< Leviticus 7 >

1 “These are the regulations concerning the offerings to be made by people who are guilty of not giving to me the things that are required to be given to me. Those are very sacred offerings.
“‘Iyi ndiyo mirayiro yechipiriso chemhosva chitsvene-tsvene.
2 Each animal that is to be offered by such people must be slaughtered in the same place where the animals that will be completely burned [on the altar] are slaughtered, and their blood must be sprinkled against all sides of the altar.
Chipiriso chemhosva chinofanira kubayirwa panzvimbo panobayirwa chipiriso chinopiswa uye ropa racho rinofanira kusaswa paaritari kumativi ose.
3 All their fat, the fat tails that are cut close to the backbone, and all the fat that covers the inner parts of the animals or which is attached to them, must be burned [on the altar].
Mafuta acho ose achapiswa sechipiriso, chimuswe chakakora namafuta akafukidza zvomukati,
4 That includes the kidneys with their fat near the lower back muscle, and the protruding lobe that is attached to the liver.
itsvo mbiri namafuta ari padziri pedyo nechiuno, uye zvakafukidza chiropa, zvinofanira kubviswa pamwe chete neitsvo.
5 The priest must burn them on the altar to be offerings to me, Yahweh. They are an offering for the people to be forgiven for not doing what they were required to do.
Muprista anofanira kuzvipisa paaritari sechipiriso chinoitirwa Jehovha nomoto. Ichi chipiriso chemhosva.
6 All the males in the priest’s family are permitted to eat its meat, but it must be eaten in a sacred place, because it is very sacred.
Munhurume upi zvake weimba yomuprista angachidya, asi chinofanira kudyirwa munzvimbo tsvene; chitsvene-tsvene.
7 “The regulation is the same for the offerings [to enable people to be forgiven for the sins they have committed] and the offerings for when they are guilty of not giving to me the things that are required to be given to me. The meat of those offerings belongs to the priest who offers them in order that the people will be forgiven.
“‘Chipiriso chemhosva chinofanira kuitwa sezvinoitwa nechipiriso chezvivi: ndechomuprista anoyananisira nazvo.
8 The priest who slaughters an animal that will be completely burned on the altar is permitted to keep the animal’s hide for himself.
Muprista anopisa chipiriso chinopiswa chomunhu upi zvake anogona kuzvichengetera dehwe racho.
9 Offerings of things made from grain that are baked in an oven or cooked in a pan or (in a shallow pan/on a griddle) belong to the priest who makes those offerings [for another person].
Zvipiriso zvose zvezviyo zvinobikwa muchitofu kana zvinobikwa mugango kana muhari ndezvomuprista anozvipa,
10 And offerings of things made from grain, whether they were mixed with olive oil or not, also belong to the sons of Aaron.”
uye zvipiriso zvose zvezviyo zvingava zvakasangana namafuta kana zvakaoma, ndezvavanakomana vaAroni, mumwe nomumwe, zvakamuringana.
11 These are the regulations concerning the offerings that people make to maintain fellowship [with Yahweh]:
“‘Iyi ndiyo mirayiro yechipiriso chokuwadzana, chinogona kupiwa nomunhu kuna Jehovha.
12 “If you bring an offering to thank [Yahweh], along with [the animal that you slaughter] you must offer loaves of bread made with olive oil mixed [with the flour] but without yeast, and wafers that are made without yeast but with olive oil smeared on them, and loaves made from fine flour with olive oil well mixed with the flour.
“‘Kana akachipa sechiratidzo chokuvonga ipapo pamwe chete nechipiriso chokuvonga ichi, anofanira kupa makeke echingwa chakabikwa chisina mbiriso, chakaiswa mafuta, makeke matete akabikwa pasina mbiriso, akazorwa mafuta, namakeke oupfu hwakatsetseka akanyatsokanywa akaiswa mafuta.
13 Along with that offering to thank Yahweh, you must bring an offering of loaves made with yeast.
Pamwe chete nechipiriso chake chokuwadzana chokuvonga anofanira kupa chipiriso chamakeke akabikwa nembiriso.
