< Leviticus 6 >

1 Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
Alò, SENYÈ a te pale avèk Moïse. Li te di:
2 “If any one of you you sins against me by deceiving someone—if you refuse to return what someone has lent you, or if you steal something of his, or if you find something and claim that you do not have it,
“Lè yon moun peche e aji avèk movèz fwa kont SENYÈ a, epi twonpe pwochen li an sou yon depo lajan oswa yon sekirite ke li te konfye bay li, oswa pa vòl, oubyen li te fè li pa vyòl konfyans,
3 you are guilty. You must return to its owner what you have stolen or what someone has lent you and you have not returned, or what you found that someone else had lost,
oubyen, si l te twouve sa ki te pèdi a, te fè manti sou sa ak fo sèman, pouke li peche nan nenpòt nan bagay ke yon moun kapab fè yo;
4 or whatever you lied about.
alò li va rive, ke lè li peche e vin koupab, li va remèt sa ke li te pran pa vòl la, oubyen sa ke li te vin gen pa vyòl konfyans lan, oubyen depo ki te plase nan men li an, oubyen sa ki te pèdi ke li te twouve a,
5 You must not only return anything like that to its owner, but you must also pay to the owner one-fifth of its value.
oubyen, nenpòt de sa li te fè fo sèman an. Li va fè remèt li nèt e mete sou li yon senkyèm anplis. Li va bay li a sila li apatyen an, nan menm jou li prezante ofrann koupabilite li a.
6 You must also bring to the Supreme Priest a ram to be an offering to me in order that you will no longer be guilty. The ram that you bring must be one that has no defects, one that has the value that has been officially determined.
Li va pote bay prèt la ofrann koupabilite li a, bay SENYÈ a, yon belye san defo ki soti nan bann bèt la, selon sa ou estime, pou yon ofrann koupabilite.
7 Then he will offer that ram to be a sacrifice that will cause you to no longer be guilty, and you will be forgiven for the wrong things that you did.”
Konsa, prèt la va fè ekspiyasyon pou li devan SENYÈ a, e li va padone pou nenpòt nan bagay sa yo ke li te fè pou vin koupab.”
8 Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
Alò, SENYÈ a te pale a Moïse, e t ap di:
9 “Tell this to Aaron and his sons: These are the regulations concerning the offerings that will be completely burned [on the altar]: The offering must remain on the altar all during the night, and the fire on the altar must always be kept burning.
“Kòmande Aaron avèk fis li yo e di: ‘Sa se lalwa pou ofrann brile a: ofrann brile a li menm va retire nan fwaye lotèl la tout nwit lan jis rive nan maten, epi dife sou lotèl la va kontinye brile sou li.
10 [The next morning] the priest must put on his linen under-clothes and linen outer clothes. Then he must remove the ashes of the offering from the fire and put them beside the altar.
Prèt la dwe abiye an vètman len fen pa li a, e li va mete sou vètman li touprè chè li. Konsa, li va pran sann dife yo nan ofrann brile a pou dife a ki vin redwi sou lotèl la e plase yo akote lotèl la.
11 Then he must take off those clothes and put on other clothes, and take the ashes outside the camp, to a place that is acceptable to me.
Answit, li va retire vètman sa yo pou mete lòt vètman. Epi li va pote sann yo deyò kan an nan yon plas ki pwòp.
12 The fire on the altar must always be kept burning; the priest must not allow it to (go out/quit burning). Each morning the priest must put more firewood on the fire. Then he must arrange more offerings on the fire, and burn on the altar the fat of the offerings to be burned to maintain fellowship [with me].
Dife sou lotèl la dwe kontinye brile sou li. Li pa pou tenyen, men prèt la va brile bwa sou li chak maten. Li va pozisyone ofrann brile a sou li, e ofri sou li nan lafimen pati grès ofrann lapè yo.
13 The fire on the altar must be kept burning continually; the priest must not allow it to go out.”
Dife a dwe kontinye brile nèt sou lotèl la; li pa pou tenyen.
14 “These are the regulations concerning the offerings made from grain: Aaron’s sons must bring them to me in front of the altar.
“‘Alò, sa se lalwa ofrann sereyal la: fis Aaron yo va prezante li devan SENYÈ a, devan lotèl la.
15 The priest must take a handful of fine flour mixed with olive oil and incense and burn that on the altar. That handful will signify that the whole offering truly belongs to me. And the aroma while it burns will be pleasing to me.
Answit, li va leve soti de li yon men plen avèk farin fen ofrann sereyal la, avèk lwil li ak tout lansan ki sou ofrann sereyal la, epi li va ofri li anlè nan lafimen sou lotèl la, yon odè santi bon, kòm yon ofrann souvni bay SENYÈ a.
