< Leviticus 8 >

1 Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
Locutusque est Dominus ad Moysen, dicens:
2 “Bring Aaron and his sons, and bring their (special clothes/clothes [that they will wear while they do the work of priests)], the oil for anointing them, the bull to be offered to cause them to become forgiven for the sins they have committed, the two rams [to be slaughtered], and the basket containing bread made without yeast.
Tolle Aaron cum filiis suis, vestes eorum, et unctionis oleum, vitulum pro peccato, duos arietes, canistrum cum azymis:
3 Then gather all the people at the entrance to the Sacred Tent.”
et congregabis omnem cœtum ad ostium tabernaculi.
4 Moses/I did what Yahweh told him/me to do, and all the people gathered there.
Fecit Moyses ut Dominus imperaverat. Congregataque omni turba ante fores tabernaculi,
5 Then Moses/I said to the people, “This is what Yahweh has commanded us to do.”
ait: Iste est sermo, quem jussit Dominus fieri.
6 Then he/I brought Aaron and his sons forward and washed them.
Statimque obtulit Aaron et filios ejus. Cumque lavisset eos,
7 He/I put the special tunic/shirt on Aaron, tied the sash/waistband around him, put on him the special robe, and put on him the sacred vest/apron. He/I fastened the sacred vest/apron around him, using the skillfully woven sash.
vestivit pontificem subucula linea, accingens eum balteo, et induens eum tunica hyacinthina, et desuper humerale imposuit,
8 He/I put the sacred pouch on his chest and put into it the two stones for him to use to find out what God wants.
quod astringens cingulo aptavit rationali, in quo erat Doctrina et Veritas.
9 Then he/I wrapped the turban around Aaron’s head, and fastened on the front of it the gold ornament, the object that showed that he was dedicated to God, like Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
Cidari quoque texit caput: et super eam, contra frontem, posuit laminam auream consecratam in sanctificatione, sicut præceperat ei Dominus.
10 Then Moses/I took the olive oil and anointed the sacred tent and everything in it, and dedicated them [to Yahweh].
Tulit et unctionis oleum, quo linivit tabernaculum cum omni supellectili sua.
11 He/I sprinkled some of the oil on the altar seven times. He/I anointed the altar and all the things used with it, and its huge washbasin and its stand, to dedicate them to Yahweh.
Cumque sanctificans aspersisset altare septem vicibus, unxit illud, et omnia vasa ejus, labrumque cum basi sua sanctificavit oleo.
12 He/I poured some of the oil on Aaron’s head and anointed him to dedicate him to Yahweh.
Quod fundens super caput Aaron, unxit eum, et consecravit:
13 Then he/I brought forward Aaron’s sons. He/I put tunics/shirts on them, tied sashes/waistbands around them, and wrapped turbans around their heads, like Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
filios quoque ejus oblatos vestivit tunicis lineis, et cinxit balteis, imposuitque mitras, ut jusserat Dominus.
14 Then he/I brought the bull for the offering to cause people to be forgiven for the sins that have committed. Then Aaron and his sons put their hands on the bull’s head.
Obtulit et vitulum pro peccato: cumque super caput ejus posuisset Aaron et filii ejus manus suas,
15 Then Moses/I slaughtered the bull, [caught some of its blood in a bowl], and with his/my finger put some of that blood on the projections at the corners of the altar, to purify the altar. He/I poured the rest of the blood at the base of the altar. By doing that, he/I caused it to be a suitable place for burning sacrifices for sin.
immolavit eum, hauriens sanguinem, et tincto digito, tetigit cornua altaris per gyrum: quo expiato et sanctificato, fudit reliquum sanguinem ad fundamenta ejus.
16 Moses/I took all the fat that covers the inner parts of the animal, including the liver and kidneys, and burned them on the altar.
Adipem vero qui erat super vitalia, et reticulum jecoris, duosque renunculos, cum arvinulis suis, adolevit super altare:
17 He/I took the rest of the bull, including the hide and intestines, and burned them outside the camp, like Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
vitulum cum pelle, et carnibus, et fimo, cremans extra castra, sicut præceperat Dominus.
18 Then he/I brought the ram for the offering that would be completely burned [on the altar], and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on its head.
Obtulit et arietem in holocaustum: super cujus caput cum imposuissent Aaron et filii ejus manus suas,
19 Then Moses/I slaughtered the ram and sprinkled its blood on all sides of the altar.
immolavit eum, et fudit sanguinem ejus per circuitum altaris.
20 He/I cut the ram into pieces and washed the inner parts and hind legs. Then he/I put the head, the fat, and the other parts of the ram on the altar. As it burned, the aroma of the smoke was pleasing to Yahweh. It was an offering to Yahweh that was burned, as Yahweh had commanded Moses/me.