14 You must bring one of each kind for an offering to Yahweh, but they belong to the priest who sprinkles against the altar the blood of the animal that is [slaughtered as an offering] to maintain fellowship with Yahweh.
Anofanira kuuya nemhando imwe neimwe sechipiriso, chikamu chinopiwa kuna Jehovha; ndezvomuprista anosasa ropa nezvipiriso zvokuwadzana.
15 The meat of that offering must be eaten on the day that it is offered; none of it should be left to [be eaten on] the next day.
Nyama yechipiriso chake chokuwadzana chokuvonga inofanira kudyiwa musi wainopiwa. Haafaniri kusiya imwe kusvikira mangwanani.
16 “However, if your offering is the result of a solemn promise that you made to Yahweh, or if it is an offering that you make (voluntarily/without being required to), you are permitted to eat some of the meat on the day it is offered, but anything that is left may be eaten on the next day.
“‘Kana chipiriso chake chiri chemhiko kana kuti chiri chipiriso chokungopawo, chibayiro ichocho chichadyiwa musi wachinopiwa, asi chinhu chose chinosara chinogona kudyiwa musi unotevera.
17 But any meat that is left until the third day must be completely burned.
Nyama yose yechibayiro inosara kusvikira zuva rechitatu inofanira kupiswa.
18 If any meat from the offering to maintain fellowship with Yahweh is eaten on the third day, Yahweh will not accept that offering; it will be useless to offer it, because Yahweh will consider that it is worthless. Anyone who eats some of it will have to pay a penalty [to Yahweh].
Kana nyama yechipiriso chokuwadzana ikadyiwa nomusi wechitatu haizogamuchirwi. Hazvigamuchirwi panzvimbo yomunhu anenge azvipa nokuti hazvina kuchena, munhu achadya chikamu chipi chazvo achava nemhosva yacho.
19 “Meat that touches something [that God considers to be] impure must not be eaten; it must be completely burned. Anyone who has performed the rituals to become acceptable to God is allowed to eat other meat [which has been offered as a sacrifice].
“‘Nyama inogunzva chisina kucheneswa haifaniri kudyiwa, inofanira kupiswa. Kana iri imwe nyama, munhu wose akacheneswa anogona kuidya.
20 But if anyone who has not performed those rituals eats some of the meat of the offering to maintain fellowship with Yahweh, meat that belongs to Yahweh, he must no longer be allowed to associate with God’s people.
Asi kana munhu asina kuchena akadya nyama iyi yokuwadzana yaJehovha, munhu iyeye anofanira kubviswa pakati pavanhu vokwake.
21 If anyone touches something that God considers to be impure and very displeasing to him, whether it is from a human or from an animal, and then he eats any of the meat of the offering to maintain fellowship with Yahweh, meat that belongs to Yahweh, he must no longer be allowed to associate with God’s people.”
Kana munhu akabata chinhu chisina kuchena, kunyange kusachena kwavanhu, kana mhuka isina kuchena, kana chose chisina kuchena, chinhu chinonyangadza, uye akazodya nyama ipi yechipiriso chokuwadzana chaJehovha, munhu iyeye anofanira kubviswa pakati pavanhu vokwake.’”
22 Yahweh also said to Moses/me:
Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi,
23 “Say this to the Israeli people: ‘Do not eat any of the fat of cattle or sheep or goats.
“Uti kuvana veIsraeri, ‘Musadya mafuta api zvawo emombe, makwai kana mbudzi.
24 The fat of an animal that is found dead or that has been killed by a wild animal may be used for other purposes, but you must not eat it.
Mafuta echipfuwo chinenge chawanikwa chakafa kana chabvamburwa nezvikara zvesango anogona kushandiswa pana mamwe mabasa asi hamufaniri kuadya.
25 Anyone who eats the fat of an animal from which an offering has been made to Yahweh must no longer be allowed to associate with God’s people.
Munhu wose anodya mafuta emhuka inoitwa nayo chipiriso chinoitirwa Jehovha nomoto anofanira kubviswa pakati pavanhu vokwake.