16 Aaron and his sons may eat the remaining part of the grain offering. But they must eat it in a holy place, in the courtyard of the Sacred Tent.
Sa ki rete nan li a, Aaron avèk fis li yo dwe manje. Li va manje tankou gato san ledven nan yon plas ki sen. Yo dwe manje li nan galeri tant asanble a.
17 It must not have yeast mixed with it. Like the offerings for sin and the offerings to cause people to no longer be guilty of sin, that offering is very holy.
Li p ap boukannen avèk ledven. Mwen te bay li kòm pòsyon pa yo nan ofrann pa M pa dife a. Li pi sen pase tout, kòm ofrann peche ak ofrann koupabilite a.
18 Any male descendants of Aaron are permitted to eat it, because it is forever their regular share of the offerings given to me and burned in the fire [on the altar]. Anyone else who touches those offerings made from grain will be punished by God.”
Chak mal pami fis Aaron yo kapab manje li. Li se yon òdonans pèmanan, atravè jenerasyon nou yo, soti nan ofrann dife bay SENYÈ a. Nenpòt moun ki touche yo va sen.’”
19 Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
Alò, SENYÈ a te pale a Moïse. Li te di:
20 “Tell Aaron and his sons that this is the offering that they must bring to Yahweh on the day that any of them (is ordained/becomes a priest): That person must bring two quarts/liters of fine flour as an offering made from grain. He must bring half of it in the morning and half of it in the evening.
“Sa se ofrann ke Aaron avèk fis li yo dwe prezante bay SENYÈ a nan jou ke li onksyone a: dizyèm nan yon efa farin fen kòm yon ofrann sereyal nòmal, mwatye nan li nan maten e mwatye nan li nan aswè.
21 He must mix it well with olive oil and bake it in a shallow pan. He must then break it into small pieces to be burned [on the altar]. And the aroma while it burns will be pleasing to Yahweh.
Li va prepare avèk lwil nan yon pwalon. Lè li fin byen vire, ou va pote li. Ou va prezante ofrann sereyal la an mòso boukannen kòm bon sant bay SENYÈ a.
22 I have commanded that the descendants of Aaron who are appointed in turn to become the Supreme Priests after Aaron dies are the ones who must prepare those things. These offerings must be completely burned [on the altar] to be sacrifices to me, Yahweh.
Prèt onksyone a ki nan plas li pami fis li yo va ofri li. Pa yon òdonans pèmanan, li va ofri tout nèt nan lafimen bay SENYÈ a.
23 Every offering that a priest gives that is made from grain must be completely burned; none of it is to be eaten.”
Konsa, chak ofrann sereyal va konplètman brile nan lafimen bay SENYÈ a.”
24 Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
Alò SENYÈ a te pale avèk Moïse. Li te di:
25 “Tell Aaron and his sons: These are the regulations concerning the offerings that people must bring to me so that I will forgive the people for the sins they have committed:
“Pale avèk Aaron ak fis li yo pou di: ‘Sa se lalwa ofrann peche a: nan plas kote ofrann brile a vin touye a, ofrann peche a va touye devan SENYÈ a. Li pi sen pase tout.
26 The animals must be slaughtered in my presence in the same place that the animals that are to be completely burned [on the altar] are slaughtered, in the courtyard in front of the Sacred Tent.
Prèt la ki ofri li pou peche a va manje li. Li va manje yon kote ki sen, nan galeri a tant asanble a.
27 Any other person who touches any of its meat will be punished by God. And if its blood is splattered on your clothes, you must wash the clothes in a holy place.
Nenpòt moun ki touche chè li va vin sen. Lè kèk nan san li vin gaye sou yon vètman, nan yon lye sen, ou va lave sa ki te gaye sou li a.
28 If the meat is cooked in a clay pot, the pot must be broken [afterwards]. But if it is cooked in a bronze pot, the pot must be scoured [afterwards] and rinsed with water.
Osi po ajil ladann li te bouyi a va kraze; epi si li te bouyi nan yon veso an bwonz, alò li va lave byen lave, e rense nan dlo.
29 Any male in a priest’s family may eat some of the cooked meat; that meat is very holy.
Chak mal pami prèt yo kapab manje ladann. Li pi sen pase tout.
30 But if the blood of those sin offerings is brought into the Sacred Tent to enable the people to be forgiven for having sinned, the meat of those animals must not be eaten. The meat must be completely burned.”
Men okenn ofrann peche ki te gen san ki te pote antre nan tant asanble a pou fè ekspiyasyon nan lye sen an p ap manje. Li va brile avèk dife.

< Leviticus 6 >