Ipsumque arietem in frusta concidens, caput ejus, et artus, et adipem adolevit igni,
lotis prius intestinis et pedibus: totumque simul arietem incendit super altare, eo quod esset holocaustum suavissimi odoris Domino, sicut præceperat ei.
22 Then he/I brought the other ram, the one for consecrating the priests, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on its head.
Obtulit et arietem secundum in consecratione sacerdotum, posueruntque super caput ejus Aaron et filii ejus manus suas:
23 Moses/I slaughtered that ram, [drained some of its blood in a bowl], and put some of that blood on the lobes of the right ears, the thumbs of the right hands, and the big toes of the right feet of Aaron and his sons [to indicate that what they listened to and what they did and where they went should be directed by Yahweh].
quem cum immolasset Moyses, sumens de sanguine ejus, tetigit extremum auriculæ dextræ Aaron, et pollicem manus ejus dextræ, similiter et pedis.
Obtulit et filios Aaron: cumque de sanguine arietis immolati tetigisset extremum auriculæ singulorum dextræ, et pollices manus ac pedis dextri, reliquum fudit super altare per circuitum:
25 He/I picked up all the fat of the ram, its fat tail, the fat that covered the inner parts, including the fat that covered the liver and kidneys, and the right thigh of the ram.
adipem vero, et caudam, omnemque pinguedinem quæ operit intestina, reticulumque jecoris, et duos renes cum adipibus suis et armo dextro separavit.
26 Then from the basket containing the bread that was made without yeast, the bread which had been dedicated to Yahweh, he/I picked up one loaf of bread [made without olive oil], and one loaf that was [made by mixing the flour] with olive oil, and one wafer. He/I put those on top of the portions of fat, and put them into the hands of Aaron and his sons. Then they lifted them up in the presence of Yahweh [to indicate that it was an offering that belonged to him].
Tollens autem de canistro azymorum, quod erat coram Domino, panem absque fermento, et collyridam conspersam oleo, laganumque, posuit super adipes, et armum dextrum,
tradens simul omnia Aaron et filiis ejus. Qui postquam levaverunt ea coram Domino,
28 Then Moses/I took those things from their hands and burned them on the altar. That was the offering that was burned to appoint Aaron and his sons as priests. And the aroma while it burned was pleasing to Yahweh.
rursum suscepta de manibus eorum, adolevit super altare holocausti, eo quod consecrationis esset oblatio, in odorem suavitatis, sacrificii Domino.
29 Moses/I also took the breast of the second ram and lifted it up, as Yahweh had commanded. The breast was Moses’/my share of the ram that was sacrificed to dedicate the priests.
Tulitque pectusculum, elevans illud coram Domino, de ariete consecrationis in partem suam, sicut præceperat ei Dominus.
30 Then Moses/I took some of the olive oil for anointing [Aaron and his sons], and some of the blood that was on the altar and sprinkled it on Aaron and his sons and on their clothes. By doing that, he/I consecrated Aaron and his sons and their clothes.
Assumensque unguentum, et sanguinem qui erat in altari, aspersit super Aaron et vestimenta ejus, et super filios illius ac vestes eorum.
31 Then Moses/I said to Aaron and his sons, “Boil the meat [of the second ram] at the entrance of the Sacred Tent, and eat it there with the bread that is in the basket, like I told you to do.
Cumque sanctificasset eos in vestitu suo, præcepit eis, dicens: Coquite carnes ante fores tabernaculi, et ibi comedite eas; panes quoque consecrationis edite, qui positi sunt in canistro, sicut præcepit mihi Dominus, dicens: Aaron et filii ejus comedent eos:
32 Burn up any of the meat and bread that remains.
quidquid autem reliquum fuerit de carne et panibus, ignis absumet.
33 The time for you to be set apart as priests will be seven days, so do not leave the entrance of the Sacred Tent for seven days.
De ostio quoque tabernaculi non exibitis septem diebus, usque ad diem quo complebitur tempus consecrationis vestræ; septem enim diebus finitur consecratio:
34 What we have done today is what Yahweh commanded to cause that you will be forgiven for your sins.
sicut et impræsentiarum factum est, ut ritus sacrificii compleretur.
35 You must stay at the entrance of the Sacred Tent for seven days and seven nights and do what Yahweh requires, in order that you will not die [because of disobeying him. I am telling you that] because that is what Yahweh has commanded me to tell you.”
Die ac nocte manebitis in tabernaculo observantes custodias Domini, ne moriamini: sic enim mihi præceptum est.
36 So Aaron and his sons did everything that Yahweh told Moses/me to tell them.
Feceruntque Aaron et filii ejus cuncta quæ locutus est Dominus per manum Moysi.

< Leviticus 8 >