26 And wherever you live, you must not eat the blood of any bird or animal.
Kwose kwose kwamunogara hamufaniri kudya ropa reshiri kana mhuka ipi zvayo.
27 If anyone eats blood, he must no longer be allowed to associate with God’s people.’”
Kana munhu upi zvake akadya ropa, munhu iyeye anofanira kubviswa pakati pavanhu vokwake.’”
28 Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi,
29 “Tell the Israeli people this: ‘Anyone who brings an offering to maintain fellowship with Yahweh must bring part of it to be a sacrifice to Yahweh.
“Uti kuvana veIsraeri, ‘Munhu wose anouya nechipiriso chokuwadzana kuna Jehovha anofanira kuuya nechikamu chacho sechibayiro kuna Jehovha.
30 He himself must bring the offering that will be burned in the fire. He must bring the fat along with the breast of the animal and lift it up in front of Yahweh to indicate that it is an offering to him.
Namaoko ake anofanira kuuya nechipiriso chinoitirwa Jehovha nomoto, anofanira kuuya namafuta pamwe chete nechityu, agoninira chityu kuna Jehovha sechipiriso chokuninira.
31 The Supreme Priest must burn the fat on the altar, but the breast belongs to Aaron and all his sons.
Muprista achapisa mafuta paaritari, asi chityu ndechaAroni navanakomana vake.
32 You must give to the Supreme Priest the right thigh of the animal that is sacrificed to maintain fellowship with Yahweh.
Munofanira kupa bandauko rorudyi pazvipiriso zvenyu zvokuwadzana kumuprista somugove wakewo.
33 The son of Aaron who offers the blood and the fat of that sacrifice must be given the right thigh of the animal as his share.
Mwanakomana waAroni anopa ropa namafuta echipiriso chokuwadzana achatora bandauko rokurudyi somugove wake.
34 From the offerings that the Israeli people give to maintain fellowship with Yahweh, he has declared that he has given to Aaron and his sons the breast that is lifted up and the right thigh that is offered; those portions must always be their regular share from the Israeli people.’”
Kubva kuzvipiriso zvokuwadzana zvavana veIsraeri ndatora chityu chinoninirwa nebandauko rinouyiswa ndikazvipa kuna Aroni muprista navanakomana vake somugove wavo wavanofanira kugara vachiwana kubva kuvaIsraeri.’”
35 Those are the portions of the offerings brought/given to Yahweh and burned in fire that are allotted to Aaron and his sons on the day that they are set apart to serve Yahweh as priests.
Uyu ndiwo mugove wezvibayiro zvinoitirwa Jehovha nomoto zvakapiwa kuna Aroni navanakomana vake pazuva ravakagadzwa kuti vashumire Jehovha savaprista.
36 Yahweh commands that on the day that the priests are appointed [MTY], the Israeli people must always give those portions to the priests.
Pazuva ravakazodzwa, Jehovha akarayira kuti vaIsraeri vape izvi kwavari somugove wavanofanira kugara vachiwana kuzvizvarwa zvichatevera.
37 Those are the regulations for the offerings that are to be completely burned on the altar, the offerings made from grain, the offerings to enable people to become acceptable to God again, the offerings for when people are guilty of not giving to Yahweh the things that are required to be given to him, the offerings given when the priests are appointed, and the offerings to maintain fellowship with Yahweh.
Zvino iyi ndiyo mirayiro yezvipiriso zvinopiswa, chipiriso chezviyo, chipiriso chechivi, chipiriso chemhosva, chipiriso chokugadzwa nechipiriso chokuwadzana,
38 They are regulations that Yahweh gave to Moses/me on Sinai Mountain in the Sinai Desert, on the day that he commanded the Israeli people to start bringing their offerings to him.
zvakapiwa Mozisi naJehovha paGomo reSinai pazuva raakarayira vaIsraeri kuti vauye nezvipiriso kuna Jehovha muGwenga reSinai.

< Leviticus 7 >