpo ete nazwa bomoi ya seko? (aiōnios g166)
19 Jesus said to him, “Only God is good! No one [else] is good! (So you(sg) should consider carefully what [you are implying by] calling me good!/[Do you realize that you are implying that I am God by] calling me good?) [RHQ]
Yesu azongisaki: — Mpo na nini ozali kobenga Ngai « Moteyi malamu? » Moko te azali malamu, longola kaka Ye moko Nzambe.
20 [But to answer your question], you [(sg)] know the commandments that [God gave Moses. He commanded such things as] ‘do not commit adultery, do not commit murder, do not steal, do not testify falsely [about what you have seen or heard], honor your father and mother.’”
Oyebi mibeko oyo: « Okosalaka ekobo te, okobomaka te, okoyibaka te, okolobaka te matatoli ya lokuta mpo na kokosela moninga na yo makambo, okopesaka tata na yo mpe mama na yo lokumu. »
21 The man said, “I have obeyed all those [commandments] ever since I was young. [So] ([there must be something else I have not done./is that enough]?)”
Mokambi yango azongisaki: — Natosaka nyonso wana wuta bolenge na ngai.
22 When Jesus heard [him say] that, he replied to him, “There is one thing that you [(sg)] have not [done] yet. Sell all that you own. Then give [the money] to poor people. [The result will be that] you will have [spiritual] riches in heaven. Then come and be my disciple!”
Sima na Yesu koyoka bongo, alobaki na ye: — Ozangi eloko moko. Teka biloko na yo nyonso, kabola mbongo oyo okozwa epai ya babola, mpe okozwa bomengo kati na Likolo. Sima na yango, yaka mpe landa Ngai.
23 The man became sad when he heard that, because he was very rich [and he did not want to give everything away].
Tango mokambi ya Bayuda ayokaki bongo, akomaki mawa-mawa, pamba te azalaki na bozwi mingi.
24 Jesus looked at the man [as he left], and said, “It is very difficult for those who are wealthy [to decide] to let God rule [MET] their [lives].
Yesu atalaki ye mpe alobaki: — Ezali pasi mpo na mozwi kokota kati na Bokonzi ya Nzambe!
25 [You would say] that it is impossible for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. It is [almost] as difficult [HYP] for rich people [to decide] to let God rule their [lives].”
Nzokande, eleki pete mpo na shamo kolekela na lidusu ya tonga; kasi ezali penza pasi mpo na mozwi kokota kati na Bokonzi ya Nzambe.
26 [The Jews thought that God favored rich people, so they thought that if God did not save rich people, he would not save others, either]. So [one of the disciples] who heard him say that replied, “If that is so, it seems that no one will be saved {[that God] will not save anyone} [RHQ]!”
Bato oyo bayokaki Ye koloba bongo batunaki: — Bongo nani penza akoki kobikisama?
27 But Jesus said, “It is impossible for people [to save themselves]. But [God can save them, because] God can do anything!”
Yesu azongisaki: — Oyo ekoki kosalema te elongo na bato, ekoki kosalema elongo na Nzambe.
28 Then Peter said, “[You know that we(exc) have left] everything we had and have become your disciples [RHQ]. [So what about us?] (OR, [So will God accept/save us?]”)
Petelo alobaki na Yesu: — Nkolo, totiki nyonso oyo tozalaki na yango mpo na kolanda Yo!
29 He said to them, “Keep this in mind: Those who have left [their] homes, [their] wives, [their] brothers, [their] parents, [their] children, [or any other family members], [to tell others] about how God wants to rule [MET] [people’s lives],
Yesu alobaki na bango: — Nazali koloba na bino penza ya solo: moto nyonso oyo atiki ndako na ye, mwasi na ye, bandeko na ye, baboti na ye to bana na ye, mpo na kozwa Bokonzi ya Nzambe lokola litomba,
30 will receive in this life many times as much [as they left]. And in the future age they will (live eternally [with God]/ have eternal life).” (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
akozwa, na tango oyo, biloko mingi koleka; mpe na tango oyo ezali koya, bomoi ya seko. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 [Jesus] took the twelve [disciples] to a place by themselves and said to them, “Listen carefully! We [(inc)] are [now] going up to Jerusalem. [While we are there], everything that has been written by the prophets {that the prophets have written} about [me], the one who came from heaven, will be fulfilled {will occur}.
Yesu abendaki na pembeni bayekoli na Ye zomi na mibale mpe alobaki na bango: — Tozali kokende na Yelusalemi; makambo nyonso oyo basakoli bakoma na tina na Mwana na Moto ekokokisama.
32 I will be put into the hands of {[My enemies] will hand me over to} non-Jews. [The non-Jews] will make fun of me and mistreat me and spit on me.
Bakokaba Ye na maboko ya bapagano, bakoseka Ye, bakofinga Ye, bakobwakela Ye soyi,
33 They will whip me, and [then] they will kill me. But on the third day [after that] I will become alive again.”
bakobeta Ye fimbu mpe bakoboma Ye; mpe, na mokolo ya misato, akosekwa.
34 But [the disciples] did not understand any of those things that [he said]. They were prevented {[Something] prevented them} from understanding the meaning of what [he] was telling [them].
Bayekoli basosolaki ata eloko moko te kati na makambo yango; ndimbola na yango ezalaki ya kobombama mpo na bango, mpe bayebaki te makambo oyo Yesu azalaki kolobela.
35 As [Jesus and his disciples] came near to Jericho [city], a blind man was sitting beside the road. [He was] begging [for money].
Wana Yesu akomaki pene ya Jeriko, ezalaki na mokufi miso pembeni ya nzela, azalaki ya kovanda mpe azalaki kosenga-senga.
36 When he heard the crowd [of people] passing by, he asked someone, “What is happening?”
Tango ayokaki makelele ya ebele ya bato oyo bazali koleka, atunaki: — Likambo nini oyo ezali kosalema?
37 They told him, “Jesus, [the man] from Nazareth [town], is passing by.”
Balobaki na ye: — Yesu ya Nazareti azali koleka!
38 He shouted, “Jesus, [you who are] descended from [King] David, [the Messiah], pity me!”
Agangaki: — Yesu, Mwana ya Davidi, yokela ngai mawa!
39 Those who were [walking] at the front [of the crowd] scolded the man [and] told him to be quiet. But he shouted more loudly, “You who are descended from [King] David, [the Messiah], pity me!”
Bato oyo bazalaki liboso bapamelaki ye mpe balobaki na ye ete akanga monoko; kasi, ye, agangaki lisusu makasi koleka: — Mwana ya Davidi, yokela ngai mawa!
40 Jesus stopped and told [people] to bring the man to him. When [the blind man] came near, Jesus asked him,
Yesu atelemaki mpe atindaki ete bamemela Ye mokufi miso yango. Tango akomaki pene na Ye, Yesu atunaki ye:
41 “What do you [(sg)] want me to do for you?” He replied, “Lord, enable me to see [again]!”
— Olingi nasala nini mpo na yo? Mokufi miso azongisaki: — Nkolo, nalingi komona.
42 Jesus said to him, “[Then] see! Because you have trusted [PRS] [in me], [I] have healed you!”
Yesu alobaki na ye: — Mona! Kondima na yo ebikisi yo.
43 Immediately he was able to see! And he went with [Jesus], praising God. And when all the people who were [going with Jesus] saw it, they also praised God.
Mpe mbala moko, akomaki komona, mpe alandaki Yesu, na kokumisa Nzambe. Tango bato nyonso bamonaki bongo, bango mpe bakumisaki Nzambe.

< Luke 18 >